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    My Mac So Far - A Diary

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by ShaggyRS6, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    My Mac So Far…..

    17 Inch 2.4Ghz

    2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    1900 x 1200 pixels
    4GB Crucial memory
    160GB hard drive1
    8x double-layer SuperDrive
    NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT graphics with 256MB SDRAM

    I guess I am following on from another thread of the same subject posted earlier on in the week, I thought I would sum up my first couple of weeks with the Mac.

    I have been a PC user all my life. I have known Mac users and for as long as I can remember have been taking the piss out of them for one reason or another. In fact, I cant actually think of a day that went by when I had nothing to say that was derogatory to my colleague with the Mac.

    Over that past weeks though I have noticed the part of the office I work in has slowly been filling up with the Mac’s in one way shape or form. Great, more people to take the piss out off…..

    That all changed though 2 weeks ago. I travel a lot. An awful lot, and therefore wanted a travel companion, predominately built around my World Of Warcraft addiction. So I looked at Alienware, I looked at Dell XPS I looked at ASUS etc etc, this list goes on. All nice and cheap in the US which is where I am now. The problem is, Dell or Alienware, Or ASUS don’t seem to want my money, these high end machines have to be pre built, I wanted something now.

    Leading up to my trip the guys in the office showed me what they were doing with their Mac’s. In fact they even installed WOW for me to play. I was sold, entirely at this point because this computer could allow me to play WOW and was available from the Mac store in London right away. I am so glad I made this choice.

    1. I cannot believe how easy it is to stay in contact with my family. Am not saying you cant do any of this on a PC, however, I have a Mac, and the added benefits that bring are immense. Back on track, I install skype on my sons PC at home and on my Power Book. The money I will save this trip alone in phone calls will be 300ukp. In 4 trips or so I would have paid for my Mac.
    2. Photos. I have Nikon D2X and enjoy taking pictures. How easy with the Mac? A child could do it. Easy = fast = no hassle = more time for me to get on with what I need to get on with.
    3. The laptop is so light. I can chuck it in a slip, but it in my rucksack and I don’t notice it. Its not much more heavy than my camera.
    4. Screen resolution. Stunning. WOW looks better than it does on my 2ms 22” monitor at home, the PC running 2 SLI’d Nvidia GFX cards. The first comment anyone makes about the Mac is the quality of the screen. Great for editing photos too.
    5. Style, I don’t really do style. But the Mac is undoubtedly stylish. Makes those big chunky butt ugly PC laptops looks crap.
    6. Issues? I have had none. Touch wood the Mac has performed non stop. Only occasionally does it break into a sweat whilst playing WOW.
    7. The support you get from any Mac store around the world is great. Instant assistance. They even installed the 4GIG of Ram I bought room B&H for me at 05:30 in the morning ☺
    8. Mail, what a simple little app. Simple making it in my opinion far superior to entourage/outlook.
    9. Loving the dash board. Really helps you out.
    10. I love the calendar function as well. Again simplicity. I have realised that all signing and all dancing is not necessarily always a good thing.
    11. Speakers are awesome for a laptop. Just right for me.
    12. Dual booting into Windows, I have a copy of my work laptop running under VM ware. Now that’s handy and it means I only need to hump one laptop.

    3 Bad things

    1. I hate how easily you can scratch the surface of the Mac. I have some protective stuff coming UPS today
    2. Ventrillio does not seems to work well. All my gaming friends would need to change to the codec I use in order for it to work.
    3. The lack of a decent wired gaming mouse with drivers for the Mac

    That’s it so far. I am sure I have missed a lot of stuff that I like, and I would like to keep this thread up to date with my experiences. Of course, if you rather I shut up I will ☺
  2. Fedorian

    Fedorian Notebook Enthusiast

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    thank you :) I've had the same experience as you for the most part, no issues at all... though I can't really see any scratches whatsoever on mine yet, maybe im overcareful, but my old laptop was much easier to scrach, atleast this one's metal :D

    Still, i'd recommend anyone to buy one of those shaggymac screen protectors, as soon as I get my work salary i'm getting one atleast (I still use the thingie that came with the laptop as a screen protector when I close the lid) :)
  3. ladip63

    ladip63 Notebook Consultant

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    Thanks ShaggyRS6
    Now I really want a MBP :D :D

  4. Dustin_D

    Dustin_D Notebook Evangelist

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    Sounds pretty awesome so far huh? I think I will really like my Macbook when I get it as well :).

    Good to hear that Mac took care of everything you needed in one big package.
  5. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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  6. Arwin

    Arwin Notebook Enthusiast

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    It's so great to hear that more and more people are enjoying their macs every day. I am i very recent switcher myself, I'm doing a 1 semester exchange program with Florida State uni and I got myself a Macbook, the white 2.16ghz one and I'm so pleased with its peformance. Oh and the very favorable euro-dollar exchange makes it a pretty sweet deal too :p Ofcourse I've had some annoyances, but they could just as likely be from my inexperience with Mac OS. The battery life I get far exceeds the gateway 14" vista laptop my roomie bought at the same time. The screen is nice and bright and I haven't been bothered at all by the glare thing...again my roomies laptop is again WAY worse in that department.

    My list of things I dont like sofar isnt very long:
    - the heat..65+ celcius isn't uncommon, which is pretty high in my opinion.
    - I totally miss WinAmp, sure itunes or VLC or whatever do the job, but they are not nearly as easy to use as WinAmp.

    Maybe I'll come across some other stuff, but overall Ive been as pleased with my Mac as you have!
  7. High Energy

    High Energy Notebook Guru

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    I'd like to see pics of the anti-scratch stuff installed.
  8. Sam

    Sam Notebook Virtuoso

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    Very nice, ShaggyRS6. Thanks for your thoughts and opinion :). I'm sure potential switchers will find all these "First Looks" very interesting and helpful.
  9. taelrak

    taelrak Lost

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    Ouch :p No more raids for a while eh
  10. myshkin

    myshkin Notebook Consultant

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    I just got mine, and im so glad i made the switch. I only had it about 5 days now and i am finding really no reason for using windows. Everything so far i like to use on comps i have found good progs for mac. The actual design of the mbp is so much better then any pc. The battery is much better, and yes you can get a 9 cell for pc's but then they stick out.

    I was definitely nervous about ordering such a expensive product without knowing if i was gonna like it, but so far i have 0 complaints
  11. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    I hope my feedback does help those thinking about getting Mac actually get one. Like I said in the original post, I was a hard and fast PC guy. I am actually even thinking about getting a 24" iMac

    2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Extreme
    4GB 667MHz DDR2 SDRAM - 2x2GB
    1TB Serial ATA Drive
    SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW)
    Apple Mighty Mouse
    Apple Keyboard (English) + Mac OS X
    Built-in Display
    Accessory kit
    ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO with 256MB memory
    24-inch glossy widescreen LCD
    AirPort Extreme
    Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR
  12. Sam

    Sam Notebook Virtuoso

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    Wow, that is one power machine, Shaggy. Main drawback being the rather weak graphics card...but other than that, lots of power.

    If only the new iMac had an option for matte...I don't mind my MacBook's glossy but I prefer matte screens on desktops.
  13. sharpsees

    sharpsees Notebook Consultant

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    My mac so far:

    delivered 2 days later than schedule
    arrived with two dead pixels in the middle of the screen
    got picked up by a sketchy dsl guy for repairs
    under indefinite service when all i need is a replacement
  14. Ken Wind

    Ken Wind Notebook Deity

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    I love the iMac, and I convinced my mom to get one a couple years ago. I don't like that they are make it difficult for users to change out components though. Anybody see the new Gateway One? It has an easily acessible hard drive with an empty space next to it for another hard drive.
  15. Sam

    Sam Notebook Virtuoso

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    No bias to Apple, the Gateway One isn't good looking at all...its got a lot of user serviceability, but the design isn't that great.
  16. Ken Wind

    Ken Wind Notebook Deity

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    Aesthetically the design isn't that great, and I think the iMac is better. The ports in the power brick and the serviceability are what impress me. I can understand not being able to change out components on a notebook, but I will never buy a desktop I can't open up and service myself. Unfortunately I may not have a choice. It seems like most consumers are either uninterested in or intimidated by changing computer components themselves.
  17. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    Thinking about it I would want something where i could change the GFX card
  18. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    Update No.2

    MacBook Pro owner now for just under a month. Still loving every minute of it. Can’t remember if I mentioned in part 1 that 5 had bought the aluminium keyboard. Well I did and it’s a great addition. I think I read a review in Mac World after I got back to London from my last trip to the states. They liked it, although commented on the fact it took them a long time to get used to it. That certainly was not the case with me. It’s actually a very very good keyboard. Perfect for gamming whilst away from home.

    On the subject of keyboards I do find I miss spell a lot of words with the MacBook Pro keyboard. Perhaps it the way I sit at the keyboard on the train, I just find I miss a lot of letters out of words.

    The screen continues to amaze me. EVERYONE who comments on the Mac comments about the screen first, then its looks, ten generally slags Mac’s off for not being a PC. This baby has not fallen over once. It starts very quickly, it shuts down very quickly, pretty much flawless at the moment. Since I returned to PC gamming after my trip I guess my PC which is of a high spec, SLI, 4GB Ram etc etc, has fallen over about 10 times, which as a PC user is the norm, I really notice that a lot more since I have had the Mac. I fact I ranted to the guild I Vent last night that Bill Gates was the Devil’s son. This from a devoted PC user of 36 years.

    I said pretty much flawless. The more you play with new toys the more you get to know them, and their quirks. The ONLY thing that I am unhappy with right now is brining it out of sleep, which sometimes means you have to close the lid back up because it wont wake up at the first time of trying. This is actually getting a little annoying.

    I am still using Mac mail although I have entourage installed. Simple is good.

    I was discussing the Mac with a friend yesterday and I was trying to sum up how I felt about it, and why I rate it over any other laptop. I still cant, I will manage to put the words together one day. It’s a combination of have everything you need pre-installed, together with simplicity and style, the fact that its stable etc etc. Like I say, one day I will think of a word or phrase.

    So, as I make m way to Milton Keynes on the train, with my mobile internet working and iTunes playing Green Day, I am still a happy chappy.
  19. Macpod

    Macpod Connoisseur

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    I think Einstein said:

    'make things simple, not simpler'

    suits the MBP me thinks.
  20. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    Like it!!!!
  21. saturnotaku

    saturnotaku Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    I've been thinking about getting the aluminum keyboard myself. Anyone here know if the Bluetooth version will also interface with the Playstation 3?
  22. arikol

    arikol Notebook Geek

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    what's that with the lid closing/opening to get out of sleep?
    If it goes into sleep with the lid open you should be able to wake it by pressing a button (I usually press the space bar).
    If you put it to sleep by closing the lid it should wake up when you open the lid.
    Or does it go to sleep with the lid open, and then you close it.
    If not one of the above then that little quirk would be annoying, I'd agree to that.
    Anyways, sounds strange..... (not quite mysterious, though :))
  23. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    When I close the lid that's when i have the trouble. I open it, and i just get a cursor and nothing else, I have to then put it to sleep and open the lid again.
  24. RadcomTxx

    RadcomTxx Notebook Deity

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    os x sometimes has a delay bringing up the password prompt, you could try letting it go a little longer.
  25. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    Update 3....

    I have mentioned before that I have mobile broadband installed. I choose Vodaphone as they are offering 7MB (eventually in London) connection speeds. Its deffo enabled at Heathrow and I get a 3MB connection on the train to and from work. This enables me to play WOW on the train. Fantastic.

    I have been installing a few bits a bobs as I come across them. The latest addition was is an app called "The Missing Sync" which enables me to (amongst other things) sync my work Blackberry with iCAL. A life saver.

    Why is it a life saver? Well, a bit naughty I know but I have put an image of my work laptop running under VMware on my MAC. Perfect. Only one laptop needed.

    I have my Nokia N95 synced up as well. Easy as pie to it, as with everything.

    The protective full body kit from Sheildzone has arrived. This is a well worth peice of kit. I will fit that at the weekend as it requires a bit of patience.

    I went to the Apple Store in London today, I was looking for another power adaptor so i can leave one at work and one at home. Apprarently Apple have not seen them in that store for over a month. Not good. It looks like I will have to wait until next Sat when I go to Miami on business. (Anyone know where the Apple Store is in Miami?)

    The battery has been fine, no issues, the Fans hardly come on. I watched a DVD on the way home today and could not hear anything, the Mac stayed pretty cool as well.

    I have been editinga load of photos for myself and freinds, made a few comic books, I am still amazed at how many apps you can have open at once, including CS3 with multiple RAW pictures. The Mac remains rock solid.

    This morning I got on the train and there was another Macbook pro user sitting across the way. Opposite him was a Dell user. Not sure if I was imagining it but he seemed to put his PC away fairly rapidly when we got our Mac's out :)

    I have been thnking more and more about desktops. If you never owned a Mac and then start using one like me, but, still have a Gaming PC to go home to at night I would imagine, like me, you will start to get p1ssed off with the unreliabilty of Microsoft. That's the point I am at now. I have made up my mind that after Xmas when its bonus time I will by a fully loaded Mac Pro, and a 30" Apple monitor. This way I can stick in SLI'd GFX cards, as many HDD's as I want, and the new Processors will be out.

    I am fully converted. Its only taken 35 years. But in the 4 weeks I have had this Machine and used (albeit only brushing the surface) I have fallen in love. Not only with the computer, but with the image, the support, the raport of fellow owners, the accesories etc etc.

    Expect update 4 whilst I am in Miami :)
  26. MrFugi

    MrFugi Notebook Enthusiast

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    Thanks for the updates, keep 'em coming! I had a taste of a macbook when my gf bought me one because the one I ordered was backordered for some reason (I returned it because it was the wrong one.)

    Again, thanks for the updates :D
  27. Xander

    Xander Paranoid Android

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    I read an article that says Apple may be redesigning the MBP's power adapter yet again. I realize Apple recently made the adapter smaller; this article indicates another redesign. That would be a possible explanation for the Apple Store in London not having any in stock.

    Source Article: Redesigned Power Adapter Coming?
  28. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    Update 4.

    Still going well, very well in fact. I am off to Miami on Saturday on the hunt for a Lacie drive. I can then backup my machine in readiness for the release of Leopard.

    I have installed the Invisible Shield on my MBP I go the full body shield costing $54.00. Now this IS money well spent as all the areas that you WILL damage, or discolour are now safe, the mouse pad, the mouse button, the wrist rests, the lid and even the entire underside. The underside bit doubles as an anti skid system too. This baby is now rock solid on the train to work whilst sitting on a table. Its fairly easy to install until you come to the big piece for the lid. That is an arse to fit, but, as long as you keep it moist it will go on.

    I have installed Surplus Meter to monitor my mobile broadband bandwidth as I am limited to 3GIG a month. Surplus Meter is great as it allows you to monitor individual network devices, so when I transfer between PC’s or use the Mac at home on my “proper” broadband it does not count the bandwidth.

    I have installed Omniweb, it’s a pay for web browser, the thing that attracted me to it most was the ability to have graphical tabs to show you what windows you have open. Still undecided between that and Camino. Firefox is a big no no on a Mac. It’s just not stable enough.

    World of Warcraft continues to run like a dream. The more I play it on the MAC the more I want to get rid of my PC ☺

    I was introduced to right clicking yesterday by enable the two finger gizmo on the mouse pad. This has given the Mac yet another new lease of life. Its so much easier with the right click function enabled.

    The blackberry is still syncing with my Mac, using the Missing Sync. Great utility.

    I got remote buddy too. Now that is a gadget. You can remotely open nearly anything on the MAC, making it great for hotels when your just being lazy and don’t want to move from your bed.

    I will continue to update you if that’s ok ☺ next one will be from Miami. Anyone fancy a pint out there?
  29. kachyobed

    kachyobed Newbie

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    Whats a macbook for if one cant have any sound from it? I have had my macbook for five months now but without any sound at all.Its running windows XP on it? Any miracles rendered will be highly appreciated.(Just email me if you [email protected])
  30. Xander

    Xander Paranoid Android

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    Please start a new thread so that we can help you better. There are a number of questions to address so provide as much information as possible in the new thread. Or you can just take your Mac into an Apple Store ;).
  31. Fade To Black

    Fade To Black The Bad Ass

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    OK, just found this thread and wanted to ask two questions:
    1. How much can it run while on battery?
    2. What's the difference between a matte and glossy screen on a MacBook Pro? I know what they mean and stuff, but I would like to know if it's worth getting a matte screen (mostly).
  32. Arwin

    Arwin Notebook Enthusiast

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    Shaggy, the Apple store in Miami is on Licoln Road mall (it's 17th street I think) on Miami Beach / South Beach. I was there a couple weeks ago...played a bit with the iPhone and send txt msges home to the netherlands :D
  33. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    The Battery life is ok. Its not great though. For instance, running a DVD on a train journey home from work (the train journey is 55 mins) if I start on 100% its on about 30% battery left after 55 mins.

    If I am just using the laptop without the DVD then after 55 mins i guess I am on 50%.

    Glossy or Matt. This is personal preference. I edit alot of pictures on my MAC and it commonly known that you get better colour matching on a Matt screen, a matt screen will not reflect like the glossy screen either.

    The Glossy screen does look nice, but for me the Matt was the way to go.
  34. Fade To Black

    Fade To Black The Bad Ass

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    Yes and matte screens also work outside. Thank you!
  35. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    Excellent, thanks. Just arrived. I will check it out tomorrow
  36. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    Update 5

    Its been nearly 2 months now since I purchased the Macbook Pro. The Mac has become more like a friend now than a piece of machinery. It actually become part of my daily life. I use it, without fail, every day.

    Train journeys are now more pleasurable as I can either work, or play on the train. WOW using Vodafone mobile internet is not a problem, I also have all the tools I need to work. MS Office, Adobe CS3 etc etc.

    I continue to sync both my Blackberry and Nokia 95 (Soon to be iPhone) using Sync and the Missing Sync. iCal faultlessly updates and is a great help whilst I am away to view the meetings I have in more detail. I have also added NetNewsWire, an RSS application that has its own web browser built in. This is a fantastic little app and would recommend it to anyone.

    Obviously Leopard has been released. I had this on pre-order and installed it with no problems. Key points for me on this are, Stacks, Coverflow (especially like the fact I can use cover flow when browsing my windows PC’s) improved mail seems a lot faster. The issue I had with the waking up the Mac seems to have disappeared with Leopard.. Time Machine, I actually hated this but have grown to love it as I have used it in anger a few times. I hate the load splash screen when you first turn the machine on, you can change this though. Spaces is great, makes life a whole lot easier, I have set up a hot corner for it which makes it even better. I have probably missed a whole lot more……

    The ilife suite of apps continues to impress. I use iPhoto to death and have just started to use iweb. I am using ichat a lot more but am limited to only a few Mac friends. If anyone wants to add me for any reason then my Mac id is [email protected]

    I have had no issues in terms of hardware as of yet. The Mac is running well. It continues to do all that I ask of it.
  37. Sam

    Sam Notebook Virtuoso

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    Great to hear, Shaggy! :)
  38. drew97

    drew97 Notebook Guru

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    I notice that you are travelling frequently. How difficult/easy it is travelling w/ a 17" Mac? I think I'd get a MBP but I don't think I'd get the 17" due to its size.

    Also could you tell me where you get the protective stuffs for the surface?

  39. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    Hi Drew. Travelling with the Mac Pro is no problem for me. I use a backpack whilst in the UK to transport it on the train to work. When I fly I use a little slip that I have mentioned earlier on in one of my updates, I then put it in my hand luggage.

    As for the plane, I guess it could be difficult in Econnomy, however, I normally turn left or go up the stairs. If I turn left the table is huge and infact I can have my Mac out and eat dinner :) If I go up the stairs I can only eat or use my Mac :) Either way I am lucky as I get to travel First or Business on BA.

    This will give you an idea.

    Business the silver table pulls out [​IMG]

    In First a big table pulls out just underneath the TV monitor. [​IMG]

    Ecconomy looks difficult [​IMG]
  40. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    Update 6

    I will title this one "I have Officially Gone Mac Mad"

    Do you know when the last time that I used my Gaming PC? Nope? No do I. It gets switched on every now and then when I fancy a game of WOW on a big screen, but that's it. £3000 worth of Gaming machine made obsolete by m Mac Book Pro. Fantastic.

    I speak to my family now. I actually use the Wireless capabilities of the Mac and use it downstairs, my living room has become my new computer room, the Mac Book Pro has truly become my ultimate mobile device. I am truly in love with it.

    Just recently a UK magazine has asked me to write for them. Shooting Sports. I do all my reviews and articles from downstairs the the family, its great.

    As I use it more and more there are a few little niggles raising their heads. Firstly I find the keyboard a pain in the ass sometimes. You really have to beat down on the keys or else you risk missing out letters. Its not all that bad because everything on a Mac has a spell check. It is my most annoying part of the Mac though.

    Time Machine had been giving me some issues. It would not back up incrementally, this was due to user error. I had changed some of the settings on a file and forgot to set the attribs back. After 3 weeks I realized what the problem was and fixed it. A by product of this error though was that I leant about console, which I never knew existed.

    I have just bought Candybar. An amazing bit of software that allows you to change icons and docks with no risk. Superb. Check it out.

    I have installed Adium which enables me to have my iChat contacts and MSN contacts all in one app.

    continue to adore this piece of kit. Oh, and I bought an iPhone too :)
  41. Sam

    Sam Notebook Virtuoso

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    - Pictures scenario -


    Thanks for your continued updates, Shaggy! :)
  42. drewdeezee

    drewdeezee Notebook Enthusiast

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    Reading this thread builds a good case for the 17" MBP's mobility. I was worried that it may be too heavy and so I was opting for a 15" instead. Now I'm back to square one on choosing between 15" MBP vs 17" MBP (which isn't such a bad thing) :)

    Great job on the review and the updates. Please keep them coming!

  43. ANTDOD

    ANTDOD Notebook Consultant

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    That's the point. I had a Dell laptop for a few days and didn't want to move it as it was to bulky and heavy. With MBP I leave my office room more often to sit with my family. And with wireless MightyMouse no cables are required.
  44. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    I'm actually glad that people are actually reading my updates :) Once of my traites (good or bad) is that I tend to go on a bit :)

    The Laptop is very portable. It goes with me everywhere. The last month has seen me use it pretty much non stop. Like I mentioned, I tend not to use my gaming machine.

    One thing I am undecided on is the battery life. Sometimes it seems fine, sometimes it seems to drain very quickly :)
  45. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    Update 7

    The honeymoon period is now over. One thing that remains unlike most marriages after the first few months, we still love each other :) I have been a bit busy with life to post for a while but events last night prompted me to do another quick update.

    More little "features" have been popping their ugly heads up.

    1. The most annoying is the Keyboard. I write loads, but it seems to have to almost have fingers with the power of a jack hammer to ensure all the letters that you are striking actually appear on the screen. Most annoying. I seem to spend a huge amount of time running a spell checker. I dont have issues with the external keyboard or my work IBM Laptop.

    2. Time machine is a fickle little so and so. I constantly have to check if its running a backup before I turn it off, what would be good is if there was a nice easy graphical display of its next backup, like a digital countdown on the tool bar. There are more issues I am sure that are related to TM. I just cant prove it yet.

    3. You cant safely (IMHO) run an external monitor and then shut the lid using something like insomnia. Have you felt the heat? I ran this way all day not so long ago and you could have cooked eggs on the keyboard. So I now run with the lid up whilst using an external monitor.

    Good things.

    Just last night I began to download the new updates, the Laptop wanted to reboot, then hung, I had to manually reboot it. Not normally an issue, this time though, when I got to the logon screen and entered my password it just took me to the setup screen, as if I had just bought the MAC. It then consistently hung. Although Time Machine is Fickle, it restored my system to the last hourly backup in about 40 mins. WOOT!!!! Love it.

    So our happy relationship continues, although, since leopard, we have needed a bit of counseling :)
  46. circa86

    circa86 Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    thanks for keeping the updates, glad to see you haven't had any major issues, and you are avoiding many of the common things that people tend to do when getting accustomed to OS X.

    keep up what you are doing, as you are learning the proper way, finding answers by trying things yourself and when all else fails and you have really searched everywhere, you look for answers.
  47. ShaggyRS6

    ShaggyRS6 Notebook Consultant

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    Update 8

    Last 2 Months.
    The Mac continues to be my computer of choice. I only use my Windows Machine to play games, namely World of Warcraft and EvE Online. I receive all my email on the Mac as well and keep all my reviews and documentation on here too. I do this because of stability and the fact that I have Time Machine backing everything up.

    Talking of Time Machine, it seems to have settled down. Only occasionally does it get stuck. Still annoying, but not half as bad as it was.

    I mentioned I run EvE online on my Mac. I do, and I do it often. I can sit at work and mine asteroids to my hearts content using my mobile broadband connection. I do worry about heat though, and EvE has more of an effect on the Mac than WOW. Almost immediately after starting Eve the Mac’s fans will start. I have a little desk fan I shine over the keyboard area when I play EvE at work as it takes away the hit, which in turn stops the fans, which in turn makes it less noisy.

    I am still having issues with the keys. I really don’t know if it’s the Mac or me or what. I will give you an example:

    This sentence was written by me on the way into work. Wht I have done is kept typig to try and give you an idea of what I mean by the keyoard having to be pressed more firmly than any other laptop I have used. I have made sure that I have pressed each key so we can discount that I am spelling the wods wrongly, I guess you will ust have to take my word for it.

    The paragraph above gives a true representation of my tying life with the Mac. If there was one annoyance that I could choose to be take away, this would be it.

    Something else of note. Within the last 2 months I have purchased Apple’s word processing suite, iWork. I still have Microsoft Office installed as we live in a Microsoft dominated world, having said that I can open word documents, excel spreadsheet and PTT’s in iWork, I can also export the same types of documents so friends can use them within the MS Office apps.

    Given the small issues I have had, I can still say that I am glad that I decided to buy a Mac rather than a windows Laptop. Moreover, I can still say that once my Windows PC gives up the ghost, I will replace that with a Mac Pro.

    The Mac experience continues to be a good one for me. The MacBook Pro accompanies me everywhere on my travels. The most apt saying I have heard along the way from another Mac fan was. “Apple make things simple, not simpler”
  48. Stunner

    Stunner Notebook Deity

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    Ey thanks for the new entry! I look forward to more.
  49. another photoguy

    another photoguy Notebook Evangelist

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    I have the same problems with the MBP keyboard. In addition, the cursor keeps jumping all over the place, presumably I'm bumping the touchpad.

    I'm looking forward to trying out one of these folding Mac keyboards. They're supposed to start shipping in a few weeks.
  50. Sam

    Sam Notebook Virtuoso

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    Wow, still updating! :p Thanks for the continued followups, Shaggy! :)
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