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    do u recommened me a mac ???

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by iori77, Sep 19, 2009.

  1. iori77

    iori77 Notebook Geek

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    hi every one
    I live in Egypt and i will b buying a laptop soon from USA through a friend of mine (coz the price is less and the quality is better)

    anyway i saw the apple mac book and mac book pro and i felt in love with them instantly

    how ever no one in Egypt uses OS X
    all egypt uses windows

    f we really counted people using mac they will b like a 1000 in all Egypt whom will b Americans or Egyptians who used to live in Egypt

    so i have some inquires that may seem silly but please be patient coz i really have no one to ask
    1- is it bad to buy a lap from another country than the one i am living in ( warranty and stuff)

    2- they say leoapard is a better OS coz is it easier ( is that mean u r talking to people who think windows is hard)

    3- when i download a video from torrents or you tube will i b able to watch it or all i have to watch must b through the apple company

    4- when i run windows 7 on mac will it work properly , will i have to buy a mouse and a keyboard 2 run windows coz i know that u have different mouse and keyboard

    5- what happens f the OS X fell down for any reason will i be able to install a fresh copy easily

    6- when i work on mac office will the word document open on the office windows after i edit it coz all my coworkers are PC

    7- y don't mac sue windows for copying their style and other companies for stealing their style in laptops !!
  2. Melody

    Melody How's It Made Addict

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    I'll try and answer your questions as best I can...

    1- Normally you hvae to check with the manufacturers about transferring warranties or if international warranties are available. Depending on the company, it can be a pain or not. With Apple it's pretty easy though.

    2- It all depends what you do really. OSX is different than Windows, that's it. I currently use Windows 7 on my PC and OSX Snow Leopard on my iMac and I've no trouble switching from one to the other and I don't find one particularly less or more intuitive than the other.

    3- You can still watch videos. Mac and OSX still use standard video and audio files.

    4- Peripherals work under both Windows and Mac. I've used my Mac keyboard and Mouse on my PC and tried my PC peripherals on my iMac and they both work no problem. As for it working "properly", it depends. I know that XP had trouble on bootcamp with my iMac(wireless wouldn't work properly), but in general it's decent enough.

    5- Yeah you can IIRC and there's always the option of bringing it to Apple for further care.

    6- If we're talking about Microsoft Office for Mac, then yes, it'll work. If you're talking about the Mac software equivalent of Office(iWorks and stuff), then you'll have to manually convert the files ebfore saving them.

    7- Well there's no patent on style. Even Apple takes their ideas form other companies. For example, the unibody process of the Macbook Pros was an old idea from the 90s(forgot the company who thought of it) and the chiclet keyboard was first introduced by Sony(and an earlier model was even found on a Sharp Calculator IIRC).

    Hope that helps a bit :)
  3. Xirurg

    Xirurg ORLY???

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    1)no,since apple warranty is international
    2) depends on person
    3) no, any video will work, there are couple of good players for mac
    4)it will work as on any other notebook.Any mouse and keyboard will work
    5)no problems here
    7) cos it is very difficult to sue for things like that... you can only sue for patented staff!
  4. Underpantman

    Underpantman Notebook Virtuoso

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    If your main desire for a mac is the looks then given the lack of apple in Egypt it might be a better choice to stick with a PC. Although apple's warranty is international, if there are no local repairer's then it doesn't help much have a warranty.
    There are some quite nice 'clones' out now that might suit your needs. The new HP envy is almost a 1:1 copy of the macbook, and ASUS make some very nice looking stuff too.
  5. yuio

    yuio NBR Assistive Tec. Tec.

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    I don't think I'd recommend a mac for you.. if you have an issue, your toast. you can get it repaired.
  6. ATC

    ATC Notebook Deity

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    1. International warranty is kinda redundant if you don't have a place locally to take it to for repairs. That would be one of first things you should look into; Are there any Apple repair shops in Egypt?

    2. OSX isn't necessarily better than other OSes because IMO the better OS is the one that makes you most productive. Considering that you're most likely an experienced windows user, Windows might be the best OS for you. Not saying that you can't change your ways of working. I've been a windows guy myself all my life but after using OSX for a while, OSX is now my preferred OS and the one with which I'm most productive.

    3. Yes.

    4. It works fine but generally (in my experience) windows does not run as well as OSX on a MB/P. Heat, battery life, bugs etc.... makes OSX significantly better on Apple hardware IMO.

    5. All Macs come with reinstall DVDs so the ability to clean install an OS and iLife is standard on all Macs.

    6. Yes, Office 2008 (mac) is completely compatible with Office 2007/2003 (windows). Heck, even iWork 09 is just about completely compatible with Office.

    7. No need to sue; both can co-exist peacefully and work from each others innovations to improve their respective products. Despite all the attack ads, both camps' fanboys and minor overlaps notwithstanding, both products are generally marketed at different demographics and users.
  7. iori77

    iori77 Notebook Geek

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    well this envy is 1700 $ and really very expensive and i dont think it deserve such high price & and they stole what apple did
    so i think a mac is better considering that i can run windows too

    dont u think that mac is a little bit over priced when u compare to other laptops with the same specs ( i know that the quality is much better) still its a bit over priced

    the one thing i hate about mac is they dont lower their prices occasionally
  8. doh123

    doh123 Without ME its just AWESO

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    I think you mean expensive.. not over-priced. Its a high quality laptop, and if you just look at the raw CPU/GPU/RAM/HDD specs, then you aren't getting the full picture for price comparison... just like saying any Laptop is overpriced for its specs when you compare it to a desktop.

    Macbook Pro's are expensive, just like a lot of higher quality Windows-based PCs, but I don't see them as being priced way beyond a reasonable selling price.
  9. ATC

    ATC Notebook Deity

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    Not that I wouldn’t mind cheaper pricing and discounts but really, why should they? When every PC manufacturer, with cheaper hardware, is hurting and losing money, Apple was the only one making money and increasing market share. Demand for apple hardware never slowed down. Apple, not unlike other companies, is not in the business of discounting for the sake of discounting. Companies discount products to move them, not because they’re looking for ways to save you money.

    Having said that, there are ways to get Apple hardware cheaper. One is through the Educational store (as a student, faculty etc...), or through EPP (if your company or Union has an EPP arrangement with Apple; many do), or the other is through places like BB where they do occasionally discount Macs, especially right after new Apple products announcements. Also, check out Apple's refurbs which are discounted quite a bit. They usually are fitted with brand new exteriors/casings and from what I've seen they're almost impossible to tell from factory fresh units, unlike other manufacturers' refurbs.
  10. iori77

    iori77 Notebook Geek

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    i meant expensive sorry my bad
    u know the thing is in egypt when u say 100 $ it may not seem like a lot of money
    in egypt its something
    thats y i say its expensive and i know they are quality products
    still when u compare to other laptops u feel they are like 150 $ more expensive than they are supposed to be
    so f it werent for the money i would go for a mac without thinking
  11. doh123

    doh123 Without ME its just AWESO

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    USD $100 is a lot of money! just depends if you find it personally worth the extra money, which isn't something anyone else can tell you, its just about your own feelings and opinions.
  12. iori77

    iori77 Notebook Geek

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    i think i will b happier paying some extra money and getting a quality product than saving some money and getting a low quality product