No highpitched sound on mine. Just the noise from a small fan spinning pretty fast. Maybe you've got a faulty/bad fan? Hard to say if it's worth the hassle of turning it in (might come back with no improvement)? Try to find another ex and listen to that one might be a good idea.
How loud actually is the fan when running normal tasks, like word processing, or net browsing? or even when its idling while watching a dvd or something?
Im about to order an A8Js and will be using it in college a lot, like in the library, lectures etc. Would it be too loud for pretty quiet places like that?
Also, just read the PC Pro review and he moans about the screen, saying its grainy and dim. Is this right or is the reviewer just nitpicking?
Will look forward to your replies anyway, thanks folks! -
hey redrum,
guess you're having the same problem as me and exxi
i dunno why either
i cant stand the fan noise..
i just posted in that other thread about my issue with it, and how i replaced the CPU fan from ASUS warranty
in a nutshell, i found out at the ASUS place that my fan is constantly running at 3200 rpm...ALWAYS
wether its idling, browsing...things you'd think were the LOWEST intesnity for the cpu
the guy at ASUS showed me his laptop, and the CPU would power down when idle... angry =(
i dont know what to do anymore -
Got another question..
I noticed that If i have the AC plugged in the maximum brightness of the screen is higher than if I am on batteries and have it set on max brightness. Whats the deal here, how can I get the same brightness when I am running on battery?? -
Edit: I read your comments in the other thread. I can see that they didn't fix this. I suspect that this is how Asus built the A8Js and their thermal policy is to have the fan constantly running. Only way to change it is through a new bios I guess and that won't happen. So whats left to do is either learn to ingnore the fan or get some ear plugs. -
no noise that anyone could hear in a library.
Either the people complaining arent familiar with a computer or theres something faulty in their machine.
Mine is the quietest laptop ive ever been near. The noisiest fan is the gpu fan you might be able to hear within about 6 inches from your head if youve been playing oblivian for a few hours.
very cool running and quiet laptop compared to almost anything. I have to assume this persons fan is out of kilter or something..... -
I just got my A8Js and im gonna u ppgrade my memory with another 1gb stick. I can almost get any other 1gb stick just aslong as its a 667mhz one, right ? And ddr2 ofc.
Well, when was the last time youve heard a laptop?
I dont know what to say lol.
My 4 year old laptop had fans that moved a lot more air than this one.
I can hear the hard drive on this one more than my last laptop but its just a standard laptop hard drive. Its the same one in almost all the laptops you see in the library.
The biggest fan is the gpu fan which is the only one ive ever heard and like i said you need to put your ear level with it and get within 6 inches after youve been playing prey.
The a8js doesnt make any noise different than all the models you can see in the electronics store. Only its way cooler running than most.
If you hear any of the fans going on in like the hp 6000 or something you might need to learn about the fanless models. All laptops use pretty much the same fans
This one uses smaller ones and fewer of them....
If you have a bad fan it could make noise though definitely. -
yeah, i guess there's nothing we can do..
to each his own
i guess ill just have to get used to it
its definitly quiet in big areas/rooms, like a library
but i just find it a little annyoing when im a silent room room
if anyone can find out a solution, PM me =D
thanks again for all the advice -
does anyone know if the A8Js supports the ACPI settings for Notebook Hardware Control?
or if there have been profiles made for the A8Js for ACPI?
or if anyone knows how to configure the ACPI for NHC?
thanks! -
But I agree, while it's not THAT loud, the sound of the A8Js is a little bit annoying... And that Fujitsu hardddrive in mine seems to make noise just by spinning, too. I am allergic to sound as well. But then again, I have been near laptops that has been comparable to a hurricane or something in sound level.
But... it seems that Asus changed the A8Js's thermal policy a couple of firmwares ago. So my plan was to downgrade to an earlier one, where the fan is not set to spin constantly.
Anyone tried this?
//epatnor -
You can't use the Winflash utility to downgrade by the way, it won't allow you to do that. You'll need a dos boot disk (I used a usb flash disk) with Aflash2 utility or the utility that you can find somewhere in the bios. Apparently you can also use "winflash /nodate" from run command but I haven't tried that.
And if you use NHC instead of Power4Gear you can actually do something about the harddrive soundlevel. There are some settings that will almost get rid of the noise from your drive. -
My a8js came today from milestone..thanks for great service and price! My unit has very little light leakage on the very bottom..barely noticeable and my fan isn't very loud. Just dloading updates and can't wait to play bf2.
Allright guys, I am about to join the a8js clan as I've just ordered my very own
I guess i will have it before friday
one week from now
cant wait
Question for all you A8JS owners/Asus enthusiasts -
Does someone have a benchmark comparison between 1 and 2 GB RAM on the A8JS? -
My 3dmark scores are in my sig and ill do the other tests too. -
Both tests are with stock drivers. Also tested with drivers from laptopvideo2go and tweaksrus. Didnt get any better scores with those, rather abit lower (+-10-20p)
/L -
Hmmm I was hoping dual channel caused at least something to happen
im on an A8Jm and have 2gigs of ram and while in xp it didnt seem to help much im running Vista RTM and its definitely smoother compared to my friends' with stock ram. In xp u can try and manually set ur page file and make it smaller so that more ram is utilized and then u might notice an improvement in performance.
I understand that that could improve performance, but I have not heard of that relation between page file and ram utilization before. My understanding was that the page file is just used when ram is not enough...
(I certainly do not profess to be an expert... I just want to know if an excessively large page file can actually degrade performance.) -
Charles P. Jefferies Lead Moderator Super Moderator
A benchmark like 3DMark won't show the difference between 1GB and 2GB of RAM. The Core (2) Duo doesn't make much use of dual-channel memory like other processors do (Pentium 4) because most of the time it just does not need the extra bandwidth. If you're getting 2GB of RAM, don't upgrade to get dual-channel capabilities, because dual-channel makes nary a difference.
I originally had 1GB of RAM in my laptop. I saw a big difference in modern gaming, especially in Battlefield 2, Quake 4, and Call of Duty 2, when I upgraded to 2GB. Gaming is where you are going to see the largest benefit from more RAM, it is one of the most important components next to the video card for gaming.
You'll also see quite a large difference between 1GB and 2GB of RAM in heavy Photoshop work. Getting 2GB of RAM is worth it for Windows Vista as posted.
As far as Page File settings go, you're best off leaving it at default, which is 1.5x the RAM you have. I really wouldn't worry about the Page File. You do need one though, so don't think that having 2GB of RAM means you can get rid of it (well, you can, but if Windows ever needs more than 2GB of RAM (or gets close to using that much), you're going to run into some *serious* problems). -
I have allocated more than the usual 1.5x... so I was surprised to hear zydus' comment, and was worried that I had inadvertently degraded the performance of my system... -
ok but what test is going to show dual channel speed difference?
I mean even 1%
I mean obviously a lot of games are going to be faster with 2gb but I want to see dual channel is functioning.... -
ok well
page file should be on the partition without windows.
Make it a fixed size 2 x ram not a variable.
so, in my case turn it off on c and put a 2048 2048 on D
this will help with fragmentation a lot. -
Official benchmark sites showed the margin between Dual-channel and single-channel is about 1% - The only reason that people like dual-channel is the price because making chips so dense (in memory size/die chip size) is costly so (Chaz,Can you post the current price for a single stick DDRII-533 and DDRII-667 memories - i once read they were 1800/3000$)
Once I recieve my a8js, will you guys recommend doing the following to the machine:
Will it significantly improve performance with a fresh install? OR is the asus just fine out of the box?
What would you recommend?
Regards -
Hey guys, is it okay to leave the a8js plugged in constantly? My old Dell I8500's battery had a feature where it prevents overcharging and thereby damaging the battery, so this new fangled macbobber should have it too right?
Thanks guys.
Charles P. Jefferies Lead Moderator Super Moderator
Still not worth it; 1GB modules were the same way a couple of years ago. 4GB of RAM is not useful at the moment (except in extreme cases, in which case you probably shouldn't be looking at notebooks anyway) and is very costly. 1GB RAM sticks can be had for less than half the price of a 2GB stick.
A surge protector is something to invest in though. -
We've had our A8Js for a few weeks now, and so far so good. It's mostly my wife who's using it, and she absolutely loves it. It is extremely quiet, very portable, and it is the most powerful package you can get as a 14". I have to back stamar up on the noise issue - there simply isn't any noise. If you find that your machine is noisy you are either extremely sensitive (try to compare it side by side with other machines) or you should see an Asus tech centre.
I'm lucky enough to live in Toronto, where we have a tech centre, but I understand it can be more tricky if you have to ship the machine to get support. I will need to drop in on the tech centre soon to get them to fix the right hand latch (same problem someone else described here, but I haven't been able to bend it to make it work). I'll report back on how good their customer support is.
I have also been contemplating bringing it back to get them to change the screen because of light leakage from the bottom. However, in day-to-day usage it doesn't bother us, and apart from that the screen is flawless - absolutely no stuck/dead pixels. Would suck to fix the leakage, but get a screen with dead pixels.
The main problem we have encountered so far (and I haven't seen anyone else commenting on this) is that the machine will not come out of stand-by mode. Not only that, if I set the power options to turn off the screen after a certain amount of time, the screen will not turn back on again when I press a key or touch the mouse. The machine will still be running, but the screen will be black. Does anyone else have this problem, and does anyone know how to fix it? -
Hey.... I've been watching this thread since it began for a college bound student who needs a laptop. I own an A7J which I bought after about 4 months of research. I advised him to wait until after the G1 comes out to make a choice between the G1 and A8Js. But that's not why I'm posting (this time).
There is an excellent guide here:
I downloaded it and keep it on my XP systems and my thumb drive.
Optimizing XP is the subject. Under "Memory Optimization" look for the virtual memory (Pagefile) section. I have read other sources on this subject and they say the same thing but I think this guides' "gaming" suggestion is very good.I'll be back later. -
And btw, someone was wondering about partioning and fresh install of XP. I've been following this guide which has really helped me in setting up and tweaking the machine.
Also, I've made sure to make a Ghost image when everything was set up and running smoothly. This guide has been invaluable in that respect. The external links to how to make a bootable Ghost CD were especially good. -
I think you can just uninstall skype and norton when you get your computer.
You can unistall media program too.
Id give power4gear and the intel wireless and the splendid program a look you might like them
You can uninstall the dvd playing and making software too. In short I think youre better off unistalling the programs than reformatting. -
Being surfin this thread for what feels like awhile.
Placed my order today for my A8js merom from so far so good. MilestonePC was very friendly and helpful.
wouhouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Sorry people I had to say itCan't wait to join this lounge.
later. -
all splendid does is store brightness and contrast settings. you can hit a button and it changes to a different setting.
Id rather have this than not. power4gear uses splendid as well to change the setting for a different brightness. I dont think nhc does that, I think this utility is unique I think you should test it out before you get rid of it.
You can use nod 32
pccillin has an easily renewable free trial.
You can use housecall.
Youre asking what I use? Nothing. Why would i want to run viruses and then remove them? I guess Ive learned how it works and I know how viruses start and I never start them.
I turn off the firewall no viruses nothing all commando. I use adaware for spyware removal once in a while even though i use firefox.
Youve got to be a radical thinker. viruses dont come from heaven you have to think about why you get them where they come from. -
I hate how Norton is really slow when booting up, plus it has annoying pop-ups and minimizes screens when I really don't want it to. Even if you disable auto-protect, the little thing stays in the tray and can still go "boo" while you're trying to frag. -
norton is worse than any virus.
I think all virus software is worse than any virus. Make sure if you use it to turn off the real time scans they do.
Do a full system scan if you think there is a problem.
If you do a file scan before you run a exe file youll never have a virus to start with.
Virus software is ridiculous anyway. -
Zone Alarm offers an all in one package of firewall, adware removal, and virus scanner that's only $50 USD a year and it works extremely well! -
a virus you cant get from the web
youre talking about adware. it infects your browser program only.
I use firefox so I get almost none of that. however the adware still infects IE so I run adaware once in a while.
Theres no realistic way around adware, it would take to much time to turn the cookies on and off.
A virus is something entirely different.
adaware is free. dont pay for anti virus software. If you even need to use it at all use a free one.
LEARN about what a virus is. A virus needs to be run to install itself.
If you are in a situation where you dont understand what these things are, and youre afraid of them and youve screwed up your computer in the past.... its time to learn about them.
You cant afford to waste the time money and performance drop over your lifetime by being that computer illiterate.
Those products are for novices. -
can anyone with an A8js measure the height of their A8js with the lid opened at a 90 degree angle (from the base of the notebook to the top of the lid). both the W7j and Dell XPS M1210 measure almost 10", pretty tall for their size. Was wondering what the height of the A8js is.
Screen/lid height is ~9.5, base is ~1
Question about light leakage:
I have just gotten a new A8js. Now, if i use the default XP screensaver to project black background i can see regular light leakage. I think thats pretty normal but I noticed an abnormality.
On the left side of the screen there are 3 spots that go alongside the screen. Those look like little cones or an 45 ankle. It appears as if light sheds out of those ankles. It is very slight and very hard to see. Can you take a moment and try this out for me?? do you see the same things?
Thanks! -
I just want to share my experience with the A8Js. My unit was purchased last Nov. 15 in San Francisco. I live outside the U.S. though. I discovered this notebook through this forum and, as most of the owners here, I was very happy with it. Unfortunately, last Nov. 29 the notebook froze and would not reset with the power button. I had no choice but to remove the battery just to restart it. When the notebook restarted, performance became sluggish and would often freeze. The next day I brought the notebook to the Asus service center. The technician there reformatted the hard disk but the notebook would still freeze or would not start at all. Thereafter, he referred me to the main service center where I left it for further observation and diagnosis since the notebook would no longer respond to the power button. Just today, I was advised that the motherboard was defective and that it would take 2-3 weeks to get a replacement. The good thing though is that, according to the technician, I won't have to pay for anything because of the global warranty. Here's hoping that Asus will really honor its global warranty. I will update as developments arise.
A8Js - Owner's Lounge
Discussion in 'ASUS Reviews and Owners' Lounges' started by peekaboom, Oct 27, 2006.