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    Macbook Air Upgrades

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by KgSager, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. KgSager

    KgSager Notebook Guru

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    Considering Macbook Air. Several questions first.

    1. What's the deal with Wifi problems? I keep hearing things, but I'm not sure if this is likely to be fixed by software updates/Mavericks.

    2. i5 vs i7. Again, I keep hearing that the i7 is causing heat, battery, and noise problems. I fully understand that at max, (it's running harder than the i5 is at max speeds obviously) but is it happening during normal usage? I am sold on getting the i7 (I like the performance) if it is just a slight battery knock, but not if it is causing problems.

    3. 4gb vs 8gb. Thinking of going with 8 gb, I know I would with Windows. Hear that Mac doesn't quite have the same demands, so maybe 8 gb is not necessary?

    4. Summer/educational sales? I am a student, any back to school deals upcoming or is the price what it is for the next few months?

    Thanks for your advice guys. I looked around and found lots of conflicting answers, and I imagine it might be annoying for you guys. Whatever clarity you can bring me is much appreciated tho, I am a Mac newbie.
  2. Jarhead

    Jarhead 恋の♡アカサタナ

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    From what I've read (previous MBPs), the metal casing apparently interferes with the WiFi signal from time to time. Personally, I haven't noticed it on any MBA I've played around with, but then again I don't spend much time with Apple laptops.

    Personally, I wouldn't bother with upgrading to a marginally faster yet non-trivially more expensive ULV CPU. But I haven't heard anything about overheating issues in the MBA.

    I would get 8GB of RAM, regardless of the OS. While OSX will have a somewhat smaller footprint than Windows (since OSX is BSD-based), 4GB is really only enough for perhaps Office and a handful (less than 8, maybe) internet tabs/windows opened at once. Besides, the RAM is not upgradeable aftermarket, and since demand for RAM will only increase, you might as well get 8GB now.

    IIRC, the only discounts Apple gives for students would be $100 off the sticker price of the laptop, plus $100 iTunes credit.
  3. Johnny T

    Johnny T Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    1. I guess I will find out next week myself. :p

    2. Unless you have a specific use that is CPU intensive, the i5 will be fine. (something more powerful than the MBA would be a better idea if you do have CPU intensive tasks) These Core i processors are fast.

    3. Pick 8GB, since it cannot be upgraded aftermarket.

    4. You get $50 off the MBA base price, then small $ amounts off upgrades, and lastly $79 off Apple Care (+2yr warranty) should you opt for the upgrade. And a $100 iTunes/Appstore gift card.
  4. KgSager

    KgSager Notebook Guru

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    Appreciate the responses guys. I will probably go with an i5 and 8 gigs if I end up purchasing. Will hold out for a couple more weeks and see if anything else catches my eyes/some confirmation on the WiFi working consistently, but it is nice to hear from you all on some of the questions I had.