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    Thinking of buying a new MBP

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by ChevyTrucks, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. ChevyTrucks

    ChevyTrucks Notebook Consultant

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    Hello everyone, i have read the sticky about switching to a mac, but one of the moderators said in a post not to ask questions there and to start a new thread, so thats what i am doing!

    I have several question but to let you all know where i stand on computers (and macs) i have built 3 of my own desktops and have owned two different dell laptops. the only mac computer i have used was one of those that had a handle built in on the back and it was precolored (purple, i think) and it was pretty big and not very user friendly i thought. (sorry iam not sure what the name of it is maybe an "ibook"?) and this was at school so i did not have much time to play around with it.

    so seeing as how i have used several PC's and never a mac, i have heard great things about mac's and i am not thinking of switching over completely but i think i want a mac as a second computer.

    so here are my questions:

    1) if i have information on a flash drive from my PC can store mac info on the same drive with out any issues, as well as if i have a file created on my PC but stored on the flash drive can i access it using a mac?

    2) as i have said i have owned 1 previous dell laptop and my current laptop is also a dell, and i get the warranty for them and when i had a problem with my previous dell the dell guy ordered a new mother board and was out to replace it within the same week (too my house).

    so if i get mac's apple care warranty plan and something happens to go wrong with my mac, will they come out and replace it to my house or will i have to mail it somewhere?

    3) i have 4 PC's that currently are networked together and the two laptops are wireless, will i be able to still use my same old network or will i have to get a new one? ( like new router, modem, all that jazz so that it supports mac) my current router is a wrt300n by linksys).

    4) Not really a question more of a concern: i understand you can run windows on a mac using boot camp but seeing as how i own a PC laptop i would rather just use my mac for a mac rather than another pc (please keep this in mind when answering questions about the flash drive please. thanks)

    5) i know this may seem like an outlandish type of question and maybe no one has the "right answer" but i just would like to know from current mac users, and mac users that have switched from pc, because this is more of a convienience WANT type of purchase, i would like to what some of you think regarding the close too $2,500 price tag for the mac? is it worth it?, and just other generalized thoughts about it, if you would please.

    thanks to all of you help me with these questions i am seriously thinking about purchasing a mac seeing as how i will be a graduate student next year, and most of the students have macs and so the university has both computers to choose from, however i think it would be more convenient in the long run,(group projects and such). so any info on what i have asked would be much appreciated.

    thanks in advance guys/gals!
  2. Budding

    Budding Notebook Virtuoso

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    I can see that English is not your first language, so please understand should I misunderstand some of your questions.

    1. If you formatted your pen drive using the FAT file system, you will have no problems using it in both Windows and OS X.

    2. Unless you purchase a Mac Pro or Xserve with AppleCare or Premium Service, you will have to send it back to Apple. Although they will provide you with a box should you request it.

    3. You will be able to use your current network

    4. What is the question?

    5. Macs are more expensive than PCs speced to the same hardware, but OS X is a really worthwhile OS in my opinion. If you are unsure about OS X, you could purchase a cheaper Macbook or a Mac Mini.
  3. ChevyTrucks

    ChevyTrucks Notebook Consultant

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    Thanks Budding, lol, i didnt think my english was THAT bad?,i know i cant spell very well, thats why i love spell check! but any how,

    if i do decide to purchase the AppleCare protection plan then will they come to the house or still have to send it in?

    and for question number 1 will i be able to use a word document created on a PC; on the mac using the mac's document writer though of course, with out using boot camp or is this not possible.

    and number 4 really isn't a question it is just more something for the people who are going to try and help me decide, to keep that in mind.
  4. Fant

    Fant Notebook Evangelist

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    Regarding question #5, its really up to you but yes Mac hardware is more expensive than equivalent PC hardware and its usually for the following reasons:

    - Mac Hardware is usually designed to be more user friendly
    - Mac Hardware is usually more asthetically pleasing
    - Mac Hardware is usually designed with top end components including expensive processors
    - You get the ability to use and run OS X

    Those 4 things are really what you have to decide if its worth the extra cost.
  5. blurb23

    blurb23 Notebook Consultant

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    5) I know what you mean about a "want" purchase. That's what I did with this iMac. My other desktop was in perfectly fine working order, I just wanted to try out OS X before buying an MBP for college (and to get a new toy).

    IMO, if you can afford it, go for it. However, maybe it's just me, but I haven't noticed some huge difference between OS X and XP. Sure, OS X is easier to use in some areas but it's no light and day difference. The two main things that I've noticed are that OS X has a lot more eye candy and visual effects, and that the "Drag and Drop" features are a lot more fleshed out.

    Other than that, OS X hasn't been that amazing for me. Sure, I like it. Sure, I'll buy another Mac. But I don't feel as if it's as huge of a leap over Windows as some make it out to be, but that's just me.
  6. Modly

    Modly Warranty Voider

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    #5: I think they are worth it. I couldn't be happier with my Mac Pro (the tower), but then again I use it every day, and I really use it for everything that it is.
  7. Sam

    Sam Notebook Virtuoso

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    Well, I guess I'm not too far from your impressions. Is Mac OS X perfect? No, absolutely not. But the little things that Mac OS X has really helps me, I find. Where everything is, how everything is made and fixed is so much more clear and convenient.
  8. Budding

    Budding Notebook Virtuoso

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    If you purchase a notebook from Apple, all they will do is send you a box with which you can send the machine back to Apple. If you purchase a Mac Pro desktop, AppleCare would provide you with an on-site service.

    You will need to install a word processing application such as NeoOffice or iWork or Microsoft Office:Mac. Text editors cannot open Microsoft Word documents.
  9. Dana

    Dana Notebook Consultant

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    5. I was in the same boat as you right before christmas. When i recieved a macbook pro for christmas I was so excited. Now, 4 months later, I couldn't be happier with my choice to go mac. I've NEVER had to reboot the computer because something wasn't functioning. Only problems I run into is chess and ichat. those have both 'quit unexpectdley' on me before, but the best part is that, unlike a pc, the other apps and everything else stays in fine condition and the machine doesn't go into: " oh no one app crashed looks like the whole computer crashes' The mac is really...just...close to perfect. I had no troubles really. It's a great machine. I highly reccomend you buying one ;) If you have any other questions on the general experience, pm me.
  10. Sam

    Sam Notebook Virtuoso

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    Its very is a high price tag, but its got its benefits too. That's what you'll have to decide if its worth it or not. I mean, its pretty clear that you can get a similarly spec-ed XPS M1530 for cheaper than the MacBook Pro, but at the same time, the MBP has some awesome features too :).
  11. ChevyTrucks

    ChevyTrucks Notebook Consultant

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    Sam I remembered from your sticky "Mac switchers guide" that you put a link in there for a guide on how to upgrade your RAM in your Macbook Pro, I clicked on this link and got sent to 3 different websites, I copied and pasted the second two but didnt do it for the first one (above), but they are just sites where I can purchase a Mac, I didnt know if you are aware of this or not.

    So if you still have a link to the guide on switching out the RAM I would appreciate it if you could point me in the right direction, because $400 seems kind of steep for an extra 2 gigs. bringing me to my next question!

    everyone knows that unless you use a 64 bit operating system for windows your system will not be able to take advantage of all 4 gigs available. Do the Macs have this "problem" as well?

    And thanks for all of your opinions, and help! much appreciated, I have visited best buy here but there employees seemed to know about as much as I do! there is an Apple store around here but its about 25 miles out of the way from me, and I am thinking about running out there this weekend!
  12. Dana

    Dana Notebook Consultant

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    Definently worth going to see it in the store. But also keep in mind they are slighty mangled from being mauled in the sstore by hundreds of people day
  13. Sam

    Sam Notebook Virtuoso

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    Hmm, I'll take a look at that, thanks for the heads up! Aha, I think I know what it is, its NBR's automatic linking flaw :p.

    And Leopard is all 64-bit, so no worries about RAM. It sees all 4 GB :).