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    Somewhat Skeptical...

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by Xenon_X, May 7, 2006.

  1. Xenon_X

    Xenon_X Newbie

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    Hey guys,

    I've been a Windows user for about nine years (had my first PC when I was nine) and I really am starting to fall in love with the MBP. I'm getting ready to go to college in August and my father has offered to pay for 50% of a laptop of my choice. I don't want to go insane and get a $4000 laptop. Then again, I don't want something that will last me two years..and then have to upgrade or something. I want something that will go for at least three to four.

    I think Apple has good quality and can meet that...and I think a $2000-$2200 MBP would do that just fine. Then again, I'm a high school senior and my job doesn't pay a lot. If I bought the MBP, I'd probably leave high school with about $1000 in my pocket.

    That's including everything I'd need: case, copy of XP (boot camp), external mouse, etc.

    The thing that's really getting me, though, is Boot Camp. I'd really hate to seperate my drive into partitions and then have to deal with a lack of space. That, and other issues exist...right click, the mere fact that I have to spend $200 on the MS OS. I'd buy the OEM version of XP, but I have no clue as to whether that will work or not...

    Now if I went with the closest thing possible to the MBP (acer 8204), I'd be able to save a couple of bucks and not have to worry about partitioning, right clicking, and buying a new OS.

    My father, though, can get the MBP through Apple's US Armed Forces store. I think the price for the Core Duo 2ghz was $2299.

    I dunno...maybe I need some convincing. I'm a hardcore PC user, and for some reason I think I'd LOVE Mac OSX, thus the reason I don't want to completely clear the HD if I got an MBP.

    Eh, I don't even know how you could answer my question, because I never really asked one haha.

    Thanks for any and all help/advice haha.
  2. yassarian

    yassarian Notebook Deity

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    It's the same argument over and over I think, you love the MBP, yet you just want to get it to run Windows? If that's all you are going to be doing, why not just get a windows machine for a hell of a lot cheaper and better Windows support?

    I assume when you say you are in love with the MBP, all you are really saying, is that you are in love with the LOOKS of the MBP -- if you really aren't going to take advantage of OSX, I really see no reason to even get the MBP. Besides there are all kind of issues surrounding this first generation machines, underclocked gpu, slightly overheating cpu, mooing/whining noise, some quality issues, strange pricing schemes... etc.

    My advice is that if you want to get a Mac because you are used to or wants to get used to OSX, but want to have the option of running Windows sometimes -- then get the MBP, but if you just want a windows machine to do... windows -- get anything else -- you get better support and pay less.


  3. Xenon_X

    Xenon_X Newbie

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    True, and I agree.

    However, I've used OSX before and I really do like it, plus I'd like to get into Apple's software a lot more (mostly video editing). I know it's not a huge reason seeing as how I don't even HAVE the software, but I'd hate to get a Windows based PC and find myself a year from now really wishing that I had the flexibility of a Mac to do video and whatnot.

    Honestly, I'd only use Windows for gaming and running apps that I can't use in OSX. I think I'd spend at least 75% of the time in OSX, guaranteed.

    And again, you're right...I DO love the looks of the MBP...they're drop dead gorgeous. It's also a top-notch quality laptop (excluding the initial bugs).

    I think I fall under your category of "Wants to learn more about OSX, use it more, and use Windows less."

    I appreciate your reply, though.
  4. Unreal

    Unreal Notebook Deity NBR Reviewer

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    Just so you know any copy of XP works; just pick up a copy of xp home oem from newegg for roughly $90.

    Do you need os x for anything or are you thinking of getting the mbp just because of its looks? Because theres a chance that one day you'll grow tired of it and you'll now have spent so much more money then you need for nothing.
  5. Xenon_X

    Xenon_X Newbie

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    True, but the Acer and the MBP are pretty close in price range...yeah, the acer would save me money, though.

    I've loved everything that I've owned from Apple so far (and used for that matter), and as I said, I know I'll use OSX at least as much as I would use Windows.

    I just wanted to get some advice from people who've used OSX extensively and if it really is worth the $100-$150 difference. Don't get me wrong, I'll get the acer in a heartbeat if I hit a sudden swing in preference.
  6. yassarian

    yassarian Notebook Deity

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    There are things that OSX handles way better than windows, for instance the way you navigate multiple windows in OSX is far more intuitive and efficient than in XP, that is, once you get the hang of it. ;) Most of the programs that are available on XP, are also available on OSX, however, keep in mind that MS Office suite hasn't been converted to universal binary yet, so if you use any of the programs in that suite a lot, you will take a substantial performance hit until that has been done.

    Final Cut Pro has just recently been converted to universal binary native to the x86 platform. My personal experience with OSX deals mostly with messing with various one track softwares, and in my experience, it's not so much that the OSX experience is better, but that it just seems to operate *SMOOTHER* than Windows. Which, I guess indirectly improves your productivity in a way. Is there some features that OSX environment/software that will have, that will be missing from XP? Possibly, but not likely. Is there features in XP that OSX software library that are missing but you wish there were? I can say almost certainly. Neither OS will have an impact on the quality of your work, but I like tinkering so I wouldn't mind trying OSX. :) The question you should ask yourself is: Is the "tinkering" worth $3000? (+ any software you might need to get).

    I'd get a cheaper Windows machine and buy like a Mac Mini or something (even the G4 if it's still available). Play with the OSX, if you really like it then maybe thinking about the next upgrade -- there's absolutely no point in upgrading, just for the sake of upgrading, imo.


  7. SRD

    SRD Notebook Virtuoso

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    If you like the look of the macbook pros but like something cheaper. Maybe you might want to look at some asus models. The w2F and the v6j and some of their new models coming out. cheaper than a MBP but if you need OSX then theres only one choice.
  8. bazotic

    bazotic Notebook Enthusiast

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    I've been in the same battle you are in now. After talking to a LOT of people, I decided to take the plunge. There are several things I love about OSX and it's versitility. What are you planning on going into in college? I was given some good advice that help in my decision;
    So if that's where you're headed, I say go for the Mac.
  9. Xenon_X

    Xenon_X Newbie

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    Well, I do a lot of photography. A lot of photography. I have thousands of photos that I've taken with my SLR and I do take it seriously...and thus, I'm also into Photoshop and other similar programs. I love taking my photographs and doing pretty much anything to them in PS.

    As to what I'm doing in college...I really don't know yet. As I said, I like photography, but I also love computers in general. Heck, for all I know I'll end up with a degree in political science.

    Either way, it seems like when I weigh both the acer and the MBP, they even out. In terms of performance, I don't really care...they have their strengths and their weaknesses. I know there are a lot of bugs to be worked out in the MBP, but hopefully that's started to die down as of late...

    The acer has its own problems, though. A lot of people have had problems with the screen, for example.

    I guess the only thing I'd be missing is about $200 and some HD space.

    I still need to sleep on it for a few more days, but thanks a lot for your advice guys, I've looked into all of your responses!
  10. Loaf

    Loaf Notebook Evangelist

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    i would look to SRD's suggestion on the asus models as they are of top notch build at around or below the price of the macbook. the v6j and v1j i think are the models that would fit what you're looking for best if u decide on a windows machine.
  11. yassarian

    yassarian Notebook Deity

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    Keep in mind, that there is NO universal binary for PS CS2. And rumors are that there won't be one made until at least CS3. Which means, if you ar going to be using a lot of photoshop, you will be doing it in the XP environment, and if this is the primary usage of your computer, you are better off not getting an MBP as while they let you install XP, they will not support it in anyway.

    Story would be slightly different if you use program like final cut pro a lot -- since there is a universal binary version of that for x86 OSX already. But even there programs like Adobe Premiere are fast catching up, Sony Vega is downright simple to use... You will still have many options.

    I think Apples are beautifully crafted, yes. But in terms of build quality -- yes they are good, but not fantastic as so many ppl claims. You have to realise that these machines mostly favor form over function -- as they cater to their specific audiences -- you want a well-crafted tank that can take a beating? Look at an IBM or a Fujitsu. Heck, with the volume that Dell does, compare to the volume that Apple does -- one might even argue that on % defective/% sold basis, Dells are arguably better.

    Yea for every 1 person complaining about Apple you hear 5 ppl complain about Dell, of course it's easy to overlook that Dell does 10+times the volume that Apple does...

    just some more food for thoughts...


  12. doddles

    doddles Notebook Guru

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    Well, you could always install Parallels instead of bootcamp. No need for a separate partition - runs right out of a file on your OS X partition. Can be run in a window, and you can copy and paste between OS X and Windows XP. It's meant to work with regular XP distributions too. The folks I know here who've been playing with it think it's very good.
  13. Xenon_X

    Xenon_X Newbie

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    Hey guys, thanks so much for all of your replies and help. I haven't made a decision yet, but I'm leaning toward the MBP as it is...