Also get the BIOS update if you get a BSOD. Since the update, I have left the previously affected games (like Borderlands) up to 10 continous hours without a BSOD.
new nvidia driver came out, 197.16 WHQL. it fixed some lagging issues in metro and in just cause 2 (im currently playing). metro's a cool game but its mostly you have to follow the story so there's no free roam and it autosaves(you can't turn it off). And just cause 2 is mostly like GTA.
btw it the gdriver update says
o Up to 13% performance increase in Crysis: Warhead with a single GPU
o Up to 30% performance increase in Crysis: Warhead with SLI technology
o Up to 13% performance increase in H.A.W.X with single GPU
o Up to 15% performance increase in H.A.W.X with SLI technology
o Up to 30% performance increase in Left 4 Dead with single GPU
o Up to 28% performance increase in Left 4 Dead with SLI technology -
where can i download the power4gear update for the g51j??
and also sometimes the g51j it takes longer to load on some games and its fine if i restart it, also lagging in watching vids and browsing. have any1 had this prob?? -
I havent experienced that particular issue. Every now and then I do feel like te computer gets... like stuck for 1 second then does the action, but i rarely see that. I dont know what causes it but it isnt overheating.
The power4 gear update should be on asus support page. I don't think it does anything that improves performance anyways, just a bit extra control. -
skygunner27 A Genuine Child of Zion
Along time ago we had a disagreement about the need of i7 and now that I have one I couldn't agree with you more+1 rep
Yeah I have a good G51, though my "luck" with the G51 is because I like to take my time and research about issues and how to fix them.
Sometimes you can fix the issues yourself with the help of others, instead of wailing the phone around calling for support hehe. To be honest, I am really happy with my laptop and I am having a hard time "pushing" myself to change it for another one.
Sure the G73JH is more powerful (and I was trying to get one) but to be honest, I don't even need its power yet, as I am able to play all the games I want and in full 1920x1080.
And yeah, I love my Core i7. Now that it seems overclocking is possible with the latest SetFSB, it might be interesting to get a bit of an OC and unleash its potential. I also feel like modding my G51 a bit for better cooling and be able to OC.
Enjoy your G73JH man! Wish I had one but at least I still got a good strong laptop -
By 'latest FSB' you mean the shareware one? And what's the PLL?
I share your opinions re the G73JH. I too thought about ditching this and getting one, but CBF given the wait time, and that this is more than good enough for the time being (just finished all 3 minutes there is of Crysis Warhead at Gamer spec, Full HD DX10).
I'll wait for the next gen of mobile cards I think, let's see what nvidia can do re shrinking Fermi into a 60W mobile GPU... if that happens in our lifetimes -
Nevermind about the PLL. Not required
Booyah! -
awesome : -
Hey guys, I was wondering at what specs are you running Bad Company 2 multiplayer on this guy?? Also, benny, how'd you pull that off with crysis warhead?? What settings did you use?
For battlefield BC2
I use DX9, all settings medium with high textures at 1920x1080 no AA, AF, HBAO etc.
Works pretty good and gives great fps enough to maintain decent speed even with a lot of things going on.
Other friends simply use all low to maintain near 60fps all the time.
As for crysis warhead, if regular crysis is any indication, you can go as far as all medium at 1920x1080 with good fps, or all high at 1280x720 with good fps.
Of course, you can tweak your settings and get the perfect balance of eye cando and performance. -
Ryzeki, what kind of frames are you getting with that setup? I've been playing at 1600 x1080 with all medium and low shadows. 1920x 1080 seems to slow it down too much for me, but then again BC2's connection issues are legendary. I assume you're maintaining around 25-30 fps with your setup?? Also, do you still have your 260m GTX at Asus stock? (500/900/1350)?
One more thing, is DX9 giving you a noticeable improvement? -
Hmm that seems about right....ever since I've been unafraid to enter into p4g mode (bsod still haunts me) I've been able to play much smoother....ever play left 4 dead or l4d2?
but yeah, I was still paranoid myself before. I don't use P4G to play though, it gives me less performance.
I do play Left4Dead 2, all high/very high, 4x AA and AF, 1920x1080 at about 40-50fps. drops to 30s with huge crowds but works well. -
i have been playing bc2 on all high 1920x1080, 4x aa and af and i never lag and i have played 16 vs 16 match my gpu is stock clock
All high simply runs too low for my tastes in first person shooters. -
edit: also is it possible to use the hdmi output and close the lid of the computer? cause every time i close the lid when it's using hdmi output it makes the tv screen go blue also -
As for the lid, you cant use your laptop closed with external display. it was not meant or designed to withstand the head of the closed machine and will inevitably shutdown regardless of what you do.
Use your lid open. -
Hey guys, just bought Metro 2033 during the steam sale, and was wondering if anybody here has settings that they used to play it with a decent frame rate---ie about 30fps. Any input you guys have would be great, as I'm sitting at 1600 x 1050 on high DX9, and getting about 20 fps..what'd you guys play on?
Might want to get 1410 x 800 resolution and medium/low setitngs to see how it fares. -
Yeah, I've had to crank the resolution down to about 1280 x 720 and have been able to keep the settings on high, and DX10....awesome game though, great atmosphere....
Wanted to check and see if anyone here has tried out the 257 nvidia drivers? I haven't updates mine in ages, and would like to know if there is any kind of performance improvement at all. Let me know if you guys have tested them out!
So I just bought this laptop yesterday and should be here Monday. I'm trying to get things set-up so i can jump right into it when it gets here. What bios do you guys suggest for everything? Is there any other updates I should look at?
Lastly. does anything know about warranty transfer? I read that if your laptop has a sticker for it then they dont care if your the one who bought it or not. -
You should download the latest BIOS from Asus page (I think its 208) to remove any gaming BSoDs and also uninstall any creative software or sound audigy software to prevent freezing.
As for warranty, I think that you won't have problems unless the person you bought it from registered under his/her name. But I doubt you will have any problems anyways.
Enjoy! (it's easier if you PM me for any urgen requests, i'll help if I can).
Hi guys, sorry if this question was answered before, but can the CPU be upgraded on the G51-A1. I'm thinking of buying a new CPU for it cause there so cheap now and I opened the cover of the casing and saw what look like the CPU that is not soldered on to the board but in a inserted in a port (or either its the GPU). I haven't really pulled it apart to see it in more detail, so any ideas?
Ryzeki's Asus G51J-A1 review
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by ryzeki, Oct 23, 2009.