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    MBP medio 2010 weird bug

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by Danishblunt, Mar 4, 2017.

  1. Danishblunt

    Danishblunt Guest

    So I have a MBP 2010 version and it has a REALLY weird bug going on. It doesn't want to start 99% of the time. When i try to start it, it literally shuts itself down half a second later.

    If i keep trying long enough it will finally turn on. Now the weird part is, once it's turned on it will run flawless, no crashes NOTHING. Even if it goes to sleepmode and i wake it up again it will behave normally until i shut it off, then I have to try million times again until it wants to start.

    What could be the cause of this? If someone has a schematic of MBP 15inch medio 2010, id love to have my hands on one so I can get my multimeter going and try to figure out where on the damn logicboard the issues are.
  2. H.A.L. 9000

    H.A.L. 9000 Occam's Chainsaw

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    Have you tried resetting PRAM/NVRAM?

    Short of that, maybe bad RAM or HDD? Seems to me that it's not so much a logicboard issue as it is secondary hardware causing it to not start. I've seen this exact issue with bad RAM.
    Shawn likes this.
  3. Danishblunt

    Danishblunt Guest

    SSD is perfecly fine, I also did reset PRAM and NVRAM, Idk if the ram would have been bad, the PC wouldn't start and work in the first place.
  4. electrosoft

    electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist

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    I remember I had a Macbook Pro 17 2011 that did the same thing. When it would actually turn on, it would be momentary then turn off. Turned out to be accumulated moisture under the switch when I took it into Apple to take a look. I had to pay out of pocket because it was technically liquid damage. It was used in a humid environment though.

    If you did all your due diligence (NVRAM reset, Apple diagnostics when you did get it to start, swapped memory to each slot with each individual module, pulled the SSD to boot without it to check, etc...), you can always take it to the Apple Store for them to run their diagnostics for free.
  5. Danishblunt

    Danishblunt Guest

    Nah, they will only tell me what I know.

    I looked at the logicboard and apparently connection to the SMC chip corroded, causing this problem.