Out the side is exactly where it's getting hot... The notebook itself is not too hot, but pretty warm... I should have the temperatures measured within an hour or so... Still have to uninstall all the crap it comes with...
And welcome to the thread.
Which model do you have? -
Those seem like some pretty good temps ally. Especially using the real world scenario of watching 6 HD shows at once.
I have the N61JQ-X1
I think I might be worrying over nothing with the temperatures... I won't know till I see the numbers thoughMind you 70 C is pretty hot for a cpu.
For those worried about screen resolution... Go to Best Buy (if you can). They're bound to have a 15.6 or 16 inch 1366x768 laptop there. You can usually try out apps like IE, Wordpad, and some others to simulate your workload. They usually have a demo thing, but at the top right there's a button that says "explore this computer" that will take you to the desktop.
I'll post more on the memory tomorrow. For right now I just wanted to get that out of the way. I'm off to bed.
(and I don't recommend getting 1333mhz RAM, unless you can do it for under $50 or so). -
Did yall ever figure out where that guy with the high temps bought his notebook from or what model he really had?
I get my N71 tomorrow and if I dont see anything on the N71 by then I may start a thread for it as allyw123 said in one of the other threads the extra inch does attract a different buyer......whoever said size doesnt matter is lying!!!
As concerns memory: I figured people were kind of panicking without reason, so I did some research. It seems the only place memory speed really matters is in benchmarks. The default memory in the N61JQ is 1066MHZ @ 7-7-7-20.
You will notice in the charts that it consistently scores in the lower range, that's because it isn't terribly fast. You'll also notice that in all but the synthetic benchmarks the difference is so small that it's silly to spend money to upgrade to 1333mhz. Even the minor tweaks I might try with my overclocking seem like a waste of time given what little they do.
Long story short: Check the charts, they probably have your most-used application, or one similar to it, listed. If better RAM is getting a significantly higher score (which I doubt it is) then maybe consider getting better RAM. Otherwise you should save your money. -
Got my N61JQ-A1 yesterday and i am loving it
great buy and reccomend it to all
I was just reading about Intel's new 6 core chip....its getting 2 crazy. Software companys need 2 step up the game and start using more of the processor.
but ya i will get some pics and a review up soon
Anyone with a N61JQ...some programs listed should be able to pull the temps off the 5730... http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=456895
Alright, so I was up till 3:30 am last night setting up everything and got the numbers for temps.
Idle was running at 52-58 C all cores, and running installations and photoshop was around 62-70 C.
The highest it ever went was 72 I think. So yeah hopefully it's nothing to stress about, I'm also hoping that the processor was designed to handle these kind of temps. As for the thermal compound, I think Ally (same as me) got his JQ-X1 through newegg which doesn't give you an option like that. I would love to do it though.
When I took my last laptop (HP) apart and took down the heatsink, I noticed there was very little compound on the cpu and NONE on the gpu. You can purchase compund for both that when you are buying with customization from xotic or gentech but not from newegg as they get their boxes sealed directly from Asus.
I might still get a nice cooler for mine though, since I'm going to need a usb hub, so might as well get a cooler with 4 usbs. -
Once I get my laptop next week I am going 2 c what kind of temps I am getting... I had IC Diamond Placed on CPU / GPU...and I have a cooler master laptop stand incoming also. Also thanks Xismo for checking on temps. -
I was just little worried cause my HP was nowhere near those temps (even though the faulty Nvidia gpu was overheating) and when I got the Toshiba with i5, it was also running a lot cooler. -
hey everyone. i will be receiving my asus n61jq-a1 tomorrow i'll be taking pics of the unboxing, screen, keyboard, basically everything and posting them online.
how much can i upload to the forum directly? if its not a lot (i plan to take high def pics), then i'll upload the pics to a business site that i run. -
there are advantages to the core i7. look it up at intel's site. you will obviously have to deal with higher amounts of heat for more performance, which you will get with the i7.
Even with the hotter temps of the i7, it is designed to handle those temperatures, so I wouldn't be too worried about it.
One question though, not sure if anyone knows. Looking at the bottom of the JQ to see what has to be done in order to upgrade ram I saw there is one bigger plate with 6 or so screws covering most of the rear. I'm wondering if it's the easy access to motherboard. I know lenovo makes it like that. -
Just received my N61JQ-X1 from Newegg today, haven't had much time to use it yet but it is a very quiet machine and I have had no heat issues.
keep in mind that intel probably did extensive research and testing before releasing the processor in the first place...if it was overheating laptops, etc, it wouldn't have been released. -
Nvidia was in my opinion also a company that does extensive testing of their chips before they ship them, but I gues they don't. I found out the hard way, which is why I bought the JQ in the first place.
Plus, you know how it is with consumer products... Giving it to the hands of milions of people almost always reveals stuff you can't possibly discover in the testing labs. -
Well, I did it. I finally decided to pull the trigger on an N61JQ-A1. Not exactly sure when I will have it in my hands, but it shouldn't take too long. I was going to wait and see how the Lenovo Y560 compares, but I'm too impatient.
I also ordered a tube of IC Diamond Thermal Compound which I intend to apply myself. I will do some temperature testing before and after applying the IC Diamond if anyone is interested.
Can't wait! -
I'm not saying adding the thermal paste doesn't help but IMO I would rather not have people taking apart my freshly built computer to add something that may only make a negligible difference, trained or not. I would think all the engineers would have said hey we need to include this in the build if it mattered that much. Plus if it could not handle the temps it put out I doubt they would offer a standard two year warranty.... Just my 2 cents... spend your money how ya want.
Can somebody here who has the N61 check to see how fast the RAM of this laptop is? It's just come to people's attention today that the new G51Jx and N71 both have 1333 MHz RAM instead of 1066. This was completely unexpected to the owners of the models, retailers, and it even said that they had 1066 MHz RAM on the box of the machine itself.
I'm just curious, but if somebody could either check the physical RAM itself, or use a program like CPU Z, that would be great!
http://www.cpuid.com/cpuz.php -
Oh ok thanks cookie. I don't know how I missed that.
Unfortunately you can only upload 485kb per picture and 5 pictures at a time.
I found if you resized the pictures to the smallest size they would work. But that is not HD. -
HEAT is the main killer to the life of a laptop. If the inside temperature remain high due to processor or GPU it will affect other components like capacitors, etc. After 1-2 years of use, the capacitors will swell and the laptop may start malfunctioning
I think I'm going to get a cooler for this just to be safe. Anybody have any suggestions considering how the laptop is manufactured? I'm thinking of the Zalman NC2000. Would that be good for this laptop?
however, i highly doubt that the core i7s have a common heat problem...it may occur in some defective/improperly installed units but there's no way to stop that. hopefully everything will go well! -
* Asus N61JQ Owners Lounge *
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by GregW, Feb 3, 2010.