Well, I recieved my new N50 yesterday. Have to say that so far i'm very happy with it. I've tried Farcry 2 and Mirror's Edge on it and it plays them to a level that i'm very happy with.
Still messing around with it and getting it setup to the way I want it but i'll work my way through it over the next day or so.
I just already ordered N50 with LED and new WD HDD with 7,200 RPM, it should be deliver by this week.
Nice choice. Which one did you order?
Excellent thread and info here. Glad I stumbled across a link to this site from another site. After reading through everything I have decided to pick up N50VN-X2B. It just appeared on Newegg yesterday and appears to be an X1B but with upgraded screen and harddrive.
Have anyone install XP on N50? Just wonders.
What kind of drivers aren't work on XP and Vista 64-bit?
I don't see bluetooth driver for Vista 64-bit on ASUS website but it does offer on Vista 32-bit.
Where I can find drivers for install XP on ASUS if I want too? -
N50Vn XP 32 Driver guide per forum member's request:
Everything works under XP except:
-Smart Logon
For easy installation go to BIOS>Advanced>IDE Controller>SATA Operation mode and change to Compatible installing XP.
SATA Enhance mode driver integration using nLite:
the file for driver integration is iaStor.inf.
XP Drivers
Below is the drivers you can find from drivers DVD:
Intel Chipset: Always install chipset first.
D:\Software\ Chipset\Setup.exe
or silent32.bat
Drivers you need to download:
nVidia GeForce Driver:
A: http://www.laptopvideo2go.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=20269
1: Download driver from the driver link
2: Extract driver into a folder
3: download Modded INF
4: Copy and paste INF file into the extracted driver folder before run setup.exe
5: Run Setup.exe
B http://www.nvidia.com/object/geforce_notebook_winxp_179.28_beta.html
HDMI Audio driver is included in the Geforce driver if the driver is download nVidia's website.
Atheros AR928X Wireless lan (use update driver from Device Manger to install):
Realtek Audio Driver:
Link 1:
Link 2:
Link 3:
nVidia HDMI Audio Driver:
Realtek Lan Driver (unzip and run setup.exe):
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
What i did find was a file on the CD that had a rollback patch for BT. Inside the directory was a file like something BTUPDATE64.exe or something to that affect. It spent 10mins i think doing a rollback of some Vista SP1 features, after i rebooted. Vista found and installed all the relevant drivers, and the control panel suddenly had the BT icon. So I didn't even need to load the DirectConsole utility. I don't have the CD handy, but if you need more info let me know.
On that note: I have a feeling that i saw mentioned the DirectConsole must be installed for BT to be found or something, so perhaps trying installing that first and that may make it all work correctly anyway.
Apart from that, all drivers are available for Vista x64. Unfortunately Asus seem to of not added half of them to their website but everything works fine. Either the CD, Windows Update or Internet will give you drivers/updated drivers for Vista x64.
Welcome to the club and enjoy your N50... -
For example, when I first start up Diablo 2 and enter battlenet, the game will lag terribly for a few minutes. Eventually it runs smoothly. Unfortunately if I minimize it with alt-tab, and return to the game, the lag will resume. When returning to the open game, I see English letters and symbols in the upper left corner for a split second. Is PinYin IME acting up? What's causing game and keyboard lag?
Would you please help me disable Microsoft Pinyin IME 2007? Any help is appreciated. -
I got N50 today and inserted new 7200 RPM HDD in then currently install Vista 64 bit right now.
Vista 64 bit is installed and work so successfully then currently install drivers from CD.
I had downloaded couple of drivers for graphic card (from Nivida website) and touchpad because of latest and better than from CD.
There's no keyboard flex, I'm happy with new N50. -
I went to control panel > Regional and Language Options > Keyboards and Languages > Change Keyboards
under general I removed the chinese keyboard
under advanced key settings > change key sequence I changed both options to "not assigned." I think I was getting the problem from switch keyboard layout being set to Ctrl + Shift. -
I have problem with activation system, I tried put product key in it and said invalid for Vista 64 bit.
I use product key from bottom of notebook.
Now, activation is successful after call MS for activate and anything is fine. -
Thanks I've already disabled Pinyin IME and set both toggle options to unassigned. Since, Chinese hasn't appeared. Unfortunately, I still have performance problems with stutters in games and an intermittent keyboard lag. I think the game problem is related to keyboard input.
I tried installing another game. When I inputting the cd key, the computer horribly lagged. Mouse skipped, keyboard was a couples strokes behind, and the computer struggled to copy the files. After waiting about 15 minutes for the progress bar to crawl to 10%, I minimized with alt-tab. Computer performance suddenly improved. I checked the progress several minutes later, and installation was complete.
I think that the alt key is related to the problem. When minimizing Diablo, the lag returns when the game is restored. The keyboard lag makes it difficult to chat on yahoo messenger sometimes. I'm frustrated. -
You can try to install latest driver from Synaptics.
http://www.synaptics.com/support/drivers -
I believe you need to remove the touchpad driver and let Windows install the driver, you will lose some functionality, but will remove the lag...
It's almost a joke from Asus, how many years and models must carry this large problem before they fix it. Everybody who owns an Asus should start a Class Action...It's the only reason i would not buy an Asus again.
I have a N50VN & experience no keyboard lag. -
LOL, Asus fix something? No it's still there, Zlot posted on another forum..... And his message was like reading morse code.....I have it regularly albeit not as bad, but it's better then when my Notebook shipped... I'm using Acer drivers and I notice it a couple of time per day.
Here is a quote from Zlot:
"A note about the keyboard: I think I've read some peoples comments about the keyboard missing some letters when typig. I sem to be experiencing this. his is being written on my aptop right now, moving at the speed that I normally type, and this is how he paragraphs are appearing, wihout me ging back to ix any letters that sem to not get recorded. As you can see, its actually pretty ad. Anyone hav eany sort of solution for this? It is rther frustrating having to ouble check everything I type to make sure the compter regitered it."
It's not acceptable, and i while i would love to recommend the notebook to everyone i meet, I wouldn't recommend Asus unless there was a permanent fix to solve the issues... I contemplated taking mine back because it's just not good enough.... (But weirdly it wasn't a noticeably bad problem for a week or two) These days it's a minor issue, but one i wish would be addressed by Asus on all models.
The irony is one would think it is a simple software fix, as we can fix it with the Synaptics driver trick. -
I got up to 3 hours on battery life for my new notebook.
I had spent a hour with N50 and don't notice any keyboard lag. -
I was curious and checked out my control panel/keyboard. On the hardware tab, I've got 4 devices listed:
keyboard device filter
Microsoft eHome remote control keyboard
Microsoft eHome MCIR keyboard
Microsoft eHome MCIR 109 keyboard.
Can this be detecting other keyboards in nearby rooms? My desktop computer uses the same type of wireless mouse as my laptop. Maybe this is causing problems? -
For a much better synaptics touchpad driver i went to the Lenovo/thinkpad site and installed the 64-bit version of Ultra-nav. Side to side scrolling, programable tap zones, edge dragging, you can set the touch sensitivity, etc. It is a MUCH more flexable interface this way. I just searched for the top of the line thinkpad that they release with vista-64. I think it is a W700. After i installed the drivers (a pain in the rump because when you run the .exe all it does is extract the driver file to C:driver.....). They did not install automaticly though, even then. Had to do a manual driver selection after that. With the sellect hardware option in driver update. Works great though. Can coast while scrolling, stickey boarders. The 32-bit drivers would not install though, has to be the 64. (because i'm running ultimate-64).
I have problem with Vista 64 bit, it's about network and internet won't connect after wake up from sleep, I tried update the driver and turn WiFi off then turn on and it doesn't work either, normal name is "linksys" but after wake up then it went to "linksys 2".
I have PC desktop with XP and internet work so great.
I decided to reformat it to Vista 32 bit and everything is fine, I don't have any idea to fix this issue, will check more later.
If Vista 32 bit has same bugs as 64 bit does then I would reformat to XP and keep it until Win 7 releases. -
If anybody was planning on overclocking the CPU, I have bad news. The creator of SetFSB has decided not to support the PM45 Chipset, which is what our N50's have...
On the other hand, you can still undervolt the proc if you get the itch to tinker with it in some way
I'm going to try undervolting today. -
If not then I'm going install XP and good bye to worst bug OS ever I had seen since Win ME. -
Can you manually connect after SLEEP? -
For 2nd question, haven't try yet. -
It had fixed after unplug the router then plug in again, it worked but tried sleep and local only is back again, it's very annoying.
I need find way to fix it, modify the network with regedit don't work either.
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/928233 -
Hello everyone. I was hoping someone here could shed some light on the issues i'm having with my N50Vn-B1B laptop. I have two problems at the moment.
The first problem is that my wireless range is horrendous. I have been googling about, trying to resolve this issue for a while. I have tried updating my atheros drivers, but it does no good at all. I am a few feet away from my router right now and I have 2 out of 5 bars of signal. The speed seems fine, but if I move out of my room I lose connection entirely.
I don't think it's a router issue because this problem is persistent no matter where I go. There have been circumstances where someone next to me has 4 bars, and I have none at all.
The other issue is that one of the blue lights on my volume control is out. This is very annoying, since I have owned the laptop for less than two months at this point.
I would very much appreciate any suggestions at all for either issue. I'm guessing(at least for the second issue) that I will probably have to send my laptop in.
Oh, and i'm running 32 bit Vista. -
If you're comfortable with opening the bottom cover of the laptop, take it off and make sure that both of the wires connecting to the wifi card are securely connected. See the attached picture for the location of the wifi card.
As for the lights, you're probably gonna have to send it in.Attached Files:
ah hah! I remember seeing someone suggest something like that, but I was afraid to just dive in blindly. Thank you so much for the helpful picture.
Upon opening it up, i noticed that the yellow tape was barely hanging there, so i went ahead and just removed it. I also noticed that my wires were in opposite locations compared to the image(white cord was attached to left side, black to right). Just out of curiosity I switched them out to match the photo. After putting the lid back on and booting it up, I must say that there is certainly an improvement! I'm seeing 5 bars for the very first time, no matter where i'm at in my room. I'm also able to connect in other areas of the house!!
Thank you so much for the help!
As for the light issue, should I try calling asus customer service or something? I mean, what would they honestly be able to do? Would it be worth it to try sending it in? I really don't even know who i'd talk to about this. -
Sweet I'm glad you got it working correctly
The yellow tape is barely sticking for me too. Every time I open the computer up, it's completely off of the card.
I think that the lights are more trouble than they're worth. I only use the touchpad enable/disable button out of all of those multimedia/computer buttons up there. There are keyboard shortcuts (Fn+something) to do every one of those functions, except for the touchpad disabling. If you use them alot, try using the keyboard shortcuts for a week or so.
Just a word of warning though, Asus has a 1 time hit of "accidental protection." Its up to them if they want to consider this as accidental or a true hardware failure, so make sure that you don't get screwed by wasting the 1 time accidental warranty. -
Yeah, it actually doesn't bother me so much. It's probably not worth the time and effort to send in, and DEFINITELY not worth risking that accidental damage warranty! I have been using that area to control volume in the past, though. I kinda wish it just had a dial or something, because it's tricky to get an accurate volume level sometimes. I think i'll get into the habit of using the FN+f keys for volume
Well, i'm gonna go enjoy walking around the house and marvelling at my newly acquired signal bars. Thanks for the prompt responses and all the help.
Fn+F9 should turn the trackpad on/off (if you have the symantec software installed)
Hi everybody.
I just got a n50vc. It is meant to have a 320gb hard drive. I don't understand the way information is presented. This is what My Computer says:
80% free
Vista OS (C)
126gb free of 149gb
100% free
Data (D)
139gb of 139gb
149 + 139 = 290 about
I realise that there's a hidden partition with a back up image on it. 1) Is that the missing 30gb?
I haven't done anything on the computer except install the drivers CD, update Norton and download Fire Fox.
All the My documents stuff seems to be on C. 2) If there is a hidden recovery partition that is not C nor D then what is D for?
Thanks. -
If you go to "Control Panel - > Administrative tools -> Computer Management -> Disk Management - You should see the hidden partition, which would be likely 10Gb+ (you never get the full 320Gb after formatting) So I use D:\ for all downloads and accessories and games etc. -
Ahh I wonder why they didn't print Fn+F9 as the touchpad disable button... Thanks! Now I don't have to put fingerprints on that thing.
Mingle, the hard drive is indeed a 320GB drive. It's just split into 3 partitions. As freakish said, it's a good idea to save documents and other non-program files to it. -
Thanks very much. And thanks Freakish for specifying the exact path to Disk Management. I know my way around XP very well, but am an entire newbie when it comes to Vista and partitions. My hidden partition was 9.77gb. So to clarify for me and other simpletons, if it is a good idea to save stuff to D, does it follow that I should install programs to C? So that if some program goes crazy, it is separate from all my goodies on D? I'm pretty sure that's what you mean, but would like to be sure.
The whole My Documents hierarchy is on C, so do people get Vista to do all that on D or do they just do their own thing and make their own folders?
Thanks -
Yes, that's exactly what we mean
I made a new folder in the D drive called My Documents, and put it as a shortcut on the Favorite links. -
I only have the OS & programs on the C drive. I move Mail & all other folders to another drive or partition. Here is a place that explains it somewhat:
http://www.edbott.com/weblog/?p=1371 -
When I uninstalled the touchpad drivers that came installed and rebooted, windows didn't install a microsoft driver but the exact same synaptic driver that was on previously, but miraculously, this has fixed my keyboard lag problems, and it even kept all my touchpad settings like my tap-zones and tap-zone functions.
Maybe if your windows is installing a microsoft generic touchpad driver, try downloading the synaptics driver from the ASUS N50 support website, uninstalling your driver, and installing that one instead. Not sure if this will work, but I do know that the driver I'm using now that seems to have fixed the keyboard lag is the exact same version as the one you can download from the website.
So yeah like you've already said in this thread, the drivers on the ASUS website and the drivers already installed are indeed the exact same version, but try uninstalling the stock ones anyway. It worked for me! -
I liked one of the comments at that site. It was to have three user partitions. One for Vista on C. One for programs on D. And a third one for documents on E.
Buy the way, I LOVE the screen on the N50. It's a delight to look at. -
I've had my N50Vn C1S for about a month now, so far so good. A few keyboard lagging issues; but recommendations to change the synaptics settings worked very well for me. Noticeable difference when I re-installed the driver and the settings were reset.
Has anyone tried the latest nVidia notebook drivers? The ones from nVidia's site? the 9650M GT is listed there and Asus is not one of the excluded notebooks.
Not that I'm complaining about performance, I played Dead Space, WoW, Call of Duty World at War and Company of Heroes with no issues at full spec.
I'm no fan of the keyboard layout, I would like the cursor keys placed better, may be space around them or a nub so I can centre my hand quickly. I don't have much use for the number pad as such.
I updated to the 2.10 BIOS as well that I got from the N50Vc section, that addressed the CAPS lock led issue.
Screen is decent; but I see bleeding around the outside edges on a black screen. Nothing of note when in use while gaming or general office apps so really not an issue. -
Use the drivers from LaptopVideo2Go.com
That is the driver that I have installed right now. I've seen a slight 3 degree drop in temperature with that over the 181.22 driver. -
ehi avanish can u post ur overclocking specs? i'm trying to overclock my n50vn but i don't know how far can i reach with it....my 9650m gt is ddr2 and i have a default frequency of gpuclock 550 memory 400 shader 1375.
Tell too ur temperatures in ºC if possible. Thanks you for all the information mate.
(sorry for my bad english) -
Sure thing.
I can get a stable overclock of 730 core, 525 Memory, and 1825 shader.
At that, it stays around 75 degrees Celsius.
Use nTune to overclock the card.
Asus N50 Owners/Buyers Thread
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Freakish123, Nov 14, 2008.