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    MBP (late 2008) vs. MBP 2.2

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by watchrabbit, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. watchrabbit

    watchrabbit Notebook Enthusiast

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    Hi all,

    just wanted to share my thoughts, after receiving my new MBP (2.4) yesterday. First to say, I am a gadget geek, I ordered the MBA 1 hour after Steves speech, same went with this MBP. I didn't need it, but that's the newest, and I had to have it. To say it short, I'm not sure I like it that much. That's not gonna be a standard review, but merely my thoughts and feelings. I'll try to take all the touted "advantages" apart:

    1. Unibody: I don't understand people repeating the marketing claims: no bending, etc. Sorry, but I don't use my time bending my computer. The old MBP was solid, and that's all I need in a laptop. I wouldn't mind more rudgediness, if it would come for free. But it doesn't: the new MBP is larger and heavier. And it feels even heavier, because of the larger size. If you keep it in one hand horizontally, the larger size will give gravity on the other end more arm, so it feels heavier. Take the same weight in a smaller body and it will feel lighter. The new MBP is more towards 16"-17" sizewise. It feels big on my lap. I have allways admired Apple not wasting place besides the monitor size. Now they do.

    2. Design: the old Apple design was striking. Alu minimalistic design. Noone has it. Now we have alu, black keys, black screen bezel. Has been there for decades, nothing special anymore. The new MBP looks better when closed (because of the thinner display) but when you open it, there is nothing special anymore. Sony has been doing silver/black themes for years, and they are very good at it.

    3. Ports: where is the idea behind Apples implementation of Display Port??? Yes, it's a great port, IF YOU IMPLEMENT IT RIGHT! Without sound, it's like DVI only I have to buy adapters. Where is the difference between mini DVI (from MBA) and mini display port? Right: with the MBA you got your adapter free! The most laptops nowadays come with VGA/DVI AND HDMI. Ok, I understand the idea behind display port. But why cripple it?

    4. Display: ok, I knew it's gonna be glossy, but I have it today in my office, and it's BAD! And no, I can't change my position, I'll have to move my hole desk for that! And even when I change my position, it doesn't do much, as long as the room is lighted (window, lights, doesn't matter). Now, in the same position on my desk, the MBA is MUCH better! And compared to my matte MBP, THIS ARE WORLDS!

    5. 2 graphic cards: I thought first: WOW! Now let's analyse that: the 9600 is some 20% better than the 8600. The 9400 is only half the speed of the 8600. But YOU NEED THE 9400 to get the same battery time like before! So basically, on battery, you work with less then half the speed to get the same time! The only advantage is gaming on power and only in the games where the 8600 wasn't fast enough anyway. And I don't like loging off and on. I have lots of windows open, and I don't like to close them only because I'll leave my desk. So basically, you end up working even on power with the 9400, because if you leave, you don't want to log off.

    6. Changing HDs is very easy. Good idea, only: how often do you change HDs? I don't. Ok, for benchmark sites, that's heaven. But for me? I buy what I need and that's it.

    7. Speed: sorry, can't see much of a difference. But what I can see, is the price of DDR3. It's double the price of DDR2. Might get lower, but right now, you pay twice for NO advantage (NVIDIA's bus interface with DDR 3 is not faster then Intel with DDR2).

    Ok, that might sound sound like I'm trashing the new MBP. No I don't. It's only my dissapointment for the whole drawbacks of the new modell.

    Now if you are a hardcore Mac-Gamer or you need the latest speed or the new HDs Apple offers, it's a no brainer. Buy one. For people thinking about a switch or considering the new vs old models though, you should give it a very good testing and thinking before deciding. I just saw offers of "brand new" old models. The old 2,5 MBP would cost 200$ less than the new 2.4MBP. That's very tempting!

    For me personally, I'll play some more days with the new one, but I am pretty sure to send it back to Apple. It's too much of a price difference for too much drawbacks. Even for the same price, I don't think I would swap.
    Just my 2 (ok 7)cents...
  2. ValkyrieLenneth

    ValkyrieLenneth Notebook Evangelist

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    I agree. Personally i don't think current MBP users should replace their babies. Only if you have to buy a new one (first time to mac, old one broken...etc). I think I'll stick with my SR MBP for a few more years :D
  3. codeoverride

    codeoverride Notebook Evangelist

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    I have to agree with most of your points. My MBP is a year old and I feel no real incentive to replace it anytime soon. :)
  4. Sherman90

    Sherman90 Notebook Consultant

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    Excellent overview of the current-gen MBP's shortcomings. I agree with you about size and especially the new aesthetic. I'm surprised Apple moved towards making their notebooks look like their outdated iPhone (2G).

    Let us know if your opinions change over the coming days. I understand that you just received it within the last 48 hours; is this the case?

  5. newtothis

    newtothis Notebook Consultant

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    Some of the replies here sounds like self affirmation to me. I'm glad you were/are happy with your old MBP, but don't marginalize the improvements of the newer version.

    "I don't use my time bending my computer"? Come on.

    I don't use my time feeling up on the underside of my notebook for heat either, but that doesn't mean the heat doesn't burn my lap.

    next thread...
  6. watchrabbit

    watchrabbit Notebook Enthusiast

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    @Sherman90: yep, it's been 24 hours since. Just recharged it for the first time.
    @newtothis: What I meant is: the old one feels allready very solid. The new one might be even more, but do I need even more rugediness? If it comes for free, of course. But it doesn't. And it's not like the new one will withstand a fall on the ceiling. So where is the advantage? You can't bend it. Great! ;)
  7. YasirJ

    YasirJ Notebook Consultant

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    I'm one of those who thought the old one looked good but was crap in practicality. The new one feels like you got what you paid for, its rigid, it looks great, it feels better.
  8. orthorim

    orthorim Notebook Evangelist

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    Don't know I have a MBP santa rosa and I think the new one looks way better. Like heaps and bounds. Comparing it with a painted-plastic silver/black Sony is ridiculous - you lose some design judgement credibility there with me ;) I've always thought the painted plastic keys on my silver MBP were cheap, and, as if to prove my point, the paint came off my 'A' key. Now it looks like garbage, even though it's only 1 year old. I have a bit of a history with Apple and paint, my TiBook, otherwise great, also had all the paint come flaking off the bezel so it now looks like it's been through a war.

    As for ruggedness, I can certainly use more. My MacBook pro is in my backpack, on my back, and with me everywhere I go. I guess I am the target demographic for the unibody, I was waiting for that.

    In short:
    - Dig the looks, esp the black keyboard. No painted plastic here!
    - Unibody - I need it
    - Glass screen - need. Because it's more rugged and doesn't scratch.
    - Graphics/battery: I agree with you. I was very happy to have a super fast integrated graphics only option - but it doesn't improve battery life, so it's pointless, or, in fact, worse than before. ***?
    - Size/weight: Agreed. I'd be OK with it except they put in a smaller battery so the unibody seems too expensive in terms of weight.
    - DisplayPort: Also agree with you. A standard DisplayPort, OK. A non-standard with an arrangement of adapters - OK. But Adapters are extra, and in the case of D-DVI, $100 - that's lame. Again, worse than before.