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    Now or Later?

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by Douten, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. Douten

    Douten Notebook Consultant

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    I've been reading threads on the forum now and then for the past couple of weeks. From what I'm seeing there'll be a new version of Macs for the new processor? Though I'm not sure when that will be released I've heard Q3-Q4?
    If it is Q3-Q4 I'm wondering if I should wait, cause it sound like the upgrade will be a major one w/ the new chip. If it won't be until next year then I'm not waiting :p

    I'll be using the mac mostly to do graphic art stuff, like image editing, illustrator, perhaps a few movie edit software, things like that. It'll also be my entertainment center :rolleyes: I'll be using boot camp for some gaming. So with what I'm using it for do you guys think the next upgrade will improve my tasks exponentially(or a little less)? If it doesn't really effect it so much, like the last upgrade w/ touch pad and stuff (though the stronger gfx card is nice) I wouldn't mind just getting it now instead of Q3-4.

    Also I've read that if I'm gonna get MBP I should just get the bottom one, since HDD and Ram are easily upgraded and the increase in gfx ram and processor doesn't make up for the price, is that what everyone agrees on? I'm thinking I might get that one anyways because of pricing : )

    TL;DR: Should I wait until the next major MBP upgrade to get my first mac if I'm using mainly graphic editing softwares and game a little? Is the next upgrade Q3-4? Would you recommend the cheapest MBP over the other ones that doesn't have significant increase in specs?

    Thanks : ) sorry for any confusion :x
  2. Nirvana

    Nirvana Notebook Prophet

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    probably 3th quarter. but it looks like a long wait to me tho ;)
  3. Xirurg

    Xirurg ORLY???

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    you can buy one from outlet for less.
  4. asmallchild

    asmallchild Notebook Consultant

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    I'd go for it now. You can drive yourself crazy with the waiting because there's always something newer, better, and cheaper across the horizon.

    Rumors are floating around that the next revision will be fairly drastic as well. If that's the case, there are 2 approaches people can take. Some feel such a revision is definitely worth waiting for. And others don't want to be the guinea pig in line testing out this brand new revision.

    I'm in the latter category and like you, I'm not an ultra-demanding user so I went ahead with a MBP purchase just weeks ago. I opted for the bottom of the line MBP as well and it has been superb.

    I've heard the RAM is easy to upgrade but I haven't heard too much about the HDD. If you aren't the handiest computer user around, it may be worth it to just order the bottom of the line MBP albeit with an upgraded HDD to save yourself the hassle.
  5. niemassacre

    niemassacre Notebook Evangelist

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    I always say the same line when someone asks about computer purchases - if you can wait, wait. If you need a computer now, buy. The changes that will come with the Montevina release will certainly help, but they won't be revolutionary. A chassis redesign could be imminent as well, but there's no real proof that that's in the pipeline, and as it was mentioned before, there could be issues with the new design in the first iteration (there were in this iteration as well, with the Core Duo MBP). And just FYI, there isn't a new processor with the new chipset - it's the same Penryn processor that is currently being used, the differences will be in RAM speed support, WiMax support, and a few other things I believe. There's a good chance the next model will have the 9000 series graphics card from nVidia as well.

    As far as the current models go - what you get with the higher end is not much, I'd say. The graphics card boost is very minimal, due to the 128-bit membus on the 8600M GT that limits how effectively it can use the higher amounts of VRAM (512 MB is really just a gimmick on a card like that). The extra 100 MHz of processor speed is very inconsequential as well, but you do get double the L2 cache as well (3 MB vs. 6 MB), so that would help performance, but probably not drastically. As you said, RAM and HD are upgradeable, but be warned that upgrading the HD on a MBP voids the warranty.
  6. War-Crimes

    War-Crimes Notebook Consultant

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    If you need it now, get it now. Or else you'll always be waiting...There will always be updates, can't stop them.

    If you aren't in the rush for one, I would suggest waiting, as there probably will be an update in the third quarter.
  7. Douten

    Douten Notebook Consultant

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    Thanks for the replies~ I didn't even think about early design flaws for new designs. I think I'll settle with the current MBP then, if the upgrade isn't anything significant. A few more questions though.

    What is the difference between glossy and none glossy? I remember one reflecting lights or stuff more but not sure which. And what else would you recommend purchasing along with the MBP? Is that printer deal good? I think I will get the APP but not right away, need more money first.
  8. War-Crimes

    War-Crimes Notebook Consultant

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    If you are going to be doing serious business/presentations with your MBP, I wouldn't recommend getting a glossy screen because it looks kind of cheap.

    However, if you are going to go with the gloss, note that people have complained that it is too shiny/ too much glare.

    I went with non-gloss (matt?) and haven't regret it.
  9. asmallchild

    asmallchild Notebook Consultant

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    I went with matte as well. Glossy does tend to make things more vibrant but it does reflect lights.

    Along with the MBP, I would highly recommend picking up APP.

    The printer deal is quite solid as well. Free $100 printer? Why not? I stashed it around the house just as a spare unit but I'm pretty sure you could sell it online for $50 (or maybe $100).
  10. Sam

    Sam Notebook Virtuoso

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    The next expected update for the MBP is around summer for Intel Montevina. Considering how long its been since a redesign, its possible for a MBP redesign, rumours being with elements from the iMac and MacBook Air.

    The next update after that is a major one, Nehalem in early 2009.

    RAM is easy to replace, and hard drive isn't impossible either, but Apple can void your warranty if you change the hard drive.

    Glossy screens give off reflections, think of it like a layer of glass, similar to iPhone, iPod Touch. They give off better colours, but sometimes can be annoying with reflections and stuff. Best to check it out yourself and see what you prefer, but the general theory is that you may love or hate glossy but you won't hate matte (there's nothing wrong with it to hate :p).
  11. niemassacre

    niemassacre Notebook Evangelist

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    Definitely go into an Apple store and check them yourself. If you can, bring a source of harsh light too, since the stores I've been in have pretty soft lighting, which can reduce the glare from glossy screens. To be fair, though, I think the quality of the Apple glossy screens is great, and the glare isn't too bad (even in rough lighting), that's why I went with it myself. The matte is very good too though, and if you're going to be outside a lot or in harsh lighting conditions, it's a solid choice. But if you can, check it out for yourself, there's way too much preference involved for anyone here to tell you what to go with on that front.
  12. DamienThorn

    DamienThorn Notebook Consultant

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    If you need the computer now, then I'd buy it now. That having been said, the forthcoming update should (might?) include elements of the new centrino Pro specs, which will theoretically improve wireless connectivity and improve battery performance fairly significantly.