I received my G51VX-X1A today from Newegg. I had debated selling the machine right away to cover some unexpected costs, but I decided to give it a go first. I might regret that decision later but not yet I will be adding more pics and all later as I get working on it but some initial impressions to start:
I got the base unit, so it's a P8700 with 4GB RAM, DVD-RW, and the 15" 1920x1080 screen. Newegg does not include extras like the backpack, game stick, etc; that other resellers offer. On both the external brown box and on a label on the bottom of the unit it very clearly says it has the G60VX motherboard, which I thought was interesting. Should be fully upgradeable to a Quad.
Initial Startup:
This is clearly a multi-national machine, since the first thing it asks you is what your language is before it even goes in to setting up Windows. After it completes the initial boot into Windows it launched the Asus software install. I'm not sure why the software wasn't pre-installed, unless it relates to the language issue above. That install took a surprisingly long time, and I had no options as to what I did and didn't want installed.
Physical Features:
I have to say, there's a lot of flex in the keyboard. I was really surprised by it. Overall, while I liked the keyboard, the flex was distracting. It was most noticeable along the number keys (top of the keyboard). It almost seemed bowed. Pity because I found everything else about the keyboard to be great. I honestly like the blue lights, though if I ever used it in a dim environment they might get distracting.
I feel like there's a lot of plastic around the screen, way more than they needed. But then I realized it's because they use the 17" chasis so I guess the smaller screen requires it. Pity because it looks kind of ugly. Also the default DVD drive is pretty noisy.
Out of the box I scored a 5.4 on the Windows Experience index. That's with Vista SP1 x64 and stock drivers, so not too bad. The installed software is actually a lot less than what I got on the BB G71, but that's a good thing! Less bloat. Strangely enough... I don't see the Asus overclock utility. What's up with that? Hrmmm. Checked, not on the CD either. That really sucks. Got to figure out if/how to IC the CPU now.
Edit 1:
CPU Stress Testing:
Out of the box I was curious about the thermal performance. HWMonitor showed the cores idling at 31/33c. I downloaded Orthos and ran the pure CPU stress test. As the temps slowly climbed the fan kicked into different gears. I topped out at 57/56c, but once I topped 55 the fan speed climbed higher again and I became stable right at 55c. Interestingly the GPU also rose 8c, purely from what I assume is the heat spillover off the CPU. That's not so great. GPU testing next!
GPU Stress Test:
I ran 3dMark06 on default settings (I only have the free version). Scored 9385 with stock drivers, clocks, etc; GPU temps topped out at 90c, though once the fan kicked on high they dropped down into the low 80s pretty quickly.
Using the software overclock I got 9493 on stock drivers
I will add more later including pics!
Heh, where's my brain using review twice! Gah!
test mark 06!!!please
Yep, it's on my list Running Orthos right now to check out the CPU temps. Idle was ~32c.
Ok, 3dmark06 score posted at stock.
Really it doest have the overclock feature? I was considering getting one and thats odd because the other g51s do...
Nope, no sign of TurboGear. I wish I still had my G71, I'd see if it worked when copied off there. I have no idea why it doesn't.
Maybe its the Power4Gear Hybrid? Mine is located here: "C:\Program Files\P4G\P4GXui.exe"
Or you can open it by the "Power Options" screen in Windows, the one you can open from the Screen Saver window.. =) -
That's really stupid im gonna have to find a way to get it when i get mine because i was looking forward to using that.
I just got mine today. I can confirm the flex in the upper middle part of the keyboard. I'll have to see how I feel about it when spamming number keys in-game. The DVD drive is loud for me too. Otherwise it seems to be nice atm. How do you work the backlit keys?
I've decided I'm selling mine, just too much drama trying to pay for the cat. I swear I'm never getting another pet! So I'm not going to be doing any installs or OCing on mine. Good luck to everyone else.
The $$$$ sting is only temporary as opposed to you not having done it and you will realize it was well worth it and you wouldn't have changed a thing. -
Quick fix....stop looking at the keys when you type, unless your fingers feel like they are on a trampoline =) -
After a bit of testing, it is not too big of a problem. I think the chicklet style contibutes to that. I'm going through game installs to check for temperature highs on the NC2000.
Probably true. I like the chicklet style a lot, the spacing is very comfortable. And if I don't stare at the keyboard it doesn't bother me
Ahh, ok. Thanks Ken, appreciate the knowledge!
It looks like I got an unlucky one. I put sims 3 on, it gets up to 105C and then shuts off. I dont think the fan is coming on fast enough..
Weird... yeah, your fans have an issue. I've never topped 91c no matter how hard I stress it.
I just re-ran 3dMark06 with the software overclock on. Couldn't resist. Score was 9493 which is a pretty nice boost. Temps weren't significantly impacted (~1c). Paired with Dox drivers and an overclock on the video card you would easily top 10,000. -
its odd, I know that my fan can kick on to extremely high speeds, I heard it go on high when windows was going through setup. However I don't hear it kicking on that high when it gets up in the 90's.
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Could you guys try a 3DMark test at 1280x768. The difference shouldn't be more than 500 points, but it's good to know how we're all performing.
Well im glad to hear about P4G hybrid. Btw did anyone notice that the X1A dropped to 1,299.99 on Newegg?
OMG!!! that's OWNAGE with $1,300!!! wish some of my dude in US could ship it back to Singapore! In here, a same model, diff spec (T9400, 9800M GS 512 say were selling for S$3000 - approx to US$2000 or less). That's is what the damn thing they were trying to get? Steal coin from my pocket?! And later there was a discount of S$100 with backpack and mouse during the what they called "the Great Singapore sale", I told the guy giving out flyers to tell his manager to stop quoting this ridiculous price. LOL
I may have missed this and I have been reading the various threads, I know at the that the OP listed that this model(Newegg) has the motherboard that is quad compatible.... can someone chime in and confirm this?
I know that the A1 is since it comes with a quad. I am on the fence on whether to buy the X1A or spend the extra money on the A1. -
IMO, for $400 more what you would get is a quad and another 320GB hard disk would be bit expensive, as long as your needs was just playing game (decently) and normal uses. Personally, I don't think it worth tho. FYI, some guys said the mobo revision was G60 so it's quad compatible.
There's 2 stickers on the machine itself plus another one on the box proudly declaring the motherboard version
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
@Forge: you tried? which quad core did you apply anyway? If that's was the case I'd like to have a bandage to cover my a. :|
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
I tried a QX9300. The whole story is here.
At least two other people--Ron Li and a guy on the Asus support forums--have attempted Q9100s and failed. -
according to your story, your laptop was RX05 which is the BB version so I doubt there could be some difference here. Anyway, it's just my assumption because I don't even have that puppy and plus have to wait after mid Aug.
Edited: That's really confusing with only yours get different mobo in the batch Forge -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Ask around for X1/2A owners to see if they have the same mobo revision as the A1. If not, the chances of you putting in a quad drop dramatically.
sorry... I just want to clarify this before placing an order on an X1A
has anyone tested this out on the X1A?
I know the A1 is. Ken Lee tested Forge's own QX9300 an on a A1 and ran it successfully with no BIOS set up and driver update needed. Plug and play and booted right up to Windows desktop. -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Remember, we're looking for the mobo revision, not the motherboard itself. It should be on top of the RAM slots. You have to open up the computer to take a picture, but you're not doing anything remotely warranty-voiding.
If no one else has looked, I'll check this afternoon.
These are the numbers on the label on the RAM slot:
PN: 60-nv3mb1200-a02
G60VX (0203a) 10073286
PT: N0AS0928MB002534
-Paul -
For reference this was the MB revision that GenTech had:
So... that's not good. The X1a clearly has a different MB revision. What is the revision on the BB MB? -
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
PN:60 - NV3MB1200 - A01G60VX
Looks like it's not compatible. -
Interesting though, ours is labeled as A02 and yours as A01. So until someone mans up and tries it... unknown.
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
Ken's was an A01 as well. I think the part that precedes that is what's important. Then again, we'll never know until someone actually does try.
i think quads are not supported on the x1a. if you look closely both the BB version and x1a has this in common NV3MB1200, which could be MB revision number. the A1 has this NV3MB1300. then again i could be wrong. someone needs to test if quads work though.
I swear I'm cursed. My speakers have given up the ghost, just like the guy that posted on Newegg.
*edit* Fixed it, don't disable the explosion at startup in the bios. -
OK, let me get this straight-- you are forced to hear an explosion every time your computer boots up? Or can you at least set your speaker volume to zero till it's past?
Nothing is Real Notebook Evangelist
If you turn it off or turn the speakers to zero in bios, you have no sound in windows
Thanks for the review, it was added to the ASUS Info Booth and to the ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges Index!
G51VX-X1A Review (Newegg) review
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by madpoet, Aug 4, 2009.