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    MacBook v Dell Latitude

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by Amateur, May 23, 2006.

  1. Amateur

    Amateur Notebook Consultant

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    I have been looking at the Apple MacBook Pro, what would the main reasons be for purchasing this over a Dell Latitude? What would it offer me that the likes of Dell wouldnt?
  2. Ervin

    Ervin Notebook Consultant

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    You are comparing 2 different classes of pricing. With the Latitude, it's pretty difficult to go over $1200-1400. The MBP starts at $1850 after MIR.
  3. cashmonee

    cashmonee Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    Actually, you can easily price a Latitude well over $1800.

    I am assuming you are looking at the D820, which well equipped would be probably around 1600 after coupon correct? So price is a little in Dell's favor. Also for Dell, it is probably a little more robust case than the Apple's and all of the reviews have been excellent for it. Plus, it has a fingerprint reader, up to WUXGA screen, and extras such as 7200 hard drive and more RAM that are considerably cheaper through Dell than Apple, although buying them from a 3rd party is even cheaper.

    In Apple's favor, it is more consumer-oriented than the Dell. The Latitudes are business machines, and it shows in thing such as a Quadro video card. The Apple has a much better video card (even underclocked) and of course the main reason to buy an Apple is for OSX plus the ability to boot to Windows if you have to. However, I would not buy an Apple as a Windows box yet. I would buy with the thought of using Windows when needed, not full-time.

    What are you using it for? There are many more things that separate the two, but without knowing what you are using it for and what features you are looking for it's hard to reccomend. You could always fill out the "What notebook should I buy?" FAQ.
  4. Amateur

    Amateur Notebook Consultant

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    I am currently looking at the D620 and D820 as it is smaller in size and also I do not see much benifit in the 15.4 screen than the 14 inch.


    General Usage

    What will you be using the notebook mainly for? Will you be using it to play games? Will you be using it for word processing / general productivity? etc. - General Productivity/Web & Software Development

    Are you looking more at a very small notebook, a standard notebook, or a large desktop replacement? - standard notebook

    Will you be carrying the notebook around a lot or be keeping it stationary most of the time? - I will be carrying it around in a back pack most days

    How important is battery life to you? - Kinda Important

    How long do you intend on using this laptop? - 2+ years


    Do you need lots of hard drive space? - No 40GB

    Will you be burning DVD's or just CD's? - Burning both DVD's and CD's

    Do you tend to work with a lot of applications at once? - Dont intend to but would like to be able to

    Graphics & Display

    How big would you like your screen to be? Do you care if it's widescreen or not? - would prefer a wide screen as it seems its the way laptops are going.

    Are you willing to pay more for premium screens enhanced by XBRITE, Crystal View, or Bright View? (Go to the bottom of this post for an explanation) - Maybe, depend if the rest of the laptops specs suit

    (If applicable) Will you be playing casual games or the latest games?

    (If applicable) Will you be doing work in a 3D modeling program like 3D Studio Max or Maya?


    Do you care if your notebook looks good or not? - moderately bothered by this

    Are there particular brands you prefer or won't buy from? - Prefer to buy from Dell or Apple

    How much are you willing to pay for this notebook? - Max €1800

    Are there particular models you have already looked at? - Dell D620, Dell D820 & Apple MacBook Pro
  5. cashmonee

    cashmonee Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    So no games, which makes the video cards a non-issue and you are doing web/software development. Web development on the Mac is good, but for software development are you doing multi-platform? If you are developing for OSX and Windows, then a Mac is the obvious here. Running parralells you could test in both OS's nearly simultaneously. If you are only developing on Windows and it's a full-time thing, I would say go for the Dell's, specifically the D820. The reviews have been much better on the 820. And, if you will be using several windows at once consider the WUXGA as the screen real estate will become invaluable. Hope that helps and good luck!

    One more advantage I forgot is that the Latitude comes with three year warranty standard thru Dell Business which has very good customer support.