spacebar seems fine on mine as well.
Capt'n Corrupt Notebook Evangelist
For those with the working spacebar: is the spacebar fine, or do you just tend to press it with your left thumb?
}:^)~ -
an asus rep commented on amazon that there would be enough for pre-orders "and then some."
it sold out in 4 days. seems like it sold better than asus thought it would
i'm also interested in hearing if anyone else has a prob with their spacebar. -
Capt'n Corrupt Notebook Evangelist
Unless of course it's some zany scheme to get us frantic to get our hands on a unit!
Bump on the keyboard issue. Have any of you with faulty keyboards thought of taking it in for servicing? It's been 4 days, and that seems like a pretty major problem that should be well covered under the warranty.
}:^)~ -
well as a taiwanese myself. i realized that all these companies have something in common.
HTC, Asus, Acer all did the same thing. they announced something but made short stock to keep it limited. when it'd sold out, they make announcement that they will bump up the production line. this is all hype.
i seriously need one in 1 week or so as i'm leaving out of the country. -
It now says in stock December 10 so everyone can stay calm and get their orders in.
idk why Europe is getting Silver and USA black..strange. -
for those who had the UL80vt but now have the UL30vt, is the wireless performance the same?
i really want to pull the trigger on the UL30vt mainly cause it has a better build quality but the UL80vt paired with the $100 gift card from amazon is calling me too! i'm cheap like that haha. -
if you want the ul80vt, i suggest doing ebay + bing cashback 20%.
you can get it for right around 600. -
Just wondering if anyones tried overclocking their processor even further than the 1.7ghz it's already OC'd too? I remember seeing someone doing it on another ULxxVT model, can't remember if it was UL80vt or not. But I remember they got to 2.1Ghz and running stable . Just curious to see if anyones tried it on their UL30vt?
Also, I have NO issues with the keyboard or spacebar. -
For what it's worth, I just recieved my ul30vt today:
I am unable to reproduce the spacebar issue - even pressing the rightmost edge of the spacebar produces a space. I was really worried about this, since I'm a right thumber also. I would suggest anyone encountering this problem to return the unit.
I also got the white dot in the middle of my screen. It's about 10x10 pixels in the middle of the screen that are white. They aren't dead, since I can move the mouse cursor over that area and see it just fine. However, I'm unable to bring up the box that appears with a right-click in that 10x10 area. It's only in the background, any windows opened in front of it cover it up. It appears despite changing the wallpaper. Quirky. -
Here's a guide to fixing the problem. Sometimes they cannot be fixed. -
why would the right click not work if it's a stuck pixel?
Thanks Quadron. :-D FYI - They're not stuck. I can move the mouse cursor in front of them and see it just fine. i.e. the mouse cursor shows up "in front of" the white boxes, effectively covering them up. As do other windows. The pixels work fine. It's not really bugging me since I usually have a window up in front of it and can't see it anyway, it's just quirky.
Guildwars runs uber-smooth. All the stickers come off very easily except for that damn centrino one. Holy crap that thing was on there good. I eventually rubbed it off but be prepared for that sucker. You might even wanna leave it on, there's a little residue still on the palm rest if you squint. -
*coughs* I have no idea what happened, but the 10x10 white square is gone now. All I did was run... guildwars....? haha. Right-clicking in the area the box used to be works now too. It's as if it never was. Very strange..
I just took a video of the space bar issue. It's not as if the entire right side doesn't work, and if you're trying to force it then I doubt you're going to encounter the issue.
I just realized that it occurs when part of my thumb is almost resting on the touchpad/plastic underneath the space bar. Here's a video of the issue. I pressed the space bar numerous times but only a few of them registered. -
I'm another user that does NOT have the space bar issue. I always use my right thumb and it always registers. I even tried to reproduce it based on your video but couldn't. Since there's quite a few users not reporting the issue, I would guess that it might be defective and could/should be fixed.
I realized that this occurs throughout the entire bottom half of the space bar. If I press it at the very bottom, as if forcing it to go 45 degrees, it doesn't do anything.
[edit] Sorry, didn't realize the video wouldn't be rotated. You get the idea though... -
Quadron, I remember you sending in your UL80VT for repair. How did you contact them? I think I'm gonna send this thing to get the space bar issue fixed. How long did the process take?
I can only replicate that if i use my index finger and press ever so gently on the bottom of the space bar, like only half click, and even then its only about 1 out of 8 or 10 tries. Its really, really, really difficult for my to replicate with my thumb, with my hand in the normal typing position.
I would say that maybe it is an inherent design flaw, and that some are just better than others (I'm kind of worried now that it might wear down over time and start to have the problem). But really, with any sort of normal typing I don't have any problems. (But then again my thumb just naturally hits more toward the center of the space bar)
EDIT: I'm also probably only in the 50-70 wpm range, if that makes a difference I don't know. -
Separate subject - will all the drivers on the utility discs work with windows 7 professional? I'm thinking about doing a fresh install but I want to retain all of the normal functionality.
Ok I saw the video and I can reproduce that space bar issue. For ppl that didn't see the video, you have to barely touch the bottom edge of the space bar.
People who type this way should probably try before you buy on any laptops, keyboards, and typewriters, since I'm guessing a large number of them wont work for you. IMHO you should learn to press keys correctly, down and from the middle of the key. -
I've called Asus about it. It almost seems like they have just up and forgot about the laptop (I doubt it though). I doesn't take 2 1/2 weeks to get parts in from across the ocean. -
This laptop looks amazing. A few thus far unanswered questions:
1. Is there a SIM card slot and/or a free MiniPCI-E slot so that a 3G modem may be added?
2. Has anyone successfully gotten the Nvidia GPU to work under MacOS?
(I couldn't find a concrete answer on InsanelyMac) -
Okay, I've been following this series of laptops for several months now, and I still haven't bought it just yet. There's one question still on my mind. Has an A1 model been confirmed by ANY retailers? I asked Asus in the Amazon thread, and he said no but I'm wondering (hoping) if he wasn't allowed to speak about non-Amazon business. If not, I'll just settle for the X1 + 5600mAh battery whenever it comes back in stock.
Any more suggestions on slipcovers? Is there a good cheap DIY solution I should know about? This thing is too pretty to throw in the backpack without something.
FYI - Probably not news to anyone, but my list of tested games now includes: GuildWars, Monkey Island SE, KOTOR, and TitanQuest running like butter. -
Furthermore, this has no relevance to the EULA of MacOS, so even if EULAs can be upheld in court, this post again has no relevance.
Lastly, you're a new member, so chill!
(one day I'll buy a real Mac, I promise; until then, I'll be happy using my 4 fake Macs!) -
You're new too...
Capt'n Corrupt Notebook Evangelist
Even so, this forum has strict rules against talking about hackintoshes. I personally don't understand it myself, but rules are rules.
}:^)~ -
Capt'n Corrupt Notebook Evangelist
This issue is likely not to affect me as I press the spacebar right in the center. Of course I can see how such a thing would be annoying to a person that's conditioned to hit the key a certain way.
It seems like a design flaw of the keyboard more than anything else. It's one of those situations where you have to put up with it, I'm afraid. It's a shame too, because this type of thing shouldn't happen, considering that keyboards are anything but new.
Has anyone noticed this on the UL30a?
}:^(~ -
anyway to remove the spacebar and, i don't know, put some tape/other stuff in there to make the key work correctly?
Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2015
OK, so which program control the performance button on the upper left of the base? I probably uninstalled a few too many things getting rid of all that GOD I've never seen so much!
My fn+space doesn't work either...but the others do (fn for volume, brightness, wifi, bluetooth, sleep, media, etc...)
edit: So, the button works if I'm using an administrator account, but not a standard user that the way it's supposed to be? If that's the case, I hope ASUS will remedy that...poor development by assuming people are still using Windows 7 like XP and running admin accounts all the time.
edit2: Okay, so the controlling program is located in c:\program files\p4g\batterylife.exe, requires admin priviledges to run...or maybe that's not the ultimate solution, but when I run (entering in admin password in UAC), it'll allow the button and fn+space to work in a normal user account.
*Official UL30VT-X1 Owners Lounge*
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by iclicku, Dec 2, 2009.