When you play a YouTube video does it come on automatically? I believe whatever application you want to use the Nvidia GPU, it must actually support GPU acceleration for it to kick in, like flash 10.1 for example. Photoshop can utilize the GPU as well as some media players like VLC and MPC among other things. Office doesn't have any GPU support to my knowledge and IE will only use it for things like flash. It won't kick in unless there is a reason for it to kick in. If it doesn't turn on, it likely won't help at all.
Just canceled my Canada Computers order and ordered the U43JC -A1 from GentechPC
. Should get to my place this week hopefully
What about shipping costs? And customs and duty fees to Canada? What shiiping method? Fedex, UPS, or USPS?
$47 dollars for shipping, not sure about customs, UPS. Got the last one though haha I believe they still have the U33 and are getting the U53 soon.
Placed an order for a U33 through Gentech last night. Now I have to wait for 9/30 and hope for no more delays and a big enough supply for me to get mine on the next batch.
Bet it won't be insignificant.
I would have asked shipment via USPS. You end up paying much less for the total fees - especially customs brokerage.
But please let us know the actual charges when you receive the goods. -
Hi guys, i finally finish spending 3 days(weekend) reading from page 1 to page 151. And i need a huge favor, fast and quick. Especially from Case1, bigdoof, Quatro and others. I "accidentally" place an U43JC order from GenTech, they going to call me on Monday and reconfirm my order. That means i only have 1 day to change my decision.
My dilemma is u33 vs u43, as i remember u43JC have a small defect about bending above ODD. I have to reconfirm this with bigdoof. Solution to it was changing my purchase to u33, but u33 come with i3 processor but not i5. So, i need advise from Quatro about this. How future proof am i regarding i3, since a lot have recommend of getting i5 if possible. And...i not fan of u53 because they are little big for me and they have "number pad".
Thanks ahead for the reply and advise. -
The i5-520M gives you 2.4GHz on both processors or can clock up to 2.93GHz on ONE processor when you need it. So the i5 is a bit better than the i3-370M, but not hugely. If all were equal except the processor, by all means, get the i5.
But to me, when thinking of the U33 or the U43, the choice should be simpler then that:
- U43Jc: 14" screen, 1lb heavier, little thicker, ODD + $126 more expensive
or - U33Jc: 13.3" screen, (about) 1lb lighter, 1/16" (tiny bit) thinner, no ODD and $126 cheaper.
Forget the tiny bit of flex issue and the same-speed i3/i5 choice. It depends on what you want. Both are fine for what they offer. - U43Jc: 14" screen, 1lb heavier, little thicker, ODD + $126 more expensive
Just want to make another comment on the U33JC after having used it for a week and a half of work.
I'm a software developer and need to run on multiple operating systems and against multiple databases. I'm impressed with how well the laptop has been working for me. I run 64-bit Arch Linux with a minimalist window manager. The computer boots to a working desktop in 35 seconds (includes BIOS POST and me typing in my username/password). I run two virtualbox instances on top of this, one with 32-bit Windows XP with 768MB ram running SQL Server Express 2008, and the other with 32-bit Arch Linux with 1024MB ram and running MySQL and Glassfish (with the application I'm developing). I run Netbeans and perform compilations on the host system. Everything works very well with this setup. Compilations take about 25-50% longer than on my desktop, which is a similarly-clocked quad core Intel Q6600.
The point of all this is that I'm very impressed with the performance of this machine. Even though it's the top of the bottom of Intel's current processor lineup it can really get some CPU-intensive work done. Wired and wifi connectivity have been also been working very well; I access some processes in my VMs from my desktop and it's all very snappy.
It is also very nice to work on. Other than hot air coming out the left side it is a pleasure to use. The bamboo palmrest is comfortable, and the keys are very nice to type on. The touchpad is very responsive and works as well as any I've used once you get used to where the boundries are.
I also really like the indicator lights They are all white with the exception of the AC indicator, which goes from orange to green. They are subtle and are placed in non-annoying locations. A friend at work has an HP with a wireless indicator front center above the keyboard that, when active, rapidly blinks orange-blue. It is the single most annoying thing I have ever seen on a laptop design. It looks like a cheap Halloween decoration. I like it when the indicators indicate without drawing your attention to them.
Here is my updated list of annoyances:
1) The screen is still glossy. I can see myself and whatever is behind me when the screen is dark. Also, if there is bright light behind me I can see that even when the screen is not dark. Whoever designed the screen on this laptop, and gave it the glossy plastic border, is the weakest link in the design team.
2) The bamboo really picks up marks from hands. Even when I thouroughly wash my hands before using it I can still mark it up. But, in the end, it's bamboo. And that is so cool. So I don't mind wiping it down every once in a while ; )
3) The webcam is on the slow side. There's more lag than there was on my Acer Aspire One netbook. Of course, the Acer had a much lower megapixel camera (although it looked great), so maybe being 2mp slows it down.
In short, I'm loving this notebook. It has all the power I need for work, yet allows me to roam untethered for half the day when I don't need that power. I am very satisfied with my purchase.
Thanks Gentech! -
I agree with Quatro on the point that the chassis flex should not be your deciding factor as it is common in notebooks with tray disc drives, but I would say the CPU should not have much weight in your decision process either.
I would ask myself first if I needed a disc drive as this is the key thing that differentiates the 13" from the other models.
After that I would consider the size and weight differences. Does a little extra size and weight matter to you?
If you have no preference after deliberating those factors, I would then take into account the chassis flex and how much that matters. The 14" HP sitting here has the chassis flex problem just like the U43 and it has never been an issue. I will say the U33 has a very solid chassis aside from the back of the screen at th bottom.
Finally, if your decision isn't made up by now, you could look at the CPU difference to sway your decision. If the are still even at this point, I would ask if the i5 is worth the $126 difference in price? Not in my mind. Benchmarks put the two CPUs very close to each other and I highly doubt anyone could tell a machine with an i3-370m apart from an identical one with an i5-520m.
These CPUs are very fast for average people. If this was my girlfriend's computer I would laugh at all the power under the hood since an eeePC could handle her requirements. These things can stream wireless HD video to an extended desktop while surfing the web and writing a paper. These are very capable machines.
As Quatro said though, single threaded applications could benefit from the Turbo in the i5 but for my money, it just isn't worth the extra $$$. And I am someone who is usually willing to pay the extra dough for a long term purchase (why I bout the U33 over the U35) but the i3 just seems like the smarter buy. If they offered an identical U33Jc with an i5 for $100+ I'd say no thanks. I'll put the money saved on a hybrid drive and really feel a performance boost.
You could tell us what your main uses for the computer would be and we could tell you if you would be future proof enough for your needs. If you are an average, media-centric user who browses the web, uses Office, and might play an occasional game, you should be fine.
Glad to hear your U33 is handling your requirements. That sounds like some pretty complex stuff you are doing there.
You brought up some interesting things. I had never though having the indicator lights out of sight as a good thing but you raise a good point. The only light shining in your face is the power indicator which keeps distracting status lights out of sight. How often do you look at those things to get some kind of info? I don't know if I ever have besides to see the charging status.
I am also finding the touchpad to be very good. It glides with ease and is very responsive. I am loving my multitouch gestures as well. Chiral scrolling is a great thing. I have a pretty good feel for where my borders are now and hit them probably 85% of the time.
I agree that the bamboo picks up finger prints more than expected. It is only slightly less of a finger print magnet than plastic chassis but for some reason I find it bothers me less. I still haven't given this thing a thorough wipe down. I just keep rubbing the smudges into the bamboo.
I haven't used the webcam except to try smart login and it is laggy as you say. I was hoping performance might be better using something like Skype but I guess not. Could be a bit disappointing for someone who does video chat a lot.
And you are right, whoever designed the screen and put that glossy border on it is the weak link on an otherwise superb design. Not that the glossy border looks terrible but it is the definition of finger print magnet. -
I was originally going to go with the U43jc and changed to the U33jc after spending time with the 14-inch model at BestBuy. My problem (see posting 923) was the vibration that resulted from the flex over the ODD. The flex itself wasn't the problem, but I spend a lot of time typing so the vibration would have driven me crazy. That said, it might have just been that particular computer. I have not checked it out anywhere else. My suggestion would be to do what I did: go by BestBuy and spend some time typing on the U43jc. If it works for you, then the other factors like price and features come in to play, but if you don't like the feel, go with the U33jc instead. -
Just got my U33 Bamboo Laptop,....
So far, so good, I'm removing a ton of junk that looks unnecessary...
Quick question, is there any simply way to combine the two "Drives" ??
Currently it has an OS Drive "C" and a Data Drive "D"...
I'd like just one "C" drive, can I do that without a reinstall of the OS??
TIA!! -
Windows 7 can shrink, extend, etc... right click on "computer," then open manage, disk management. You can basically delete the D drive, then extend the C drive to take the whole partition.
I'm wondering if I got a faulty U43JC, mine gets burning hot on the left vent after only two hours turned on. Also, I can't seem to turn off the Intel HD graphics for the nVidia 310. Any help?
Does anyone know it the U43JC has soldered CPU?
Hey guys,
Just got my u43jc-x1. Am in the process of deleting the bloatware and getting it prepped for every day use.
Do you guys have any tips at this stage? What drivers might be good to install, what updates might be necessary?
Is there a good tool for the bloatware removal? Some things are easy to tell that they can be removed, but some things I'm unsure if they can be safely removed without affected critical aspects of the laptop use. I don't want to break my wi-fi or optimus or anything...
Thanks -
On another note, Gentech called me to confirmed my order today. I'm really hoping it comes without any delays. Starting to really need a new laptop for school. Really excited for it. -
Download | The PC Decrapifier
I can't vouch for it myself since I haven't actually tried it.
Or you can get your hands on A copy of Windows7HP64 and peform a clean install yourself.
There are lots of references on how to do that in this forum. -
And it's now reflected at XOTICPC.COM where you cannot upgrade the CPU to an I5 as you were able to choose a few weeks ago. -
My u43jc just arrived today and after a few hours making back up disks, I try to use the usb ports to use a flash drive and also install a mouse. It seems the usb ports are no working. The notebook came without a user guide and I'm not sure if I have to turn them on or they are just not working? Has anybody else had a problem with them.
I got it! just had to reboot .
I'm using the U43JC-X1, and I haven't been able to update to the latest Nvidia drivers. Everyone says that you need the BIOS update, but there's no new BIOS listed on the U43JC section of the Asus site. Is the one posted in the U33JC section compatible for all the Ux3JC models or is that dangerous? Just thought I'd check before destroying this lovely computer.
And do any BIOS update using ASUS' WinFlash rather than EasyFlash from within your BIOS. -
Windows update offers a driver for the integrated Intel graphic card on the U33JC. Has anybody tried these drivers yet? Any differences?
On my U33JC (with new bios), I have both updated Nvidia and Intel graphics drivers from Windows, and they both work fine.
Anyone else have severe overheating issues on the u43jc? Surfing the web for half an hour causes the side vents to heat up like crazy.
Does anyone know how to make the speakers louder on the laptop? My old dell was about 1.5x as loud and I miss the volume.
for the people who've been asking about the u33jc multitouch 2 finger scrolling.
here New HP Touchpad Driver that Unlocks Multi-Touch on older Touchpad - www.hardwarezone.com.sg. tried on a new u33jc-a1 and it works, you can now 2 finger scroll and other neat stuff. helps alot since u cant feel for the edge at all on this touchpad. just uninstall ur synaptics, restart and install the new one -
has anyone in the UK received any U33JC yet?
they keep telling us it'll be delivered "in about a week"... -
Got Civilization 5 running under optimus but not in DX 10.
could only get it working under DX 9. -
Just got an email from XoticPC confirming my order for an Asus U43JC-A1
Okay, so does anyone know any news about a BIOS release for the U43Jc? I'm hoping the driver update is significantly improved. I'm starting to miss my old UL30Vt, manually switching the video card was actually much simpler and easier compared to the mess this automatic "seamless" transition is. Though I guess that's part of being an early adopter. Still, I much prefer simply having the little hard button to switch graphics.
Hm, now that I think about it, is there any way to manually force a switch? The button is still there, actually in the exact same location as the UL30Vt's was. I don't see an option to configure it in the P4G setups though. -
bigdoof's link also works, two/finger multi finger functionality -
Does anyone know how to turn the GPU on and off? I cant seem to find that function. My graphics card keeps turning on when watching youtube and other flash videos, unnecessarily creating more heat.
I am playing Bioshock 2 at the moment. It runs very smoothly in high details. The U33JC gets quite hot but the palm rest doesn't heat up. No problems so far.
Very excited -
I just received my U43jc-A1 and I have to agree, the touchpad button is annoying, is this the case for all U43 or should I try to get a new one? Will it get better with time?
I was working with a small group of people the other day and using my U33JC typing as we went along. The group included some new people who were trying to take over the Alpha role, which had sort of fallen to me. One of the new people obnoxiously grabbed my laptop and pulled it in front of him like he was taking over. He looked down and said, "wait, where's the mouse pad?" Immediately, another new person grabbed it from him and said, "let me do it ..." and he promptly hit the wrong side of the mouse button (right-click) and couldn't figure out how to make it go away.
After a few seconds of those knuckleheads not being able to figure out the mouse pad, they slid the laptop back to me and said, "OK, uh, you can do it..."
I could barely contain my laughing. -
I have found that after uninstalling the e-lan drivers the trackpad is more responsive (u43j). But I have lost some functionality such as being able to set my three finger tap and left to right two finger scrolling.
I'm still looking for a way to turn the videocard on and off though. -
hey i have a question if i took this to like a computer repair shop do you think they could rig up a backlit keyboard for me??? or should i just wait for something actually designed for our laptops... also i haven't actually purchased my laptop yet i am still in a hot debate between teh u33jc-a1 and the u43jc-x1.... anyone want to sway me? also one other thing was it a mistake by asus of not putting widi capability into the u33jc?
I noticed that amazon is offering a $150 gift card with the purchase of a asus bamboo series laptop. I see the option for the u43jc but not for the u33jc. Is the promotion no longer offered for the u33jc?
Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2015 -
thanks for the clarification... do you like the size of it... and how thin would you say it really is? i am really unsure... and from advancing technology would you guys say bluetooth is vital?
Awesome... Arch Linux just got updated synaptics touchpad drivers that enabled multiple finger detection... I finally have my two-finger scrolling and double finger tapping.
Does the U43jc have pga988 cpu mount?
Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2015
ASUS U Series Bamboo Collection Owners Thread (U33JC/U43JC/U53JC)
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Case1, Jul 1, 2010.