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    iSkin Mini-review, for MBP and PB

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by JimyTheAssassin, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. JimyTheAssassin

    JimyTheAssassin Notebook Evangelist

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    Okay, I've never done this so here goes.

    This is my quick review of iSkin for Apple Macbook Pro, and Apple Powerbook.
    I puchased this to help protect my MBP from potential spills, dust, and keyboard grease that might get onto my screen when I close it up.

    How does it look? I think it looks really awesome , check it out

    The fit and finish is mostly perfect on the MBP. It did hover slightly off some of the keys so it's not exactly like a glove, but I didn't find it annoying. The fit on the Powerbook is a different issue. I have photos, but I'm not sure if I can upload more than the 4 I have at the moment. iBook is right out!

    How did it feel.. well like silicone. My typing was a little slower and more cautious. The sound of the keyboard was quieter, and I also noted some warmth building which was probably radiating heat being trapped. I wasn't alarmed though.

    Was I pleased with this product: NO.. well I'm sure you're confused.. how could that be? I have several reasons

    1.) It definitely adds a significant layer of thickness to the keyboard. Since I'm worried in the first place that finger grease might make it's way onto my LCD.. why would I want to literally raise this potential. Okay.. you can wash it, but unless it's washed every can guarantee it will be in contact with your screen. This could be remedied with another microfiber cloth over top, but then what's the point?

    2.) This won't guard from spills. Lets say you have a habit of spiting on your keyboard..then this will help. Otherwise liquid will immediately find it's way into your speaker grills, back vent and even underneath the iSkin itself since it's not glued down. Mine definitely was raised in certain areas enough for rushing liquid to slip under. My guess is any spill that will occur will likely involve a full glass of beer or mug of coffee, or "enter favorite drink here"

    3.) The fit on my Powerbook was annoying and ugly. I could only tell you it fit the keys, but left some major gaps on the sides and front that would even make me doubt it could keep out dust.

    4.)Speed typists will not enjoy this. It will slow you down some

    5.)Some heat is trapped, but this is really the most minor complaint because I don't think it will affect your system.

    1.) It's nearly indestructible, washable and fits the MBP keyboard rather well.
    2.) It might help cut down on dust.

    Attached Files:

  2. M@lew

    M@lew Notebook Evangelist

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    Very nice review. One that is actually negative to a product for one. :D The photo's help a lot to see how "ugly" this product is.
  3. TedJ

    TedJ Asus fan in a can!

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    If you're looking for a cheaper alternative, then ENJOY has something very similar.
  4. JimyTheAssassin

    JimyTheAssassin Notebook Evangelist

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    I don't plan on purchasing a keyboard cover again. Price wasn't an issue. I think the point here is that the iSkin was a quality made product, but IMHO has some fundamental concept problems. My iSkin was returned last night to the Apple Store in Soho, sans restocking fee.
  5. mtor

    mtor Notebook Deity

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    I agree great review