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    Pay more = get less with Apple?

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by RedSensiStar, Sep 23, 2006.

  1. RedSensiStar

    RedSensiStar Notebook Deity

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    I may me wrong so I open this up to discussion. I love the look of Apple without a doubt. And I hear their customer service is very good. Yet I just can't justify paying more and getting less.


    Why does one pay a base price of $1099 getting only: 1.8ghz Intel Core Duo, 512MB memory (2x256MB SODIMMs), 60 gig HD, etc.

    Basically if my budget is $1500 I can buy a more powerful latptop by going PC.

    Or am I missing something major here?
  2. cashmonee

    cashmonee Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    Yes, OS X.

    **EDIT** And please everyone keep this civil. These have a tendency to get out of hand.
  3. Airman

    Airman Band of Gypsys NBR Reviewer

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    Apple's are a huge rip off for what you get. Ubuntu is free, and much better than OSX.
  4. Greg

    Greg Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    i don't really think that too much software is available for OS X. i could be wrong, but i don't see a lot of programs that list OS X.

    however, recently the macs have been able to dual boot to XP. while i don't think that EVERY function in XP works (correct me if i'm wrong), the ones that may or may not have problems are most likely insignificant.

    dual boot OS X/XP Pro might be useful, although I hesitate to recommend something I haven't personally used.
  5. easyeye

    easyeye Notebook Consultant

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    actually it doesn't really matter to apple fans since they will always and only buy apple products, and yes i do think the osx experience will make you think it worth that price tag.
  6. saturnotaku

    saturnotaku Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    I've been on both sides of this equation, and while the interface of OS X is great I just couldn't get the overall functionality I wanted. If you're wowed by the looks of OS X, download a few theme packages. There are links elsewhere in this forum.
  7. hashholly

    hashholly Notebook Enthusiast

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    1. Wrong.....i have found a comparable program for the mac for each and every program i use for OSX sofar except for a wav editor.

    2. Everything works in xp with dual boot.

    3. dual boot works fine.
  8. buddy1065

    buddy1065 Notebook Evangelist

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    When you buy a Macbook/MBP it's like getting two for the price of one considering they run both OSX and XP.

    When I consider a laptop I consider Mobility. The Sony SZ especially comes to mind, almost exclusively, and that's saying a lot for that laptop. It is light weight, fan not excessively loud, no excessive heat, looks nice and an ideal 13" screen. I am a glossy screen fan anyway. Plus it has double layer DVD burning.

    IMHO the MPB is better built; no creaky plastic. I have both a PC laptop and Powerbook and the Powerbook looks and feels decades ahead in design, especially in the hinge area. There is just no comparo. Though my Sony T250 has served well over a year it just does not look new like my 1 year old aluminum Powerbook.

    I considered a Sony SZ but I could not do it. I just can't go back to a plastic laptop with a weaker GPU when I can get more OS versality and much better build quality in a MBP for the same if not cheaper price, depending on configuration. Sony has the weight advantage, but when I consider the MPB I just can't justify the SZ. As far as the MBP heat goes, I hear reports of people with recent firmware upgrades reporting their MBP's do not run as hot, and feeling them in the store they do not seem outrageously hot.

    I can't honestly blame XP for not working right as much as OSX; some third party software like my Samsung A-900 phone-as-modem gives a warning that it's not approved by Microsoft but what can you do? Some crazy things happen with that software sometimes. Which brings me to another point; that same phone does not even need software to work on my Powerbook, just like a lot of other peripherals I use. No software installation is necessary. At all. Plus you need to factor in the price for PC virus protection; I don't use any with the Powerbook, and not for the past four years with previous Powerbooks.

    I know the Macbook does not have all the ports/features for the price and yes, you may find a plastic PC laptop that gives you more for the money, but I have gotten used to the idea of having form as well as function and see no other product in my near future right now but a Macbook Pro as soon as a Merom and possibly other bits are dropped into it in the next revision.

    The thought of having one do it all laptop that can run XP or OSX seems to me the best solution. So after much research for 6 months so far, unless some 15" PC laptop comes out that is under 1.1 inches thick, has Bluetooth 2.0, a better GPU and looks as good as a MBP and just as light or lighter, and does not feel like plastic then I MIGHT go that way, but frankly I don't see that happening any time soon.

    This is quite honestly where I am right now.

    Also, off topic a bit, I have an old free version of Wiretap that records/rips any soundtrack that comes thru the Powerbooks speakers; XM radio, whatever. Is here any free PC software that does that with a one button click? I would be interested in knowing.
  9. kstaks

    kstaks Notebook Enthusiast

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    Well the Sony SZ is a horror story. Just go to the Sony forum, gosh problems everywhere. Weird ones too, like one person claims his keyboard keys are getting erased. Electric shocks through the palm rest? Yeah some people are having those too.

    I too am in the same boat however, I can't decide whether to go for a Macbook Pro or an Asus W3J. The W3J is definately better spec and price wise. But then again I have to think whether I want to use the Windoooz for another year or not.
  10. Pressure

    Pressure Notebook Evangelist

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    Let's face it, the Apple notebook is a piece of art compared to most other brands.

    People are giving more and more attention to beautiful designed consumer electronics and Apple manages to include both a fine looking exterior and a great looking interior (Mac OSX). That coupled with the ease of use and people being more focused on life style (Apple is more and more becoming a life style brand) makes Apple really attractive for many people but it can still be used for serious work.

    It can look good while maintaining full functionality.

    I do not find the price obscenely expensive compared to other notebooks. In the price you also get a very nice software package that is well-integrated into the Operating System.

    It's all the little details, things that just seem so logical to do, when you do it on an Apple computer that makes up the Mac experience. :)
    Sure, Mac OSX is not the end-all-be-all operating system. As with any other OS, it has some flaws but compared to Windows XP I will take Mac OSX any day.

    From a hardware-only comparison, however, I will agree that the MacBook is not the best bargain out there but it will be more than enough for the majority of users out there.

    I am certain that the majority of people are more interested in giving a perception of the right life style and fashion, rather than being geeky and hellbent over specific hardware.

    People are more than willing to pay extra for good looking than slightly better specifications.
  11. RedSensiStar

    RedSensiStar Notebook Deity

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    These points make sense. I can see why people buy Mac now. Still, Apple does have stiff battles ahead of them. There are other beautiful computers out there besides Apple (Look at Sony SZ, FE, TX, Asus, etc).

    I think the next laptop I buy will have a high chance being a Mac, though =)
  12. Pressure

    Pressure Notebook Evangelist

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    Those are fine notebooks choices.

    Have you by chance looked at the accessories you can grab for your Apple computer? iPods and Airport Extreme with AirTunes (wireless music playback from your Apple computer to your stereo) are two good examples.

    Everything down to the power adapter is well-thought out. You can open two hinges on the Apple power adapter where you can roll the cable around during transportation.

    It even looks good compared to the usual black brick the majority of PC notebooks come with.

    Most women would pick the Apple computer over PCs just because of the looks. That goes to show the importance of a good designed product, especially when competition is growing.
  13. hollownail

    hollownail Individual 11

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    Hey, I just took the step last week and jumped on getting a macbook pro. Oh my god... the experience has been amazing.

    I've been using Windows and Linux most of my life... adn wow! It's so much fun hehe.
    And yeah, theres no apps that it can't run. Unless it's for like.. a sparc machine. But it can run more software than a PC laptop. Because it can run OS X, they can't (not without doing some major work, and of course, being illegal).
    Plus you have Parallels and bootcamp. Want to run windows/linux inside OS X? you can... and it works VERY well. It's extremely fast and easy to do.
    Or maybe if you want to game too, you can always use bootcamp and just boot into windows.
    Or linux if that is your preference.

    They are also tough machines. My mac feels like a tank, much more so than the IBMs, HP, Dell's, Sagers, and Gateways I've used. The battery life is great (I get an average of 3.5 hours on my MBP).

    I wouldn't get most other apple hardware (airport, mighty mouse, etc).
    but yeah, if you have any questions about replacement software in OS X, ask away. I've been busy this past week scrounging and finding all kinds of crazy cool stuff.

    That, and the machine looks freaking awesome. It's just beautiful!
  14. buddy1065

    buddy1065 Notebook Evangelist

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    I don't think one post about one SZ losing its key lettering means the SZ is a piece of junk. First time I've heard of that problem. I think the SZ has it's problems just as the Macbook/MBP has its problems as well as other brands. I don't know why Sony is still cranking out SZ models with the hit and miss space key; seems easy for Sony to correct, moreso I think than unexpected MBP shut downs or whining sounds in the MBP, but Sony seems to be still cranking the same keyboards out even in the Merom models. To me that's a doggon shame.

    I am glad I waited. I really feel unless Apple comes out with a different model, possibly 13" or under with a dedicated GPU, I will be using what I have for a while, and that's no big set back.
  15. RedSensiStar

    RedSensiStar Notebook Deity

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    I can't imagine gaming on a GMA950.

    Unless you get the MBP -- starting at $2k.
  16. pratap21

    pratap21 Notebook Consultant

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    dell xps m1210 blows away both the sony sz and macbook.
    i have had a look at all 3 before purchasing my m1210

    compared to macbook
    - much better config for same price
    - smaller/lighter
    - complete care + accident protection
    - Nvidia 7400 GPU
    - rotating webcam
    - very less heat (macbook burns)
    - no random shutdowns
    - no discoloration
    - next day on site warranty (apple doesnt give tat in my country)
    - no weird moo-ing sounds
    - windows vista (yeah i know people will say mac os is better, but then again I need to play many games not available on macos, plus i have to do development on windows/linux not on mac os, so getting a macbook where ill be using windows 90% of the time is stupidity)

    A person looking unbiased at all the 3 would pick up the m1210 anyday.

    compared to sony sz
    - less price
    - sturdy build
    - sadly m1210 is heavier
  17. cashmonee

    cashmonee Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    That is not really true. While I agree that bias does tend to play a role, many people find themselves more productive in a particular environment. For you, you want games and develop for Windows/Linux. For others they need to have the best in video-editing, or perhaps design. Maybe some want security or the flexibility to run Windows, Linux and OSX all on the same system. It is really more a matter of what you are doing than any bias. Windows Linux and OS X all have their place. They each do some things well and others not so well.
  18. Pressure

    Pressure Notebook Evangelist

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    You know it, I know it that the 4 first issues are being dealt with.

    As for Windows Vista; the MacBook can easily run Windows Vista. It installs as easily on the MacBook as any other PC part.

    In fact, I have it loaded on my MacBook Pro right now.
  19. buddy1065

    buddy1065 Notebook Evangelist

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    I looked at a M1210 also; the price easily ran into the $2000 range and a bottom barrel MBP would have still bested it as far as the GPU is concerned, even with an underclocked ATI X1600 GPU. The thickness and look of the M1210 just weren't up to par for me either; like the battery sticking out of the back like my Sony T250. The SZ takes the nod over the M1210 in my book appearance wise any day. As far as blowing things away I just did not see the M1210 doing it and still don't. Sure a Geforce 7400 can game; I hear reports of it doing Oblivion but on what settings? Still I felt that an underclocked ATI for the MBP wasn't enough for me either, so in my case I am still waiting for he next revision MBP or some PC laptop yet to be revealed. I would rather it be an Apple product but like I say if it has the weight, look and performance I will pull the trigger and not till then. New offerings are comming out of the woodwork these days so I am enjoying watching how the land lays each week.

    One thing I will say, the Macbook has all the perks for me structurally and appearance wise. Love the way that thing magnetically claps shut. I am talking about an ideal one with no overheating problems. Too bad about the GPU; would have been an instant purchase for me otherwise, even with a Geforce 7400.