Yeah, on mine there was a yellow sticker on the plastic cover that gave the model number and serial number of the LCD. I am still waiting for Mwave to ship me a new one, but I look forward to trying out some of these wacky ways to fix the "grainyness."
The graininess comes and goes. I'm trying to find a cause. I doubt it's heat. It seems like gpu/driver compatibility with certain apps that causes it.
Though sometimes it seems harder to see than other times.
Somebody needs to get on the phone with ATI I think.
Krista -
Krista, if you could, would you mind taking a picture of the screen? Ive seen my screen a number of times, and im not clear on this grainyness.
On a side note, MWave is overnighting me a new one. -
I'll see if I can take a picture of it.
Krista -
Krista -
What are your GPU temps, krista?
I Got My S96j!!!!!
graet to hear that Hamshu .are you having any problems with it ?
i envy you,my s96j is on his way . eta: this friday -
wait so S96J is in stock somewhere
I think... it's a little better now. Burn-in? Maybe I'm just getting used to it. My LCD TV got better after a day or two (total hours) of use.
Krista -
Can anyone give me any more information about the posibility of the s96 and the z96 ship dates being switched (and if this was with NA distribution or just certain resellers)? because I'm not going to be a happy camper if I have to wait another week for my s96.
I ordered from notebookreview, and if this is true for all NA resellers, it doesnt sound like the "week of the 17th" shipdate will happen.
Does the S96J offer anything over the Acer 5672 besides better build quality and a slightly better x1600? At the price I can get the Acer, this choice is really hard.
A lot of people have trouble with heat with the Acer. Though I recommended that to my sister, as she needed a machine immediately, and she's enjoying it so far. She's visiting now. I can say I can see a noticeable difference in graphics / screen. On the other hand, I haven't fine tuned hers as much as I have mine.
She has a better keyboard.
Since I was able to put together my S96J for only about $60 more than she paid for her Acer, I went with that for the additional video memory and faster processor.
Krista -
Yea I've been hearing things about the heat of the Acer, but doesn't seem like it gets too out of hand to the point where it affects performance.
Unfortunatly for me I dont have a copy of windows xp and I also have to pay California sales tax. Otherwise I'd probably go with the asus. I not even much of a pc gamer anyway. As long as games like half life 2 and prey run nice, then thats more than enough for me graphic wise. -
ClearSkies Well no, I'm still here..
Its worth buying Asus if the sales tax was minimal,(50-45USD) and you can afford any surprise charges as well. One upside to buying in CA is that it gets to you pretty fast and you dont have to wait forever.
hamshu, where did you order your s96j from!?!?!?! i saw your post on the 18th when you were still asking which reseller has them in stock, and now you got it already?!?!!??!?! Im still waiting for mine from powernotebooks since... um... 3weeks(?) ago...
Sounds like you and I are in the same boat, then, nerj. The wait is unbearable isn't it?
i remember when i was waiting for my s96 in june. Just try not to go on this forum and it'll go by a lot faster!
Bah I'm waiting for GenTech to ship mine out, kinda getting peeved since they don't have an exact figure yet and not sure what's happening on their end since they unsuspectedly got some Z96j. I want my Notebook now!
Donald@Paladin44 Retired also ships to our Nevada office first for CA customers, and then back to them in sales tax collected. -
For those interested in the graininess here's an image from doom3. Pretty bad eh? (sorry, don't know how to post pictures) It's got nothing to do with jpg compression or anything. That is literally what I see. Funny thing is, after quitting to desktop, graininess is gone.
Still no word on the modem??Attached Files:
Oh man that picture looks great! Haha, I've never owned a computer with dedicated video memory so I'm used to worse. I'll be the happiest person when I play my first round of CS!
"Graininess" is called "background noise" on Acer forums - it's the same problem. To see it clearly download Nokia monitor test (it's linked in my thread) and run "brightness and contrast". You can use any screen testing software actually... It looks like the LCD is unable to display some shades. It uses two shades and makes grainy mosaic instead of solid color... I noticed the problem couple of months ago and I've started at least two threads on different notebook forums. I was trying to contact ATI as well - they didn't answer... The problem is there and it practically eliminates those notebooks for anybody who's interested in photography/graphic design, but it really looks like some people are unable to see it... Check my thread.
BTW, Sometimes it could be more visible using Omegas - it looks like they use something similar to WMP10 HQ overlay mode... If you turn this mode on, your movies/videos are going to be even more "dusted" in the shadows than before -
Here is similar thread on another Acer's forum: -
Hi guys
I was thinking in updating some of my GPU drivers and need your input on which one to download. I believe there is famous one - Omega Drivers and also there is newly released Intel drives from their website
Could any of you comment on both a little bit and also proide a link for the intel drivers
thanks -
to the user with the doom3 screen:
my graininess isnt quite as bad as that. it just seems a bit fuzzy on certain shades of grey. i tried the nokia screen test thingy and it only appears on even number percentages i.e. 2%, 4% etc -
MWave shipped my 3rd S96J today. I should have it tomorrow! Just in time for the weekend. I will let y'all know what I find with the grainyness and whatnot on the new batch. And if it is still there, I will start trying the numerous solutions out there. I still can't believe it is a driver, software, or ATI issue, but at this point, I'll try anything.
I am so lonely without mine.
. I don't even have a clue when GenTech is going to get them backed in instock.
Gentech gets them in on the 24th
-Ham -
anybody know about powernotebooks?
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
The Intel Download Center for the S96J is found at -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
You have no idea how happy that makes me
Here is the setup i just purchased from multiple sources:
Intel VBI Asus S96J (includes optical drive) $655.00
Intel core solo 1.5ghz + 512mb DDR2667mhz Ram- $50 (both mac mini pulls)
Seagate Momentus 7200.1 80GB Laptop Hard drive- $57 (used but 4 and a half years of warranty left)
INTEL PRO WIRELESS 3945AGM 802.11 A/B/G MPCI- $33.69
Windows XP Pro OEM w/ SP2- 104.99
Office 2003 Pro (academic edition)- $72
All prices include shipping and tax. So my total for just the hardware is $795.69 with an additional $176.99 if software. I decided to go with a core solo since it was so cheap and I am going to upgrade to Memron shortly after it comes out. At that time, I will probably also upgrade the Ram. I was planning on getting 2 gb to start with, but the combo of the proc and ram for only $50 was too good to pass up.
I now can't wait to get everything in. I have shipping confirmations for everything except for the laptop itself, but Gentech said that I would receive it before the end of July. -
OMG since your upgrading so early, its ok. Man solo in a S96j. Thats like putting a V4 in a corvette!
I know, I know. But I needed to buy my laptop before I left for college (mid August), but I really wanted Memron. Since I got the Ram and the CPU for $50, I will be able to upgrade to Memron without taking a huge loss for the components that I had in before (or I can get some core duos for cheap when the rest of you decide to go to memron
(Isnt Intel Core2Duo= Merom?) sorry not sure about that, anyways, I too am going to Merom, but probably in 3-5 yrs. Ill probably upgrade the memory and possibly the HD before that.v
Core2Duo is memron, but coreduo which is yonah, which are the procs shipping now is different.
No no, its Merom not Memron
Hi guys
Can somebody tell me how to instal these intel drivers.
Step-by step maybe - i have no idea how to do it and do not want to screw anything up
thank you
Vasyl -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Download them to a separate folder. Unzip them and look for the file that says Setup.exe. Double click on that and let it go.
SaferSephiroth The calamity from within
S96J Owners Lounge!!!
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by rickyskater16, May 26, 2006.