Well when I am running it indoors @~20 degrees celcius, it starts making artifacts at 560/440, but I ran it outdoors in -20 weather (very cold hehe) and it was stable.
I found that just trying to OC the memory to 420 gave artifacts, while OC'ing the memory and core together didn't. kind of curious...
also are you using the LATEST drivers from ATi, or the latest drivers from intel (VBI). That actually made a difference in the overclockability (is that a word) of the vid card
I just recently bought a Asus S96J, should arrive in a week or so. Im so happy! Cant wait! Let us introduce the newest member of the Asus S96J owners club. whoot whoot
RE: X64 version
Hey, anybody try to get the 64 bit version of Windows XP up and running with a Core 2 chip? It works remarkably well. I have been able to get all the drivers (the video card being the hardest) up and running flawlessly except for the MMC/XD/media card (ricoh) and the webcam. Anybody know where I can get any of these 64 bit drivers?
If you want to install X64 the biggest issue is the video card (as there are no xp x64 mobility drivers supported by Ati). check wikipedia (I made an addendum in "Radeon" section) or email me and I can help out... I gotta say X64 is a nice OS when you have all the drivers. If you wanna check it out without buying you can download a free 180 full trial (evaluation, but fully functional)... let me know if you want any help with this. -
usapatriot Notebook Nobel Laureate
update: with the intel vbi s96j site, there is support for 64 bit vista. these have allowed me to get ALL drivers for s96j up and running in xp x64! camera has a driver, but it doesn't work
. oh well, everything else is good
Hmm I just realized something, I was battery shopping, and it turns out that my Inspiron 6000, that gives me about 4 - 5 hrs of batery, is a 9 cell, and yet the Asus S96j that I have, came with a 6 cell, (and respectably gives 3ish hours), but it's interesting that the S96j only comes with a 6 cell, even though it is in the same size category as the Insp 6000.
By the way, anyone selling a 9 cell, gotta find it, im in Canada, and ive had the S96j for like 8 months, and the battery's already got high wear level (stupid cheap battery, its by CellXpert, from milestone). -
P.S did anyone find a better keyboard??
Can someone remind me how to install the new (1201) bios? I installed the beta 1101 bios in the past, but dun remember how I did it. It involved Nero, though.
Also, are there more up-to-date ATI drivers than the one posted on http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Product_Filter.aspx?ProductID=2466&lang=eng
? -
on a separate note. Anybody know how to set up a peer to peer LAN network in Windows XP using a cross-over cable? I've been trying with no success.
Thanks! -
connect both computers with the cable then set static ip address on both systems. range 192.168.xxx.xxx .
also turn off firewalls on both if your having sharing issues. -
thanx so much! what about the other things like gateway, DNS, etc.?
I found out how i did it in the BIOS update in the past. Somebody was nice enough to make the nero file. Of course, now, there is no similar nero file for 1201, so...how do I go about making it myself?
Hey all,
Been a while since anyone posted in here, I see. But, nonetheless, I need to know if the SD card reader on a Z(or S)96Jm can read 2 or 4 GB SD or MMC cards. I wouldn't think it is HC compatible, and I know that some 2 and 4 GB cards use a non-standard specification that doesn't work with all card readers. I'm just wondering if this laptop's reader is able to read any 2 or 4 GB cards. Those who have tried, what is the result? My ultimate goal is to put a 4 GB card into it and keep it there for Vista's ReadyBoost, instead of having a USB drive hanging off the side. Can anyone help me out with this?
Eric -
Hi Eric,
I thought I would check with our distributors on this, and, through a chain of replies, finally got the word directly from ASUS that the S96 series does support 4 GB SD cards, and there is apparently no upper limit on the size of SD card supported, so you should be able to use a 4 GB drive without issue, although I've not seen anything over 1 GB being too beneficial for ReadyBoost. -
Wow, thanks, I appreciate the time you took to verify that for me. Not that ReadyBoost makes much of a difference having 2 GB of RAM anyway, but why not utilize the unused flash card reader? Microsoft recommends between a 1:1 and 2.5:1 ratio of ReadyBoost cache size to RAM (the bigger, the better), so that's why I'm looking for a 4 GB card; there ain't no 5 GB card! Also, if there's no upper limit, does that mean this reader reads High Capacity cards? I haven't seen many (if not more than one) 4 GB non-HC cards, and none at all above that. They're all HC cards now. Anyway, I wouldn't get less than a 2 GB card due to my RAM size, and I might do it just because of the cost versus performance. It would be better to get a fast card though, I think, like the SanDisk Extreme III or something, or if HC is supported, a Class 6 card. Faster access and transfer times would make a slight difference, no?
Faster access and transfer times should make a slight difference, but I doubt that it would be enough to notice. From what ASUS said, the reader should handle High Capacity cards, but my question to them was specifically in regards to standard SD, so I wouldn't take it as gospel
Well, whenever I see a deal on a speedy card, I'll pick it up and try it. Rather have a faster card than a slower one. Guess if the card doesn't work, I can always return it! Just didn't want to go through the hassle if someone out there knew the answer. Thank you again for checking
Hey everyone,
I've had a S96J since June '06, and recently a problem has cropped up that I've been totally unable to fix.
Whenever I attach a USB flash drive or iPod or similar device, I get a message that its corrupt and/or needs reformatting. Obviously they don't actually need that, since they work perfectly fine with my other PCs. USB printers, external harddrives and USB mouse still work 100%. I'm thinking its a problem with the USB storage device drivers or some such, but I've never touched them, so I'm a little lost on how to resolve that issue.
Second issue is that my AC adapter died and I need to replace it, and possibly the battery. What model should I be looking for replacing those parts, and any recommendations on who to buy from would be great.
Appreciate any help you all can offer, Thanks! -
First, try different ports. Next, try a hard shutdown of the laptop. Pull the plug out, pull the battery off. If that don't work, go into Device Manager and uninstall everything under the Universal Serial Bus controllers group, then reboot and let Windows automatically reinstall the drivers. I'm not sure what to do after that.
About the AC adapter and battery, try finding the part number on them. Should start with a 90- . I would try www.pcsuperdeals.com. Search for those part numbers on there. That's where I got my laptop from at the best price I could find, and they seem to have good deals on other ASUS stuff. -
I've tried different ports and uninstalling all the USB directory drivers in Device Manager, still no go on using Flash drives or iPods (not just my iPod but other people's as well), everything still shows up as corrupted or in need of formatting
But you say external hard drives work? What OS are you using?
right, exactly. My external harddrive works, as well as my roommate's. WinXP SP2
Here's one test to check whether or not it is your hardware or software. Take a flash drive, copy the files off of it to another computer, then plug it into your laptop and let it be formatted (NTFS, FAT, whatever. Try them all). Try to use it after that. Put files on it, see if it works on another PC, put more files on it, and check it again on your laptop. If it works, I say it's your OS being tarded and not reading other file formats correctly. But, if you can't get the drive to work after formatting it on your laptop, then it's probably your ports.
I've owned an S96J for almost two years now, and it's been a fabulous computer. I need to upgrade to at least 2G of ram. Are there any limitations on the types of ram I can now buy since this computer is a bit older?
I'm looking at 2x2G DDR2 667 (PC5300)... is this appropriate? I'm running some Nikon photo editing software on this computer which is very RAM and processor intensive.
Thanks in advance! -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
That is the correct memory, but please understand that unless you are using a 64bit Vista OS it will only be able to address about 3GB...with 64bit Vista it will be able to address all 4GB.
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
I would do what is necessary to go to 3GB. If you already have 1x1GB then I would get 1x2GB. If you have 2x512MB I would take those out and replace them with 1x1GB + 2x2GB
Thanks a million Paladin!
Hello-I am looking for a good link to download manuals on the S96J. The ASUS
site does not give any options for this model. Is it a Z series now? I got a bad
screen and would like to replace the screen and while I am at it replace the
LCD interface cable. I have a constant green bar on the right hand side of
the LCD screen. When I press on the screen or change the angle of the screen
the colors change from green to red to blue. I attached a VGA monitor and it works fine so I am assuming it's in the screen or cable but I can't find any part numbers. HELP!! Thanks JJ -
I have a 4g kingston hi-speed flash drive that I've tried to turn into a bootable drive... I've tried a couple different utilities for it. Both seemed to work but my S96Jm just _won't_ boot to it though I've set it as 1st in the BIOS and I even selected it by hitting escape and bringing up a boot menu.
Any ideas?
Also, where can I get the newest BIOS / Drivers for the S96Jm?
Krista -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Krista, are you sure your S96J will support a 4GB flash drive?
For the answer to that, and to get the latest BIOS and drivers I would recommend contacting your vendor's tech support. You will need to know whether your S96J is the VBI or Channel version to get the correct BIOS and drivers. If it is the VBI version then you can just go to http://downloadcenter.intel.com/Product_Filter.aspx?ProductID=2466&lang=eng -
I think, per another post on this site, that the lcd's that were supported (at least back in 2006 are:
AUO B154EW01 (15.4'' wide)
CMO N154I1 (15.4'' wide)
CLAA154WA05 (15.4" wide)
QDI QD15TL02 (15.4'' wide)
Someone else also claimed to have a CMO1523 in their Z96
My S96Jm has the AUO
Krista -
I do have the VBI model but it's the S96Jm. The intel site show two versions and I can't figure out which one is mine
1. ASmobile* AS96JM945PM1 Build-To-Order Notebook, Verified by Intel®
2. ASmobile* AS96JM945PM2 Build-To-Order Notebook, Verified by Intel®
I don't know where you can find that PM1 or PM2, it's nowhere on mine or in the system information. I got the BIOS from there, as I think they're the same, but I was trying to make a boot disk to run it as it's a DOS based update.
My original S96J was the VBI version. What's the channel version?
I'd talk to the vendor but it was mwave and they're incompetent and send me to intel... Luckily Ken from gentech helped me with my RMA which is why I have an update to the S96Jm from my S96J. I don't want to bug him too much consideringbut I might toss him the flash drive question.
Krista -
Ah, Ken came through again. They share the same bios and he made a boot disk image for me.
Hmm, still don't know why I can't get my flash drive to be bootable... Maybe I'll get a smaller one and test it.
Krista -
I have been a happy owner of the S96J for awhile now.
I am hoping my current issue is reparable. Recently after reinstalling all of the drivers from
here my computer has a green/purple band of distorted pixels that runs from the top of the screen to the bottom. The pixellation seems to alternate from worse to better. When I do a screen capture of the screen the distortion is not visible. I am curious if this has to be a hardware problem or if there is any possible software fix? For a few moments the distortion went away so I hoped that it may be possible to fix.
I am running the newest BIOS from the site, and the ATI x1600 graphics driver from the site. -
Given that the problem does not appear in the screen captures, I would say it's most likely hardware.
It is either in the LCD, or in the LCD signal cable. Does the problem go away when you tilt the LCD back and forth?
You could try disassembly and reseating the LCD cables as a first step. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
To determine whether it is a video card or LCD problem connect an external monitor to your laptop.
If it displays properly on the external monitor then it is a problem with the LCD or LCD cable.
If it displays the same on the external monitor as it does on your laptop screen then it is a video card issue.
Contact your vendor's tech support for help. -
Given the problem does not appear in the screenshot, and also due to its "analog" feeling, I am willing to bet up to 20 bucks that the problem is not in the GPU.
Thank you all for the responses. It appears it must be to do with the LCD cables as the issue is affected by moving the LCD monitor back and forth, and display is clear on the external monitor. One brave day I will try the dissassembly route.
Thanks! -
Just a quick shout out to Ken and GenTech PC. Sometimes I take my notebook for granted while those of my friends and colleagues crash and burn. It's been 3 years and I have not had one hardware issue with mine. Thanks again for an awesome product!
Hello friends, please, I need aid to identify integrating burned by a short circuit. He is the one in charge to administer the load of the battery. He is circled in the attached image.
Thank you very much.
[Mod note: I have replaced the image by a link because it was large and caused too much scrolling] -
Hi, anyone knows where the battery for the cmos/bios/rtc is located on the S96J? and what kind of battery is it? Thanks.
I guess you can use this disassembly guide to find out:
(either by simply looking at the pictures or else, if you don't see it in the pictures, simply by disassembling the laptop; make sure not to void any warranty you have left in the process). -
Recently my S96J suddenly had a green vertical strip appear on the right side of my screen. I've determined that it is hardware because it doesn't appear when connected to an external monitor. Has any one run into this problem and, if so, what can be done about it?
Jon -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
This happens sometimes and it is almost always a failed Video card or failed LCD screen. However in your case since it does not appear on an external monitor you can rule out the Video card.
Contact your vendor if you are still under warranty, or any competent laptop repair facility if you are not to get a proper diagnosis and quote for repair. -
Thanks, Donald. Any suggestions on competent laptop repair facilities?
I've seen vertical bars of came colored pixels(usually green) a number of times before. This is usually caused by loose or damaged video cables. Your video cable may be separating from the back of your screen.
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
ThatGuy888, it would be pretty impossible for me to know about competency in your area.
Since this can be caused by video cables, and since it appears you're out of warranty, I will recommend the following.
If you're not afraid of a bit of disassembly, I would suggest trying a bit of DYI first.
Use the disassembly manual (I think we have one on the Info Booth) to remove the LCD screen from the bezel and chassis, and reseat the coax cable (remove and reinsert).
Next, if this doesn't fix the issue, check the ASUS eStore (if you're in NorthAmerica), asusparts.eu (if in Europe) and see if you can get the LCD coax / signal cable for your model of notebook and particular LCD type. You can probably determine the LCD type by looking at the label on the coax cable, when you disassemble. The cable is cheap, around 20 USD/EUR at most.
If changing cable does not fix the issue, it is likely the LCD is going bad, which is more expensive (usually 300+). Post back. -
TheOriginalGiga Notebook Consultant
Hey guys, I have myself another s96j and it's a rockin little lappy, but I have a couple questions real quick and I apologize because I'm almost positive that they've been covered before.
First, is it possible to replace the current resolution screen (1200x800) with the a higher resolution screen of the same size dimensions?
Second, I have 4GB of RAM in it, but BIOS only sees 3, is there a new firmware out or anyone find a work around?
Thanks and again sorry for the repetitive questions you've all probably answered before.
S96J Owners Lounge!!!
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by rickyskater16, May 26, 2006.