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    tech challenged mom- mbp 13 or imac?

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by mmmangoes, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. mmmangoes

    mmmangoes Notebook Deity

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    My Mom needs a new home computer (currently has a custom pc desktop built ages ago) which will be a christmas present. Her needs are simple- web browsing, looking at photos (from cds), skype calls, video chatting, ms office and occasionally using a particular bit of software that requires windows.

    In her office she has a thinkpad x220 tablet that she HATES (screen too small, palm rest awkward)- so she keeps it docked w/ an external monitor, keyboard and mouse.

    She will soon be given an ipad for rounds (medical charts etc)- and after testing one out, thinks it will work well for her- so I am leaning toward a macbook pro 13 w/ vm fusion (b/c of the low res).................but she honestly wont need to travel with the machine- maybe an imac would be better? Do you think a technical novice could easily adjust to the mbp trackpad?

    thanks so much! (I would have her try things out at the apple store, but I want it to be a surprise)
  2. Jarhead

    Jarhead 恋の♡アカサタナ

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    If the X220 is too small for her, why are you even thinking of the MBP 13, seeing as both are the same size? And what does VM Fusion have anything to do with display resolution (you can simple change resolution in the naive OS)?

    If you're giving her a new computer as a surprise, you have to remember that an OS transition isn't like switching from Coke to Pepsi; there's the Windows-centric style of computing and there's the OSX-centric style of computing, and changing paradigms is a sometimes difficult process (especially since you mention that she's tech challenged).

    You should go to the What Notebook Should I Buy forum and fill out the sticky to help us help you with the decision.
  3. mmmangoes

    mmmangoes Notebook Deity

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    You're right, perhaps the mbp 15 is a better option in terms of size. When I mentioned low res- i meant the lower resolution of the mbp 13 vs 15. I was hoping that the lower res + "normal" screen ratio would work better for her than the x220 has. But, i had not considered lowering the resolution on the mbp 15- is that possible within mac os?

    As for the OS- she liked her ipad during her test phase (once loaded with hospital stuff she will be using it everyday)- so i figured moving to mac os would be less painful for that reason (given the "lauchpad" feature of lion?) and she has no love for windows (she is easily frustrated w/ computers). Was I wrong in thinking that mac os would be simpler?

    Perhaps the surprise part is also a bad idea..
  4. shriek11

    shriek11 Notebook Deity

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    So you are buying an mbp because she has an iPad? You do know that windows machines can sync with iPads and itouch as well, right?
  5. Jarhead

    Jarhead 恋の♡アカサタナ

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    I use my touch a lot and regard it pretty well, but that doesn't translate well to OSX (for me at least). I haven't used the latest version of OSX, but using Snow Leopard wasn't a happy experience for me when I tried it.

    If it's the interface she loves, maybe using whatever laptop you buy and wiping Windows and replacing it with the latest Ubuntu w/Unity interface, or maybe Mac4Lin?
  6. shriek11

    shriek11 Notebook Deity

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    Though lion did bring in features of the iOS interface, but still Lion does not equal iOS. I would STRONGLY ADVISE against Ubuntu or Mac4Lin (some user supported OS???), if she can't deal with windows, where they have paid developers to fix issues. OS X is a linux kernel based OS, but the amount of money apples has put in R&D has paid off as I didn't find fedora (or ubuntu) very easy to use. You can get programs, but if you run into problems then you are the ultimate tech support yourself.
  7. xfiregrunt

    xfiregrunt Notebook Evangelist

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    I like Linux, but I have difficulty recommending linux to people who don't know C, let alone people who think Windows 7 is confusing. Sure on the surface you can run an OSX style thing, but in my experience, its still Linux, and it isn't nearly as easy as W7 or OSX.

    I think Apple has a good system from the OS level to the Apple store for technically challenged individuals. I once saw a genius spend 45 minutes explaining in very simple terms how to back up and use a computer to a technically challenged individual. The OS is also set up so easy tasks are easy to do. The end user isn't required to take care of tasks like defragmenting the hard drive, or pretty much ANYTHING at all other then clicking on Google Chrome or inserting a USB drive with their pictures and looking at them in iPhoto. The OS is designed in a way that it takes like 2 seconds to learn the basics. The real tangible advantage are the resources of the Apple store.

    If you can afford it, I think the Apple ecosystem is well designed for people who have no interested in understanding computers. The Linux ecosystem is designed for people who understand computers so well that they can design x86 chips (exaggeration, but based in truth).
  8. Jarhead

    Jarhead 恋の♡アカサタナ

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    I'm a bit confused. I've only learned the very basics of C++ (and being honest I haven't used it in a long time) and I got around to using Windows and Linux proficiently.
  9. xfiregrunt

    xfiregrunt Notebook Evangelist

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    Windows is easy. Apple just provides things like the Apple store etc.

    Linux is only more powerful then Windows if you know C, at least in my opinion. Without C the terminal (which is huge on linx) is unusable. Hence why I have difficulty recommending it because there isn't a cost difference because every computer comes with it, unless you build your own. And if you build your own, I would think you were technically proficient enough to use Linux.

    My analogy is bad. The only people who can linux are those who are willing to put the time and effort needed into learning it. If someone isn't willing to learn Windows, I don't see why they would be willing to learn something that is harder and less user friendly.
  10. mmmangoes

    mmmangoes Notebook Deity

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    These points are exactly why I thought switching to mac would be a good idea for my mom (aside from the fit and finish of the machines)- sort of more...."plug and play"(?) + the ability to have someone train her on the os in person as well as having a place to take the computer to be fixed in person (though onsite would work too)

    besides portability- is there anything else to consider when deciding b/w an imac and a mbp? Im concerned about her adjusting to the touchpad (is that unfounded?) and longevity
  11. HLdan

    HLdan Notebook Virtuoso

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    That's stretching it a bit too far, Windows is not "easy", but neither are the other OS's but OS X Lion would be the easiest out of the three mentioned. Since the OP's mom is getting an iPad it would be a good idea to get a Mac for her next computer. Regardless of the fact that Windows syncs with iOS there's no logic in buying a PC over a Mac if she's getting an iPad unless she's only looking for something cheap.
    In this case the OP is asking about Macs so price doesn't seem to be an issue.

    OP, if your mom is going to be using her computer more mobile than at home then a MBP is a better choice obviously but if she's going to be at home using the computer more I would recommend an iMac since its much more powerful than a MBP and since she'll have an iPad for portability. :)
  12. xfiregrunt

    xfiregrunt Notebook Evangelist

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    The touchpad is one of the best parts of the Mac System.

    The touchpad is "best in class". The touchpad, is in my opinion not found anywhere else. In fact it is so good, that they released it for the iMac because for some people it is better then a mouse.

    I actually like the touchpad better then a mouse for casual use (i.e web browsing, documents etc). The multi touch is implemented well and I like it I don't like the touchpad over a mouse for gaming, image editing (where precision is required). To be honest, if you can use the multi touch on an iPad you will be right at home with the MBP trackpad.

    However this is all personal preference, so I would test it out yourself/see if there is a way you can discretely have your mom test it. To be honest, iMac vs. MBP is a classic desktop vs. laptop scenario except you can't upgrade the components in the iMac. You get a bigger screen with the iMac and more portability with the MBP. You can use a mouse on a laptop if you leave it on a desk. In my experience "casual" users tend to prefer laptops more, but that is purely generalization. The iMac is more powerful, but it doesn't matter for "casual" use, an SSD will be better.
  13. Jarhead

    Jarhead 恋の♡アカサタナ

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    Agreed. Since she already has a tablet for the on-the-go stuff (and she's probably using it solely for media consumption and not media creation, a failing trait on a tablet), I'd go for whatever base screen size they sell (base 21.5" v base 27", iirc).
  14. Mitlov

    Mitlov Shiny

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    She's not technologically savvy. She already knows how to use Windows. She needs to use Windows some of the time. Buy her a frickin' Windows machine. Nothing about this fact pattern is suggesting to me you should hit her with a new operating system.

    I'm in the opposite boat. My wife is not technologically savvy, and even though I have a brand new Sony Vaio (that I adore), she still prefers using our three-year-old MacBook Pro as her primary computer because she knows the operating system and doesn't want to learn a new one. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, right?

    I'd get her a Vaio SE. It's portable enough for work (4.4 lbs) but it's got a 15.5" 1080p screen that will make her very happy. And it's priced alongside the MBP 13 and iMac you're considering (starts at $999).
  15. debguy

    debguy rip dmr

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    Wrong! OS X (actually the underlying Darwin) is a BSD userland on a Mach-based kernel. It has nothing to do with Linux.

    Tell me a single situation where an average user needs skills in C for everyday tasks in Linux!

    I have no idea what would be best for the OP's mom and frankly I don't care if Windows or OS X would be better and I don't even like Ubuntu, but I simply can't stand it if people talk about things without having a clue (which is why you usually don't see me in this or the Windows subforum).
  16. doh123

    doh123 Without ME its just AWESO

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    Not even close... it was based off BSD, but not Linux.. they are not the same thing.... and it doesn't even use the same Windowing system or almost anything else used by BSD or Linux for that matter.

    I don't have a clue why any OS user would have to know C... are you crazy?

    ohhh... I get it now... its the fact you do not know what C is. C is a programming language, and is MUCH MUCH more complicated than using a Terminal. Most Terminals in Linux are like bash and tcsh... same types of ones used on BSD and OSX. That is absolutely NOTHING like C, so you were just using the wrong term.

    I think using the command line in any OS is important if your the right type of user... I use command lines in Windows, OSX, and Linux, but I can also use all 3 OSes for way more than the normal users would and never see a command line.
  17. mmmangoes

    mmmangoes Notebook Deity

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    The ipad is for professional use (patient charts etc), so she doesn't really take it home- but I get your point.

    Its not that she is 'confused' by windows- she can use it, but she avoids it at this point. She has her secretaries do everything for her b/c the experience annoys her so much- so yes, things are "broken" :). Since she has taken to the ipad (and can have a training session at the apple store), I thought the transition would be smooth (now, thanks to this thread, I know that may not actually be the case)

    The windows program she uses is for a few online courses that will be over in a few months- which is why i suppose I did not see a windows machine as necessary (+ her current home office machine is a pc) I am aware of the Vaio SE (I am actually considering one for myself) but as I said, she needs a lower res than 1080p on a laptop b/c of her eyesight- which is why I considered the mbp 13 (1280x800?). She has a docked x220t at work so this will be a strictly home use machine- I just worried about the longevity of an imac b/c my uni seems to upgrade theirs almost every year.

    I didn't mean to start a war or anything with my newbie questions- just wanted to do my research. I will forgo the surprise and have her try out all of the machines and choose her own present :) we shall see what she decides.

    Thanks for the help!
  18. Jarhead

    Jarhead 恋の♡アカサタナ

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    War? Haha, I thought we were just helping out ;). I mean, I'm pretty much all anti-OSX and Mac, but I still figured that an iMac could work (assuming that she adjusts well to OSX).

    Anyway, good luck with whatever you end up purchasing!
  19. xfiregrunt

    xfiregrunt Notebook Evangelist

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    Sorry, thanks for the clarification. I just understood those bash and tcsh a lot more after I learned C. Also my first time using linux was in running a special kernal on an ARM Processor for an embedded system so I think I might have a different opinion of its difficulty because of that. However, I mean when people say Linux is "stronger" they mean it can do things like that (at least in my experience).

    @OP yeah I think asking your mom is the best idea. My personal experience is "tech challenged people" like Macs, and the design of Macs, and a lot of the things on the Mac especially if money is of no object. And the Apple Store is definitely a very top notch resource, for tech challenged people the surchage is worth it just for the Apple Store, if one is pretty close by.

    Also your uni upgrades their iMacs every year because they can, and not because they should. They get them really cheap from Apple, and a lot of universities want to look as up to date as possible.
  20. Mitlov

    Mitlov Shiny

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    Yeah, this ain't a war, it's a [must avoid quoting Fallout Boy]...friendly discussion :)

    I missed the point about her vision and about her using but hating Windows at work, and didn't realize that she'd no longer need the specialized software after three months. Both my father and my wife are not-technologically-savvy people who used Windows PCs for years, but once they tried OSX, they have no intention of ever going back. (I love Win 7 myself, as I find with my work that I can do it faster and more efficiently in Win 7, and I'm a gamer, but I'll be the first to admit Win 7 is not as refined or as intuitive or user-friendly as OSX).

    If she has bad eyesight, I'm not sure a 13" screen, even a low-res one, is a great idea. My mom, who has macular degeneration, uses a MacBook Pro 17 and loves it. But that's probably out of your price range? And most people's...yowza they're expensive. I'd go with the iMac if you think she could live with a desktop. The iMac is my second-favorite Apple on the market after the MacBook Air 13.
  21. Lieto

    Lieto Notebook Deity

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    I think imac is a clear winner here.
    1. She has a notebook.
    2. She has an ipad.
    3. She loves big screens
    4. She will use it at home.
    5. Imac is also cheaper then mbp15.
    6. mbp13 is too small while mbp15 is too big for a woman to carry it in her purse if anything.

    Seems obvious to me.
  22. Jarhead

    Jarhead 恋の♡アカサタナ

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    What kind of purses do you see that can carry a 13" laptop??? :confused: I'd consider that a bag more than anything else.
  23. Lieto

    Lieto Notebook Deity

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    trust me, some girl's purses are really big xD
    My gf got few that can carry her air13.
    Its kinda cute, i think she is small enough to hide behind those "super designer bags"
  24. Jarhead

    Jarhead 恋の♡アカサタナ

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    Eh, backpack is more ergonomic anyway ;)