Why would you want to? They are both 7200 mAh and 9 cells. Is there another difference?
FlipTwisteR Notebook Consultant NBR Reviewer
there shouldnt be any difference thats what the vbi thing is about
aparently duracell and energizer will sell the batteries at supermarkets eventually. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
wasn't it supposed to have dvi?
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
What is the "it" you are referring to...the S96J or the EL80?
Well, the answer is the same. Neither model was spec'd with a DVI. -
sorry for the vagueness. i meant the hel80. i thought i remembered you saying in a previous post that it would have dvi......
edit: i am completely off the ball these days....you didn't say it. i guess i was seeing things -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
No...fingerprint scanner and 9 cell battery standard, with Bluetooth and TV Tuner options...but no DVI
ya i must have missed that. Seems strange to actually build vbi OUT of the machine, I mean purposefully make it not compatible with the parts.
I will be looking at this same thing in the z96j. I want to know if it accepts vbi lcds and everything really. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
The Z96J will have a totally different LCD cover (the A face) and LCD, so these parts will not be interchangeable with the S96J.
I think you misunderstand what is going on with the Intel VBI program. Intel...the big "Hoss"...has joined with three ODMs on a LIMITED basis to develop a line of laptops that are essentially all the same, and with good but not leading edge configurations. This then leaves the ODMs free to continue to develop barebones units for the channel with different (read "better") features. -
I want to see which common building blocks remain in the z96j and the hel80. I probably tax you enough as it is but I cant think of any other forum lurker that would know paladin...
any idea if the z96 is ok well its hd and optical compatible
so the next is battery, lcd(no? meaning the lcd panel would not connect into the z96j from a vbi panel), power supply, keyboard.
i guess the last thing is the sticker back but i dont consider that a feature... -
I've think I've finally made my decision to get the s96j! woot! now from where should i get it...
yea, he's been really helpful with me as well. -
33percentlonger Notebook Consultant
when i eventually get mine (either 96j or hel80) i'm going to get it from www.powernotebooks.com if you want the 3 year warranty and the customer service they've had answering all my crazy questions added with the price makes it a kinda no brainer... just my 2 cents
Add another future S96J owner to the list.
I would definitly second powernotebook.com...just got off the phone with Donald (great guy) after an hour long coversation and he was EXTREMLY helpful with everything...even helped me make some decisions about stuff i didn't NEED that took the price DOWN
(and he was supportive about them!)..dont think there's another reseller out there that does that!!! Thanks Donald
(i'll give an account with the whole experience once the laptop is received) -
Yeah, I got my S96J from Powernotebooks and it was great service, perfecly happy with the notebook and all that niceness.
Just ordered my S96J this week. After looking over everything it was a really easy decision to make. The hard part was debating between the higher res screen or the standard one. I decided to go lower res because I currently run XGA and I think it's fine so I'd like to keep something fairly close to that resolution.
For what it's worth, I personally love the S96J resolution. I was sort of iffy because it was my first laptop and a lot of people seem to be into bigger resolutions, but this one is very comfortable for me. Things look very nice on it.
MysticGolem Asus MVP + NBR Reviewer NBR Reviewer
^ good to hear that
, yes definately pick something that suits you. You don't always have to go with what the public feels would be better or different. Like a higher res.
I'm still waiting for you to put a vynil or something on ur S96j!lol, post some pics when u do.
MysticGolem -
Same here casandra! i wanted the BT with the z but i didn't want that extra resolution because 1280 x800 was the smallest i'd be willing to read my text on.
lol I''m very picky about what I want to adorn my ShinyGoBonkers so that might take a while. Honestly though I really like how it looks. It's like, simplicty but in a good way.
Also that speakers aren't that bad. Lost my headphones (three days after I got them, but eh that's how the world works for me) yesterday so been using laptop speakers. I agree they're not loud, but for gaming in a fairly queit place they're fine for me. Dunno about music cause I have none on here yet.
Yeah, there are laptops with more features like bluetooth etc, but for me it came down to the fact that I don't really NEED integrated bluetooth and whatnot. And indeed, enjoying my dear ShinyGoBonkers^^
And this laptop is making me so lazy. I havent even left my bed yet today. Though I might have to soon because I didn't really eat dinner yesterday and me stomach is starting to complain a bit lol. But it's so comfy. And my laptop apparently doesnt hate me for leaving it on all night on top of my soft bed. XD -
MysticGolem Asus MVP + NBR Reviewer NBR Reviewer
LOL! awsome!, yah i definately like the plain and subtle look of the S96j.
Man, i can't wait till i get a laptop, its gonna be so much fun, i dunno if will use it in bed, (lol) but it nice to know that you can...hehe
MysticGolem [Go ASUS] -
FWIW, you can add the internal Bluetooth module yourself when Asus gets them back in stock. It would probably take most of an afternoon, but it's doable....according to the downloadable Intel manual.
yea, when i was planning on doing that later down the road. Do a lot of the s96j owners get the artic silver 5 stuff? is it really helpful? Can i put it in at a later time like the BT ?
Ordered a S96J from GentechPC. It should come in on the 16th
I got a:
Intel® Yonah Core-Duo T4300 1.83GHz 2M 667 FSB
Corsair 1GB DDR-2 667 SODIMM
100GB 5400rpm S-ATA
ATI Mobility x1600 256MB
Intel® PRO/Wireless 3945 Tri-mode 802.11a/b/g
8 x DVD-RW Dual Layer Super Multi
w00t can't wait for it! Only $1,300 too! -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Cassandra...it is not a good idea to use it on your bed if that is blocking your intake fans...it could cause it to overheat over time. It isn't like it will kill it or anything because the processor will shut itself off if it gets to hot...it has a self preservation switch built in. So, it it does a shutdown don't worry...just let it cool off and then reboot.
I think the AS5 is not necessary. It's really a holdover from those of us coming from desktop building who are used to trying to squeeze every 1° out of our heatsinks.
I can't see how the stock goop could be equal to AS5 or Shin Etsu....it's way too thick and sticky and seem engineered more to be transportable and hold its shape than offer maximum possible thermal interfacing. That said, the fans on notebooks move a lot less air than the ones sitting atop desktop heatsinks so the end result might be that you're getting better thermal interfacing but not getting much if any cooling because the fans aren't moving the heat away from the heatsink fast enough for it to matter.
One factor that should matter, however, is cleanup. If you know you'll be upgrading to Merom, then AS5 is a LOT easier to clean off a CPU than the stock goop that is more like a thick paste. AS5 is conductive, so you need to be careful, but it comes off super easy with just a couple passes of rubbing alcohol.
If I recall you need to add your own compound for the GPU anyway. Though they may provide a tube of something...I don't remember. But removing the stock goop is a chore. Some resort to scraping, but I just made 18 or so passes with rubbing alcohol to avoid damage to the surface of the heatsink. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Arctic Silver 5 goes on most of the S96Js from PN, especially if you CALL to place your order (read between the lines) "CALL US for Special Promotions on PowerPro and Crown Models"
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Your point about it not being necessary is true as well. It is not "necessary" but it will keep your laptop 6 to 12 degress Celsius cooler than the stock goop or stock thermal pad, and that means it is more comfortable to use, and will run quieter because the fans don't have to come on as often, or spin up as high. This will also give you longer battery life for the same reason...not as much fan activity. It will also make your laptop last longer over the years because it will be operating in a cooler environment. Don't forget...6 to 12 degrees Celsius is 11 to 22 degrees Fahrenheit -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Same configuration at PN, including a 3 Year Warranty, 24/7 tech support, Arctic Silver 5 and possibly a free upgrade to 2nd Day shipping would have cost $1,303 + $30 for Ground shipping with a credit card or $1,299.67 with the cash discount -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Arctic Silver claims 3-12 degrees, but our studies (including on my own laptop) have shown nothing less than 6 degrees for easy computing and up to 12-14 degrees under a heavy load.
I was a skeptic at first, and it took our technicians about 9 months of persuasion to convince me to try it. By that time I had a good range of temperatures recorded from use on my own laptop. I then applied the AS 5 and frankly was quite surprised by the result. I will never have a laptop without it ever again!! -
I just downloaded a HD utility thing (I LOVE public library wireless. So much better then icky home dial-up XD) and mine is 39C right now. On several different websites, rnning the utility, downloading things, and have a word processor open. Not sure whether that's good or bad co I dont know what temps mean.
But I left it on all night on my bed because I have a tendency to randomly fall asleep (chronic sleep deprivation XD) and I've heard not having laptops on hard surfaces is bad for heating but it wasn't much warmer then usually is^^ -
SaferSephiroth The calamity from within
on a side note - totaly not related to this thread
What is rep Power that I am seeing in indiviudals info - sometime it is green, sometimes it is grey. Some have different numbers
What is the difference and how do you accumulate this number -
I've been wondering about that myself, Vasylko
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Corrected...thanks for pointing that out. -
If you do at a later date replace the standard gunk with ArticSilver, would it count towards invalidating its warranty?
Lol well you got one from me for explaining XD
And I just have to say this laptop so pwns my computer (which makes sense. Comp is 2.8 pentium 4, 512 MB ram, etc). Started using Photoshop just now and on top of everything else, it looks so much sexier <3 -
I recieved my s96j in the mail yesterday, and spent the night setting it up. I'll post some impressions of it later, but right now it seems great. Really fast, great build quality, very easy to instal all the drivers for it, they all came on one cd. I'm also going to install WoW, BF2, and HL2 and CS:S on it, so I'll post some gaming impressions too. The only problem I have with it right now is that the 7200rpm HD I got with it is loud, and constantly clicking. When the fan isn't on it's very noticeable and annoying, but just a minor thing.
Which 7200RPM HD did you pick? Brand/model?
Yeah, if its Hitachi there is some great acoustic management features you can access.
Could you comment on that a little bit further, please. What access?
Also, I know this will sound stupid, but how do you check what brand your HD is without opening up the laptop inside
thanks -
I'm planning on buying an Asus S97J aswell. Just trying to decide where i should buy it from. Hopefully I'll be ordering in by the end of next week.
What do you mean by S97J? Maybe S96J?
Anyway, try powernoteboks.com - 3 year warranty with both way next day shipping should give you peace of mind about your laptop, plus their exellect service and reseller ratings comments.
This is where I bought mine from. Should arrive today. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Vasylko, to check what hard drive you have go to Control Panel>System>Hardware>Device Manager and click on the + next to Disk Drives. That will show the manufacturer and model number of all of your disk drives including your hard drive.
I'd assume that I hit the wrong key while typing...
S96J Owners Lounge!!!
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by rickyskater16, May 26, 2006.