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    Mac Switchers Survey!

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by Xirurg, Feb 5, 2009.

  1. Xirurg

    Xirurg ORLY???

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    Hello!I decided to create this thread as a survey for those who recently switched to Apple/Mac and started using MacOS.Here are few questions for you :)

    1)What Apple product do you have?
    2)Since when have you had it?
    2.1)What did you use before?
    3)Are you satisfied or disappointed with it?
    4)What do you think about it (in general)?
    5)list it's biggest +s and -s!
    6)What major problems have you had with it?
    7)What can you say about AppleCare and apple's CS?
    8)What do you think about MacOS X?Can you consider it as an advantage over Windows?
    9)Will you buy Apple product again?
    10)Would you recommend Apple products to you relatives/friends?

    P.S. If you have any complains or suggestions over this questions,feel free to share! :)
  2. titaniummd

    titaniummd Notebook Deity

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    1)What Apple product do you have?

    Unibody Macbook Pro
    2)Since when have you had it?

    December 28, 2008

    3)Are you satisfied or disappointed with it?

    Very satisfied

    4)What do you think about it (in general)?

    I love the ease of use.

    Ease of installing programs, adding peripherals.

    I love the integration of software/hardware products without the usual conflict from Window

    5)list it's biggest +s and -s!

    Easy to use
    Quick Start up
    Virtually no bloatware
    Excellent accompanying software
    Has not crashed, yet


    6)What major problems have you had with it?

    Everyone wants my notebook.

    7)What can you say about AppleCare and apple's CS?

    I bought it and have not used it.

    8)What do you think about MacOS X?Can you consider it as an advantage over Windows?

    I like everything about the MacOS.

    It is a major advantage over Windows Vista. It can run crappy Windows, if I ever needed to.

    9)Will you by Apple product again?

  3. fastrandstrongr

    fastrandstrongr Notebook Evangelist

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    From the future! :eek: :D
  4. ZaZ

    ZaZ Super Model Super Moderator

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    Mac Mini – 1.66 C2D, 2GB, 100GB 7200, CDRW/DVD, Leopard.

    I purchased it from Apple in Q4 ’07.


    Ambivalent. I got it mainly because it had been a while I had used a Mac with any regularity. I wanted to try it out. I guess in that sense it would be considered a success

    Nothing major here. On the positive side I liked the size of the Mini, which suited my needs. I never had a single issue with it hardware or software wise. It’s tough to upgrade. In my own opinion it’s a little expensive for what you get hardware wise even though I got a great deal on mine, but it’s Apple and to be expected.

    As I said I’ve not had any issues with it.

    I didn’t buy AppleCare or use Apple Support.

    I liked OS X as something different, but I wouldn’t say I drank the Kool-Aid either. I do not consider it to be superior to Windows, just different. I don’t really have any specific needs. Most of the things I do can be done in Windows or OS X, or even Linux for that matter.

    Absolutely, I love my iPhone.

    I’m actually selling mine over in the Marketplace forum as I have one too many computers at the moment and it’s the odd man out. I might have kept it as the HTPC in the bedroom, but there’s no Blu ray in OS X, which I need.
  5. jonhapimp

    jonhapimp Notebook Virtuoso

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    can i do the survey if i get mine from a friend and hate it
    recieved from a friend about two month ago
    3. dissatisfied/ neutral
    4.just wanted to see what all the hype was about
    no crashed
    no slow down
    didn't woo me as i wanted
    6. none
    7. no need to contact them
    8. i didn't like it as much as other people do i perfer windows
    9. no more macs for me, other apple products maybe
  6. hydrocyanic

    hydrocyanic Notebook Evangelist

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    1)What Apple product do you have?

    2)Since when have you had it?
    Feb 6, 1984

    3)Are you satisfied or disappointed with it?
    windows is better, i enjoy more with using my years old IBM

    4)What do you think about it (in general)?
    it is no different to any other notebook
    5)list it's biggest +s and -s!

    6)What major problems have you had with it?
    living hell (if it is exothermic)

    7)What can you say about AppleCare and apple's CS?
    apple is bitten, care?

    8)What do you think about MacOS X?Can you consider it as an advantage
    over Windows?

    microsoft FTW

    9)Will you by Apple product again?
    no way, but i foresee having macs in hell when i get there

    ps. don't bash me, i am just filling the void titaniummd had
  7. Colton

    Colton Also Proudly American

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    1. Aluminum Macbook 2.4GHz
    2. December 25, 2008
    3. Very satisfied
    4. Very nice and snappy just as expected, not to mention looks great
    5. +Looks, +OS X, -price, -blackmail from windows users :p
    6. I messed around with Bootcamp without reading up on it, and really grew some grey hairs over it.
    7. iLife09= amazing simply because it is free with every computer, and the amount of stuff that you can do with it, AppleCare= A bit pricey, but i respect that it is a good idea
    8. Mac OS X= Some advantage because of UNIX and so creative
    9. Heck yeah! :D
  8. Xirurg

    Xirurg ORLY???

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    may I ask you 2 question?what were you thinking about macs before you got yours?And why do you hate macusers?

    No bashing man,it is a plain survey,we just need opinions!but your reply looks a little over_the_edge to me.Can you please list some of your issues with your latest mac?
  9. D.A.

    D.A. Notebook Consultant

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    1)What Apple product do you have?
    Unibody MacBook Pro

    2)Since when have you had it?
    Dec 29 2008

    3)Are you satisfied or disappointed with it?
    Very satisfied

    4)What do you think about it (in general)?
    Best computer (notebook or desktop) I've ever used.

    5)list it's biggest +s and -s!
    Build quality
    Easy to use
    Keyboard, trackpad, screen all great

    Lack of some applications
    Still have to use Windows at times (due to the above)

    6)What major problems have you had with it?
    None really.

    7)What can you say about AppleCare and apple's CS?
    Haven't needed them.

    8)What do you think about MacOS X?Can you consider it as an advantage over Windows?
    I like it much better than Windows, integration between programs is better. Easier to use and set-up.

    9)Will you by Apple product again?
    Possibly. Whenever I decide to buy a new notebook I'll check with Apple first.
  10. Underpantman

    Underpantman Notebook Virtuoso

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    1)What Apple product do you have?
    2x Macbooks (white) and iPhone 3G
    2)Since when have you had it?
    Nov 06 and Aug 08
    3)Are you satisfied or disappointed with it?
    Very happy with both
    4)What do you think about it (in general)?
    Really happy with the switch made my life easer and I'm more productive

    5)list it's biggest +s and -s!
    + less troubleshooting and problems in general (for me)
    + tight hardware and software integration
    + software (esp iLife and OSX)
    + mag safe
    + the little flaps on the power adaptor for winding up the cable

    - initial upfront cost (although high re-sell value mitigates this somewhat)
    - kensington port is at front left which result in it getting in the way of the all the ports esp headphone.
    - the small piece of missing plastic on the front top right thus I guess build quality.
    6)What major problems have you had with it?
    None so far touch wood.
    7)What can you say about AppleCare and apple's CS?
    Never had to use it and didn't buy the extra care either.. hope it stays that way :)
    8)What do you think about MacOS X?Can you consider it as an advantage over Windows?
    Both have there place, and it depends on what your daily usages are, but for my needs it is definitely an advantage, there are a number of OSx only science programs that I use all the time thus its a huge advantage for me to be on mac, plus in science the majority use mac so going on PC can sometimes (ironically?) cause compatibility issues
    9)Will you by Apple product again?
    Yes I hope to get a new alu macbook in the next few months.
  11. bluescreenofdeath

    bluescreenofdeath Notebook Enthusiast

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    I don't switch, but use both apple and windows/linux products

    1)What Apple product do you have?
    Does the Apple IIe count? :D
    Currently Ti Powerbook G4 1G

    2)Since when have you had it?

    2.1)What did you use before?
    Custom built desktop, which I still use and upgrade

    3)Are you satisfied or disappointed with it?
    As a laptop it's pretty good, usability rather disappointing, software/hardware UI very disappointing

    4)What do you think about it (in general)?
    5)list it's biggest +s and -s!
    +advanced components for its time
    +size/weight in it's class
    +runs final cut & nreal shake
    -keyboard keys / touch pad
    -OS UI
    -heat (not suitable for the lap)
    -poorly designed, early failure external power adapter
    -worst ever wifi range and connectivity for a mac
    -crap support for 3rd party adapters and components (had tried to use one of the 2 barely supported wireless cards to improve wifi)
    -sloooow rpm drive

    6)What major problems have you had with it?
    surprisingly none except external power adapter failed i less than 12 months. don't know if i will receive any compensation for the class action law suit that was filed for that

    7)What can you say about AppleCare and apple's CS?
    don't waste the money. never needed it. apple's user forums are the best form of support, got a lot of tips there

    8)What do you think about MacOS X?Can you consider it as an advantage over Windows?
    Mac OS X - pain to use, cumbersome, too simplified, too much clicking, unintuitive.
    Unix base is nice. OS X not any more stable or reliable than Windows overall, just more robust against complete system halts when something goes down.
    OS X loves to leave older version users in the dust. Windows 2K runs latest quicktime fine. Mac OS X 10.2 refuses to install latest version of quicktime.
    I find software lasts thru many more iterations of Windows (2K -> XP -> Vista) vs OS X.

    9)Will you buy Apple product again?
    no. other options simply more flexible, customizable and better performance to price ratio. Since OS X will run on any new intel processor, I can run OS X specific apps on my regular non-apple product.

    10)Would you recommend Apple products to you relatives/friends?
  12. Xirurg

    Xirurg ORLY???

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    I am sorry,but I think you don't qualify for this survey.Your macs are a bit old...have you used latest(2006+) macs or Leopard?
  13. The_Shirt

    The_Shirt Notebook Evangelist

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    1)What Apple product do you have?
    Macbook Pro, late 2008
    2)Since when have you had it?
    Oct/Nov 08-don't recall exact date
    2.1)What did you use before?
    Custom build gaming desktop (Puget), XPS 1710 Laptop, PCMW "Fusion"
    3)Are you satisfied or disappointed with it?
    Exceptionally satisfied - desktop and XPS are G.O.N.E.
    4)What do you think about it (in general)?
    Loving it, will likely buy Mac in the future.
    5)list it's biggest +s and -s!
    pluses - build quality, solid OS (no BSOD yet), exceptional software upgrade scheme, everything just seems to work quicker and more efficiently. Giant plus...lack of bloatware at purchase.
    minuses - could use stronger video card

    6)What major problems have you had with it?
    7)What can you say about AppleCare and apple's CS?
    Haven't used or purchased, will purchase before 1 year of ownership.
    8)What do you think about MacOS X?Can you consider it as an advantage over Windows?
    I like OS X. The biggest advantage over Windows is it's streamlined "feel" and operation.
    9)Will you buy Apple product again?
    Highly likely.
    10)Would you recommend Apple products to you relatives/friends?

    P.S. If you have any complains or suggestions over this questions,feel free to share! :)[/QUOTE]
  14. hydrocyanic

    hydrocyanic Notebook Evangelist

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    what is the intent of this survey anyways, if i may ask?
  15. Xirurg

    Xirurg ORLY???

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    to understand what mac switchers think about the "switch",what ptoblems do they have,etc. :)
  16. Luke1708

    Luke1708 Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    1)What Apple product do you have? Apple Macbook Pro
    2)Since when have you had it November 2008
    2.1)What did you use before? Dell Vostro !700
    3)Are you satisfied or disappointed with it? Satisfied
    4)What do you think about it (in general)? Good build quality, portable, sturdy, powerful specs and BEAUTIFUL
    5)list it's biggest +s and -s!

    good gaming capability
    dual booting
    form factor (Pleasing to the eyes)

    6)What major problems have you had with it? Windows Vista Drivers (Specifically broadcom drivers causing lagging but the problem has been solved)
    7)What can you say about AppleCare and apple's CS? Very kind and helpful
    8)What do you think about MacOS X?Can you consider it as an advantage over Windows? Of course: no virus, spams, lagging, better memory management, parallels, dual booting, mac Os Wins
    9)Will you buy Apple product again? YES but not in the near future
    10)Would you recommend Apple products to you relatives/friends? Yes but pc's will suit them better as they turn towards cost efficiency i.e lowest cost computers
  17. dlhuss

    dlhuss Notebook Consultant

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    1)What Apple product do you have?
    MacBook Pro 17" Hi-Res
    iPhone 2G
    iPod Classic 160 GB
    iPod 5th Gen 30GB

    2)Since when have you had it?
    September 2008

    2.1)What did you use before?
    ThinkPad T60 (still do)

    3)Are you satisfied or disappointed with it?
    Disappointed - doesn't meet expectations considering price.

    4)What do you think about it (in general)?
    I bought it for the hi-res screen and symetric keyboards layout (hate the numpads on others). The design is OK. Nice and thin.

    5)list it's biggest +s and -s!
    + thinness
    + screen
    +4 speakers
    + ability to go to a store and talk to a person for support
    + seems to be a good corporation

    - no media buttons (i.e. F5 can either be volume up or browser refresh)
    - keyboard cannot compare to my thinkpad's
    - one mouse button, no trackpoint
    - confusing "ctrl"/fn/alt key combos and requiring two key presses for something Windows accomplishes with one key
    - iTunes is a royal PITA (iPod/iPhone combo)
    - color (I prefer black of my thinkpad over silver. It's easier on the eyes. How many silver flat panel TVs do you see these days?)
    - hard drive upgrade was a nightmare and I caused damage and voids warranty. (Thinkpad is 1 dang screw. I know - new MBPs fixed this)
    - freeware selection is poor (and no I don't run Windows on my Mac)
    -Nvidia blow up always a possibility

    6)What major problems have you had with it?
    My 3rd LCD panel finally had "acceptably" uneven backlight
    Bent my topcase during hard drive upgrade

    7)What can you say about AppleCare and apple's CS?
    CS was excellent during LCD panel fiasco.

    8)What do you think about MacOS X?Can you consider it as an advantage over Windows?
    No. The software quantity included is nice, but iPhoto and iTunes are negatives. In general, it's a disadvantage over XP. No expanding to fullscreen, dock is a pain to use, navigating folders, viewing pics, starting apps is quicker in Windows. Customization is much more extensive in Windows and Windows version of Firefox gets me more screen real estate. In the end, I use programs and not operating systems, so I don't consider an OS a big selling point unless the programs for it are limited, which, let's face it - for Mac OS there are fewer. I can have Windows on my Mac, but I argue I can have Windows on my PC and never need Mac OS.

    9)Will you buy Apple product again?
    Never is a long time - but I can't forsee the need for a Mac. I would go for a Dell M6400 is I had to do it over.

    10)Would you recommend Apple products to you relatives/friends?
    Not their computers. Too much money. I can get better hardware for less and the Mac OS is maybe easy to use for some, just ticks me off because it lacks the control that Windows give me to get things done quickly.
  18. bluescreenofdeath

    bluescreenofdeath Notebook Enthusiast

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    Yes actually, we use them at work. Latest OS X on quad core intels

    Still the same basic OS, the same UI, the same annoying problems, still the same tired mouse clicking required for the most basic tasks.

    Funny enough this post sums up the same issues I have with my old mac:
    I'd also add that the bundled software, iDVD/iMovie/iWhatever is mostly crap and much too limited except for the most basic of users. Add to that the general lack of software choices for the Mac and you've got a lose-lose.

    Oh, and did I mention Searchlight? There are quite a few annoying "features" that take a bit to disable on a new OS install.. not too different from the Vista these days actually.

    but anyway, you asked for survey input. there ya have it.
  19. jonhapimp

    jonhapimp Notebook Virtuoso

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    well i wasn't thinking that much of them just like hey look a mac kind of attitude, and i don't hate all mac users it's just a lot macusers cannot for the life of them cannot accept any kind of criticism about apple or mac and instantly attack you if you do and call you a troll and a wins fan( which I'm not really not). and apart from owning a mac i use them everyday at school(i like photoshop on there but it's a pain without two mouse buttons on any program)
  20. Xirurg

    Xirurg ORLY???

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    ^I never met such diahard mac_users in my life and especially in our forum.maybe you were unlucky?we just get angry when some trolls like you_know_who come to apple forum and start...well...unreasonable trolling :(

    nono,its ok!I want to hear both sides :) thats why I created a survey,not post_positive_about_mac thread! :D

    Just let me to clarify some things,ok?

    can you please mention couple of those tasks?

    I always like 2 finger tap=right click system,but I understand that people are different.also,apples external mouses have rightclick.

    again,can you please mention some of those combos?

    but those are desined for avarege/home users,not professionals!they all have their prof. version like logic,final cut,etc.!and there are tons of free apps that you can use instead.Also(once again,sorry for repeating,but...)can you mention some of those apps that you couldn't found their mac equivalent?
  21. diggy

    diggy Notebook Deity

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    1)What Apple product do you have?
    See my Sig
    2)Since when have you had it?
    I got my MBP sometime in 2007, if I recall correctly. It was my first Mac
    2.1)What did you use before?
    Custom built PC
    3)Are you satisfied or disappointed with it?
    By and large I’m quite satisfied, but I was also happy with my Windows machine. I only replaced my PC with an iMac because my wife got it for me after I played a joke on her.
    4)What do you think about it (in general)?

    5)list it's biggest +s and -s!
    Pros: iMac – space savings, performance, stability, screen is outstanding; MBP – performance, screen real estate; MB – more portable than the MBP, but generally is only used for testing
    Cons: cost, MB gets hot, Apple keyboard and Mighty Mouse are the suck
    6)What major problems have you had with it?
    7)What can you say about AppleCare and apple's CS?
    Never used it for personal use (but I have it). At work when we’ve had to use it, Apple’s CS is second to none. They overnight a box to us, we ship out the unit, few days later we have it back in full working condition. My only gripe with Apple’s warranty is they do not offer any accidental damage coverage. I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it – its a shame that they do not have that standard in the warranty, or at an extra cost, considering the high cost of the product.
    8)What do you think about MacOS X?Can you consider it as an advantage over Windows?
    I think it’s a fine OS, very streamlined and pretty intuitive. There’s some adjustments to get used to if you’re switching over from a primarly Windows environment, but once you get the hang of it, its smooth sailing. I don’t consider it an advantage over Windows. I don’t put any OS over another – its all dependent upon the user and their requirements.
    9)Will you buy Apple product again?
    I’m sure I will.
    10)Would you recommend Apple products to you relatives/friends?
    I will, I have, and will continue to do so.
  22. chyidean

    chyidean Notebook Evangelist

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    1)What Apple product do you have?
    HAD the MacBook.
    2)Since when have you had it?
    Since Nov, returned at the end of Dec.
    2.1)What did you use before?
    Dell desktop.
    3)Are you satisfied or disappointed with it?
    A touch on the disappointed side.
    4)What do you think about it (in general)?
    User interface is great. The main flaws are the cost and lack of compatibility for several peripherals.
    5)list it's biggest +s and -s!
    +s: Great user interface.
    Lots of high quality free software is available
    Looks, of course.
    -s: The "Apple tax". Thirty dollar adapters.
    Lack of compatibility with peripherals (eg. printer, etc)
    6)What major problems have you had with it?
    The compatibility issue. And how Apple forces you to get an adapter because they use some non-existent video out standard.
    7)What can you say about AppleCare and apple's CS?
    When I took the Macbook in to discuss the issues I was having with it they were pretty agreeable and tagged it in their database so I could successfully return it.
    8)What do you think about MacOS X?Can you consider it as an advantage over Windows?
    9)Will you buy Apple product again?
    Possibly, if I ever start out completely fresh (no existing accessories)
    10)Would you recommend Apple products to you relatives/friends?
    Possibly. See above.
  23. cdnalsi

    cdnalsi Food for the funky people

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    1)What Apple product do you have?
    Macbook Pro Unibody 2.53, Santa Rosa 2.4 Macbook Pro, iPhone 1st Gen, Time Capsule

    2)Since when have you had it?
    July 07

    2.1)What did you use before?
    Windows PCs like everyone else

    3)Are you satisfied or disappointed with it?
    Very much satisfied.

    4)What do you think about it (in general)?
    Love them, great products.

    5)list it's biggest +s and -s!
    +OS X
    +Size, weight, thin


    6)What major problems have you had with it?
    nVidia chip dying on Santa Rosa Macbook Pro.

    7)What can you say about AppleCare and apple's CS?
    Great service, I've only had to deal with them once, and it was just awesome.

    8)What do you think about MacOS X?Can you consider it as an advantage over Windows?
    In my line of work, I do. Working with audio is really much faster and stable on OS X.

    9)Will you buy Apple product again?

    10)Would you recommend Apple products to you relatives/friends?
    Yes I would and I have. Switched my Dad and three friends over.
  24. alphanash

    alphanash Notebook Guru

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    1) 17" Penryn MBP (Just before the unibody)
    2) Since July 2008 I think
    2.1) Basic Dell laptop, and before that a Toshiba
    3) It freakin' rocks!
    4) It's an amazing machie. fast, stable, well designed and with a really good OS
    5) biggest + is the OS, efffecient hi-res screen and battery life. Biggest - is the stupid warranty voiding if you as much as think about upgrading the hard drive and the integrated audio chip. No computer at this price should have anything less than a dedicated chip. my 2 cents anyway
    6) Besides my own n00bish-ness just 1. recently it was randomly going into sleep mode for apparently no reason. Sent it to the Apple store and they fixed it for free.
    7) Pretty good. If you can explain your issue(s) to them in a detailed, straight-to-the-point way, they'll do a great job helping with issues
    8) That's a tough one. I appreciate both OSes for different reasons, and now with Win 7 its not so easy to pic a fave. Basically, I use OSX for general home use and creative stuff and Windows for work, games and syncing some devices (Like my Zune)
    9) I've got my iPod touch, Nano and MBP.... what else do I need??
    10) Yeah... especially those unlucky/stupid enough to catch viruses left right and center. I personally havent had a virus/adware/malware/worm on any of my previous Win machines (that i was aware of) and I only ever used the Win firewall and Defender.. except that Sasser worm back in 04... that was a b****
  25. mmoy

    mmoy Notebook Deity

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    1)What Apple product do you have?

    2 MBP 15 in, 1 MBP 17 in, 1 PowerMac G5.

    2)Since when have you had it?

    MBP 1, July 2007, MBP2, Jan 2008, MBP3, Feb 2008, PMac G5, a long time ago

    2.1)What did you use before?

    A variety of Dell and HP Windows machines.

    3)Are you satisfied or disappointed with it?


    4)What do you think about it (in general)?

    It just works.

    5)list it's biggest +s and -s!

    Biggest negative - the nVidia fiasco. Positives: security.

    6)What major problems have you had with it?

    On my 17 inch MBP: none.

    7)What can you say about AppleCare and apple's CS?

    Great at the store.

    8)What do you think about MacOS X?Can you consider it as an advantage over Windows?

    My work is in Linux and other operating systems. Mac OS X feels just right.

    9)Will you buy Apple product again?


    10)Would you recommend Apple products to you relatives/friends?

    I always do unless they have particular requirements.

    BTW, I run multiple weekly scans on my Windows systems including updating the antivirus and antispyware programs. It is a royal pain. I'm decreasing my time spent on Windows sharply due to the required maintenance.
  26. mmoy

    mmoy Notebook Deity

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    The 3 MacBook Pros come with 8600s. One died out of warranty and Apple fixed it - this was before they offered the extended warranty. My Penryn-based MacBook Pro runs cooler than the Merom-based systems and I don't do any gaming with it. The kids do gaming with their MacBook Pros. I've given them USB fans to keep them cool. The nVidia problem is industry-wide. The kids use the MacBook Pros for college so that can't afford downtime. If one of theirs goes down I'd just loan them mine until theirs came back from the shop. It might also give me an excuse to get one of the new 17 inch models.
  27. John B

    John B Notebook Prophet

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    I deleted many posts. Now please stay on topic and respect all forum rules.

    Thank you
  28. ATC

    ATC Notebook Deity

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    1)What Apple product do you have?
    MBP in sig.

    2)Since when have you had it?
    Dec 2007

    2.1)What did you use before?
    Dell, HP and Sony.

    3)Are you satisfied or disappointed with it?
    Satisfied (Extremely)

    4)What do you think about it (in general)?
    Hassle free, and both hardware and software are very well thought of and integrated. Makes life simple.

    5)list it's biggest +s and -s!
    + Just about everything
    - Some apps that I use don't have a quality mac-equivalent (MSN Messenger for one)

    6)What major problems have you had with it?

    7)What can you say about AppleCare and apple's CS?
    Great so far over the phone.

    8)What do you think about MacOS X?Can you consider it as an advantage over Windows?
    Definite advantage. I spend much less time tweaking and fixing and more time getting things done.

    9)Will you buy Apple product again?
    Well this is definitely not my last apple product.

    10)Would you recommend Apple products to you relatives/friends?
    I never used to but I do now all the time; it's such an easy sell too.
  29. winterymix

    winterymix Notebook Consultant

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    1)What Apple product do you have?
    Aluminum MacBook, iPhone 3g, iPhone (original)

    2)Since when have you had it?
    iPhone (July 07), iPhone 3g (August 08), MacBook (Feb 09)

    2.1)What did you use before?
    Dell Vostro, HP DV4000, Dell Desktop, a bizillion other Windows-based PCs

    3)Are you satisfied or disappointed with it?
    Quite satisfied so far

    4)What do you think about it (in general)?
    Expensive for spec, but I still love it

    5)list it's biggest +s and -s!
    + design
    + OSX
    + touchpad
    + slot-loading optical drive
    + thin & light (this kinda goes under design, but emphasis on this)

    - cost/spec ratio
    - screen is only so-so (better than my Dell Vostro though)
    - having trouble finding a few OSX equivalents to Windows programs I use frequently.

    6)What major problems have you had with it?
    I've only had it about 4 days, and no major problems so far.
    Minor issue with a very slightly loose battery cover, which I understand is a common issue.

    7)What can you say about AppleCare and apple's CS?
    Nothing. I don't have it for my iPhone or MacBook, but plan on getting it for both before my 1 yr expires.

    8)What do you think about MacOS X?
    I really like it so far, although I'm still a bit lost. Learning quickly though, it's pretty intuitive if you are a computer person. I specifically love how certain actions just make sense. Such as, when you want to install an app, you just drag it to your applications folder & bingo, it's installed. And if you want to uninstall one, you just drag it to the trash. Love that.

    Can you consider it as an advantage over Windows?
    In some ways, yes. It does seem "sleeker" and faster. I'm a minimalist kind of person, so the open desktop and dock suit me. I'm also a tinkerer (is that a word?), so I enjoy learning and exploring a new OS.

    9)Will you buy Apple product again?
    As I'm able. These things are expensive! Have you seen the economy, Steve? Cut us a break!

    10)Would you recommend Apple products to you relatives/friends?
    I would and have. My Mom and Sister both have iPhones due to my recommendation, and my mother was considering a Mac, but changed her mind due to cost and bought a HP.