Does anyone else find that the screen scratched very easy. My laptop is only 2 weeks old and already has two scratches on it. They are very minor and only noticeable when the screen is off but it bothers me knowing they are there.
How do you clean your screen?
I always use a clean Microfiber cloth. -
The graphic card on both is the same i.e. ATI Radeon HD5730.
So this means it is not a switchable graphic card.
Only the N71JV has Nvidia Optimus.
Which means that the integrated graphic card in the i5 can not be used.
So I think N71JQ in this sense is a better machine. -
I have had no problems with scratches on any part of the laptop so far, but I handle it carefully.
Dave -
those temps should not be scary at all. -
I recently just got my N71JQ and noticed that the wireless switch does nothing. It is loose when sliding back and forth like it's not connected to anything. Does anyone else have this issue?
Thanks. -
Steelersmb, that doesn't sound normal..
The switch shouldn't be loose, but should contain two discrete steps that toggle the wireless and bluetooth. A logo should appear on screen when the setting is changed. -
Maybe take the notebook back from where you bought it and ask them to give you another one.
If that does not work then you have to RMA it. -
Hi there!
I'm the almost happy owner of a N71JQ laptop since a couple of days. I've noticed that when the computer is idle it makes two metallic 'clip' sounds, one after another in a pattern of 5-6 seconds with some 15-20 seconds of silence, just like this:
clip-clip ...<5 seconds>....... clip-clip ..... <15-20 seconds>..... clip-clip
and so on, is this the same as the up-down noise fun issue mentioned in this thread?
Please gimme some advice because that sound for some reason is driving me crazy!
Cheers! -
In case of fan noise you will hear fan turning ON/OFF every few seconds.
This looks more like the hard disk clicking sound.
I know for example Seagate 7200rpm 500GB notebook drive are famous for clicking.
Which hard drives do you have in your laptop? -
If it is coming from left or right side of the touchpad then most probably it is one of the hard disks.
On my N71JQ the 500GB Seagate @7200rpm rattles at night between 11:00 and 12:00 and temperature of the drive goes up to around 50°C. In this time the Diskeeper is doing defragmentation. -
Is it just me or are the Fn-C and Fn-V clearly made to represent Stock and Overclock?
For me Fn-C toggles splendid and Fn-V launches ASUS lifeframe3. -
Hey man,
Yeah I know they had other functions but I uninstalled those programs, do you find them useful? -
Aha cheers. I'm not using the camera outside msn & skype anyways.
BTW any news on upcoming bios updates?
Also, for your information, I am preparing a backlit keyboard mod. The keyboard will take a month to get here, but the wiring and the qt110 chip is almost in place. I found a really nice spot for the touch sensor, or actually, the tough sensor is already there... -
So you are building a touch censor to control the backlit keayboard?
Once it is ready please post some pictures and details.
Regarding the bios update, Ken is still waiting for a reply from his ASUS contact.
As far as I know they are working on it, but no info so far when a new bios will come out.
ASUS has released v206 officially on their website. This only fixes Fn+Esc key issue.
Maybe they knew that fan issue will still take some time so they thought at least in the time being the Fn+Esc could be fixed.
The new fan that ASUS wants me to test is on its way. Ken has shipped it already. -
Yeah I finished soldering the touch sensor and capacitor yesterday, I bought the QT110-ISG, which is absolutely tiny (2 times smaller than DG version), but managed to get it done. I will make a couple of pics before putting it in, don't have a camera right now.
But as I said it will take a while before the actual kb gets here, ordered a International-US board from asusparts. Not sure if I will start posting pictures before the whole thing is done (maybe PM)
We will just have to wait for the bios I suppose. Can't push it too much. Hopefully it will live up to the expectations.
I might try the new v206, but if it messes up my fan scheme again I'm gone. If it does that would actually be a good reason to mail them personally about it. Who knows it might help.
At least you get a free fan -
I am also planning to find a way to apply IC diamond compound on the CPU/GPU without voiding warranty. I heard people use some heat to make the sticker come off without breaking.
I asked Ken to send me a tube of IC Diamond 7 with the fan.
The bios v206 is the same one that was released here by Ken.
ASUS did not change anything with it except that they put it on their download site.
I think you already tested it before.
Yes, if you get some picture or details even before the whole process is over, you can PM a link.
If it does not cuase any mess then I may also adapt backlit keyboard solution on my notebook. -
Cool, dodging the warranty laws are you?
I'm a bit wary myself about messing with the cpu/gpu but then it wouldn't be much fun if it's not a little bit scary.
So far the modding has gone relatively smooth, only one very minor mistake. I will keep you posted. -
Mail sent to asus
In my experience the ASUS support usually does not always have the latest info that the R&D would already know about.
It could happen that you get a usual responce asking you to restore your system to defualt factory settings. -
We'll see what happens.
So far I only got the epic words: "This mail didn't reply yet !!" -
hey i read a good chunk of the whole !@# 90+ pages lol uhg.
i want to OC but i updated to 206 before i found out it had to be 205 and the asus utility wont let me roll back so how can i put my bios back to 205? i have the file downloaded from a link posted here and i have the winflash utility but it just says "warning this version is older..." andwont let me click flash.
also im led to believe i cant shut off HT is this true? id much perfer a bit faster clock then 8 cores lol my video games are laggy T_T namly X3 Terran conflict its rather CPU intensive and alas only can use 1 core -
Don't use Winflash. Use EasyFlash utility in the bios.
I have flashed from v206 back to v205 and back to v204 without any problems.
In any case I find flashing with Winflash much more riskier. -
1 can anyone tell me what the virtualization options do in the bios? i mean i understand what virtualization is basically but not sure what that option in the bios will do on or off.
2. useing TMonitor from the makers of CPU-Z tells me the cores are running at 933.3MHZ average. can someone explain that? its OC'd 5% so it should be like 1.8 GHZ i relize that is about half. does that have something to do with the Hyper Treading? and does that mean when i game im basically playing on a <1GHZ proccesor?
When no tasks are running then the cpu drops down to 933MHz. The is SpeedStep technology.
When you play a game the CPU will of course run faster depending on the load. How the game utilize the CPU depends if it is multicore aware or not. -
To all the people who are having the fan the Fan ON/OFF problem, we need your help.
So far, ASUS seems not to be able to reproduce the problem on their test unit.
The ASUS support in USA is working with Ken Lee from Gentech PC and they want one of the users who is suffering from the fan problem to sendin his/her notebook to ASUS support center for testing.
I could have done that myself, but while I am living in Europe it is very difficult to send it back to ASUS support in USA.
Sending mine to repair center in Germany would not be useful, as they would not have any knowledge about this issue.
Ken's contact person is working for ASUS USA and this person has direct links to HQ in Taiwan.
So please if you live in USA and you are like me keen on getting a solution to this problem please PM Ken Lee from Gentech and he will arrange the RMA pick and return of the notebook. Contact Ken Lee here:
By doing this you will be helping the whole community to get a solution to this problem. :smile: -
HA i feel like a retard! Of couse its speedstop! I just wast using TMonitor the right way. But thanks.
and nope its a single core game unfortunately T_T and thats why i wanted to OC... AND STILL GET CRAPPY FRAME RATE T_T.
im gunna run some stress tests and shut off the virtualization option see if it brings my speeds up any. cuz yea im not really sure what exactly it does. -
ok i do seem to have some sort of problem. my cores arent reving up acording to my logging software, and my game IS lagging. i never looked too far into it but a radeon HD 5730M is better than a radeon X1800XTX overcloced slightly? Cus i had this game on my old pc and it ran faster with a AMD Athalon 64 4400 and x1800xtx.
is there any reason the cores wouldntt rev up under load? or is there a flaw with my logging software? UHG
what software do you use to see what your cores are running at?
I am using TMonitor i set it to record the frequency of the cpus play my game then come back and check the log and the most its ever been was 933.6
EDIT. like i ran prim 95 with 8 threads all cores working at 100% was getting temps of like 70c and my logging software said 933.4mhz for the for physical cores -
I ordered my N71JQ-A1 from xotic pc and replaced the blue ray drive with a dvd drive. I haven't burned cdrws in year but I do want to burn a dvd and currently have a few blank discs hold 4.7 GB. I rented a movie and it appears that dvds these days are 8.5 GB!
Would I need to purchase 8.5 GB blank DVD DL Discs?
Is my DVD RW drive on this laptop able to accomplish this task?
On another note, what burning software/program would you recommend?
Thanks! -
it should be a double layer, mine is, and I did the same.
mine is a Slimtype DVD A DS8A4S...yours should be the same. -
You still burn and read the same minus the reading in Blu-Ray the Blu-Ray DVD's?
Did I make sense? -
- Combo Dual Layer SuperMulti 8X DVDRW Drive w/ Software ( - 96 )
- 4X Blu-Ray Reader / 8X DVDRW/CDRW Super Multi Combo Drive - Standard
- 6X Blu-Ray Writer/Reader + 8X DVDRW/CDRW Super Multi Combo Drive- ( + 185 ) -
After updating the bios did you load the optimal/manufacturer defaults in the exit menu of the bios?
After flashing the bios the computer shuts off automatically. I tried updating to v206 again, but now I went back to the bios to load the optimal settings, but this resulted in the same change in fan behaviour.
I will check this with our R&D department and get back to you as soon as possible.
R&D informed me you should fall back to the previous bios version to get the fan speed the way you had it before. Do you know how to do this?
Pretty obvious response, but at least my message got through to R&D... -
By the way, the new fan that ASUS support sent me from USA has arrived, but unfortunately they sent a wrong one.
It does not fit into N71JQ. -
I thought I might have some info on this, but it doesn't seem promising. I sent my N71 to ASUS INDY for repair about 3 weeks ago and I put on my list that the fan was cycling. The main problem was that it slowly overheated and would shut down. I just got it back Wed. 5-26 and they noted that they replaced the thermal module assy for the over heating problem and they replaced the fan for the fan cycling issue. I haven't really gotten a chance to see how it is functioning, but when I first started it up I thought the fan issue was gone, but it is just not as severe as it was before. The fan doesn't seem to cycle as often. It cycled very frequently when it was slowly overheating, now it has a longer pause between ramping up. Anyway, since I have already been without my new expensive laptop for 3 weeks, I will probably be willing to send it to Ken, I would like to mess with it for a bit to see how it is different than before, which might help. -
I would send them mine, but I just got confirmation of registration and additional AD insurance. Pluse the fact that I improved mine to a point where I am OK with it the way it is.
I would consider sending mine to them after my brother's wedding in the middle of June.
I still think they are stalling.
Dave -
It would be cool if one of us could get a replacement fan, because them we could bench test the old one with a fan controller that is known to work. I would like to see if it would go through the full rand of RPMs or what.
Dave -
The reason why the ASUS guy wanted me to test a new fan is that he believes that this could be a fan issue. Ken and I believe that he is wrong and I can prove that when I get a new fan from ASUS. To me this ASUS person seems to be little bit strange.
After all he sent me a wrong fan the first time.
It could be great for all of us if you can send yours for testing.
If you are interested in sending it to ASUS support please contact Ken.
He will know more info about what ASUS is intending to do with it.
As far as he told me, they want to listen to the fan cycling and they may replace some component like heatsink and fan to test if that solves the issue.
He did not say anything about sending a replacement notebook, but you might ask him.
He could be also able to tell you approximately how long it could take before you get it back. -
Great information in this owner's lounge, and Im hoping for some assistance before buying.
My 4 year old HP laptop recently died and I have been researching purchasing the COSTCO Asus model N71JQ-X2 as a replacement. I wish to purchase from COSTCO as I want the membership benefits of buying a big ticket item from there.
During my research, I have found conflicting information on the HDD(s) on this model in regards to the number of HDDs present and the RPM speed. I dont care if there are one or two HDDs but I much prefer having the 7200 RPM speed. I have found 3 possibilities.
Possibility 1 is one 640 GB HDD at a 7200 RPM speed Listed on the COSTCO website and "confirmed" by a COSTCO Customer service representative I spoke to.
Possibility 2 is two 320 GB HDDs at a 7200 RPM speed "GooGooMuck" on post #783 indicated his COSTCO Asus N71JQ-X2 had this set up.
Possibility 3 is one 640 GB HDD at a 5400 RPM speed "DaveSwan" on post #555 indicated that a single 640 GB HDD only comes in 5400 RPM speeds. Additionally, other non COSTCO websites selling the N71JQ-X2 model lists the HDD as a single 640 GB with a 5400 RPM speed.
Can someone definitively answer which possibility is the correct one? -
Holding off on the purchase of several ASUS N71JQ Laptops due to the Fan problem.
If this problem is not solved soon, we will purchase Toshiba Laptops. Really would like to get everyone a system with USB 3.0 - which this ASUS has....
I can't see spending thousands of $$ on a laptop with known issues.
If your listening ASUS, please find a reliable solution FAST.
ASUS N71JQ Owners Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by tarlyn, Feb 5, 2010.