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    battery issues?

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by sepandee, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. sepandee

    sepandee Notebook Deity

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    New macbook.
    The battery was fully charged, so i disconnected it from the power cord. I leave home, and I think I had the screen shut, so it should've gone on sleep. I come home 3 hours later, and my MB is off and doesn't turn on. I switch to the main power supply, and it turns on. I find out that there's 0% battery, but for some reason it showed 1:48 minutes of time remaining (on 0% battery). As the battery got charged more and more, the time remaining started to decrease. Now the battery is at 51% and time remaining is at ... wtf, it was 54min a second ago and now it's on 1:20 .... now 1:30.... 1:31 30seconds later ....
    what the hell is happening???? :confused:

    Btw, if you're going to use the laptop at home and connected to the power supply for a day or two, what would you do? Would you take the battery out (if so, at what level? 50%? And would you store it in a fridge for just the 24 or 48 hours?), or would you just leave it in and keep discharging it and recharging it, or would you just leave it in with the power supply connected all the time?

    K and now 1:29 remaining... wtf!
  2. bmwrob

    bmwrob Notebook Virtuoso

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    Just how new is your machine, and has your battery ever calibrated?

    My own MBP is almost always connected and the battery stays in. Never had a problem with it, or any of the notebooks I've owned and abused in this manner. I do occasionally disconnect, drain the battery, and then recharge it.

    Perhaps you've just received a faulty battery with your machine?
  3. sepandee

    sepandee Notebook Deity

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    well it was working fine before. It took around 4 hours for it to drain completely, and the estimate it showed was right. It's the 1st time this happened though.

    The MB is pretty new. I've actually been on it for less than 36 hours. It's actually a refurb MB. The first time I let it go down to 8% and then i charged it for 9 hours.

    If your MBP is always connected and the battery stays in, doesn't that reduce your battery life?
  4. bmwrob

    bmwrob Notebook Virtuoso

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    Perhaps, but not enough to notice, or for me to really care, frankly. I gave my youngest a PB which is now about three years old, and which has been treated in the same way. The battery in it is the original and it still runs the machine for about three hours before becoming drained.

    You might want to check in with Apple and see if your battery is bad - especially if there's a store near to you. In my experience, warranty problems are handled very quickly and without hassle.
  5. sepandee

    sepandee Notebook Deity

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    Another thing: yesterday when I started using my MB for the 1st time I noticed that the upper-middle section of the trackpad has a veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery very very slight bump, and when I pressed against it it went away. Now I'm seeing that the trackpad is not really that even.
    Please do a test for me: with your finger, push the upper-middle part of the trackpad down (so between the keys 'B' and 'N' on the trackpad) and tell me if it's normal for it to go down by 1-2mm. Sounds awkward.
  6. bmwrob

    bmwrob Notebook Virtuoso

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    There's no movement discernable to me and the trackpad is smooth - no bumps.

    Just took a look at my boy's PB, too, and didn't see anything like what you're noticing with your MB. For a while I owned a MB; I don't recall any such issues with it, either. I think your machine needs to be seen by a Mac Genius, or at least by someone who is reasonable clever. :D

    Good luck with this.