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    Questions regarding MSOffice 2008 and Skype

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by dwjlee, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. dwjlee

    dwjlee Notebook Consultant

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    Hi guys, I just bought a Macbook Pro yesterday and I am trying to learn as I go. I've been using a PC all my life so OSX is new to me. I have couple of questions.
    1. I installed Skype and there is an image of a hard drive named "Skype" on my desktop. Once, I exit the program, it lets me delete(eject) it from my computer but it comes back once I restart Skype. Any way to permanently get rid of this?
    2. I am running MSOffice 2008 and every time I run one of the programs, it creates a folder called "Microsoft User Data" in the document section of stacks. Inside the folder, there are other folders called "exel script menu items", "office 2008 identities", "entourage script menu items", saved attachments" and etc...Most of these folders are empty. The folder stays here until I delete it...but it comes back once I open one of the MSOffice programs again. What is this folder? How can I get rid of it?

    Thanks for your help!
  2. Budding

    Budding Notebook Virtuoso

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    You're supposed to drag or copy the application from the image onto your HD, and then eject the image and run it from your HD.
  3. AppleOfMyEye08

    AppleOfMyEye08 Notebook Enthusiast

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    I know what you're talking about with the image of a hard drive named Skype placed on your desktop. I'm not sure what goes on in the OS but I think its just a method of mounting the disk to the desktop for the use of the application. After a restart I did not see this anymore.

    I also double checked myself to make sure I dragged the Skype icon to the Applications folder during the install, closed that installation window after completing the install, and then I opened the Applications folder in Finder and dragged the Skype app from there into the dock. The image of the hard drive no longer appears when I launch Skype.

    I think the Microsoft User Data is just a folder of cached settings so it saves your personal preferences/settings you configured in Office 2008. It doesnt really bother me so I've left it there. Something to note is that inside that folder is also a folder called "Office 2008 AutoRecovery." This could be for recovering a file when you accidentally close the application or run out of power, etc.
  4. dwjlee

    dwjlee Notebook Consultant

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    Like you said, the Skype HD image was gone after I re-booted the computer. Thanks...