I still get missing keyboard strokes even when I followed this guide http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=252283 . Anyone else have any solutions?
are you sure you did the regedit correctly?
It needs to be a DWORD with a value of 1, not just a binary -
Can anyone help with my HDD question? -
If you haven't experienced this problem, then you don't have to worry about it.
As for your HDD question, the "HDD Master Password" basically locks your hard drive so no one can use it without entering the proper password. Taking the HDD out of the notebook and using it in another won't allow others to access any data on that HDD either. The files in the HDD are not encrypted, it's just like a security door that needs to be opened first before entering a room. -
Yeah I think I did it right. It misses a keystroke about 10% of the time. Here's a screenshot of the registry
How can I check if the HDD Password works?
I removed the BIOS password and only had the HDD PAssword. But it doesn't ask for a password on bootup? Do I have to turn it on or something; no setting for that.. -
Is the Screen in the B2 model worth the extra 150.00 over the B1/B4?
Thanks. -
I messed up the registry fix. I made a DWORD instead of a binary. Gonna restart now. I hope it works!
Well, for a 2.26 C2D notebook with 4GB of RAM it seems really slow.
Its as is from the box from asus - anyone have good recommendations for cleaning it up? What can and should get cleaned up, etc. ?
Anyone know how to get norton off the laptop? i'm not a big fan of antivirus software.
Edit - I think I kinda fixed the cpu utilization issue, i had no idea how much the powered4gear criples the performance in anything but high performance mode. HD movies play just fine now with it turn to high performance -
C2D laptops don't get much faster. Remember it's a 5400 RPM harddrive too. That plays a big role in speeds. -
how fast do you type whoever has issues with missing keystrokes? I have not noticed that issue at all. Is there a repro steps?
So finally I was able to order one in Germany at www.notebook.de. They are the only shop so far who will able to deliver it by thursday next week.
In the description they wrote that 1GB Turbo memory is included.
Here are the specs:
- Price in euros: 1200 €
- 15.4” WSXGA+ (1680x1050)
- Intel T9400
- 4096 MB DDR2-RAM @800Mhz
- 320 GB SATA 5400rpm
- Blu-Ray 8x DVD+-R, 4x DVD+-RW, 16x CD-R, 10x CD-RW, 12x DVD, 24x CD-ROM DoubleLayer
- 512 MB NVIDIA GeForce 9600M GS
- Intel Wireless WiFi Link 5100 AGN
- Network: 10/100/1000 Mbit Ethernet
- 1.3 Megapixel Web-/VideoCamera
- 1024 MB Intel Turbo Memory -
Another dilemma has cropped up. It concerns the B1 and B2 models.
I want the B2 model because of the WSXGA+. Currently I'm using SXGA, and I'm afraid WXGA+ will look weird and cramped to me. Problem is, though, the B2 has a 500GB 5400RPM drive, while the B1 can be upgraded easily to a 320GB 7200RPM drive. I really want the B2, but I'm not liking the hard drive, as I'm told that it is made by Samsung and therefore has higher power consumption and heat production.
Yes, I know I can go to Xotic PC and get the drive, but that along with Vista Ultimate make the thing cost 1900, which is a bit high. Aftermarket upgrades may run a similar price.
Any help here? -
will the 500gb drive produce more noise and heat than the 320gb in the -b1? because if that's the case, i think i'll learn to live with the lower res screen... heat and noise are more important to me. -
I think the 500GB is a three-platter design, so it may produce more heat because the motor has to rotate a larger mass. But it may be entirely not noticeable (usually this kind of differences are barely noticeable). To determine one way or the other, you'd need to do a bit of research, check some hardware review websites for 500GB HDDs reviews/comparisons.
Edit: although it seems some recent drives have 500GB on two platters: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/500gb-notebook-hdd,1960.html
if the one you consider is one of those, then my comments don't apply. -
320gb is fine for a harddrive in a notebook but i would have gone for the 500gb but i have a 4 tb raid-0 back of all my music games and videos an di cant wait to open my nw laptop ill post pics of
Well, then, what type of hard drive is the stock hard drive in the M50vm B2? Is it Samsung, Hitachi, Seagate, WD, or something else?
And on the 500 GB harddrive.. 320 GB should suffice, if you really need more for storage, I'd get an external drive. -
Would the 500GB drive in the B2 be this then?
Also, I mainly want the B2 for the WSXGA+, I'm simply trying to compare the hard drives. -
I just got my B1 , so far it is amazing, great laptop.
Only problem i have right now is that the volume is extremely soft in windows and certain things, but if i play a movie or a youtube video it seems ok, has anyone experinced this? I have the volume all the way up.
tomorrow i plan to wipe it clean and isntall vista64, is there anything i should know before doing that, it looks like ASUS has all the drivers and utilities on the cd it came with, i dont think it has one of those recovery partitions? -
Is there even any bloatware on it? I thought the only thing Asus pre-installed was norton.
Other than Norton there's Adobe Acrobat Reader (could be bloatware for some people but I think it's fine) and some ASUS installed stuff like Splendid, Smart Log-On, and such (again, could or could not be bloatware). Nothing else other than that.
I don't even know if I really need the other stuff.. Like Spendid. It has that splash screen on bootup. In fact.. Do I even need that Splendid stuff? -
No, it is just color profiles.
I made a 100 GB partition for Windows and the rest for Data.
The CD has everything you need. I had trouble with Touchpad drivers. I had to install it in safe mode. But other than that, everything works. -
so the DVD is the same exact image as the recovery partition?
but if you were to delete the recovery partition, then later on use the recovery DVD would the DVD recreate the recovery partition? -
DVD should be the same. And yes the DVD will recreate the recovery partition. It resets everything back to the same as when you first got it. -
Wel 4 days later and i'm continually impressed by this thing. My PC is a e8400 4gb ram and an 8800gt that i built, i was expecting this thing to be quite a bit less responsive thn that, buts its much better than i initially thought.
Im here in bed and i have it sitting in my lap on my comforter and its no where near as warm as i thought it'd be - i'd liken it to hing a cat or small dog in my lap.
I'll be installing crysis, rise of legends, and supreme commander on it soon. -
yeah, it's a lovely notebook and should last me longer than previous ones I owned
Any issues with the key lag and the touchpad?
However, removing the partition shouldn't cause trouble with warranty. I can't guarantee it, I guess they can make a case out of it if they really want to -- but the.re's no reason why they should. -
I read here that reformatting and wiping the recovery partition does not affect warranty. At least that's what the users said. -
I don't think recovery partition has anything to do with guarantee.
This is the first thing I usually get rid of on a new cumputer.
Anyhow you do not usually have to send the hard disk when you send the notebook for repair.
I had sent my notebook two times for repair, but every time I have removed the hard disk and ASUS never complained about it.
I would not send the notebook with harddisk unless the harddisk itself is defective.
I think they have no right to force you to send the hard disk with the computer, because this would violate the personal privacy of the costumer. -
It's not for no reason, there is a tap zone that acts as a minimize button for the current window. You are just tapping it with your palm.
ive been using the b1 since 8 this moring since then i stayed in bed working and watching lord of the ring this laptop stay cool and silent the entire time and the speakers are much better then on my old toshiba and my borrowed hp dv6000
did a clean install of Vista 32 Ultimate, i thought this key would work on my 64 bit ultimate so i am going to have to order Vista 64 Ultimate
So far loving this laptop, and worth every penny i paid, it looks great, solid build quality and the screen is great and it is FAST!
Only complaints so far is the speakers seem very soft? maybe they are normal as i have not used a laptop in about a year and i am used to listening with my headphones. -
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
What Key do you have mark?
If its a retail key its good for both, if its OEM then its only one or the other.
This is one of my few complaints about the M50Vm is that it comes with a 32bit os and 4gb of ram. That just doesnt add up right. -
what is the cheapest place?
ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer
cheapest place would be educational discount for an upgrade disk. thats what I did and I got vista home premium for $70 shipped almost a year ago.
I totally forget the site I got it from tho. I would assume other educational only sites have a similar price. If your not a student or teacher, have somebody order it who is... or get good at photoshop like me -
Hi, I'm considering the M50VM, but I'm a bit concerned about the keyboard layout. The Home/End/PgUp/PgDn/Backslash keys are all part of the numeric pad, and therefore not in the usual locations for a laptop.
I will use the laptop for gaming, but I also need it for word processing, database, etc. Do you M50VM owners find the keyboard layout ok? Was there a learning curve?
Thanks. -
Just to let everyone know i have played all 3dMark benchmarks, Grid demo, C&C 3 Demo and TF2/HL2 Lost Coast and they all run great on this Machine
This might be a stupid question but, I see that there is a Lightscribe Control Panel thing, so I was just wondering: why is that even installed on here?
It seems to come by default with all recent ASUS notebooks, regardless of whether they have LightScribe or not. Just a way to minimize logistic costs during notebook factory installs, I think.
Well, after a fell problems, mine is coming \o/
First, I was going to buy M50sv-A1, but it come out out of stock, then Steven from excaliberpc (the store where I ordered from) offered me the new M50VM-B1 for a few bucks more, and, after long waits on the bank's queuque for doing the wire transfer, my little baby is coming.
I guess that I'll have to wait a week more ... USPS says that the notebook already arrived, but people here in Brazil are kind of lazy to work =P
Can't wait 'til it arrives *-*
(sorry for my not-good-as-it-should-be english xP)
Asus M50VM Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by mark076h, Jul 30, 2008.