Your temp is perfectly normal, and can go quite a bit higher. When you push it with a game you will probably see it go into the 60s or even 70s...not to worry. It has a shut off switch at about 94-105 degrees for some perspective.
Notebook Hardware Control has it own tester utility to test for stability at the various undervolting settings. Look for the little icon on the right that looks like a fire in an ice block. I set mine at 6x.
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Thank you Donald. You are the best!
What exactly you mean - you mean multiplier 6x - that is what I see, but how do I know that that is what I am using - was it suppose to be checked off? -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Yes. Check the box at 6, leave the voltage at 0.998V and then run the tester.
mmm, seems within the normal range. Mine is 47 right now. the highest it's been when I wasnt doing anything strenous was about 53 and the lowest was 36 but it's usually somewhere in the 40's
What I see is that is says
You current CPU settings:
Clock: 988
Multiplier: 6x
voltage: 0.9500V
Is this normal
Also - should I switch set CPU speed to dynamiv switching?
I think it makes most sense -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Yes and Yes. My processor is a bit different than yours, but what you are showing there at 6x and 0.9500V is right for yours.
Absolutely use Dynamic Switching. It works like an accelerator and brings your processor down to about 600MHz when you are not taxing it, but it jumps to life instantly when you call on it. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Those are great temps.
But I have AS too (at least I know I ordered it) and my temps are not even close to Cassandra's
Do I have AS5? -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Yes you do, but temperatures will be controlled by the ambient temperature in the room and what you are doing. Actually, your temps aren't that different than hers and from what you have said are right within the "cool" range.
I see
Well, then I am OK. Thanks Donald!! -
One more thing about HWNC program
When I am connected to AC outlet my GPU clocks are 445/396
however, when I run on battery they drop to 209/135
is this normal - does that mean that when I play games while on battery it is not performing well?
Do I have something checked off that is causing that?
vasylko -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
That is what ATi PowerPlay is all about. You can Google for it and find all kinds of articles and reviews about this battery saving technology.
Go under the Graphics tab on your NHC and play around with it there. -
usapatriot Notebook Nobel Laureate
oh, yeah, im gonna order my S96J today!
usapatriot Notebook Nobel Laureate
hehe, i ordered.
congrats! mine comes in next week!!!! i'm so eager.. gargh!
MysticGolem Asus MVP + NBR Reviewer NBR Reviewer
huhwhat, wow, um great pics, the 700m looks much better than the S96j, in terms of screen.
Hmm, a lot of light leakage at the bottum??
Can you comment about the screen?
MysticGolem -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
huhwhat, I too will be interested in your comments -
MysticGolem Asus MVP + NBR Reviewer NBR Reviewer
no, lol, i thot i had it, look at pic2, you can see the laptop on the right is the S96j, and the 700m is on the left.
To me, the 700m looks 2 times better all round.
Plus the last 2 pics shows that S96j has light leakage at the bottum.
Or do i really have this backwards?? LOL
MysticGolem -
Is it possible that you could get a bad screen that has that amount of light leakage, or is it more likly that they all do? I've looked at the pictures and on those pictures the S96J's screen is terrible!
SaferSephiroth The calamity from within
SaferSephiroth The calamity from within
Thanks for the pics. I was wondering, since there are apparently so many s96j owners out there, if someone could take some more pictures of it. I would like to see its screen playing a graphics demanding game, and also, if it's not too much trouble, could someone take pictures of it in different angles. I am really considering buying a barebone, but as I can't find this (not to mention any other asus notebook) at any retailers, I cannot "experience" it. Basically could someone showoff the stylish side of the s96j? Because of now, from the pics by fliptwister (good revew btw), I do not see it as a good looking laptop. Can someone change my mind lol?
SaferSephiroth The calamity from within
I like the simplicity look of it.
usapatriot Notebook Nobel Laureate
I ordered mine!
I'll post some pics in the next day or two from different viewing angles and while playing CS:S with my DSLR camera. I can tell you I played CS:S and within minutes forgot I was on a notebook.......except when bullets would suddenly land on the wall infront of me and I'd spin around only to realize I'd just tapped the mousepad with my left thumb....still trying to get my hand placement down for FPS playing.
Yeah, CS:S runs pretty well on it, just don't use HDR. The screen kept flickering and it would just flare up to white every now and then (no it wasn't a flashbang). Too bad CS:S sucks now. I also played WoW on it, and while it took a little while to adjust from my 19" crt to the 15.4 lcd. It was pretty smooth, around a constant 30-40 fps with everything on high, and a whole lot of interface mods, which tends to slow down the game a bit. I'm planning on giving BF2 a test soon, and will post impressions on how that runs in a few days.
Just ordered mine from cyberpowerpc...pretty good deal.
T2400, 1GB(2x512) 667Mhz,80GB 5400 rpm, DVDRW,ABG WiFi, no OS, Free WoW: $1089 w/free shipping (5% instant rebate).
Since they're getting out of stock everywhere you might think about this option.
Now the killer time waiting for arrival...arrrghhh -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
I just got my S96J from GenTech. It works beautifully. My only problem so far has been trying to figure out how to use wireless. It just says "Wireless off" and I don't know how to switch it on. I've gone into system settings and the Intel PRO application. There's no "on" button. Anyway, here are the specs:
Intel Core Duo T2500 2.0 GHz
1GB Corsair RAM DDR2 667
60GB Hitachi 7200RPM Hard disk
The nice slot-load DVD drive (makes a lot of noise, but it's so cool to have a slot-load)
Windows XP Pro
I think that's about all that's customizable. The rest is all standard. So can anyone answer my question on wireless? How do I turn it on? Do I really have to re-install the driver? -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Have you tried Fn+F2 to turn your wireless on?
Thanks, i never even realized that one. But that doesn't help either.
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Ok, look at the buttons just to the left of your On button, and find the Internet button and punch that
If anyone has the Combo Dual Layer SuperMulti DVDR Drive from powernotebooks can you explain it to me? Does it burn DVDs and CDRs?
Also, is it better to go with 1 SODIMM RAM or 2 SODIMM? I have no idea what this means. -
SaferSephiroth The calamity from within
Go with 2 SODIMM if you are getting it with the computer. Go with 1 SODIMM if you plan to purchase RAM seperately.
1 SODIMM = 1 stick of RAM -
By now they were very helpfull and quick to respond my questions....I'm crossing my fingers.... -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Hi guys
You knoe the funny thing is - I have been looking around at my laptop and I noticed that X1600 shows as 512MB and under type it says: Hypermemory
I know some of you reported the same thing - but how is that possible if it should not be hypermemory, just dedicated.
Could all of you proud owners of S96J check this and reply?
Maybe somebody who knows this can comment on it and post some benefits/dissadvantages of this hypermemory (e.g. borrowing memory from your laptop, etc)
vasylko -
UGH... good luck ToR... may the laptop actually work for you. I ordered from cyberpower last year... and the sucky thing is, the estimated times they give you are complete bull. The stuff arrived way after it was supposed to. To top it off for me, they did not tell me the monitor was backordered so I had to wait forever to get that in (I bought a desktop). I have only heard worse things about their laptop service. They also cheated me out of a minimum of $40. I have spent countless hours with tech support with them, and that has been an altogether unpleasant experience. They treated me like I was a complete idiot and one guy (I have forgotten his name) actually started raising his voice at me even though he was in the wrong. They put ram in the wrong spots in my motherboard and the video card was not installed correctly. If I were you, after you get this laptop, take it apart and put it back together... even if you have no idea what you are doing, there is a high chance that it will be in better shape. I would not and will not work with cyberpower ever again. Even if the laptop were $500 elsewhere... it would be with it for me not to have the headache. I have not ordered from powernotebooks or gentech yet, but I can't even imagine that anyone can be worse than cyberpower. Man... I honestly wish you the best of luck. I cannot afford to gamble over $1,000. -
I agree with tennisplayer121
Although i have never dealt with them - I would not buy from unreputable dealer (i take it from and personal comments here)
If you could - I would suggest canceling the order and ordering from other ones - you can find them on this forum (, geared2play, gentech, etc) Best yet - do more research and find out who is the best and make sure you call them and talk to them for like 1 hour - see hoe they handle your call (are they annoyed by your questions or are they making you feel like they care what your comments)
I ordered mine from and you can read my experinace with them here on this thread.
Anyway - cancel if you can and go with better dealer, because laptop is a thing that you need to be taken care of when it has issues.
Also - did oyu get 3 year warranty from that place that you ordered your laptop from - because majority of dealers are offering that - I know has 3 year warranty (parts and labor), plus nest day shipping back and forth.
vasylko -
From my understanding, it doesn't really hurt your laptop's performance. I wouldn't worry about it, but I don't have mine yet, so maybe when I get mine, I will be worrying a lot about it. -
Affortunately I had the idea of paying by wiretransfer instead of CC and haven't wired anything yet...will cancel and look further.
Thanks guys, this is pure value from this forum...once agin helping us from falling into the "dark" side....
To Paladin and other retailers on NBR:
By when should the S96j be in stock? I am intrested in purchasing a 96 and want to make sure that it will be available. -
I am glad you did not go the "dark" side road, because that road can get very frustrating and unpleasant.
We are here to to try to protect each others from these kind of situations
Anyway - if you have any questions, then ask. Will be glad to answer.
Good luck! -
Well I think R and J tech has a price match deal going on. Maybe you shuold try and ask if they will match the price, after configuration.
Is R&J any good? Resellerrating has poor info about them...
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
The biggest thing to be concerned about is that they only have 38 ratings since 2002. -
SaferSephiroth The calamity from within
Just learned that my S96J will arrive tomorrow
I think I uninstalled the program (or driver) that the left-most shortcut key on the S96 keyboard opens up. It said "Game" the first time I pressed it. I think it was optimizing settings for games, but then I must have uninstalled the thing that it opens up. What do I need to re-install?
S96J Owners Lounge!!!
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by rickyskater16, May 26, 2006.