What did you use for overclocking and monitoring your temps? I've read in guru3d that flashing a card's bios with a higher card's bios would increase its overclocking potential.Can anyone confirm that?
Yeah that's a bummer right there =) ahhhh i can't do anything to my laptop since it's still in michigan! i am just collecting information and hopefully i could remember them all and i could apply it to my lappy on august. =)
juicebox can you control the fan? I mean if the gpu reaches a certain temp then the fan would operate at full speed?
What's the fastest memory you can put in the m50 series? I bought a 4gb kit of DDR2 667 dual channel, not even thinking I could probably upgrade to ddr2 800. Would it accept and be able to fully use DDR2 800 or would it just run it at 667MHz?
the sv model uses 667, but the vm uses 800.
Cool, thanks for the quick replies! I guess I will stick with the 667 kit I just got for a while at least (I have a m50sv-b1) but geting ddr2-800 and overclocking it to 800mhz isnt a bad idea at all, perhaps in the near future
Juicebox do you think I would get similar results with the same drivers but on xp? I am using 174.93 and I like the temps stay around 77C gaming but thats no overclock.
Is there anything compatible with the 2.1GHz T8100 in there? (...fat chance...)
(I know, should nae have got the BluRay mickey mouse version of the m50sv, but there was nothing else on offer 'round these parts, and I really liked the feature set. And, yes, the looks, dammit) -
This is what my verputzte "light bleed" may look like in e.g. Casablanca ( underexposed):
..or in Barton Fink ( underexposed):
This is just a black screen, courtesy of Dead Pixel Buddy ( normal exposure):
...and my plain vanilla Windows desktop, with a black background to underline the bleed ( underexposed):
Note that the pictures taken from films are purposely underexposed, because photographing the screen at normal exposure magnifies the problem -- it makes it look worse than it actually is. The underexposed pic gives a better look-and-feel of the light bleed at the expense of a picture that is harder to make out -- i.e. you have to imagine a Bogey that is a whole lot brighter in reality than on my pics (if such a thing is possible) but with a pronounced halo of light at the bottom of the screen.
The "Black Screen" picture is not underexposed -- in actual reality it doesn't look quite that bad. Looks more like the Casablanca/Barton Fink photographs.
Note, however, that the Windows desktop picture appears to have been taken (my bad) from a poorly chosen angle -- it doesn't look that dark up on top, but otherwise it's pretty representative; the Windows taskbar looks gray and washed-out from any normal viewing angle.
That --in a nutshell-- is my m50sv "multimedia" experience.
Now, for the 64.000$ question: to RMA or not to RMA? If this had been a TV I wouldn't even have asked -- it'd have been back in the store so fast you would just have seen a light flicker and possibly heard a far-away sonic boom. However, should I tolerate this in a laptop? Am I being too dam' anal? None of the other screens I've had have had anywhere near to this much bleed.
What do you guys say? -
i would based on those pictures. a $1400-1500 notebook should provide you with a better screen than that. -
My webcam sucks, almost any movement becomes a blur, is this just me, or are these webcams crap?
its great, super small and reports die temps.
and i use CPU-Z to monitor multipliers and cpu speeds, and voltages.
and i use OCCT 2.0a to test an overclock. its great, it incorporates cpu-z and hwmonitor and monitors it all while you burn test.
and of course, Rivatuner to setup the gpu overclocking profiles, however, ntune is fine also, but i find rivatuner more reliable. www.guru3d.com
and setFSB for overclocking cpu/memory
and RMClock for undervolting and setting up power/voltage profiles. excellent software! amazing for notebooks. -
if you open the back hood of the m50 chassis you'll see that the card has a small heatsink attached heatpipe that reaches to the heatsink fins by the exhaust area.
its sad that asus chose to do it this way, because there is no direct fan/air flow over the gpu, gpu memory, or direct heatsink.
but sadly it gets the 'leftover' warm air from the fan after having passed through the cpu heatpipe fins.
if there were a way to switch those two, having it cool the gpu first, tthen the cpu, that might bring the temps down 1-3C i bet.
but the easiest and most effective way to improve cooling isn't necessarily by using different drivers, but by replacing the thermal paste on both cpu, gpu and chipset, and then undervolting the cpu.
better thermal paste can improve temps on all of those by sometimes as high as 5C under load.
the good stuff, Sunbeam TX-2, or Arctic Silver 5, or the Noctua paste. any of them are great, tx-2 i think takes the crown once cured.
undervolting the CPU allows first for the cpu to not get as hot, and secondly, prevents the fan from spinning up as high or as frequently. and thirdly, produces less heat, thereby allowing what airflow is passing through the heatpipe fans to better cool the gpu.
after that, there is precedence to suggest that different gpu drivers CAN possibly affect temps. most proven reported cases rarely affect it by 1-2C.
after that, doin like juicebox and some others do, is have a notebook cooling pad.
in the case of the m50, asus didn't design a very good bottom cover, the 'slots' for intake of air on the bottom of the notebook are very restrictive, and don't offer much gains at all for cooling with a cooling pad.
what i do, is, if i'm keeping the notebook stationed at a desk or somewhere where its not going to move. i just remove the back cover, and put it on my cooling pad. That dramatically improves temps, by at least 5-6C across the board and sometimes more!
i really can't wait for a gpu bios editor to have function for the 9xxxM series, because i'm betting this gpu can undervolt significantly while maintaining excellent speeds....
cheers everyone! -
they allow you to capture 1280 res, while xp maxes at 640res for me..odd?
yeah i get it too, its 'decent' at best. i doubt it actually captures 30fps like it says it does... hence the motion blur. -
Now, for the 64.000$ question: to RMA or not to RMA? If this had been a TV I wouldn't even have asked -- it'd have been back in the store so fast you would just have seen a light flicker and possibly heard a far-away sonic boom. However, should I tolerate this in a laptop? Am I being too dam' anal? None of the other screens I've had have had anywhere near to this much bleed.
What do you guys say?[/QUOTE]
that's a hard one, well, if you can manage without your notebook for typically 1-2 weeks, you *could* end up with a significant improvement.
if 1-2 weeks is much longer than you are willing to give up, then wait for a more opportune time.
but definately, get in contact with asus and be sure to have a tech rep see those pictures and even this post that you posted as a reference. then see what they say right?
if you open an 'rma' its typically a window of opportunity to send it in to them, they expect it to arrive within a 30 day window. it doesn't hurt if you 'don't' send it in, the rma will just expire and you would have to go through the steps again of contacting the service dept. -
I also used ATI Tray Tools Public Beta HDxxxx (see this thread: http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=255769) to mess with the way the fan in my M50Sa runs. There are about 10 steppings you can set, the speed of the fan (%) vs. the core temp (F/C) and there's even a little thing in there that will bog your video card/CPU down something awful so that you can test it. Note that this ATI Tools thing is the only way I was ever able to find my GPU temp (other tools didn't show it) but it won't OC the video card [yet - beta!]. Seeing as it's an ATI tool, it'll probably only work if you have an ATI card.
Being able to manipulate the fan definitely helped me stay around 60C. With a starting temperature around 52C, I load-tested the CPU with ORTHOS for 45 minutes. For the first few minutes the temp rose pretty quickly, and after that it stayed around 60C. I toyed with it before load-testing to make sure I still couldn't hear the fan (AT ALL!!! I am a noise hating FIEND!)
Even if you don't overclock, I vehemently recommend RMClock for undervolting your CPU. I think it's a no-brainer that if you can get your CPU to run 100% stable at a lower voltage and take the temperature down a few notches, it'll increase the life of not only your CPU but everything else your CPU heats up (i.e. the whole notebook.) I noticed my hard drive temp even went down slightly over the ordeal. Now after seeing the temps other people are posting, I'm wondering if there's something wrong with my lappy or something really, REALLY right. Hmmm.... -
Also, I need to make note that on HWMonitor, the CPU temps very consistently reported higher than they did in RMClock, by 10+C. Both of them display F and C, so I'm definitely not just confused about temperature scales. I wonder which one is more accurate. The temps I reported here were HWMonitor temps (the higher ones.) -
i'm not sure if it uses orthos as its base... but that is odd that the cpu/ram mix mode fails... it works fine in occt at stock and all the other tests.
uses hwmonitor for temps. and cpu-z for cpu/ratio stuff.
its just those presets to autoload that that guy made on that thread.
just run setfsb and mess around. like i said earlier, you should be able to do 220-230fsb without a problem. which equates to around 2.4-2.5ghz. -
So... is ATI tray tools the magic software to manipulate fans on this computer or is it because he has an m50sa?
And Urbanos I appreciate the cooling advice maybe
I will add some new thermal pads/paste. I have however had a driver that had a 7C difference higher than my current gpu driver
edit http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=260766 maybe these pads would make a difference -
Tmo + Urbanos,
Duh... Didn't think of that. Thx guys. Now to find out how that thing works -- after the RMA. Don't wanna make the Asus techies' lives harder than it has to be.
In any case I have no intention of squeezing the last CPU cycle from my rig, just tweak it a li'l, you know? -
strange cuz on my desktop, 8800GT, ati tools works fine.
and dude, forget thermal paste pads, they are almighty geigh.
trust me, been sick overclocking for 10 years now,
remove the back cover
remove the screws over the chips
pull the heatpipes out
clean off the crap paste w arcticlean or icpropyl
put on the good stuff tx-2, ac5
just a small equal flat coveing
put the stuff back on/in
a way you go! -
some new news.
i just received a reply from the Nibitor guy, bios editor.
and apparently, common to mobile gpu's, the gpu itself doesn't have a seperate BIOS, but its bios is integrated into the systems bios.
hence why nibitor and gpu-z are not able to extract the bios to file.
which also means we are likely to be stuck with only software overclocking profiles and likely will never have a chance to manipuate the gpu voltage settings.
i'm going to email asus somehow and bug for a new bios.
i'll post the whereabouts when i find them, if you all would take a second to do that, perhaps we can get asus to release an updated bios with overclocking options like CLevo/sager recently did. -
please login there and post your agreement
they wont do it unless we can get enough requests!!!! please take a minute and do it for your asus notebook owning brothers! -
Oh, and if you're going to remove your heatsink/fan assembly from your computer (even to replace thermal paste) I'd be EXTREMELY sure first that you won't void your warranty. emporiumboutique has a disassembly guide here: http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=260993 and he stops short of removing those components noting that it would void your warranty. I'm not sure if it applies only to the CPU/Video Card or the heat pipes too. Anyone know for sure? If not, I'd contact Asus to verify...
---/Update--- -
As it happens, I'm leaving on a 2 week holiday this Saturday and I'm not backpacking with my spanking new shiny lappie. Call me squeamish, I don't do that. So, opportunity knocks, big time
Man alive, I hope they can fix it. I'm already seriously fond of this piece of bric-à-brac... but back it goes if they can't. Which I will enjoy about as much as root canal.
Anyways, thanks for the precious input guys. It's really important to know that one's nice new expensive bit of hardware is, if not faulty, at least subpar.
(I'm sorry if that last sentence sounds like I just got myself a penile implant. Not the case) -
Best of luck JohnnyBosc.
I will consider new thermal paste later on, for now I am ok with what I have and the temps don't want to void the warranty taking this stuff off. Thanks Urbanos and everyone else for the advice.
It's funny that you guys are getting into this bios thing because I have been for the past few days looking for an upgrade( even through AMI the manufacturer of our current bios as they have some kind of upgrade feature but evidently not for Asus). I was wondering if getting this bios modded is possible. There are forums where people mod bioses for vista activation. I posted in a forum called mydigital life to see if modding bioses can unlock features but they never responded (bad bioses can really brick a computer so modded bios is a little scary). Maybe give Asus a call, they have 24/7 support.
It would be pretty neat if some key combination let us get into an advanced bios menu (Maybe Asus is holding out on us for fear of inexperience) but I have a feeling this is doubtful. I wish I knew more about bioses. -
http://support.mfm.com/support/troubleshooting/userauth/error7_winxp.html -
Greetings to all the owners of Asus M50sv. I want to buy such laptop with T8300 CPU and 4GB DDR2. Please tell me about the display of this notebook. Many people say that it is very bad. What can you tell about this? I'm especially interested in the viewing angle and colour rendering. And the second question is: How long can it work from the battery? Because i want to sit with it on my sofa with WI-FI turned on.
I hope you will help me =) Thanks everyone who will answer, because it is very important for me. -
Second, the display is beautiful, and the viewing angle is on par with the rest of the laptops I've used. I searched high and low for a good laptop for a few months and this is the best bang for the buck. A real quality piece of work. Another Asus knockout, if you ask me. -
For accurate CPU temps, as someone said earlier in this thread, use HWMonitor. RMClock undertemps my CPU at least a couple of degrees. -
This is getting very frustrating. My dvd burner seems to be broken. I've been trying to burn some data DVDs for archiving but the damn thing has errors all the time and I have to toss my disks, and it's expensive. So far I got one disc to burn on the second try, and another one has wasted two more dvds. I tried looking on the asus support site for the m50sv but I can't find the optical drive drivers. If anybody can help, I would really appreciate it. They aren't cheap dvds, either... memorex dvd+r dl 8.5gb dvds.
M50Sv: Review & Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by GenTechPC, Mar 13, 2008.