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    another if I should buy a MBP

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by thi, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. thi

    thi Notebook Enthusiast

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    Yes once again, new member, frequent reader. Here's my ordeal, I just bought a Lenovo n100 (T2300e, 1 gig ram...) this is one of the worst laptops I've owned. I previously had a Compaq V2000 and it had a better build quality than my current Lenovo. I don't recommend it to anyone. When I bought the Lenovo I went the cheap route ($650)thinking that I really didn't need the good stuff (video card, speaker, sound...) but now I realize that Intel's integrated video sucks (often use my laptop to watch movies via my lp130 infocus projector).

    I've narrowed my search adown to the Dell E1505 vs MBP 15" (both with similar hardware except the video (256mb x1400 or 128mb x1600 respectively). Then there's the price difference: ~$850 (waiting for the next coupon deal) for the E1505 and $1799 (student discount) for the MBP. I had a 1st gen G4 powerbook that I used several years ago and fell in love with OS X. I want that feeling back and now since I can run both XP and OS X I'm thinking I should get the MBP. I'm also looking for something that can last for approximately 3 years. Can anyone justify why I should spend the extra money on the MBP? Now that I've had experience with subpar quality (Lenovo), I'm really worried about buying something that would crap out in a short time span. Sorry for the long post, your replies are much appreciated!
  2. hollownail

    hollownail Individual 11

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    Last time I priced the e1505 with similar specs AND coupon, it was only $500 less than the MBP after student discount. Even with a coupon, I haven't seen them fully loaded for $850.
    But the built quality and screen are no where near the quality of the E1505. I've used the e1505 extensivly and many people I kno whave them.
    But really, OS X is the biggest reason to get a MBP. Plus it has good battery life (4 hours using it for notes and surfing web with low brightness) and it's still fairly light and not bukly.
    Again, OS X AND Windows. I love Parallels and can't wait to buy it. Really, i't sa **** wet dream for a developer. Once I get that, I can effectivly test web applications in all major OS's and browsers :)
    on one machine.

    But what are you looking at using the machine for?
  3. thi

    thi Notebook Enthusiast

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    I just missed the $850 price for the e1505 ( expired sometimes earlier this week, 34% off I believe). Are you saying that the e1505 has a better build quality & better screen? I'm just a casual user but, seeing how i got burned pretty bad buying a cheap laptop I'd rather pay a little more for something that will last approx. 3 yrs. I'm thinking about teaching myself how to program java and such.
  4. eamsednfds

    eamsednfds Notebook Guru

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    In my personal opinion, I think both laptops have very good quality. However, (and this may be a bit biased) I think the quality of the MBP is just better still. It's super high quality, especially the screen! I don't think the e1505 screen even compares. Plus, overall aesthetics I think goes to the MBP.

    Still, I'm not saying the e1505 is flimsy. I think what it really boils down to again is OS X.
  5. lunateck

    lunateck Bananaed

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    I can just simplify ur question. Do you want Windows or OS X? What do you prefer more? Which do you use more?

    The last question decides everything.
  6. buddy1065

    buddy1065 Notebook Evangelist

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    No point in asking that question since with the new Core 2 duo MPB you can have both XP and OSX. So to me it is a no brainer. If you love both operating systems like me, want unparalleled build quality and a thin, great looking package its time to get what I consider the best laptop on the planet. I'm not going to be humble about it at all. Apple did it right this time and the proof is right here before me as I type this post on it. Temperature is not a problem for me. Moo and whine? Never heard it. Random shut downs; not mine. Gaming? Certainly. Windows when you want it is right there in two flavors; parallels or Boot camp, which I have. Enough rant. Just know I definitely have no regrets about my purchase and I am ecstatic I held out for this notebook.
  7. gridtalker

    gridtalker Notebook Virtuoso

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    I agree the MBP is better built
  8. hollownail

    hollownail Individual 11

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    No, I meant the quality of the e1505 is no where near the MBP.
    Most of hte dell coupons i've seen that are like, 35% require that you spend x amount of money. Often $1500+ for something like that.
    I'm not sure about that coupon, but my friend had to build a $2000 e1705 to get a 45% off coupon.
    BUt yeah, it really comes down to do you really want to use OS X? It's not really worth it if yoer' going to primary use XP. BUt, you may fall in love with OS X, like me, and no really end up using XP much at all anymore.

    BTW... Java looks better in OS X. The default buttons and such in the GUI's are prettier.