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    OS X needs IE

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by SGT Lindy, Dec 19, 2007.

  1. SGT Lindy

    SGT Lindy Notebook Consultant

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    Ok, I recently switched to OS X, because I need to support OS X users in my business.

    I am trying to spend most of my time in OS X...but god help me somethings are just not all that great.

    #1 complaint is the lack of a browser that works as well as IE or FF on Windows.

    Safari - cant highlight the url text with a single click like in Windows. Sorry when cutting and pasting into blows. At least give me the option. Sidebar....NO SIDEBAR. A huge missing feature. Compatibility with some web sites. Sorry IE works with every page I go to.

    Camino - same as above but Faster and ugly.

    FireFox - Buggy and slow. It just goes off into never..never land. This is a clean install of 10.5.1 on a brand new drive with the latest NON-beta Firefox with zero plugins. At least i can use the about:config to change the URL to single click.

    Opera - Great browser until you hit a website and it goes south pegging my CPU to 100%. Even if you kill it reboot it wont start unless I drag to the trash and re-install.

    I hate to say this, but OS X needs IE.

    Now finder......well I will save that book of complaints for another day.
  2. cashmonee

    cashmonee Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    Well, for all browsers cmd-L will highlight the url, if you are into keyboard shortcuts. FF 2 has pretty much been a disaster for both Windows and OS X. It seems to be getting better with each point release, but still is not there. Let's hope version 3 is better.

    As for IE on OS X, you know it will never happen. IE7 is not half bad, although somewhat of a UI nightmare, at least it is not IE6. Now that they have the security on it pretty well nailed, I would not mind it on OS X for the occasional IE only page. Of course the only IE only pages I run into now are those that need it for DRM, so it probably would not make a difference since they would need Windows anyway.

    Sorry I don't know what to tell ya. I would try to get used to one of the browsers. Also, try to get used to keyboard shortcuts. They are so much more valuable in OS X.

    **EDIT** Also, if you really are a mouse centric person, you could also highlight the url by holding down your click and dragging it over the url.
  3. SGT Lindy

    SGT Lindy Notebook Consultant

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    I would agree with FF being bad on both....worse on the Mac. But even in Windows is goes of into never never land on occasion.
  4. Arquis

    Arquis Kojima Worshiper

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    Weird... I use Firefox and never had a problem with it. It refused to load a page once or twice in the past but that's it. Never really used Safari because I like FF more. And to select the entire URL is a triple click...
  5. Xander

    Xander Paranoid Android

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    As for the single-click to select the URL, you just need to click the right place. Click the little icon to the left of the url. For example, with NBR, click the little arrow.

  6. SGT Lindy

    SGT Lindy Notebook Consultant

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    In FF if you type in about:config on your url line and hit return you will get a bunch of options.

    go down to "browser.urlbar.clickSeletcsAll" and double click it. Single click in the url bar or search will work, just like in Windows.
  7. Sam

    Sam Notebook Virtuoso

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    Microsoft used to make IE for Mac, but its discontinued long ago. Just a note ;).

    Also, you can hold Shift when pressing the URL, and it will select the whole thing. That works too :).
  8. HLdan

    HLdan Notebook Virtuoso

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    Although I understand the OP's frustration (as far as website compatibility) personally I am very glad the I.E. is no longer on the Mac. It's horrible to be dependent on one browser. Apple has a much higher stance in the business so website developers will be much more aware that they need to develop for any browser to run on their websites. The iPhone will definitely help this but I rarely run into websites that are I.E. friendly only.
  9. Redline

    Redline Notebook Prophet NBR Reviewer

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    OS X doesn't need IE. Hell, if it wasn't a central part of Windows, I'd say Windows doesn't need IE either. IE7 is tolerable, but IE6 and IE5 were just so disgustingly bad....Ugh.
  10. SGT Lindy

    SGT Lindy Notebook Consultant

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    I agree IE 5 and 6 were bad, mostly from a security standpoint. FF 1.5 was great, slim and fast.

    What is this I get non-stop at the bottom of the browser window on some sites like this one, using FF on OS X and NOT IE7 via Unity?

    "Transfering data from"

    the circle is going round and round on the left of the tab because of it.
  11. Sam

    Sam Notebook Virtuoso

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    It has to do with the ads on NBR. Its not a browser thing.
  12. Paul

    Paul Mom! Hot Pockets! NBR Reviewer

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    IE should be avoided like the plague. The reason some sites work with it and not other browsers is because IE is non-compliant with web standards. The less people use it, the more development will happen for better browsers, and the better off we'll all be.

    I'm currently using Firefox 3 Beta, and I really like all of it except the new Downloads dialog.
  13. cashmonee

    cashmonee Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    Unfortunately, sites like Netflix Watch it now, require IE for their DRM. And for the record, being web standard compliant is not the best thing for compatibility atm. Most sites are not standards compliant. Until sites become standards compliant and DRM is either gotten rid of or made non-browser/OS compliant, there is little reason for IE or FF to change.
  14. hollownail

    hollownail Individual 11

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    Yeah, the old FF was great. 2 is crappy. Even on linux and windows, I have serious issues with it.
    And OS X does sorta have IE. It's called Parallels/VMWare.

    Big reason I got a mac was so I could run any OS and all browsers to do browser testing in (what a PITA that is).
  15. SaferSephiroth

    SaferSephiroth The calamity from within

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    Blasphemy! Hang him!
  16. Lysander

    Lysander AFK, raid time.

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    I'll bring the torches.
  17. J-Bytes

    J-Bytes I am CanadiEEEn NBR Reviewer

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    last time i cjhecked, ie7 was compatible w/mac
  18. Sam

    Sam Notebook Virtuoso

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    There is no more IE for Mac...maybe I'm misunderstanding you?
  19. Raccoons

    Raccoons Newbie

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    There was a post on lifehacker a while ago about installing it using Darwine (Mac port of WINE). I haven't tried it, but here's the link if you want to check it out:
  20. Thomas

    Thomas McLovin

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    I use Safari for Windows & it's not bad.
    I like the speed & the way it renders pages.
  21. Jurisprudence

    Jurisprudence Notebook Evangelist

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    Lets get a couple of things straight regards IE, on any system, pc or mac.

    1) It has been 6 years since IE could claim any superiority in the browser market, and even then that was more down to marketing and economics of scale. It was a POS then, its a POS now.

    2) Firefox has for the most part become a bloated and unwieldly lump of a application which is extremely unfortunate considering its fanfare and capacity to hit MS over the head or at least give it a good kick up the ass to produce better browsers (what software in this business lasts 5 years without a significant overhaul the way IE 6 had). Using Firefox 3 beta 2 as a backup and appears they still have memory footprint problems to resolve.

    3) If people are looking to replace IE with something else please go here

    and get the latest beta of Opera. It is beta software so you have been warned that it can be a bit glitchy but the 9.50 Kestrel builds are significantly improved over previous releases in speed/features and ability to deal with web 2.0 sites. If it doesnt work with a particular site set opera to appear as IE or Firefox and see if that works. Memory hogging is still an issue (close/re-open to clear while remembering open tabs) but is far more efficient than IE 7 on pc's or FF/Safari. Customize Opera with skins/toolbar setups etc and there is nothing else like it. Go here for everything including customisation tutorials, addons, buttons and videos.

    One final thing (and I know I sound like a rep for Opera but i'm not affiliated) the more people use Opera the more your supporting their fight against MS's monopoly in their action in the European courts. Opera is demanding that MS use defined open web standards instead of their own proprietary ones, which is what is really causing the incompatibilities. Its not Mozilla or Opera screwing up the game, it's MS demanding compliance from web developers to their standards.
  22. smiley_lauf

    smiley_lauf Notebook Consultant

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    I second jurisprudence suggestion of trying out the Opera 9.5 beta. i am using in Ubuntu Gutsy GNU/Linux, is the only browser that works without a glitch on this box. *ell, it even runs flash better that its current legacy release 9.24.

    To the OP, my experience with this has been that it is not the browser, but the sites that designed using MS proprietory software (like front page), and so have difficulty rendering in other browsers (like gecko (Mozilla), KHTML (safari), or Opera). But, i hear you. It can be very annoying if the site you frequent only works in MS IE.
  23. surfacewound

    surfacewound Notebook Consultant

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    I wish there were a current version of IE for OS X for the sole reason that my VPN client at work uses a remote desktop protocol that requires the use of ActiveX, so the only way I can VPN to my desktop in the office from my Macbook is via Parallels. It works fine, but it's just an extra step and is a bit tedious.

    As for Opera in general, I like it, and keep giving it a try ever few months or so, but I just never find myself using it for more than a day or two before reverting to Firefox.
  24. circa86

    circa86 Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    i'm sorry but I think you might be the only one that feels that way. and your complaints are the most ridiculous things I have ever seen.

    Safari works extremely well, Firefox is no different on OS X as it is on XP or vista, as I use all of them on a daily basic, and firefox as massive support for some very amazing plugins.\

    and IE is available for OS X is it not?

    not to mention the only web browser I have had crash on me in the past year os so is IE7, for absolutely no reason what so ever.
  25. wave

    wave Notebook Virtuoso

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    IE 6 works with crossover office. I didnt try IE 7 yet.
  26. surfacewound

    surfacewound Notebook Consultant

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    I'm sorry but I think this post is highly naive at best.

    You clearly don't use Firefox on the PC platform enough to realize the difference. I use it on four machines; two at work, my desktop at home (dual-booting both Vista and XP) and my Macbook. It's painfully obvious that the Mac version doesn't work nearly as well as the PC version; hell, even Firefox running inside Parallels is far better.

    That's not to say that it's absolutely horrible on OS X or anything, but trying to pretend it's not as buggy is just completely ridiculous.
  27. HLdan

    HLdan Notebook Virtuoso

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    You are not really in the position to speak for everyone else. I have Firefox on my Mac under Leopard and I used it under Tiger and although it was slower at launching in it's early days the latest version under Tiger and Leopard is awesome. I have never had Firefox crash and it's been very stable.
    I have also tried it in Vista and XP and I couldn't tell the difference so maybe you aren't doing something right.
  28. circa86

    circa86 Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    well you must be doing something very wrong because I AM using firefox under both OS's on an everyday basis right next to eachother, and I guarantee you there is no performance difference what so ever. between the two. besides the MBP being a faster system, so it performs slightly better.

    what are these bugs you speak of? Firefox 2 had massive improvements over the previous version, crash recovery, much better built in spell check, multiple other things that greatly improved its usability, I am sorry but it is extremely annoying to see posts with very naive complaints about personal preference than anything substantial.
  29. masterchef341

    masterchef341 The guy from The Notebook

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    osx could use a lot of things.

    microsoft internet explorer is not one of them.
  30. fan of laptop

    fan of laptop Notebook Evangelist

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    I can not think of the need for IE, I am using safari and I am happy with it most of the time.
  31. surfacewound

    surfacewound Notebook Consultant

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    Well for starters, what about the DNS issues?

    My personal issues with Firefox has been its erratic hanging issues. Even if I'm not multitasking Firefox will occasionally just lock up and that that hard drive platter icon will just sit there spinning for what seems like an eternity, then it'll finally respond again. This is spanning all versions since I got my Macbook in Februrary, multiple installations, plugins or no plugins, and multiple fresh OS X installations.

    But hey, I guess I'm just an idiot that doesn't know what I'm doing since all you guys have flawless Firefox experiences in OS X.

    Oh and all of these guys are just idiots too:

    "I’m running Firefox on my (relatively) new (intel) Mac. Problem is that Firefox locks up several times a day. I found a forum which suggested disabling the anti-phishing functionality. Several people seemed to have benefited from said disabling.

    I also found a Bugzilla report about the same behavior. It sounds like the anti-phishing thing can cause some problems during startup, but is probably not responsible for hanging during regular browsing. My problem is not on startup, but on browsing, so disabling anti-phishing probably won’t help me. But I’ve disabled it just on the off-chance that it will. If this hanging persists, I’ll either switch to Opera or Safari."


    "Firefox on the Mac totaly sucks. I have constant GUI errors where tooltps of the UI and ALT tags show up when I switch back to Firefox. Since I have massive problems with inlined images."


    "I've recently swtiched back to Safari after using Firefox for years. I've had the problem with all text entry widgets (including the address bar) being locked up after a while, as well as random oddness that reminds me of the days of Navigator. This happens on both my Powerbook (a Firefox with no extensions installed) and MacBookPro (which had all sorts of things installed).

    I do pull up Firefox to do some web development, but otherwise it's easier to live without the extra bells & whistles lately."


    "Yep, it sucks big time. I use it as my primary development platform, mainly for Firebug, but have got used to restarting it 4 or 5 times a day.

    The usual symptom is either the browser stops responding or the styles disappear from a page. If I restart it is ok for another couple of hours."


    "I wish you were wrong. Firefox on the Mac is plain frustrating. I tried bon echo a Firefox optimized for the mac project. It is quicker, but I do web development, and it is not consistent with Firefox. Flock is the same in terms of speed, maybe even worse. It uses the same rendering engine. FF needs to get their act together. The situation is worse than a bad joke."


    "I used to LOVE Firefox-- all the way from v.0.98. But I tried FF 2 on my wife's Intel MacBook and it was beyond horrible-- super slow, buggy, crash prone. I had to down grade her. I refuse to try it on my G4 Mini.

    FF 2 for Win XP seems to be fine, or at least "as good as it gets" on Windows, software-wise."


    "I am a web developer and I have FF on a MAC G5 running MAC OS X Leopard on a high speed cable internet. I am working on a very script intense web app for my employer and when using FF on the MAC it runs dramatically slower than a PC with FF. Even at times pages will not even load completely. I dont know if it is a bug or not I love FF on my PC and it is my preferred browser but with these problems on the MAC I will be forced to use another browser."


    "I'm doing development work on an intel mac, and firefox is really terrible. Here's the problems I see:

    1. After a while, clicking on a link just won't work. Wait a minute or two, then it's fine. In the meantime, I go over to Safari, everything is fine.
    2. When I get too many tabs open, the system is likely to hang. If firefox is not open, I don't have this problem.
    3. Sometime pages don't render style, I just get a bunch of text. Doesn't happen on safari.

    Personally, I think that firefox is more sensitive to a poor internet connection. I'm using comcast, and thinking about switching."


    "i finally switched from firefox back to safari after using it for the last 3 odd years on my powerbook 1.67ghz, now on 10.4.11.
    i too noticed problems from firefox on.
    every time an update comes out i install it, open up the app, go to facebook and try to open a facebook profile page (usually mine) in a new tab by command clicking. this has thus far been a sure fire way to make it hang. every time since (including today) it has hung and i have closed firefox, not to be opened again until a new update is out, where i repeat the process.
    i use it to check on website compatibility from time to time but thats it. very sad as i like firefox a lot. luckily safari got heaps better in version 3 so isn't so bad to use now.
    has mozilla stopped caring about the mac community or what? it's obviously a huge problem."


    "Firefox on my mac is regularly unusable. Utterly broken text editing, broken image rendering on startup (google's logo renders halfway across the screen), loading the most common of websites (facebook, gmail, wikipedia) leads to full-program lockouts for 30 seconds at a time. During this time the mouse cursor becomes a whirling wheel and the entire program cannot be used until that single page has loaded. The program often refuses to refocus after switching to another window. If you finally do get the program back, the main bar is not highlighted to show it is in use.

    Firefox is the ONLY decent web browser that exists. On a mac, however, it's utterly unusable on a regular basis, and it's fully unusable for editing a lot of text forms. I am using a three-month old Macbook running OS X 10.4.

    Mozilla, please, please take note of this. An enormous amount of Firefox users and evangelists are Mac users, and Safari is now just sitting there, getting better all the time and ripe for switching to. If things don't get better, I will switch."

    I could go on and on (just click the link and see for yourself how many responses there are). And hell, half of those people are web developers, not stupid 14 year olds opening 50 porn sites.

    But hey, Firefox is a beacon of perfection on you guys' Macs so obviously everyone else that has issues with it just has no clue what they're doing; you said it yourself:

    Oh clearly. I apologize for being such an idiot that is incapable of properly using a web browser. I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize for all those other people that are clearly doing something wrong, it's completely inexcusable behavior. On behalf of me and every other idiot that has had [USER-CAUSED] issues with Firefox in OS X, I will write a letter to Steve Jobs and to Mozilla expressing my deepest regret for thinking any of their products could ever even potentially be the slightest bit less than perfect. I can only hope that they find it in their hearts to forgive us, otherwise I don't think I would be able to sleep at night.
  32. surfacewound

    surfacewound Notebook Consultant

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    I'm sorry going off but this thread just demonstrates exactly the type of elitist Apple bull**** I absolutely cannot stand.
  33. Jurisprudence

    Jurisprudence Notebook Evangelist

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    Hey Surfacewound (BTW best tag name I have seen in ages, kudos) I couldnt agree more about hte Apple superiority thing, it makes my want to throw up. But this thread is not really about that. All the browsers we have today have certain problems. If they didnt we would just have one browser everyone is happy with. The real thing is to try and get everyone surfing the best way they want to. I work in DSL tech supporting businesses and get to know pretty much all the frustrations my customers feel on each browser due to their respective faults. I'm a big Opera fan, Firefox next, then Safari, then other opensource alternatives, and last IE.

    1) Opera: Brilliantly speced out of the box but currently has major issues with CPU ramping, Web 2.0 support (non-beta versions) and a lack of plugins compared to Firefox.

    2) Firefox: very friendly user-interface and lots of pluggins (best community spirit out there). That has a problem in itself in that only experienced users may get the best from it by searching and implimenting those plugins (which may cause instability and lead to negative impressions of it). It really needs to be better equipped from the get-go with internal testing by the Mozilla team. The guys in Mozilla need to sort out some very serious issues to sustain their drive into the market.

    3) Safari: great integration with OSX but I find it very limited in options and ability to customize. I dont blame Apple for trying to keep things simple on this one as they are legally obliged to support it and having thousands of plugins available would make resolving every customer issue almost impossible. But on the other side the wider web community needs the code to help it improve and mutate into something more of us will use more efficiently. If Apple continue to take a stance that outside developers (only the safari engine is OSS) should not have access to full development code then Safari, Apple, and therefore its users will suffer as a result.

    4) IE: Sorry, but it just doesnt cut it anymore. The world is going mobile and we have versions of all the other browsers which have shown they can adapt to mobile conditions, improvements in web development etc and Microsofts browser is holding back the others due to market dominance, restrictions on code availability and proprietry standard enforcement. On the desktop side its looking old, tired and with few addons I just cant use it anymore.

    These are just my personal opinions and for the OP and others this thread should be looking to help them get the most from their chosen browser and the applications that they rely upon. Can we please try and help each other out with this and not let this turn into an us v them flame war. Its all been done before and is pointless. Its not possible to have a perfect browser in a world of millions of coders and billions of sites each made with varying levels of skill but if people do have work-arounds for any specific issue or suggestions to make life easier please post them.

    Anyone have any favourite features they don't see on other browsers? For me the way Opera handles password entry is fantastic, letting you continue to the site before having to tell the browser to save the password is brilliance if your like me, constantly screwing up with my random pounding of the keyboard.

    PS: Surfacewound, have you tried using Cleanapp

    When I was having incredible trouble with Opera on leopard (beta builds crashing on launch and randomly afterwards) I used this and the world became a happier place. It finds and deletes all interlinking and reliant libraries, not just cookies, temp and history attached to the application your having problems with (Firefox in your case). Please export your bookmarks, passwords etc before using it as it deletes everything. A normal clean install of Opera or Firefox on OSX is unfortunately not as clean as most would like to believe. Also please bear in mind that if your using Leopard 10.5 the TCP/IP stack is still not very reliable which will compound any DNS or other network issues you may be having. Apple will hopefully cure this in 10.5.2, due for release soon. Hope this helps.
  34. surfacewound

    surfacewound Notebook Consultant

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    My point was this thread became about that due to the attitude that nothing could possibly not work the way it should on a Mac.

    But I largely agree with you, I'm the last person to defend IE, I hate it; I've been using Firefox since it was Firebird .6 something for that very reason. Like I said the only reason I would want IE on a Mac is the same reason I still use it occasionally on my PC: compatibility. If I want to VPN to my desktop, I need to use IE. If I want to stream a movie on Netflix, I need to use IE. There's enough random crap like that for me to want IE on OS X, only to use for those infrequent occasions.

    The simple fact is, Firefox does NOT work identically in OS X as it does in Windows, which was my only point. And the perceived reaction I saw was that while it's perfectly okay for a cross-platform program to run better in OS X, the mere suggestion that something could run better in Windows is blasphemous, and that surely the only explanation is that the user is to blame. I find this quite ironic because the efficiency of a third-party developmer is obviously completely out of the hands of Apple, which makes the Apple zealousness even worse.

    Oh and thanks for the link, I'll definitely try it out. I knew that the uninstall for Firefox retains the profile so you have to manually purge that to get a truly clean re-install, but that program looks much more thorough.
  35. hollownail

    hollownail Individual 11

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    Well, I have to kinda agree with surface, though I have a ton of issues with firefox 2 on XP, as do many others I know. Then again, most of my friends and I end up having multiple windows with dozens of tabs open. That and the persistent memory leak issues with FF (seen under both XP, OS X, and Linux) are a nightmare.
  36. Jurisprudence

    Jurisprudence Notebook Evangelist

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    If Firefox is causing memory leaks and you use multiple tabs alot maybe Opera would be a better bet. I use it on both my desktop and MBP. Bearing in mind the pc is only a p4 2.53ghz, 1gb ram, 2 monitors running vista ultimate im still able to run 2 Opera windows each with about 70 tabs open. its slow to open the session initially but is ok when im in. I still have enough ram for torrent clients, acrobat 8 pro, word '07, msn etc. On the MBP with 2gb I usually have 2 windows with 80-90 tabs each and memory is rarely a problem. If a leak does start all you need to do is quit Opera and restart it. It remembers all the previously open tabs so you dont lose your position. I use the ttt-show skin which gives you 13 tabs on each line on the 1440x900 MBP screen and then wraps the others to multiple lines, very handy.
  37. SGT Lindy

    SGT Lindy Notebook Consultant

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    I started this thread and surface you could not be more right.

    Are there people that dont have problems with FF? Probably. But to sit there and say FF does not have problems is a joke. Its a well known FACT that FF has massive memory leaks. Anytime I see a review of FF 3.0 beta whatever...the first thing they talk about is how the MEMORY LEAK problem is way better and the next thing the review talks about is in the speed in 3.0 is like it was in 1.5. 30 seconds of google will show you this.

    I dont like IE either, but the fact remains that out of the box with no plugins for any browser IE7 is now secure (especially under Vista) works with more websites than any other browser, and is as fast or faster than latest GA version of FF.

    I like FF the best when its working fine. Safari is not bad either but it is so locked down its crazy. As a recent switcher I am learning that Apple does things there way and TOO FRAQING BAD if you dont like it. If you complain about it the Mac Freaks come out and tear you apart.

    Things that irritate me the most are such simple things that Apple could do if they put down the pride and just got it done, like cut & paste in finder, resizing windows on all edges, single clicking the URL on Safari, sorting of bookmarks, or a simple sidebar like every other browser.

    If Apple wants more switchers...NOW is the time to implement these minor items which can be road blocks for switchers, while Vista is a giant turd.

    If MS pulls one out of the behind and Vista gets better soon....Apple will have blown the chance to bring in more people.
  38. hollownail

    hollownail Individual 11

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    BTW, I have to say that the most recent issue with FF that drives me nuts, is when it looses focus. I'm not the only one with this problem by far, but I dont' know if it's just on OSX or what... but on some pages, if I click on a link, and it brings up the next page, I have to actually click the page before I can use a keyboard shortcut (i.e. the page back shortcut).

    Drives me insane on some sites!
  39. masterchef341

    masterchef341 The guy from The Notebook

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    for what its worth, i think that apple elitism is no worse than anti-apple user sentimentalism...

    its growing...

    on a separate note:

    if you don't like safari, try firefox

    if you don't like firefox, use opera

    if you don't like opera, check out camino

    if you don't like camino, write your own web browser.
  40. circa86

    circa86 Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    your points are definitely good SGT Lindy, but I still must disagree, the points that you are making effect such a small amount of users, if they are even aware of them in the first place. the only way to really be aware of many of these issues is to read reports on sites that are reporting them, as most users will not even be aware of small issues, unless they go looking for them.

    I can with all honesty say that I am unaware of any performance difference between FF on OS X and Windows, there in definitely could be one, but I honestly in normal everyday use can not notice one, even after it has been brought up and uncovered here, actually, it wasn't uncovered here AT ALL.

    it was released by the developers themselves, unlike the developers of IE, who would blame things like memory leaks or anything else, on the user themselves.

    I don't tend to go looking for negative info on the internet unless I am having a problem with something, having no problems with FF on the Mac, and Internet Explorer compatibility not really being an issue to me, or many people at this point, I have no reason to find out that FF has minor performance and preference issues that I am not even aware of.

    and, Firefox is open source, if you have complaints like this there is nothing stopping you and everyone else with issues to fix them and release a new distribution.

    I can promise you that the people developing this software are working to get rid of the larger global issues, and will probably fix them before anyone even gets started on a new distribution.

    and if you think a new IE (an old version is definitely available) for OS X is the only solution, this is a very weird place to get your opinion heard and actually have an effect. that is my major point in this situation, you need to get in touch with the guys at Microsoft, I am sure they will be fairly easy to sway in the right direction. . .

    in the mean time:
  41. hollownail

    hollownail Individual 11

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    Actually, come ot think of it... The only real reason I see a need for IE on OS X is for the bloody sites that only work in OS X.

    Yes. they do exist. Try using Netflix's online movie viewing system.... can't use it unless you have IE.

    It's not so much that OS X needs IE, as companies/people need to stop making IE specific crap.
  42. circa86

    circa86 Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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  43. Sam

    Sam Notebook Virtuoso

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    Well, you have to keep in mind, OS X was not designed to be "Windows Plus". It isn't "everything Windows, and a bit more". Its Mac OS X. If you want everything to be just like Windows, it seems maybe you prefer Windows over Mac. Mac OS X is not Windows, it works differently, and that's what switchers will need to get used to.

    If you want everything to be just as it was in Windows, you haven't switched, now have you?
  44. dylanemcgregor

    dylanemcgregor Notebook Consultant

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    While I agree with the sentiment, some of the small things that are mentioned it is had to see a reason why Apple's way is better (or even as good) as Windows. Things like the resizing from every corner vs. only being able to resize from one corner. So many times I've had to spend a few minutes getting my window back in the right place because I lost the corner to resize off the screen. Having the ability to resize from any edge just seems like a no-brainer with no justification I can see for leaving it as the status quo.
  45. cdnalsi

    cdnalsi Food for the funky people

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  46. SGT Lindy

    SGT Lindy Notebook Consultant

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    Sam you are a great guy....but what I am asking for is simple stuff that I know Apple could do, because Itunes on Windows has the abilities.

    Options...not do it the Windows way only....options. Let the user decide, not jam it down your throat this is the Apple way even though every other OS does it the way I am asking for and they represent 90% of the worlds computer users (Windows/UNIX/Linux).

    Safari is not version 1.0. Sorting bookmarks is in every other browser you can run on OS X, Windows or Linux. Clicking on the URL bar with a single click....every other browser has this OPTION if not by default.

    This kind of attitude from the Apple community is what turns a lot of people off. The Apple way or the high way. Why cant you just admit that cut/paste is easier than copy/paste/delete???? Its not a matter of MS vs Apple and what is better...its a SIMPLE matter of logic. Its black and white that one is two steps and the other is three.

    There is so much to like about Apple and its products perceived (like its more secure) and way better integration with its OS and applications like iLife and because of its total control over hardware and software you get a better overall package.

    That said to get the full potential of Apple and its products you must embrace its loyal fan base and their ways....something that is not always objective or positive and this is sometimes a negative for Apple.
  47. HLdan

    HLdan Notebook Virtuoso

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    Thank you Sam!!! I've offered my input and was called a Fanboy. Hopefully since people respect Sam on this forum his word will be taken without resulting to name calling.
  48. Modly

    Modly Warranty Voider

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    Maybe I've got way too much RAM to notice the memory leaks in FireFox, but other than an occasional crash once every few weeks (And this is with many hours behind the keyboard), I never have any issues with it.

    Circa86 had it right. If you've got a problem with firefox, go ahead and fix it. It's opensource, and if you can make it better, do it. In the meantime, it works great for me in Leopard, XP, and Mint.

    SGT Lindy; The reason iTunes does that in windows is because it's in the Windows window manager. It's not something apple did.
  49. trueintentions

    trueintentions Notebook Evangelist

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    "The Apple way or the highway" may be "true", however, you wonder why do people switch to OS X if they want it to work the same way as windows. The "apple way", to some people, might be better.

    I personally prefer the one corner resizing, in Windows, I often click on edges when I'm trying to drag the window or something. As for copy and paste, I prefer copy and paste. I like being able to refer to the place where I copied from. I have never used "cut/paste" in Windows, ever. It's just an extra "function" that I have never used.

    I find that whenever it turns into a "windows vs. apple" flame battle, it really comes down to preference. I like the way that OS X runs, I like the fact that there isn't a Cut/Paste option. I like having to resize with the one corner. It's different compared to Windows, and I like it like that. I wouldn't have switched in the first place if I wanted as what Sam said, "Windows Plus".