Actually, if you check the screen cap again, you should notice that the white dot is in the 0 core column.![]()
- next question is for @thattechgirl_viv: It's almost 3:00PM on the west coast...have you started building that free custom rig for @hmscott yet??Donald@Paladin44, xsais and hmscott like this. -
thattechgirl_viv Company Representative
I was out of the office yesterday.
Bad news though, my CPU was sent back to our vendor before I could pop it back into the laptop.
I will be getting a new one by Monday. Sorry guys.Papusan, hmscott, Donald@Paladin44 and 1 other person like this. -
Bad news though, my CPU was sent back to our vendor before I could pop it back into the laptop.
I will be getting a new one by Monday. Sorry guys.
MSI GT73VR 6RE Titan-017 | i7-6820HK @ 4.2 GHz | 2400 MHz 16GB DDR4 RAM | GTX 1070 8GB [CC+260/MC+550] | Killer AC 1535 | N173HHE-G32/120 Hz/5ms [G-SYNC] | 960 EVO 500GB NVMe + 1TB HDD
zdroj doesn't like this.Donald@Paladin44 likes this. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
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thattechgirl_viv Company Representative
hmscott, zdroj and Donald@Paladin44 like this. -
On a side note, FedEx was a day late, but delivered my rig this morning, and it is anxiously awaiting my return home this afternoon. I probably will not open the package yet, though. The taking of my final exam has been delayed, as it was changed from an essay format (which is squarely in my wheelhouse) to...wait for it...
Multiple Guess!! (which I HATE!!)
So yes, the rig's mere presence will torture me for a bit, but I must stay strong as I study for this abomination!hmscott and Donald@Paladin44 like this. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
A) You don't get to baffle them with your eloquence.
B) It's too easy and you have 25% chance of guessing right answer, not accounting for fact that educated guesses can mean ruling out 50% or more answers.
C) You don't like ticking boxes
D) You don't get to sharpen your pencil as often
E) none of the above!zdroj and Donald@Paladin44 like this. -
Donald@Paladin44 and Robbo99999 like this.
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
zdroj, hmscott and Donald@Paladin44 like this. -
An essay would at least made the writer more involved with the topic at hand, therefore probably increasing their level of knowledge on the topic (especially if its something interesting to him).
Multiple choice seems a bit... simplistic to be honest.
Besides, if zdroj already put in the effort into the essay, then they should probably give leeway to him and those who did that in the first place and allow them to take the finals as originally intended.
This last minute change is probably largely administrative or bureaucratic... and not very fair to the students.Last edited: Mar 1, 2018zdroj and Donald@Paladin44 like this. -
Robbo99999 Notebook Prophet
zdroj and Donald@Paladin44 like this. -
Erik C. Stubblebine Notebook Consultant
My replacement Strix arrived Wednesday. The speakers sound great this time. No issues or problems of any kind - except for a Microsoft update issue with the Start Menu. Also, I can not get Crysis 2 or 3 to run - both from Origin (I got them on sale as a package along with Crysis and Crysis Warhead). Other than that I am a happy camper! I'll post my benchmark info, once I get it done. I am LOVING this laptop! Everything runs smooth and beautifully.
Donald@Paladin44, Robbo99999, hmscott and 1 other person like this. -
I was going to ask "But can it run Crysis?"...but you answered that question!
After I was finished with my studying for the night I decided that I DESERVED to unbox mine - so I did. After the Windows setup and making a recovery USB, I performed one CPU run of Cinebench R15 that pulled a 1412, took a screen shot - and went to bed.Donald@Paladin44, Erik C. Stubblebine, Caretaker01 and 2 others like this. -
Anyone have issues with the latest Windows updates?
Windows 1709 cumulative updates for 2018-02 keeps saying awaiting restart, and keeps falling to install.
I've tried everything I could find online about running troubleshooting and deleting temporary password fiiles etc.
Sent from my MI 5s Plus using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
Erik C. Stubblebine Notebook Consultant
P.S. I scored the exact same score in Cinebench R15: 1412.zdroj, hmscott and Donald@Paladin44 like this. -
Erik C. Stubblebine Notebook Consultant
Question. I have BIOS version 300. Should I flash it over to 303? I've already downloaded it and have it on a flash drive. What are the differences between the two? Anyone know.
hmscott likes this. -
But I do think its worthwhile to get it, yes, both for gaming and productivity.
It can be easily undervolted now on the CPU and GPU preventing temperatures and fans from going too high under maxed out load (I can even game on this thing now without the headphones - much more efficient) and of course it will lower overall energy consumption (also make sure to have Radeon Chill activated in the drivers for efficient GPU use during regular operations). -
Erik C. Stubblebine Notebook Consultant
hmscott likes this. -
Looks like the CPU is already boosting to 3.17 GhZ on stock if Windows Performance Monitor is accurate (though I was under the impression the 1700 usually boosts to 3.0GhZ across all cores).
3.325GhZ at 1.05V (in Ryzen Master) registers in Performance Monitor as 3.3GhZ... and yields 1468 points in Cinebench - not sure if the Performance Monitor is reading things incorrectly though or applies some kind of offset I'm not familiar with that differs from Ryzen Master and CPU-Z (both of which will say 3325 MhZ).
Oh and, don't test Cinebench with Chrome open... it will lower the scores by about 200 points (something I discovered recently when I was testing/retesting with Chrome open in the background).
P.S. Also activate 'Power Efficiency'... this seems to keep the GPU on minimal settings under regular functions (such as watching videos, etc.) - though for some reason, it switches off periodically and doesn't stay on (might be that it's reset after waking up the laptop from sleep or does that automatically when playing games, though waking the laptop from sleep seems like a more likely explanation).
P.P.S Might be worth retesting the battery life on GL702ZC with Power Efficiency switched 'on' in drivers, as the GPU would otherwise be used to the max more or less even when browsing or watching a movie and of course draw more power by default, even if the stress on GPU isn't high.Last edited: Mar 2, 2018Erik C. Stubblebine, zdroj, hmscott and 1 other person like this. -
Hi Deks,
i will play BF1 and use my VR HTC on the laptopErik C. Stubblebine likes this. -
Someone apparently tested the rx580 on desktop vs 1060… and these are the results they got (though take them with a grain of salt) :
Now, the RX 580 in GL702ZC is clocked 20% lower than it's desktop counterpart and is limited to 68w, so it will/should behave about 10% slower (which is not a great loss at all) and will give pretty much the same or better scores like mobile gtx 1060 6gb (limited to 80w).
Actually, running battlefield 1 in DX 12 should outperform the mobile gtx 1060.Last edited: Mar 3, 2018hmscott and Erik C. Stubblebine like this. -
Thank you
Will run the AMD Ryzen 5 2400G on this Notebook?hmscott likes this. -
Sent from my MI 5s Plus using Tapatalkhmscott likes this. -
I'm not so sure if this is entirely the case though as the motherboard is B350 after all... modified for a laptop chassis though.
I guess we will have to wait and see.
The final word would be up to Asus for a BIOS update, because the current AGESA does NOT appear to support Ryzen+ or any upcoming CPU's (makes sense, because AMD is likely to release new AGESA versions just prior to the release of their new CPU's for existing or new motherboards).
At the very least, we could request of Asus to include spectre patches for 1700 and give us the latest AGESA in the process (one that supports Zen+ and Zen2 and Zen 3).
If you ask me, AMD's AGESA releases should be universally compatible for each motherboard and control CPU microcode support via chipset drivers installation (after all, a new BIOS can be flashed through Windows as well).
That way, we wouldn't have to rely on OEM's for future CPU support... and with specialized AI algorithms, the new AGESA could simply be adapted automatically to each motherboard via simple Windows flash utility that would use the algorithm to assess the existing BIOS and adapt the new AGESA to it.Last edited: Mar 4, 2018 -
Erik C. Stubblebine Notebook Consultant
I too plan on playing BF1 and using my laptop for VR as well.HardwareInside, hmscott and Deks like this. -
Last edited: Mar 4, 2018
Erik C. Stubblebine Notebook Consultant
Also, the Radeon OSD doesn't work either; and I think my Radeon settings get reset when I power-cycled the laptop. I am currently creating a Recovery Drive - for whatever good it will do.
I'm afraid I'll have to just reset the thing and kiss good-bye five days worth of downloading and installing. Not to mention the wear on the SSD. I never do this, but if you'd be willing to remotely take over my computer for a bit and try to fix it, it would be appreciated. My email is: [email protected]. Thank you for everything you've already done to help me, and everything you may yet do.
/ -
I had similar issues with original Windows install that refused to produce save games or even properly install software in the first place.
The only thing that worked conclusively was to do a clean install.
In your case, what I'd recommend instead is this:
1. Backup your existing Windows installation to a separate drive (lets say the HDD or an external USB) so you can return it to the laptop if you want.
2. Go to Settings > Update and Recovery > Recovery > Reset This PC (Get started)... and just click on 'remove everything' option.... basically get a blank slate Windows install (but obviously, don't allow it to wipe the HDD).
That way you can try and see if similar/same issues persist as you'll be working with basically a 'clean' Windows install.
Obviously, if you choose to do this, then I'd suggest you download all the drivers beforehand... the soundcard drivers and utilities you can download from Asus GL702zc website... AMD's GPU and chipset drivers, download from their website (but in case you're worried about having issues in retaining Freesync functionality, just use Asus provided drivers for chipset and drivers, then download and express install chipset and latest GPU drivers from AMD - the express install seems to preserve Freesync like that... or at least it did for me).Robbo99999, hmscott and Donald@Paladin44 like this. -
Erik C. Stubblebine Notebook Consultant
hmscott likes this. -
A corrupted or bad media (HDD/SSD) can cause those kind of run / install crashes too.
If you can't replace the SSD quickly then restore back to one SSD if it was a RAID0, and see if that works. I had 1 bad SSD in a RAID0 after 2 weeks, and used a single SSD for a short while till the replacements arrived.
Good luck
This is also why I recommend doing the creation of the MSI BurnRecovery boot recovery USB 3.0 32GB drive immediately out of the box, in case you get a bad storage device.
@Deks comments seconded, make sure you get a good backup with MSI BurnRecovery before doing the "reset".
Also, it's tough to get a good Windows 10 install that's current as well as stable, it's much tougher than it was with Windows 7 / 8.1, so it's hard to blame OEM's when Microsoft is doing such a bad job of it themselves.Last edited: Mar 4, 2018zdroj and Donald@Paladin44 like this. -
Has anyone tried if 64GB RAM works on the GL702ZC?
And is it possible to have it dead silent at idle? -
Also, at idle, meaning when the computer is on and just sitting there, my fans only come on intermittently...and at very low RPMs. Seems HIDevolution probably did right by me with its proprietary cooling solution...but I'll know for sure after I run some numbers...which I now have the time to do, since I aced the exam!Deks, Robbo99999 and hmscott like this. -
hmscott likes this.
By proprietary cooling solution you mean their repasting option? Surely not a different heatpipe/fan setup... What option did you get?hmscott likes this. -
Been trying to run HWiNFO64 v5.72-3333, but it keeps crashing as soon as it gets to detecting the video card. Doesn't matter if I run all options, Summary-only, or Sensors-only. Doesn't matter if I run it as administrator or not. Clean install of Win10 Home did not solve anything. Any ideas as to why this might be happening?
hmscott likes this. -
And no - it is not totally silent at idle - but I have to strain to hear it, it is that quiet.hmscott likes this. -
What windows version are you running? And what GPU driver? I had similar issues with GPU-z and after successfully installing creator's update and getting the AMD driver working so that Windows task manager would detect the GPU my issues we're gone
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hmscott, Donald@Paladin44 and zdroj like this.
Hmmm...another strange thing is occurring. I have not run the computer without it being plugged in, but last night I noticed that the Windows battery icon meter was showing "99% available (plugged in, not charging)", and now it is at 98% and not charging...?? Thinking of unplugging and running off the battery tonight, then shutting it down and letting it recharge overnight...??
hmscott and Donald@Paladin44 like this. -
Donald@Paladin44 Retired
However it does not matter because at it's fullest new battery won't get you 1,5 hours of juice.
Mine came with 18% wear level
Sent from my MI 5s Plus using Tapatalkhmscott, Donald@Paladin44 and zdroj like this. -
hmscott and Donald@Paladin44 like this. -
hmscott and Donald@Paladin44 like this.
Seems the thing to do is monitor for any change in wear level. Still, not the most reassuring feeling on an expensive new laptop.Donald@Paladin44 likes this. -
When I bought my laptop, it came with 17% battery wear, now it is 21%, not happy with that.
Donald@Paladin44 likes this. -
I guess we can always complain to Asus and ask for a replacement unit that doesn't have this issue.
I could technically do the same (ask for an actual replacement) and additionally say my speakers are vibrating (which they are) - but the main reason for doing that would be to get a better silicon quality on the CPU and GPU so I can undervolt them better.Donald@Paladin44 likes this.
Asus ROG GL702ZC owners lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Deks, Oct 16, 2017.