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    Issues in OS X

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by niemassacre, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. niemassacre

    niemassacre Notebook Evangelist

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    Hey guys, sorry to keep asking questions, but these things have been bugging me and I haven't been able to find answers to them.

    1) My stocks widget in Dashboard keeps resetting when I restart - i.e., it doesn't save the changes to stocks I make. I tried removing it and re-adding it - no luck.

    2) I'm at college and we have to use something called Clean Access Agent to get on the network. Each time I restart, I have to "reinstall" the app - it seems to know that it's been installed (it say's "Upgrade," not "Install), but it won't start up when I reboot the computer. Someone said I had to add it from Application Support to the Login items in the Accounts in System Preferences - but the only thing in the folder for it is "event.log."

    3) My Logitech mouse (MX610) isn't playing nice with OS X. I tried getting Logitech Control Center, but it never recognized the mouse. What I really want to do is get the forward and back side buttons doing just that - moving the browser forward and back. Right now, all it does is left-click. Any ideas? Is there a way to do this? Or should I try getting an old version of LCC instead (I hear that can work)?
  2. cashmonee

    cashmonee Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    I can't help much on 1 and 3, but as for getting something to start on launch it is pretty straight forward. Go to System Preferences-->Accounts. Choose your normal login then click the Login Items buttons, then the plus and you can add that app. I am not sure why the widget won't hold it's settings, and as for the mouse, I would try an older version if you can. Also, try installing it in an Admin account, sometimes that makes a difference.
  3. Budding

    Budding Notebook Virtuoso

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    Because Logitech does not like Mac users, they have not released Setpoint drivers which would allow you to customise the buttons on your Logitech mouse.
    You could try getting the Overdrive drivers from that might enable you to customise the actions of your mouse buttons.
  4. niemassacre

    niemassacre Notebook Evangelist

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    Thanks for the tips guys - I ordered a new mouse because I think that this mouse isn't supported Mac OS. I ordered a MX Revolution that, on the Logitech site, says it is supported by OS X. So we'll see.

    Also, for the login items thing, I can't find Clean Access Agent as an app. That's why I couldn't figure out how to get it to be added as a start-up item. The only listing I see for it is in Library -> Application Support -> Cisco Systems -> CCAAgent (just a folder)-> event.log. That doesn't seem to be what I want to add. Someone had showed me once what to do on a different computer, and I remember him having another option in that tree to add the full app.