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    Review: moshi iVisor AG 13, Anti-Glare Screen Protector for MBP 13

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by moosez3, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. moosez3

    moosez3 Notebook Guru

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    First off I will say this is the first screen protector I have ever bought for a laptop I have had one on all my phones since the Sony P990i came out! :eek: I know they are different, so this review is NOT comparing this screen to any other type/kind/brand of screen protector.

    NOTE: The screen protector guarantees no bubbles because only the edges are sticky, no stickyness in the middle, just FYI.

    I dont know a lot of the physics of screen protectors but I was under the impression that this would be clear, and it wasnt, infact not even close...
    Here I am just folding it in the air, focusing on the actual SP made it worse, you should be able to at least make out what is behind it:

    However in a darkish room when it is applied and the viewer is looking dead-on there isnt much difference.
    The difference is when the screen is off, and when viewing angles widen:
    This is a comparison outside, notice both are unbearable, the screen is just not bright enough for serious outdoor use.
    It was at this point when I took the screen protector off, to me it didnt seem much better if not at all, especially not justifying the $27 price tag, Im returning it.
    Hope this helps anyone looking for screen protectors.