Damn, I really liked the U43F, are there any other 13-14 inch ASUS models at bestbuy that are decent?
This weekend I found a Best Buy that had the U43F on display. The build seemed quite good to me except for the optical bay area - when I pick the laptop up from that side I can feel it cave in a bit there. I'm assuming I won't see that on the U33JC. The bamboo was very nice in my opinion, and the chrome trim didn't bother me like I thought it would. Because the rest of the laptop is so dark the chrome didn't jump out and scream. The speakers (on the front lip) sounded good to me, but then again my previous laptop was a cheap Acer and they only had three demo songs preloaded on the machine. The computer felt very responsive compared to a number of other models on display. The weight stated on the sticker was under 5 pounds so I'm hoping the 33JC will be lighter than that. They didn't have the battery in the unit so I'm sure that will add weight, but as it was it felt noticeably lighter than the 13 inch macbook and macbook pros they had on display. At first the touchpad skipped but I'm pretty sure it was just Best Buy's "Archie" software which locks the machine down. After using it for a while I found no problems with it. As the reviews say the buttons are on the narrow side but this in no way affected its usability for me. The keyboard felt fine to me - the biggest annoyance about it for me was the size of the right shift key. I hit the surrounding keys a couple times before I got used to it since the keyboard I'm used to typing on has the left shift key narrower than the right, while on this one the left key is narrower than the right. Heat seemed fine. Obviously I wasn't stressing the machine, but I was clicking around for a while and I ran the windows experience test. The fan stayed quiet the whole time and the only place that felt warm was the vent. As for the windows experience scores sorry I did not write them down but the GPU was the limiting factor (go figure).
They also had the Toshiba R705 on display and boy is that thing light. It felt like I could wave the thing around in my hand like a manila folder full of papers. Plus, that model has an optical drive (which appears to take up a quarter of the chassis). Marks against the unit compared to the U43F are that it felt hotter (A third of the left side of the computer was warm), I don't like the tactile feel of the chassis as much as the bamboo/aluminum, the screen does not look as nice as the U43F, and it only has integrated graphics (Of course the U43F doesn't have discrete graphics either but you can get a model that does). However, I do recommend this computer for those who want a very lightweight computer with good battery life (Best Buy's estimate was over 8 hours compared to over 5 hours on the 43F).
After seeing what they had on display I'm planning on keeping my preorder of the U33JC. I really liked how the 43F looked and felt and despite the fact that no laptop is perfect I believe this is the best one (for me at least - I'm looking for good build, good performance, good battery) overall I've seen at this price point.
I am sad about Nvidia's decision to not make an Optimus driver for Linux. I am planning on running Arch Linux as my primary OS, which for the present means integrated graphics only (Supposedly you can't even manually configure it to use the NVidia due to the way the two cards are linked). However, I'll be able to keep Seven around for light gaming or anything where the integrated graphics won't cut it. There is at least one project out there working on supporting hybrid graphics in the open source nouveau driver.
As for those wondering about webcams keep in mind that the megapixel rating isn't everything. I'm hoping (and assuming) that the 2 megapixel cameras in the Ux3 series is a good one, but I had a netbook with a .3 megapixel camera that produced a smaller, but better and faster picture than my friend's USB 1 megapixel camera. Sadly, the only way you can know for sure how well it works is to see it. -
So, the speakers sounded pretty loud and clear, especially considering you were in a loud Best Buy?
Not loud enough to use them for say a party and they're too weak to use to watch a movie from across a room but you probably wouldn't do that with a 13-14 inch laptop anyway. They are loud enough so they can be heard for personal listening especially when placed on a hard surface. The clarity was good, but the sample music didn't have much bass in it so I can't vouch for how well it does at low frequencies.
Would a soft service muffle them that bad that it would be hard to hear? -
I don't know if anyone out there is keen on the U53JF, but I came across this hands on review of it while hunting for more reviews of the U33JC: Asus Bamboo U53F hands-on review | What Laptop
Sorry, as far as I know Best Buy is the only place that sells the Asus U43F. Every other company sells the U43JC-A1
I just placed an order for a U43JC with a 500 GB Hybrid Drive from Gentech, and I want to thank everybody who posts to this forum for all the information they share, especially Quatro. I found that almost all my which-computer and which-features questions had already been asked by someone and then discussed--it's really been helpful.
One point, just for other newbies: I didn't understand until I spoke with the sales rep at Gentech that if you choose a different operating system, they will install it for you, not just send you the disc. I need to use Windows 7 Pro for business, and I had thought I was looking at long hours of installation. -
Hey everyone, I'm blown away by the quantity and quality of information provided in this thread as well as the rest of this forum. I have a question that I was hoping for some help with. I did a search and couldn't really come up with anything quite what i was looking for so maybe this'll be a new one.
How does the Asus U43JC-A1 compare with the HP Envy14 (with the same i5)?
I'm not trying to do anything crazy with them like gaming or hard editing but would like something with good capabilities.
Any major pros or cons to sway me one way or the other? -
i want to get this laptop u43jc-x1 but am worried about the graphics and modern games playable at high settings and how will this hold up against something like m11x r2 with the 335m
I always use it on lap and it's one of the best I've ever seen. Not only a low-end HD4330 does not generate much heat, but also the aluminum body helps a lot with heat dissipation. That being said, I'm not sure if envy 14 will be more like the envy 15 or 13.
There are 14in alternatives such as the timelinex 4820tg with the HD5650 that CAN play many modern games on high settings fluidly. The HD5650 beats the 335M of the M11x. -
ok thanks for listing some alternatives
HP Envy 14 review -- Engadget
HP Envy 14 Review - A Review of the HP Envy 14
HP Envy 14 Review & Rating | PCMag.com
Here are a few differences for the Envy 14 compared to the U43JC off the top of my head.
- worse battery life
- higher resolution (1600x900 vs. 1366x768)
- better graphics card
- lack of optimus (but has discrete and integrated) -
I found this promotion on Amazon.
Get a Free NETGEAR Push2TV TV Adapter with the Purchase of Select Compatible Intel-Powered Laptops
Includes the U33JC and U34JC.
Sounds like a great deal. -
U43F-BBA5 (no discrete GPU) Best Buy was in stock a couple of days ago at all my local BB but they are all gone now which is a good sign for the laptop. I might have to pre-order the JC.
Hi everybody,
Thank you so much for all your comments, they have been really helpful!!!
I'm impatiently waiting for the U33JC to come out in the UK. However, given my weakening hope that it will come with a DVD drive, I might go for the U43jc.
Does anybody know when these two should come out in the UK? I have some idea of the u33jc (end of the month??), but for the U43jc I'm clueless.
Thanx! -
I haven't personally used Lambda-tek for any purchases but here is a link to a review website where people who have had dealings with companies can write reviews about their experiences and rate them. This is the link to all the reviews people have posted about lambda-tek: LambdaTek www.lambda-tek.com Reviews | Online Computer Shops | Review Centre Lambda-tek gets nearly all 5 star ratings and the majority of the reviews are very positive. Check it out. I hope it helps in your decision making process.
In regard to the U43Jc availability in the UK I'm affraid you're out of luck. We are only getting the U33jc and the U53jc. Not sure what Asus's thinking was on this, but I guess they assesed the market and decided that the 14inch version wasn't a good fit. I have spoken to several different sellers here about the fact that they are all listing the U33jc as coming with a DVD drive. They have all said that they are definitely the specs provided to them by Asus. This is only a guess, but I think that because Asus decided not to sell the U43jc in the UK, they have compensated by including an external USB DVD drive with the Laptop. Probably wishful thinking but you never know! Roll on the 23rd of Aug when we finally find out. Even if it doesn't end up coming with a drive, you can always purchase an external for around £25. When you think about how often you would actually use the drive, an external is probably a better option. -
My thanks to all who have contributed to making this an informative and helpful forum.
I just ordered a U43JC-A1 from XOTIC PC. Woo-hoo! *ahem*I'm excited and hopeful that the U43JC will be as trouble-free as the W7J I have now.
I suppose the first order of business when the unit arrives is to get rid of all that pre-installed software. Are you folks planning a clean install of Windows 7? Back when I got the W7J I found out how to create an XP installation CD from the files in the c:\windows\i386 folder, and I used that to do a clean install of XP. Has anyone bookmarked a website that tells you how to do a clean install of Windows 7 when all you have is a recovery CD? Thanks! -
Speaking of online purchases, I had all but decided to go via www.asuslaptop.co.uk to get my U33JC. My thinking behind this was that they are also the official Asus warranty/repair providers here in England, so they would really know their stuff and must be good right? NOT! I have personally spoken to them on the phone at least 4 times since they put the U33JC up on thier site for pre-order. Everytime I spoke to them I got a different answer about when they would have the laptop in stock. Last week they told me it would be in stock this Monday. I called them again this Tuesday and they said they wouldn't have it until the 23rd. They listed the U33Jc for pre-order about 6 weeks ago and from the moment they listed it, it has said in big red writing "Pre-Order Only, Delivery in 14 Days". That message hasn't changed once in all this time!
This always seemed a bit strange to me and not too professional. Their website lacks professional polish, but I always had in the back of my head, the fact that they are the official Asus hardware support guys, so they must be good. Then last night, when looking for info about lambda-tek for @agusto I thought I'd also look for reviews about asuslaptop.co.uk and man am I glad I did! For the most part they get completely roasted by their customers. Most strikingly for me was how many of the reviewers had similar stories to mine when it came to being constantly provided with misinformation. Check the reviews out here: http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews167808.html
The company I have now decided to go with for my purchase is simplyasus.com I have read customer reviews for these guys and they sound like a great company to deal with. Plus they are also selling the U33jc at the cheapest price anywhere in the UK. Check out their customer reviews here: http://www.trustpilot.co.uk/review/www.simplyasus.com -
Thanks a lot for your comments. I got in touch with asuslaptop several times, they reply 50% of the time and the information is not clear at all... lambdatek and simplyasus look very good, great job spotting those reviews. I guess we'll have to keep on waiting, in the mean time I'll make up my mind about u33 vs u53, I still can't force myself to do without a DVD drive, but you do have a good point and those drives are cheap.... or should I fly to the US for the u43?
Best -
My pleasure @agusto!
What's happened to this thread? It's almost as dead as a dodo! Where has everybody gone? Maybe the wait for the U33 has taken it's toll and people have given up and gone for other models? -
Amazon has this currently in stock.
ASUS U43JC-X1 14-Inch Bamboo Laptop (10 Hours of Battery Life) -
I don't want to drop you all like a bad habit lol since you guys helped me out so much about the Bamboo U43JC.
But, I got to actually see the U43F (same as the U43JC but no Nvidia graphics card) at Best Buy. THe Best Buy version does in fact have the 3.0USB. The speakers are in fact below the palm rest. At default they are very very low. But, I went to the SRS option and put all the options to the highest level and it did pump out some very loud sound and was clear which was a huge plus.
The thing is, after checking it out in person, it just looks better online (to me at least). It did look good, but just didn't look as good as I hoped. You really didnt see the lines and texture look like I thought you would. It just looked like brown plastic. Again, I am sure you all will be VERY happy with it as its a nice unit.
But, I am going to give a try at the Toshiba M645-S4055. It just seems it has more to offer for me atleast. -
Regarding the dead thread, maybe a lot of us have given up. I just did. I couldn't pass up the Ideapad U460. An i5 with discrete graphics for $749...I just couldn't pass it up. The fact that my state's sales tax holiday is tomorrow sealed the deal. I really wanted the u33jc, but the wait has been ridiculous. When did the spec sheets come out--March or so??? Good luck to all who ride it out!
Dudes! Check this new review of the U33JC from Taiwan. There is an absolutely ridiculous amount of photos. Some really good closeups: Google Translate
@mjmoles1: I think you can see from these photos that you need to get the laptop out into natural light for the wood grain to really stand out. You can definitely see that it looks more of an homogeneous brown in the photos that were taken out of the direct sunlight. Which I guess is how it must have looked in Best Buy.
And... here's yet another review with a few more great closeups: Google Translate -
I cannot see the pictures for some reason
put the original link in your browser and you should be able to see the pics then...it sucks you have to click on each individual link though
man thats a really nice looking laptop.
come on u53 with fhd... -
Both of the reviews found by sprinkler (and if I recall correctly, a couple other foreign reviews) mention a bamboo mouse ("comes with the Bamboo mouse is Logitech OEM"). Does the one shipping to the U.S. come with that mouse? I don't recall any reviews in English that mentioning it.
I ordered mine not expecting one, but it looks pretty nifty. -
I just went to best buy and played around with u43F. Everything was to my liking...nice keyboard, the bamboo looked very nice. The only thing I didn't like was the trackpad which is a big deal for me...not sure what to do now. Does anyone else have experience with the trackpad?
What was it that you didn't like about the trackpad on the U43? Was it the wood? Did your fingers not slide easily over it? You've got me worried now.
None of the US reviews talked about the trackpad being really bad or unusable. It's a critical part of any laptop, so you would think that if it was really bad in any way, they would have said so. -
It was the friction of my finger sliding across the track-pad. It wasn't sliding as smooth as I would like. I currently use a dell xps m1330 (hate it) but the trackpad is pretty smooth compared to what I experienced at the store with the u43. I'm just wondering if someone else has had the experience with the u43 because I haven't heard anyone else complain.
Just have one quick question actually, what is the difference between the U43JC and U43F. I'm hoping the amazon release date is right and the JC comes out next week.
u43F has intel integrated graphics instead of nvidia discrete graphics.
On Amazon... the bamboos ae included!
"Get a Free NETGEAR Push2TV TV Adapter with the Purchase of Select Compatible Intel-Powered Laptops"
Amazon.com: ASUS U33JC-A1 13.3-Inch Bamboo Laptop: Electronics
Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) -
Sorry, just to mean that there is promotion that you can get a FREE Netgear Push2TV to do WiDi (essentially saving $100) with these bamboo models:
ASUS U33JC-A1 13.3-Inch Bamboo Laptop
ASUS U43JC-X1 14-Inch Bamboo Laptop
ASUS U43JC-A1 14-Inch Bamboo Laptop
So you should cancel and rebuy with that option!
Intel Wireless Display (WiDi) -
Has anyone heard from our illustrious thread creator @Case1? He appears to have gone MIA.
I need someone like Case1 to convince me to hold out for another 2 weeks for the U33JC (even then it's not guaranteed to be available!). The U35JC has been here in the UK stores now for just over a week and the temptation to give in and go out and grab one, is getting harder and harder to resist. -
I don't like the look of the U35JC. I am not a big fan of silver notebooks, if it would be black maybe I would buy one. Additionally, bamboo looks really nice; I skype a lot and really like the 2.0 MP camera in comparison to the 0.3MP crap. I probably don't necessarily need the USB 3.0 port but oh well it is there. Bluetooth is for me very useful and that's another point why I still wait for the U33JC. Last but not least in the US the ETA for U33JC and U35JC are both the same. LOL
Yea, I already did. See post 820. -
I would definitely wait for the bamboo... it looks so darn good!
I need your help though guys because I just recently bought an Acer 3820TG with:
Code:2.26GHz+Turbo Intel Core i5-430M processor 4GB DDR3 RAM 500GB hard drive 5400rpm (will swap it out) 13.3” LED back-lit display Windows 7 Home Premium ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 graphics card with 512MB dedicated memory Connectivity: Bluetooth and Acer Nplify b/g/n Wireless LAN Integrated Media card reader HDMI port and 1.3 MP Webcam Up to 8 hours battery life Colour: Black Brushed Aluminum 1-year limited warranty
I was at first waiting to buy the U33JC but this deal was so good!
I have 2 weeks to decide if I want to keep it or not though... so I may still return it.
I know you guys may be biased, but what do you think?
ASUS U Series Bamboo Collection Owners Thread (U33JC/U43JC/U53JC)
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Case1, Jul 1, 2010.