Has anybody else with the n61vn run into a problem with the touchpad? I just received mine and out of the box the touchpad wasn't tracking well. The cursor is choppy and jerky and it won't stay still when I hover over something.
It appears to be software related rather than hardware related. When I uinstalled the provided touchpad driver made by Elantech, the touchpad worked smoothly.
However, I lost somet of the special features of the Elan touchpad like zoom and scroll. If anybody has any suggestions it would be much appreciated.
Hello, I bought a X64VN-JX020V (=N61, german edition) these days which lack the bluetooth module. My fault
I'd like to add an internal module. Asus offers two driver files, one for bt-183 and one for bt253. Does someone know if there is a connector mounted on the mainboard and which module and cabelset will fit? Did someone found a disassembly guide or can offer some information where to find and how to access the connector? Thank you. -
Does anyone know how is the battery performance in this Asus ??
47212 mAh max. capacity here, p8700 cpu, brightness set to 50%: estimated runtime while watching dvd is 1 hour 30 minutes, surfing the web 2-3 hours. Both values calculated by notebook, no real experiences yet.
Take a look at
http://www.notebookjournal.de/tests/test-review-asus-x64vg-jx007v-geforce-gt-220m-nksj-1037/4 (last diagram).
They wrote here
that the values match for both notebooks. -
Here you can purchase the bluetooth module and the kind of cable compatible with :
I also bought this notebook and want to fit a module, but I'd prefer to follow a disassembly guide not to damage any parts of the laptop or if someone would help to explain how to disassemble it would be better -
Thank you Tchongy. I asked them some days ago. They suggested BT-183
http://www.asusparts.eu/product_info.php?products_id=2514 and
http://www.asusparts.eu/product_info.php?products_id=36346 for X64VN, MB Ver.: N61VN.
After especially asking for BT253 they replyed that they believe that module should also fit (using the same cabel as for BT-183). But they didn't tell in detail which BT253 should be used. Are 04G590032012, 04G590032010 and 04G590032014 the same? What is the difference between the cable you suggested and the one they did?
I'd prefer BT253 as it uses Widcomm/Broadcom stack, BT-183 seems to use Toshiba stack.
Btw. I share your concerns about disassembling the unit -
For the cables there is no difference except their length.
Don't worry about which kind of module you choose, in theory the only one problem you could encounter in adding a random module is the compatibility between your OS and drivers.
I'll try to ask for a disassembly guide to asus, you never know ^^ -
sorry I was wrong the difference is the number of pins. This laptop needs a 6pins cable and not 8 as I mentioned before
Same here. Using the Windows 7 drivers the pad works a lot better, but not perfect compared to other pads. Vertical scrolling however works even with Windows drivers for me. Updating the drivers to version (found on Asus website for another notebook) didn't resolve the problem. Asus told me to swap the whole nb. But as you and the review posted at notebookjournal.de describe the same behavior, i doubt that this will help.
How do you know, any news from asus? Then lets hope 14G140291200 (from the link asusparts supplied me) is a 6 pin cable. On their website one could find a generic disassambly guide (> 'How to repair'), but a specific one would be welcome...
@all: Does someone encountered a problem when using the suspend to ram mode? Almost allways when waking up again, the fan spins on very high speeds, returning to normal function only after power off and restart the nb. Air feels cold and cpu-temperature reported by hwmonitor is about 25-30°C. Asus told me to swap the whole nb. -
I called asus center and they told me there is no problem in adding a bt253 module. I've ordered those items.
But it seems I must wait for a while because they don't have stock, however be careful as the total price is about 17,36€+7,21€ (vat included+tax if you are not in the european union) and 17,65€ for shipping cost to France. -
Did they told you something about screws? Here they wrote 'no screws included' in their mail. There seems to be a hole on bt-253 module. On bt183, however, not.
It seems i'll have to wait a while before doing the mod: My nb seems to be stuck or even lost on its way back to the dealer for replacement
But i'll follow this thread and look forward to read about your progress or any other news. -
That is a tutorial for installing the BT253 bluetooth module on an A8j. I too want to add internal bluetooth to my laptop, but I have an N81Vg-X1 and this A8j has an extremely similar chasis. N61s are surely different, but I am guessing the BT goes under/above the CD-ROM drive?
Hopefully someone is successful! -
Thanks for the owners' lounge!
I have added it to the Info Booth and to the Reviews and Owners' Lounges Index.
E.B.E. -
Got my N61VN (White) on Christmas 2009. Runs P8800 C2D, 4GB DDR3 RAM, GT240M DDR3 1GB. Thing is really a beast and I really like the multi-touch touchpad and the speakers too.
The only thing I wish Asus would've done was to remove the limitations on RAM, 4GB was the max....if only there was 8GB. -
kliu0... Who did you buy from? I was just checking out our friendly neighborhood resellers and they all seem to have an upgrade option to 8gb ram for the N61 series. Seems like you should be able to upgrade to 8gb without a problem??
Hi guys. I would like to buy ASUS N61VN with P8700 or P8800 or 9600 but I cant find them currently in USA? What is the problem? Can anyone send me webpage or shop address where I can but taht ASUS? I dont wanna Q9000 becouse I dont need such processor and I am concerned about silent work and battery life. And so far from friends from europe I know that that ASUS with processors P8XXX is perfect. Kliu0 did you buy yours in US?
there is already an adhesive tape to set the module, no need to use screws
I still have not received the module and have been waiting for 3 weeks. I get impatient now -
I took a look under the keyboard, but it seems the pinheader is somewhere else.
. Finally it arrieved, but the fan still spins like mad after suspend to ram
Hi guys.
I am interested in moving from a Dell Studio 1535 to an ASUS N61 at the following link:
In all honesty, do you think that the laptop is worth it? My Studio works fine for me but I get very, very, very annoyed when a lot of the games I want to play just are not playable. The Dell I have has an ATI Mobility Radeon 3450 with 256mb DDR graphics. The ASUS, on the other hand has a core i7 and a Mobility Radeon 5730.
The main issues I'm concerned with are the following:
1. The laptop's value (ASUS's reputation, length of time it will not become obsolete, etc)
2. Performance (will this laptop be able to play the newest games at at least medium to high settings?)
3. Heat issues (core i7 + radeon 5730 = lots of heat?)
4. The fact that the laptop doesn't come with Windows 7 Ultimate (do I really need it that badly over Windows 7 Home Premium?)
5. Battery life (how long will this last on full charge of battery)
If you could please answer these questions and concerns for me I would highly appreciate it.
Thank you! -
The N61VG-JX063X (with inbuilt tv tuner I think), and N61VG-JX050X look to be very tempting units here in Australia.
Availability seems to be varied though.
Will try and research more on these models. -
Thanks! -
What do yall think the overclocking potential will be for the 5730 card ? I plan on having after market compound added and also a cooler master laptop stand with a nice fan for the laptop to sit on.
too early i'd say, especially since we havent really got any temperature readings of the 5730 so far...
5730 is in 250gts range (its slightly better to be precise), it easily beats 240gt
As far is the N6s go...in the next couple weeks will any different versions will be out ? With possibly the higher end 5700 series cards in it?
Does anybody with an N61 have switchable graphics? I'm asking because an ASUS manual for the N61JQ line talks about it on pages 36 and 41. Doesn't make any sense to me as I thought the N61JQ line only had i7s.
hmmm, kudos, can you comment on the build quality, I got this quote from someone who looked at the model, here is what he said
"The screen back cover was very thin, if I press on it I could see some artifacts on the display. Furthermore, the keyboard had lot of flex especially on the number pad side."
ouch, screen flex is not good at all, any comments? thanks man -
Hey guys I just ordered my N61JQ-A1 after days of researching. I think it is the best deal around. I ordered it from powernotebooks.com and will have him add IC Diamond thermal paste 2 it. I am excited and I cant wait to get it all up and running!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for all the help! -
I got mine!
Stay tuned!
http://forum.notebookreview.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=44302&stc=1&d=1265069949 -
sweet! mine should be at my house around 2-12-10!!!!!
thanks for the answers!
Has anyone tried "Express Gate" on this laptop. Does it have it and if so does the wireless work with it?
I just opened up a new thread to try and unify the three N61 threads. It is
N61JQ. No disrespect is meant towards anyone. But most of us are checking the same 3 threads and with new N61 models possibly coming it could get worse. So this is my attempt to unify us all. Please come and join us! -
Does anyone have the N61JV yet? Amazon says "In Stock" but I'm looking to buy from a place like xoticpc or powernotebook that have a good reputation for taking care of their customers. I'd like to know about battery life on the jv. Not a gamer but will be doing some video editing.
Just got my N61JV-X2 this weekend. So far I really like it, though I really haven't had time to do too much with it. I'll update with battery life details when I get more information.
I am wondering what internal bluetooth module the N61s use? I didn't realize there wasn't internal bluetooth when I bought it, so I'd like to add it in.
Thanks for any help! -
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=456659 -
Just a short note about adding bluetooth device to a n61vn:
Ordered the two parts Tchongy linked in post #60 of this thread. The module is to be mounted unter the palm rest on the left, between the card reader and the left corner of the palm rest.
I removed a lot of screws, don't know if i unscrewed to much (sorry, the following may be imprecise as i didn't took any notes): took of accu, removed both service covers (for ram/cpu and hdd), unmounted odd, unmounted keyboard. unscrewed 3 screws under the accu, one left and right of the accu, 3 under the odd, removed hdd (3), unscrewed three under hdd cover and two (three?) under the cpu cover. removed 4 screws under the keyboard. after that the palm rest could be lifted, as it was now only hold in place unsing some plastic clips. Used small tweezers to fit the connector, removed the protection film of the adhesive tape that was preinstalled and put the module in place.
Two warnings:
There was one screw that i could not reach placed under/between the the heat pipes. Guess that's why the left side of the palm rest wouldn't lift very high. Too much preasure might brake the plastic here.
And be careful with the ribbon cable for the mouse pad. I lifted the plastic on the right to much and pulled the cable out of its connector. But was able to reinstall it.
BT works great. Thanks to Tchongy for the information.
@letiferanimo: On support.asus.com for n61vn drivers for bt183 and bt253 are listed and asusparts.eu said both modules would fit. Maybe take a look at the support page for your model. -
But mine can't ---- The Asus website says that the N61V series is locked to max 4GB ram. While the N61J series (yours) can go up to 8GB....
Damn. Why did they have to lock it at 4GB?.... argh. -
Hello, I'm strongly considering the Asus N61JQ-A1 from Amazon. If I do go through with this purchase, this will be my first Asus laptop. Quick question - does this come with Windows 7 recovery disc or will I have to make one for myself? Thanks alot!
Hope that helps. -
This is the same thing they did with N71JQ.
Mine which I bought back in February came with a recovery disk, but some others who bought it later got no recovery disk.
They had to create it by using the Recovery tool which is installed under Win7. -
Word about XP drivers for n61jv ?
Is there any or workaround for them ? -
Why, hello fellow N61 owners!
Just got my N61JV-X2 in from Amazon this afternoon. And what an event, to say the least... I've been drooling over, linking to, recommending, researching, reading about, and dreaming about owning this exact computer for the past, I dunno... 3 months? Seriously, I've had that Amazon tab open in my browser for that long, drooling over it, wishing it were mine, and I finally came up with the money to actually make it happen. Can I even begin to describe how happy I am? Picked up a sweet new ($90) rugged case for the thing, now it's time to add those missing features like Bluetooth and Blu-Ray. Graphics already blown me away (once I got Optimus to let me run the game on the nVidia chip, that was frustratingly "not automatic" to say the least!), was running Combat Arms at the highest settings with absolutely no problem. On battery. Quite a treat seeing that blue light switch to white and performance start tearing away! And knowing that ballsy GPU is staying out of the way when I don't need it (blue light).
But while I'd love to give this thing a "6 out of 5 stars!!11" rating, there are certain things reigning me back into the world of simple complete satisfaction (as opposed to being blown away). The Asus bloatware, as prophesized, is absolutely intolerable. The glittery, flashy 3D menus and crap plugging the system up, the broken utilities (had to reboot for the Fn+F2 - which I wish didn't even exist - to turn the wireless back on!), the 6 or 7 LANGUAGES Asus has preloaded on here (seriously, why? These are region-coded Windows versions anyway!) and the incessant language bar, and oh god the pages and pages of utilities, the utilities!! Totally useless, glittery, frivolous utilities that do nothing. "Wireless Console3", a utility whose only purpose is to tease me that wireless is on or off (I've got an indicator light for that!)? And the multitouch touchpad leaves me wanting only one thing: a standard single-touch pad. It rarely detects a scroll motion properly and I just wish I could get my standard side-scroll back. And the sound is less than blowing me away... better than most laptops I've seen, but I still wish they would've put more space into the speakers for being so loudly proclaimed in the ads for this comp.
All in all, these things really don't detract much from the 5-star rating of the computer so far. The screen is great, Optimus is amazing, the i5 CPU is "holy crap, what am I gonna do with all this power?", USB 3.0 is like realizing "holy crap, my computer just ran circles around me, I can't even come close to utilizing this thing yet", the HDMI, GBe, and eSATA ports are like a connectivity dream come true... everything is so perfectly designed on this computer. It's everything I dreamed of, and I'm sure I'll be enjoying it for many years to come.
But I just have one big question to ask of the other N61 owners out there. Bluetooth! I'd seen some mentions of Bluetooth in the past comments here. What of this BT183 adapter and the BT2-something one? Will these work on this N61JV? Does the BT183 use that godawful Toshiba software or has it improved much? I use a Bluetooth mouse, headset, and cell phone data, so it's relatively high on my to-want list to get BT added to this otherwise perfect laptop. Also planning on adding a Blu-Ray drive ASAP, but that's considerably more straightforward...
Asus N61 Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Red_Dragon, Sep 22, 2009.