Durrrrrrrrr. Yes. typo.
This has now happened to me twice.
Some applications (iTunes and related apps, a few games, ATK) stopped working all of a sudden and I get errors when trying to launch them or nothing happens at all. Even the background picture that I setup reverted to the default as well.
The first time I set everything back, and reinstalled the applications including iTunes and everything seemed fine.
Any thoughts before I reinstall certain things again? -
That happened to more people. In my case it happened like 5 times in total, different days, with no apparent pattern. Reinstaling the apps is the way to go - running fine now, now issues what so ver.
Hey Guys.
I just ordered the G73SW 3D version. Was wondering, does it come with the newest gpu driver? If not, what version should I install? Read somewhere that there might be a problem with one of the versions. (Screen flickering?)
Is it possible to play at Full HD, 120hz in 2d?
And at last. How is the 3d gameplay? 3d movies?
Thx. -
Hey guys. Do you experience any touchpad issues like the one in the jh? Thanks.
Asus support site, select notebook in the first drop down menu, then drivers and then vga. Don't select g73sw from the drop down menu. You will then see a list of all available vga drivers, the latest one dated 19/01/2011 - 266.43
LE: I just updated the momentus drives to SD24 and no more spindown issues. They come with sd22 and it has that weird spindown issue that has been discussed over and over again (here and seagate forums). -
Hi, I am an brand new owner of G73SW from slovenia and I have already (for the first day) expirienced some bad things- my screen is fluttering ( It like, swiches off and back again in a moment like very very quick) and it does it a lot, and I have also tried the new drivers and it makes no difference...
I think I will ask for a new one on monday at that market... -
The applications that I have had issues with are:
Google Chrome
ATK Program
Turok -
Anybody here got the g73sw 3D nordic model? Have asus dropped the Bluray and Usb 3.0 in this version?
Thx. -
No matter the version it will have the usb3.0 port. I cannot say the same thing about bluray, but all 3d versions of jw series had bluray, so maybe there is a chance it will have it.
Hi, guys. I finally got a G73SW and while it has worked great, the LCD has a dead pixel. Now, everytime I turn on the laptop, I stare at the black dot. For an expensive product, this is the last thing I expect would happen.
Has anyone else gotten any dead pixels on their LCDs? I am now unsure if I'll send in the laptop to get it fixed or bare with it, as I really need the laptop for work now. What would you do?
Sigh... disappointed customer... -
Who know where to buy Asus G73SW 3D in Europe or Australia with English keyboard ??
Hi again
I would like to tell you that I have solved that problem about the fluttering screen, be avare, the new drivers from nvidia site are doing this (I have seen a thread on nvidia forum and someone there had an disscussion with the programmers) anyway, wait for the next driver the programmer said, because they will fix this in next one (From what I have read, this only does for SW model...)
I have I biiig reqest for all you G73SW users, can you please tell me, if there (when is PERFECT silence or if you stick your hear onto the mouse pad on computer) is some strange click-click, and again in some second click-click and then again and so on its clicking (like in old computers Hard disk...) and it is driving me crazy when I study at night when there is complete silence...
Can you please tell me if anyone hear that sound because if you do not I will return and ask for a new one...
Thank you very very much -
I was listening to it now and discovered that it is doing on about 5-10seconds and when it does the computer stays normal (nothing happens just click-click) and it is really easy to miss it but still you know when you hear it you are hearing it ))
You will need to update to sd24 firmware. Change your hdd to IDE mode from bios (advanced tab). I suggest using the cd iso method.
Momentus XT Firmware Update
This update fixes the spindown issue (that is cousing the frequent clacks/cracks/other freaky sounds u may hear). -
Credits go to user fzabkar from seagate forums. -
I was able to finally reinstall Google Chrome and it is working again. I downloaded the executable (~555K) and launched it from my desktop with "Run as Administrator". I still have 2 instances of Google Chrome in my "Programs List", but the first one does not respond to an uninstall command. I may have to hack the registry to get rid of it.
The other application that I have had to reinstall was Adobe Reader X. -
- Does everyone who's had to reinstall software, have the seagate momentus hybrid drive ?
(This issue appeared to be minor to some but it seems like it can become a serious problem)
- The keyboard problem was being described as dropped keys when typing really fast. Has anyone experienced this ?
- Does everyone who's had to reinstall software, have the seagate momentus hybrid drive ?
No dead pixels at all on this one, but the right USB and USB 3 slots are loose and when I plug in my mouse and external HDD, I can sort of wiggle the USB cables. Well, beggers can't be choosers!
But really, are loose USB slots normal? This is my very first laptop and I know nothing much about PCs, hence my nick, haha.
Thanks! -
1. The sw comes only with hybrid drives afaik.
2. I have once in a while, but am not sure if it's a flaw or me typing bad couse of the chicklet style keyb. -
Does anyone know if the SW supports Sata III (6.0Gbps)? I can't seem to find it on Asus or anywhere's specs.
The ports on the right are firm though.
I live in Asia, Singapore, got it from Harvey Norman, it costs 2998 SGD.
Please tell me the wiggly ports are not of a concern, the more I wiggle them the more I get worried. Not something I expect from an high end product T_T...
Wiggly ports aside, my HDD is split into 116GB, 327GB, 232GB and 232GB. I want to install all my programs into C drive (116GB) to keep things neat but the 116GB is not enough. Just curious, where does everyone install their programs and store their files and documents? Under My Documents, the drive is also C, which means the 116GB will be used up really fast and things will overflow into other drives in a mess, haha.
Thanks. -
I prefer to keep the C disk only for the OS. I'm also using 1 partition for programs and one for documents/images/video/music etc. Helps keeping things in order...
The laptop comes with 4 partitions, not sure why. What does X64, 86 mean?
Thanks!! -
So that left me with the wiggly USB port problem... sigh... -
hi - curious what those of you with a G73 think of the keyboard. I do a lot of typing and have never used a chiclet style keyboard and worry I won't like it. Any of you do a lot of typing with this machine?
Never have had a key pop out... what are you doing to your keyboard?? :laugh:
How is the noise and flex on the G73's keyboard? -
Its new Intel 6 Series chipset, Cougar Point, has been found to have a flaw, something to do with the SATA controller. Intel is indicating that the ports can "degrade over time," leading to poor i/o performance down the road
Asus G73SW has the Mobile Intel® HM65 Express Chipset. Im checking for money back for the computer. -
Just received mine from Amazon. Amazing, very happy. No complaints, other than bloatware.
Screen, keyboard, sound, optical drive, mouse pad all solid.
Put it on my bed(doing light work) for hours, not hot at all.
Upgraded to Windows 7 Pro without any problems, took 5 minutes.
Creating the restore DVDs took a few hours, but that's normal.
Already made a service call last night. I accidentally dragged a file onto the "C:\Recovery" folder and it disappeared. Anyway, I called ASUS and received outstanding service (quick response time, friendly help).
One question, anyone hear about the flaw in the Sandy Bridge chipset? I assume this affects the G73SWs, not sure how this will get handled?
Intel reveals design flaw in Sandy Bridge chipset | Business Tech - CNET News -
Ha you beat me to it
Here is an article which sheds a little light.
Intel finds design flaw in Sandy Bridge chipset | Processors | Macworld
No sooner than I read the article on the Sandy Bridge "flaws" my machine shows up!
Doh!! -
I see no other options because they are strick as hell and If I would try to change something in bios or something in such a 1 day old computer they even might refuse me...
So, please, does anybody know of which kind are those 2x750GB and are they any good and SILENT (no clicking) please.
Thank you for all the replys
ASUS G73SW Owners' Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by Gooz, Jan 11, 2011.