I'm having some problems. I updated the UL80vt's graphics drivers separately, using this method(pretty much the same way I've updated drivers on a PC over the years), and lost the whole switchable gpu functionality thing, and I'm stuck using the integrated intel gpu. How do I regain the power4gear functionality?
http://forum.notebookreview.com/asu...6-hybrid-graphics-driver-ul30-50-80vt-18.html -
Hey guys,
I bought my ul80vt yesterday and everything has been pleasing (including the keyboard); but annoyingly enough, i cannot enable the turbo 33 mode.
Infact, i cannot even find the turbo button, anywhere in my power4gear!
I have 2gb ram, is this because of the 2gb ram? Could anyone try enabling turbo 33 using 2gb ram?
I upgraded my bios, still nothing! reinstalled win7_32bit, still nothing.
No turbo!! pls help
Win 7 32 bit? I thought all Ul80Vt's came with 64 bit. Anyway, look in Windows 7's uninstall pgm and find the line listing Power4Gear. Look all the way to the right to see the version number. If it is not v1.1.25 then uninstall it and go to the Asus website, download and install v1.1.25. Run it and look in the bottom left corner of Power4Gear for a software button marked Turbo. If it is red, turbo is engaged.
its 1.1.25
actually it did not come with any OS, only the cd-rom for the drivers.
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Could you guys giva screen shot? -
You're right, it doesnt look like it is there. It should be in the bottom left corner under "Enable All". Are you sure you loaded all the drivers off the driver disk correctly? If so, maybe it has something to do with Win 7 32 but that's unlikely. AFIAK UL80Vt's normally come with Win 7 64 preinstalled...
Edit: Make sure you have every ATK driver installed (there are several), seems I read somewhere else that missing ATK driver(s) could cause the issue. Check the driver disc and reinstall every driver with "ATK" in the name. -
bro, totally spot on!
I installed the rest 3 out of 5 atk drivers, and bam turbo!
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But i need a few more advice, i'm thinking aboutinstalling win7_64, does 64 bit have significant advantage over 32 bit, because iknow there is a lot of compatibility issues with 64 but. I do not want to go the extra mile for nothing!
And im thing about upgrading my ram. should i go 3gb or 4gb. i dont play games but i do multitask.
One thing though, in both cases the speed is still rated 1.3GHz, although the multiplier have changed from 4 to 6.5 -
I was wondering what you guys use to protect the lid, screen and keyboard from scratches/oil/grease. I couldn't seem to find any reputable source that could do this. -
Stay with 64 bit. It is very compatable...even with older software. However, you may find that some old software requires you to run it in compatability mode (right click the offending .exe file and choose the compatability tab.
Regarding ram, I would recommend 4 GB.
Regarding bus speed: It is 266.66 MHZ. When you see the multiplier at 4x (266.66 x 4= 1066), the cpu is not under load, the multi is reduced and it is saving energy, when you see the multi at 6.5 (266.66 x 6.5= 1733), the cpu is under load and it is now in turbo mode. Without Power4Gear's turbo33 mode, the cpu would only use a max multi of 5 (266.66 x 5 = 1333). You can see this if you use a recent version of CPU-Z 64 bit. -
If you're using Win 7, also go into Win7 power settings and make changes there and save.
im not sure about this, but you might give it a try.
1 download the latest ATK, VGA, nVIDIA and power4gear drivers.
2 uninstall the vga and nvidia and P4G
3 reinstall the ATK, then vga then nVIDIA then P4G
i had the same problem(along with the turbo thing) when i installed vista 64, i tried the above steps on win7 32. Its working fine now.
let me know what happens. -
My ul80vt can't use the hibernate function without the battery installed. Everytime i use hibernate and start the computer again I get the windows did not shut down properly message, but when I have the battery in it always works.
On older laptops I always heard that when you are on AC power you should remove the battery to maximize batterylife. Anyone know if this still is the case, or could I leave it always in without shortening the life of the battery significantly? -
Battery longevity gains from taking out your battery when it's plugged in is very minimal and not worth the trouble, especially with better designed laptop batteries these days.
I've had my ul50 for about 5 month now, I'm a college student so I tend to drain my battery pretty heavily (2 charge cycle/day), and it only has about 4.8% battery wear right now, Which means in about two years it would still have ~80% of the full capacity, by which point I would be getting another laptop anyways. -
Agreed. I leave mine in at all times as it makes life easier when you gotta unplug and run or when doing tasks that would have bad outcomes if you lost A/C power with no battery in.
OK nice, thats what I thought. However the problem has come back and the only thing I can think of that has happend during the last few days is that the batterypower has dropped to 99% and perhaps this is causing the problem.
I will probably wait and see if it annoys me enough to go through the whole RMA process... -
Another upgrade question to toss out there. How do we go about putting a bluray drive in these things? I'd sure love an internal BD reader/burner.
I have a ul50vt, just upgrade (clean install) win 7 ultimate all drivers worked for me, except nvidia drivers, it has an exclamation mark.
ive downloaded from asus the official drivers but its seems that does not work (code 39).
Please Help me!! -
Hi guys,
I have a problem. I notice that whenever I press on my "H" key, its makes this squeaky sound. I was wondering if there's anything I could do to fix it. Would there be a way to fix just this key alone?
I was thinking about contacting Asus about it, but then I would have to go through the trouble of the warranty stuff.
Thanks for your help in advance. -
replace entire keyboard
try removing and reinstalling h key -
Hi can anyone tell me how to prevent my ul80vt from booting up in 1024 res. I prefer 1366 but it almost always boots in 1024 but will default to 1366 if I reboot. I use a power saving plan and iv'e looked through Advanced Power Options but cannot see what could be causing this.
This probably means that one of the two graphics cards has incorrect drivers or the wrong resolution settings. Are you using Power4Gear 1.1.25? The newer versions have some issues remembering which graphics card to use which may explain why you are having these issues.
I have purposely NOT upgraded any of my drivers and have yet to have any issues. I sure wish they would officially update the video drivers, but I'm not holding my breath.
Does anyone know how to get the media keys to do something useful like not spawning windows media center? I can't use them with anything else for some reason.
hi guys, does any 1 have the manual to open up the ul80vt? i need to clean the fan since i think it is very dusty.
I am a UL50-VT X1 owner. Just bought it a month ago. Sometimes though, it randomly restarts on me. I'm not fully sure, but I think it only happens when I am using the dedicated card. Before it restarts, it freezes up for about 2, 3 seconds, and then just restarts. Could this be a heat issue? I make sure the fan on the side is always clear, and nothing is blocking it. Could this just be a faulty laptop, and I should just send it in to Asus?
That definitely sounds like a potential cooling problem to me, I've had mine shut down in a similar manner twice, both times I realized I had been blocking the air vent.
As long as it is under warranty I would send it in. Overheating is a fairly common problem with laptops and I cant imagine ASUS giving you any problems. -
My CD drive in my UL50VT occasionally disappears from My Computer and Device manager, or sometimes it would appear in Device Manager and I would have to "enable it" and then it appears in My Computer. Any body else having this issue?
it should be great someone upload nvidia graphics drivers w7x86 n w7x64 that really works, i ve tried several times with a clean install (from asus page) and none worked.
Saludos! -
Does anyone know where I can obtain recovery and driver discs for the UL50VT?
I bought a refurbed unit and its in perfect condition except for the hard drive. It had 5 different partitions, only 2 were labeled so i accidentally deleted the recovery partition. I tried making the recovery discs before that and it stopped on disc 2 several times (prob the old verbatim DVDs I was using). Asus will not send the discs and wants me to pay $30 from their store. I replaced the HD to a 7200 and would like to toy around with the factory installed stuff. If anyone can upload or make copies to send I would be eternally grateful. I think my only other option is to RMA so Asus can reinstall the partition. -
You will not get an RMA # for something like this. You're best bet is to buy the disks if noone sends you one.
I just emailed Asus, maybe that will work, if not I'll just Dl the drivers. Has anyone else been able to get Asus to send the discs? It also did not have a power cord or AC adapter in the box but the vendor is hopefully sending that- waiting on response from parts.
Just bought a ul50vt.
When watching some streaming video clips, they worked a lot smoother when in high performance mode. They kept having to stop and wait to catch up/buffer when in entertainment mode or lower. I was running on battery and had turbo 33 on. Is this normal?
I have att dsl basic service.
Also, am I correct in that the nvidia card is only activated in high performance mode?
When in entertainment, low office, and battery saver mode the intel integrated chip always comes on.
Any info would be appreciated. -
The buffering is caused by your download speed, the UL50VT shouldn't stutter when you're watching a file you have fully downloaded or a DVD. To see what card is active right click your desktop, you will see either an nvidia or intel graphics option depending on which is running. To change cards just hit the left side power button.
I just bought a 64gb SSD. I also purchased the caddy for the dvd drive. I am wondering if there is a process I need to go through when I arrives, or if I can just slip it in and expect it will be recognized by the bios? I am hoping to use this as my boot drive.
No, I need to update my sig. It's for my ul80vt.
Seriously, I have not heard of any problems.. -
I got my 2nd RMA drive today. It was a used Hitachi with 2,370 hours on it.
As posted on the ul30vt thread, I passed on it..going for third RMA!
Anyone else get a used drive? -
I bought the UL50VT and after a few months, the hard drive failed. It came without a restore CDROM and the tech company that did the repair for ASUS said they needed the cdrom to restore to factory since they had to replace the hard drive. Now, we are stuck, no way to restore the system. I am sure ASUS is going to want me to buy a restore cdrom, which would be really bad since I will do no such thing. I say it should be on them to fix this, period.
I have another ASUS laptop I bought, had for 1 year, and guess what, the battery will not keep a charge, pus the battery supply that came with it is also dead. It died first, then a few months later the battery stopped keeping a charge with the replacement battery. I am not a happy ASUS customer by any means.
I was recommended the ASUS laptop to about 5 - 10 customers a day, should I continue.
Plus, anyone have an idea how I could get this restored, and ISO of the restore cdrom up anywhere? Their support has also not been very hepful and I am weary of waiting on hold for two hours to get them to tell me I just need to buy a restore cdrom from them. Any help would be awesome!! -
Your battery is only good for one year..even if you have certain extended warranties. I got an excellent one from flea bay but be careful. The charger is under 2 year warranty if you bought legit.
Read thru the posts, you can do a clean install and down load needed drivers from Asus. I got my W7HP ISO from Digital River and installed from Cruzer 4Gig. All for free if you do a bit of homework and have drivers downloaded before needed. -
I purchased an Asus UL80VT at the end of November 2009. My first impressions of it where great, until a I actually used it. The rubber feet on the bottom started to fall off, the battery was shot inside 2 hours, and many hardware issues. I sent it in for repair and they replaced the battery with an extremely lose one. They also only put half of the missing rubber feet back on it. Asus did nothing about the hardware issues. Just so you all know my laptop is only moved from the desk to the couch, nowhere else.
Fast forward a month later and I am sending the laptop back for service, for the same things I told them to look into! Except this time the laptop would not boot at all, anyway. I got a grey screen with an ERROR across the whole screen in bold red letters. I get the laptop back from Asus and they replaced the hard drive. BUT as I opened the box the computer had food crumbs on the keyboard! The keyboard was only halfway on. The casing to the laptop was not snapped back in place with a massive gap. The bezel I can fit my finger into. Also there are scratches and even more feet missing then when I sent it out.
I called Asus about this and all I got was a sorry for the inconvenience after being on the phone for an hour. I am in College and do not have the time to be without a laptop for weeks on end. I am already suffering in class due to this dilemma. In the end Asus wants me to send it back so they can examine it yet again, 3 times in one month. I asked if they could send me a new one while I send this one back since I cannot go without a laptop anymore! To which I was almost laughed at for asking. I cant believe that they call this customer support and quality, I am disgusted by how they treat their customers and the quality of their products they ship out to their customers. I thought people should know about my experience before considering purchasing an Asus product. -
After attempting to use this laptop to do some of my work for school, I came across another issue. No matter who's internet I was on the laptop would drop the connection inside of 5 minutes.
Any advice?
I'm tired of calling Asus about this laptop and having them do nothing about it. -
We can assume you have not tried to restore OS, add programs or have system issues?
It's not normal, sorry your having issues with service as well.. -
I have tried all of that. No dice.
Just did a clean install of Windows 7 64bit, installed all of the drivers, first atk, than nvidia then the hybrid drivers. I can not seem to get the turbo feature popping up (turbo 33) or the turbo widget popping up at all.
Is there a specific order that I should install it in or setting? -
Hi, i'm looking for some support, i've been struggling with my Ul50VT for a week now, i've readed everything i've could on this forum and other i could found, but still no luck.
Gonna be long explanation, bear with me plz.
(Going by memory so i'll probably use the wrong term for a lot of stuff...)
First, how everything started.
Never had trouble before, bought my UL50VT-RBBBK05 refurbish 4 month ago and was happy until now.
Was playing a game, everything froze, had to reboot.
Wont reboot, saying something about my boot sector being corrupted or having a virus.
I try to repair, F8, Repair Tool, when i try to ask to restore, it's telling me to first start/select my os/drivers. But it wont load them.
Check to reinstall, windows install wont find my hard drive...
I try a boot cd with a bunch of tool to check my boot sector and my partition.
I would normally have been able too, but i wasn't for something i would discovers later, so i screwed everything up.
Lost all my partition, no more recovery for me
After reading a post on a forum, someone recommend to change an hard drive option in the bios, disabling advance ata setting or something.
Great, i just got my HDD back, but too late, i lost my recovery before finding the bios option... (which i never change myself, and i'm still not sure if i'm suppose to be able to use the advance Ata option...)
So i download myself a legit Win 7 Home premium and re-install with my cdkey on the back on my Laptop.
No probleme with Windows.
But i cant re-install my video card.... which is the problem i still have.
When i install it, i dont get an error, but windows give me a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark in device manager (cant load driver, might be corrupted, code 39)
I've read a bunch on what could cause the problem. I re-formated, install nvidia first, re-downloaded the official on different support, try in safe-mode, tryed the experimental one, install from the device manager by selecting the right one myself and not using the setup.exe. Nothing work.
So i read something on a forum, i might need to flash my bios, cause the problem might come from there.
New problem, cant flash my bios... The WinFlash wont install cause it says i dont have an Asus Laptop... The Aflash wont work, asking me to verify what version i need the x86 or a 64bit version...
I try EZ flash in the bios itself, wont recognize the Rom file as valid(download it from asus web site itself).
I try AFUDOS in a command promt at boot, same error message as with AFlash.
And that pretty much where i'm at.
Cant install video card, cant flash my bios(if that even related...)
Any help is more than welcome, cause i gonna throw it by the windows pretty soon.
Thx in advance for any help or suggestion.
Sorry for the long post, wanted to have everything clear that i tryed pretty much everything ever posted. -
Did your UL50 come with a driver disk?
You must use the Asus modded drivers along with the proper utilities for all this to work. The Driver DVD makes this easy. I would not sweat the BIOS, for now, as all was working before? The big question is what corrupted your boot files other than user error.
Anyway once you get the clean install procedure down, it's much easier.
So, do you have the driver DVD or complete utility list and version(s) of them?
* OFFICIAL UL80VT and UL50VT / VS Owner's Lounge *
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by sighie, Oct 24, 2009.