Here are a few links related to my problem with the crucial m4 ssd :
Problem with boot on SSD crucial M4 256Go on ASUS ... - Crucial Community
Newegg.com - Product Review
These are reports of the same problem but with different asus laptop models. N53, N73 etc. I couldn't find any report with a G53SW but there aren't many out there yet (and probably even less with custom ssds installed) and I suspect Asus reuses its bios across its product line.
I've been playing City of Heroes at max settings off of ASUS's image, and I haven't experienced any stuttering or freezing that was mentioned earlier in the thread, and I'm getting a pretty smooth 35-40fps in it (which is impressive given how taxing CoH is). Maybe I'll just uninstall some of the bloatware and not bother with a fresh install.
I remember seeing a thread which went over each of the applications pre-installed with the laptop and it said if the application was necessary or not. Does anyone have the link to that thread? I can't seem to find it any more. -
I'm using a C300 in my 53SW, and had the ''freezing'' problems at boot-up, and also randomly. Installing the registry tweak to disable Intel LPM solved my problem totally. No more freezing.
But I never had any problems with the C300 not booting with the good partition. Scary. -
Ok so I had an Intel Ultimate-N 6300 card and I decided to install it in this puppy and see what happens. My variety of G53SW only has two antennae, so I cannibalized my broken Packard Bell for a third antenna. I taped the third antenna down in the second hard drive bay and coiled it up in there since the antenna's about 2 feet long and the wireless card is only about 8 inches from the second hard drive bay. (I would mount the antenna high in the back of the screen, but I'm not ambitious enough to try to dismantle the screen of my one-day-old laptop
Installed the latest drivers straight from Intel, and it works perfectly. However, the main advantage of the tri-antenna 6300 - speed - is nowhere to be found. Sitting next to the router, I only get 144Mbps. (No before-and-after comparison available... like an idiot, I neglected to check the speed of the AzureWave wireless card before I swapped it out.) I don't think the router is the problem; it's a Netgear WNR3500L, which is supposedly 300Mbps capable. Perhaps the third antenna is not of the correct GHz and therefore is not being utilized by the wireless card?
I don't think that theory holds any water, however, because I do see one significant improvement: signal quality. I now get 5 bars (not a very scientific measurement, I know) at the farthest corner of my backyard from my router, and pick up half the neighborhood's routers
If anyone knows what I can do to maximize the speed, please share.
P.S. Bluetooth is integrated into the original AzureWave card on these things. With my upgrade I lose Bluetooth capability, but it's a feature I never use anyway. -
Hey Guys! I was wondering if anyone else here has overclocked their G53SW-XN1, if so, what clocks are you using and what temps are you getting? I have my GTX 460M @ 800/1600/1480 and it is crazy fast, getting 15500 on 3DMARK06, and 9700 on 3DMARK Vantage. I was running around 80-81C @ load on stock clocks, getting around 85-86C @ load on OC clocks. If i remember correctly, my Asus G51VX ran around 10C higher overclocked, and that was a GTX 260. I am not too worried, just wondering what temps you guys were experiencing.
Thanks! -
How long can this laptop last? Its durability? I am hoping like around 10 years. I am wondering because the keyboard doesn't look sturdy. And Scared brickless that I'll drop it.
Hey everyone, just got my G53sw today and am typing on it now. First impressions: Amazing. It's absolutely great and is running flawlessly at the moment. Since I've read this thread from beginning to end, asking a few questions along the way I wanted to thank everyone who contributed to this thread and help persuade me into buying this amazing piece of technology. Completely worth it!
I too have had the 3-5 second freezes under load.
I've tried throttlestop, the core registry tweak, a completely fresh install of windows, upgraded graphics drivers (a couple of different iterations of them).
The only thing I can figure at this point is that it's potentially a heat issue.
The GPU tends to get up to 85C *very* quickly but does stay there as the fan spins up fairly high.
I managed to see it crack 90C with furmark, though furmark didn't actually freeze.
I'm kind of at a loss at this point. I like the idea of this laptop, but considering I got it for gaming, the fact it makes games unplayable means it's probably getting returned very soon. -
Are you running an SSD, if so which one? -
The power brick on my g53sw just died... I was playing Civ V for a few hours and the laptop suddenly went into battery mode. The power brick was so hot I could barely touch it.
It was on my sofa so maybe it picked up a little more heat that it would have on the floor but still, the thing is 2 weeks old... Anyway, be careful where you put your power brick, it runs quite hot while gaming. -
I don't have occasional 2-3 seconds freezes, but instead my laptop locks up completely at times forcing me to hold down the power button till it powers off to reset it. If i shake my whole laptop then it comes out of its frozen state for a couple seconds. Anyone have any ideas what could be the cause of this?
Sooo, after some reading around this forum, I decided to buy a SSD to my soon to arrive G53SW.
I have the Intel 510 120GB in mind, has anyone tried it with the G53SW yet? Did it work? ^^
Intel 510 @ newegg -
What options do I need to choose on Throttlestop to stop the throttling native to the G53?
If I were to get a SATA III I would either get the Crucial M4, or maybe the OCZ Agility 3. I know, a previous user here mentioned issues with his G53SW and the M4, but to be honest I'm not completely convinced that everyone would run into the same problem. It's really frustrating, because the M4 is absolutely the best bargain when it comes to reliability, performance, and price out of all the available SATA III SSDs. And the Agility 3 is the only other decent SATA III SSD that you can buy for 120GB/~$220. But that's got a less-then-stellar reliability rate, sooo.... Ugh.
Anyway, I'd like to know more about the Intel 510. Sorry about the rambling there
I actually ordered one last week and it got here today, and it's working great so far! -
Yeah - supposedly that power brick is considerably less prone to failure (and won't heat up as intensely) while running throttlestop, as well.
J. -
I just received an email from Asus stating that the M4 SSDs are not compatible with the GS53SW.
I asked them which sata III drives are compatible, waiting for an answer. -
I'm using Intel 510 and it working great so far.
The Crucial C300 64Gb is another good SSD. Good price (paid 95$ cdn for mine), and you can just put Win 7 on it, and put all your other things on the HDD.
Working fine for me with my G53SW. Blazingly fast boot, and all my programs are all opening instantly. -
Hey, quuick question. I want to get rid of or atleast minimize the size of drive D. I dont know why they'd only leave 116gbs on C and 300+ on D. I have the G53SW-xn1. THanks!
Tom's Hardware US
Here's an review on the crucial m4. Looking pretty impressive. -
It's completely free if you get the basic version which has everything you will need. WIth this you just have to select drive D: and click resize and make it as small as you want. Afterwards you select your C: drive and click resize again but this time make it bigger. It's pretty intuitive.
If you want to completely get rid off your D: drive then you have to copy everything from your D: to your C: drive and then deklete the D: partition using the program I gave you.
Personally, I have my 300GB HDD partitioned (125GB on C: and 175 on D: ). I install everything on the C: but keep all my files including music, pictures, documents, downloads and other stuff on the D: that way if I ever have to do a clean install of Windows (which is often than you would think) it's way easier since I don't have to backup my data onto an external HDD.
And there are no side effects to deleting the D: partition WHen you get your brand new ASUS computer the D: partition is completely empty by default; Windows, drivers and bloatware are all installed in the C: drive. I don't really know why ASUS partitions its hard drives, it's annoying and confusing for most people -
Still, there are plenty of other options out there. Could be way worse. There's some good deals on Agility/Vertex 3s out there, even if the Intel 510 is unfortunately out of my price range, I might just roll the dice with OCZ. Sandforce can't be THAT risky, can it? -
A good ssd like the Crucial c300 and a 500 GB drive split into two 250 GB partitions is what I did.
Dave -
Hey all, I'm new to this forum so I figured I should register and ask questions.
I've read through all 53 pages of this thread (Lol I know -_-) and no doubt G53SW is really gettting great reviews.
Maybe a few slight little issues.
I was about to order G53SW till my friend told me about G53SX's release.
Do you think it's worth the wait?
I also read about GTX 560m runs only 128 while GTX 460m runs on 192.
Is it true?
It's really kind of weird/shocking to know this.
I've been having my Laptop with me for 7 years now.
I tend to keep my things pretty well cared >.<
As you see I'm a great Fan of Starcraft 2 and I just wish I can play games on great graphics.
And I'm waiting for Diablo 3's release too.
So I'm wondering if you guys can guide me to what I should get with a Laptop?
Many Thanks!
Celine -
Yes the GTX 560m 2gb of G53SX is only 128-bit making it equal if not slower than the 192 bit GTX 460m.
I heard a lot of G53SW users are complaining on reviews about the notorious power button issue and not turning on even after pressing it for god knows how many. Did Asus address the issue yet or what? -
The whole power button issue is really weird to me - I have had no issues whatsoever with mine, it's 100% responsive and has always worked perfectly. I guess it could just be something that a few people are running into, though, it does seem to come out up now and then.
Anyone can clarify?
Many Thanks!
Celine -
This is the link. -
if sx version is 128 bit go with sw.. Good Luck
That's why I'm deciding between SW or SX.
I'm not sure if it's true that 560 is 128 only because the website I linked says it's 192.
I'm also wondering if I should get Sager or Asus.
I have a lot of doubts as it's been a long long long time since I bought a laptop. (7 Years x_x) -
@ Selendis the notebookcheck site is 192 bit because it is the 1.5gb ram. The 1gb or 2gb version of the gtx 560m are 128 bit and cannot be a 192 bit which was fully explained here http://forum.notebookreview.com/7558527-post23.html
So am I right to say that I should go for G53SW then to G53SX?
I'm not convinced yet to get mine, i'm worried about throttle
noob question, don't laugh lol, how do i switch back and forth from DX11 to DX10 on this this laptop?....
So far, from he things I've read apparently the G53SW is BETTER than the newer G53SX because of the lowered memory bus... But when making a purchase decision keep in mind that the G53SX has a glasses-free 3D display!
I have a question that's not related to computers in any way: How do you post links to other websites but you have them saying stuff other than the actual link? I didnt know how to explain m myself so here's an example posted earlier in this same thread:
I can't decide what to get ><
Asus G53SW Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by kaworu876, Apr 16, 2011.