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    Two Questions about iTunes......

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by jrsryder, Mar 9, 2008.

  1. jrsryder

    jrsryder Notebook Consultant

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    FIRST QUESTION: Has anyone out there been clicking around from album-to-album in CoverFlow and had the computer completely freeze-up on you, with that little coloured wheel just sitting there spinning? I had to call tech-support 3 times today, as I could not "force quit" the system.(I had to shut the power off). They offered all kinds of suggestions, but I have dumped my library, and am currently loading ONLY songs from my personal CD and 8-track collection to see if the problem still exists. If the problem goes away, I will then create another folder and get songs from LimeWire and see if it is a LimeWire issue causing the freeze ups. I was also getting album artwork from Google Images. Perhaps this was part of the problem. I am really hoping this is not a hardware issue.

    SECOND QUESTION: Does anyone find that the CD's load really slowly into iTunes when importing them? The optical drive doesn't seem to really "ramp-up" it's speed when transferring. The pace in brackets reads approx. 7 to 9 X. Is this a speed rating? I must say it is rather slow in my opinion. Is this normal or should it be quick? I guess it takes about 8 to 10 minuted to import an average CD. Any help on these matters would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.......
  2. Sam

    Sam Notebook Virtuoso

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    1) Have you tested iTunes without Cover Flow on and seen if it acts up?

    And also, have you done all the troubleshooting stuff yet? They might make a can find them on the Mac Switcher's Guide's Troubleshooting section.

    2) That's a bit surprising...depending on how many tracks, if its around 15 or so, I can import a CD in around or less than 5 minutes.
  3. jrsryder

    jrsryder Notebook Consultant

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    Well now this is strange... I'm currently loading the third CD in a row, and it's going really fast... in fact, I can actually hear the disk drive spinning alot faster and louder than the CD's I loaded 15 minutes ago, as well as the CD's I had been loading over the past 2 days. Hmmmmmmm?????? It's weird, because before, I could not hear it spinning at all. The third CD just finished copying in the short time it took me to type this message....

    EDIT... Yep, something has changed. I'm now doing CD number 4, and the thing is just flying. I did not change anything. I can hear it spinning for the first time. Definitely something was causing it to slow down... ANY GUESSES??????

    EDIT #2...... Well, I think the speed thing might be a problem. I tried a particular CD (let's call it JJ). I tried loading in JJ, and it was taking forever, so I aborted the mission, and loaded a different CD with blazing speed, the I immediately tried to load JJ again, and it is loading great. Something is wrong........

    EDIT #3...... Well after JJ loaded, there was no "BEEP" indicating it was finished, and the disk drive ran on-and-on on high RPM for about 10 minutes until I ejected it. Is that normal? Now I'm loading in another disk, and it is very slow and quiet again... Any ideas???

    EDIT #4..... Copying Veeeerrrrryyyyyy SLOWWWWW !!! ANNOYING!!! Last 5 CD's in a row have all copied at a very low RPM and took forever.........
  4. Underpantman

    Underpantman Notebook Virtuoso

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    Its not likely to help but you can check if you have "use error correction" on in your import cd settings... this will slow down the read/import rate quite abit. But by the sounds of things there maybe more serious issues.
    good luck