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    Is it true that Mac computers don't mess up and they run flawlessly for years?

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by calintz333, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. calintz333

    calintz333 Notebook Geek

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    All I hear about macs is that they have no problems, they run flawlessly, they dont get slow, and basically "They just work".

    I have no idea what this means though. I have never had a mac, never worked with a mac. I have always worked with PC for about 8 years now.

    I am mainly a College student so most of my computer time is spent doing research and or presentations like power point and so on.

    However my second main and boy do I mean MAIN focus is Gaming. I do a ton of gaming on my computer.

    I never move my computers around but I use laptops mainly just incase I ever do need to. Most of the time this means lower settings on my games but its worth the portability.

    My friends tell me Mac's do gaming now. I don't know how right they are about this at all.

    Basically everyone I know that owns a Mac praises it as if it was the holy grail of computer technology.

    Im not a mac hater but whats the big deal? Why does mac just work?

    Is it true that Mac has no problems? or is it just an entirely different series of problems than PC?

    Would a Mac be a good choice for me?
  2. jackluo923

    jackluo923 Notebook Virtuoso

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    The user interface is made so it's more suited for beginners, thus creating the effect of "things just work". If you've never used a computer before, I think MacOS will be easier to learn.

    If you manage your windows OS well, it'll be just as easy to use, fast(faster with the same budget), and doesn't crash/slow down compared to OSX.

    If you really like the hardware design and have enough money, then go ahead,buy a macbook. After all, it's just a regular PC with the apple brand. The only major difference is that Apple doesn't allow you to legally install their OS on other PCs. Be aware that if you do use OSX, programs such as office 2007 won't work and the alternative isn't nearly as good. Overall, you'll have less choice with OSX and it's less compatible with software and hardware, on another note, since it's limited incompatibility, it offers "superior" reliability on compatible hardare.
  3. applebook

    applebook Notebook Evangelist

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    You're hilarious. Do you have any facts or proof that Windows "doesn't crash/slow down compared to OSX"?


    Calintz, computers do not get "slower" over time. The solid-state stuff (which includes pretty much everything except for mechanical HDDs) in computers either die, or they work. They do not "slow down" over time.

    OS X, unlike Windows, doesn't need to be defragmented and will not "slow down" unless you screw up the OS with buggy software.

    If you use a computer "properly," any OS and current hardware should be fine.
  4. Xirurg

    Xirurg ORLY???

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    I wouldn't say has no problems, but from my experience, it definitely crushes less then Windows-there are 2 main reasons-
    1) tight software and hardware integration. Mac OS is beng written for a small variety of hardware!
    2) no registry in Mac OS.

    Anyway, read this thread, hope it will be helpful for you!

    BTW, what do you study?
  5. haquocdung

    haquocdung Notebook Virtuoso

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    Mac is not for gaming. They are getting very hot in windows and even hotter when you game.
    Go and get some other laptop so that you can really GAME. (Sager or Asus or even Alienware if you like the flashing light).
    BTW, what game are you playing?
  6. doh123

    doh123 Without ME its just AWESO

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    well refuting what Jackluo923 said... its a bit differnt than a "regular PC" Its based around a different OS than Windows, but that doesn't stop you from using Windows. There are alternatives to most all programs you'd use in Windows, and some are better, some aren't as good, and most aren't really that much different. Overall you actually have more choice with a Mac as you can use any OSX software, or Windows software. It can get confusing when it comes to running Windows software as there are quite a few options.

    There are Wine based products like Crossover (same as in linux) that adds Windows APIs so you can run Windows software. Of course MS will not help anyone trying to do this, or even license anything, so its a constant work of progress, and will not run everything in existence.

    There are virtual machines. They can be very nice, and totally hide themselves so its like all your Win and OSX software run beside eachother... of course there ar major draw backs in using virtual machines, as your emulating a virtual computer, which puts a lot of work on your computer, and the emulated machine is never close to as powerful as a real one, so you'll have performance issues.

    You can also just install Windows directly on your mac and dual boot, so you can boot into Windows if you want to use the mac just like any normal Windows machine. This is how most people play games on Macs.

    Macs do have problems, no piece of technology can ever be flawless, so sure, a hard drive can fail, a screen can go out, a piece of software can crash... etc..

    After awhile you'll get where you enjoy using mostly OSX software. The only Windows software i ever use are games... and most of those I can get running in OSX without Windows using Wine or Crossover or hacked Cider ports... if your into playing a large number of titles and just always have to try new games, you'd want to dual boot.

    The user interface of OSX is made differently. It is simpler in some ways, but there is nothing "beginner" about it. Things just work because the OS is better in many ways, and the hardware is designed to run well with the OS, they come as a package deal, its not just off the shelf parts put together to a machine then install windows and try to get it run right afterwards...

    If you really don't like OSX and just want Windows, don't buy a Mac just to run Windows on it, go buy a machine that comes with Windows. Its an added feature for Macs, but isn't a primary focus, so if your just wanting a Windows machine, you'll have a much better time with a machine designed for it.
  7. calintz333

    calintz333 Notebook Geek

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    Mainly mmorpg games. Guild wars, FFXI, Aion, but also some Military games like The Total war series, and adventure games like Neverwinter nights 2 or Oblivion. Basically anything that is not a FPS.
  8. doh123

    doh123 Without ME its just AWESO

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    there is no "heat problem" on Macs.. its normal when pushing the machine super hard and the fans running full speed for the machine to be hot, and pushing it at max in Windows or OSX is no different, it doesn't get hotter in one or the other... though the power management in Windows on Macs is not that great, so on average the CPu will run hotter and the fans will spin faster... but it isn't a big issue or stops you from doing anything.

    Guild Wars and FFXI run in Crossover Games and Wine fine...

    Aion has issues, and wont work right without running it in Windows.

    Medieval total war also has issues and basically needs to run in Windows, but Medieval 2, and Rome total war both run in Wine, and in the upcoming release of Crossover Games 8 they should run as well (its based off a newer version of Wine)....

    Neverwinter Nights 2 has a mac version but it sucks, the porting house doesn't keep up with the patches and never made expansions. You can run the Windows version on your Mac in Wine and Crossover Games though.... or you can use an unofficial port wrapper I made available around places that uses Wine.

    Oblivion is probably one of the easiest non-mac games to get working... there is an "unofficial port" of it floating around, actually you can get a wrapper for it made with a hacked version of Cider from City of Heroes, and just stick your Oblivion installed game from Windows over inside and turn it into a mac app, and it runs really nice.

    if you do ever want to get into gaming on a Mac, check out the ibrain link on my sig banner, its a community of mac gamers who work on making our own unofficial ports of Windows games to Macs... have well over 100 going now... always the most trouble with the latest and greatest games though, so if your still wanting to stay at the bleeding edge of games, best to boot into Windows.
  9. HLdan

    HLdan Notebook Virtuoso

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    It's interesting you always have something negative to say about Macs, especially when it's not true. If you're gonna spread FUD and untruths please do it elsewhere, you're posts hardly help people here. :rolleyes:
  10. EnterKnight

    EnterKnight Notebook Evangelist

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    OP, you're better to go with a nice gaming PC laptop.

    Mac OS does slow down over time. Onyx and MainMenu exist for a reason. And so does Disk Utility.
  11. talin

    talin Notebook Prophet

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    Every two to three weeks I'm having to repair permissions because everything starts slowing down... for no reason. No installed or removed software, just normal usage.
    Also I had my first two hard locks within the past few days (could be due to the high heat here, but I'm running two fans on my macbook and temps are around 50C, nothing above usual), and that's after reinstalling just last week.
    So no, Macs don't always run flawlessly, they are electronics like anything else and are prone to the occasional hiccup. :p
  12. mr__bean

    mr__bean Notebook Evangelist

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    this sounds like you ve changed the default ram for a different brand. some brands of ram do not work so well with os x and your better buying corsair, kingston or apple branded ram to keep stuff running smooth and not crashing
  13. ViciousXUSMC

    ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer

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    Everybody has the right jist of it.

    Mac maybe more error resistent but its just due to the nature that its so limited.

    its 100000x easier to write a good working OS and drivers when you only have to write them for a small set of hardware and applications.

    Windows is open to everything and is prone to more problems due to that, but I personally have never seen varity as a negative and appreciate the larger choice of hardware & software that windows offers.

    But most of all as a computer builder I know what is inside of a MAC, its the exact same stuff as the PC and yet they charge more for it, I can never fall victim to something like that and pay more for the same hardware just due to the brand, plus there are PC brands that offer superior hardware.

    You find me a mac notebook that has dual 4870's a quad core cpu and 6gb ram, blueray player, 5 speaker surround like my Asus W90 does. You cant, and if you ever did it would cost 2x more.

    I have not had my computer crash or have a virus or an issue in over 5 years, its not about the computer its about the person using it.

    The computer itself can never make itself crash.
  14. talin

    talin Notebook Prophet

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    I'm thinking it's the RAM also but it could be I just need to reseat it. It's Crucial, and worked perfectly fine until I removed them and put the originals in when I took my macbook to the Apple store to get a checkup. Then when I got home and reinstalled the Crucial, it started happening shortly after.
  15. applebook

    applebook Notebook Evangelist

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    This guy really needs to check where he is posting his misinformation.

    He doesn't even own a Mac, has never owned one, and somehow manages to be an expert.

    In any event, repairing permissions on a Mac takes under 5 minutes on most machines. I rarely EVER have to repair the permissions on mine, and I experience NO slow-down.

    People should not experience any slow-down on Windows either, unless they are using too much disk space, do not defragment, install way too much crap, and are generally ignorant.

    Again, most computers, hardware and operating systems do not slow down over time if people do basic maintenance.
  16. applebook

    applebook Notebook Evangelist

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  17. S.SubZero

    S.SubZero Notebook Deity

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    Apple uses the same brands of RAM as any decent PC OEM. There is no "Apple branded" RAM. The best you get is companies like Corsair and Crucial that sell RAM that is marketed as "for Apples." There's nothing special about this RAM. The DDR2 Corsair sells as "Mac specific" is the same DDR2 that came in my old Dell Inspiron. They just charge a few extra bucks for it.
  18. ViciousXUSMC

    ViciousXUSMC Master Viking NBR Reviewer

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    LoL :D :D

    First of all Applebook - Your username is Applebook that alone signifys you have a strong brand loyalty and preference so your prone to defend the case of a Mac even if defense is not proper.

    I happen to own PC & Mac and as a product reviewer and a tech enthusiast have a completely unbiased opinion.

    So I am a bit tired of the falsity thas is "Mac never breaks, Mac never has problems, or Mac is better than PC" the reality of it is Mac IS a PC with just a different OS.

    Dont say apple makes superior quality products and your paying for it, because I see plenty of bad mac posts, the important thing is if you get a defective product they fix it for you no hassles.

    But there are PC manufactures out there that do the same and do produce an equal quality product for less. Its incredibly stubborn to say that its impossible to find a PC of equal quality. Your paying for the right to use OSX and the brand that is all.

    But the right to use OSX shouldn't cost extra, and the brand shouldn't cost extra. As the "right" is not a tangible thing nor is the brand. You should only pay more for tangible things like the actual hardware and things that really do cost money to the people that make the product as they have to pass cost to the consumer.

    Since Mac now uses pretty much identical hardware as your standard PC that means it should cost the same, and its of the same quality.

    Reliability of the computer is only limited to that of its user, so Mac = PC.

    Statistically PC has more virus's and problems because there are way more users of PC and all the kiddies have them.

    If you have a 13yr old kid who needs a computer, are you going to get him a cheap $600 Acer to start off with or a $1100 Macbook?

    You get him the PC, and when that kid that has no idea what he is doing gets a virus for being in the wrong place on the web...

    Mac users are mostly older people, people that know computers more and a lot of times used for professional use and not leisure so they are much less prone to being put into an enviroment or users hands that would do something bad with it and get a virus on it.

    I can crash a mac or get a virus on it within the first 30 minutes of owning it if I so desired.

    MICHAELSD01 Apple/Alienware Master

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    Mac owners and PC owners are just going to give different opinions. I've never owned a Mac before my MacBook Pro. I used to kind of be a Windows fanboy, I even got Vista the day it came out. Macs really are noticeably faster and they do run better. I've had a lot less applications/programs crash on my MacBook Pro. I would also want to note that I opened about ninety applications at a time on my MBP, and once they all loaded in about two minutes, I was still able to browse the web smoothly with Safari and even smoothly playback (without dropping a single frame) a 1080p trailer. Once you get used to a Mac, you wouldn't want to go back to Windows for at least a few years if you were going to consider going back. I know that I wouldn't buy a system from any PC manufacturer right now, especially since quality control has been consistently terrible with PCs.

    You really don't know how much better designed a Mac is until you get a Mac. It only gets better once you get into the more advanced and less known parts of the OS, which starts to show how poorly designed Windows is. I honestly haven't heard of anybody not liking a Mac once they get used to it, and in most cases, as soon as somebody gets a Mac.
  20. Jervis961

    Jervis961 Hall monitor

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    No computer is flawless, period. After using Windows for years and switching to Mac this year I can say that the Mac definitely is the superior system. I do the same functions on the Mac that I did on a PC (and more) and it just runs better. The system is just as fast today as the day I first used it. Yes, Safari lock up for a couple of seconds a few times but only due to a faulty website. At this time I have no reason to even think about going back to Windows for ANYTHING.
  21. chris-m

    chris-m Notebook Evangelist

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    In terms of CPU, RAM, HDD, etc., yes. But it's hard to compare as there is no budget line of OS X machines. On the other hand, there are premium Windows notebooks. Probably more accurate to compare those prices.

    But even aside from that, the other thing that makes comparisons hard is that we'll never now how much OS X actually costs because Apple doesn't need to worry about selling it to other manufacturers. They can set the price point as low as they like and recapture it on the sale of hardware.
  22. Chris27

    Chris27 Notebook Deity

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    My Leopard install is nearing 1.5 years old and it definitely runs slower than a fresh install. I notice more beach-balling and startup/shutdown takes significantly longer (due to more stuff that needs to be loaded).
  23. Underpantman

    Underpantman Notebook Virtuoso

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    I would have to say that no OSx isn't perfect and yes after sometime it will probably slow down a bit, and could do with a clean install, and or the manual running of maintenance scripts. However, my personal experience is that this doesn't occur at the same rate that it did/appeared to on my XP/windows machines, which I used to religiously do a clean instal of every 6 months. I have only done a clean instal once with my Mac in 2.5 years, and that was when I upgraded to 10.5, and installed a new disk, and was scared that an upgrade would go badly (like it often would on windows).

    Not to mention there are less day to day tasks such as virus/mail-ware scans, defragin', registry cleaning that have to be done on Windows but not Mac. Thus you 'win' some time with the mac, and time is money as they say.
  24. Deathwinger

    Deathwinger Notebook Virtuoso

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    I've always wondered. If Mac was written for a small variety of hardware, then why is it they advertise on the site as a reason to go Mac that whatever peripheral you plug in, its going to work because all the drivers for it are there?
  25. TevashSzat

    TevashSzat Notebook Deity

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    Because peripherals are not hardware, not in his context at least.

    Hardware as in motherboard, CPU, GPU, ect...
  26. LPTP-LVR

    LPTP-LVR Notebook Deity

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    One question for the people saying they used to own pc's but now switched to mac too find it's a superior product:
    Did you own a pc laptop that cost the same as you spent on your mac? Or are you comparing the $600-800 lappies you had to your $1200+ macbook?
    This is what i see mostly and if comparing on the same price level mac's don't really come close performance and feature wise, mac service is pretty good but the service i get as standard is better.

    I own and have owned both types and can't say i ever had any laptop completely without issues. I have a weak but portable (long battery life) macbook for when i'm on the go but if i need to get work done i'll use my workstation.
  27. Chris27

    Chris27 Notebook Deity

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    Windows is a software problem, not a hardware problem. Running it on more expensive hardware doesn't solve this problem. :p
  28. LPTP-LVR

    LPTP-LVR Notebook Deity

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    55's just that it isn't true :p
    Never had any probs with vista and don't have any now with Win7.
    Do you have any first hand experience as a base for the very typical comment you made or are you just going along with the hype?
  29. crazycanuk

    crazycanuk Notebook Virtuoso

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    * sigh * Im not going to feed the fire today while I box up 6 more pros to send back for repair ... AGAIN

    ALL computers mess up eventually, and most of it is due to bloatware or the users, I have users that have not had problems for years on both platforms, and those that manage to screw up everything in a matter of days.
  30. doh123

    doh123 Without ME its just AWESO

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    if the OS is designed right, it should not be any harder to write a driver no matter how many other things the OS supports. In fact its not really any tougher making a driver to OSX as it is for Windows, so I'm not sure why people bring that up all the time.

    your use of a qualifier shows your insecurity about what you are saying..
    Some of the components inside are the same, and they are very similar, but saying "exact same stuff" is not technically true, you may need to do more research in this area. Pull one apart and just look whats in it and how its designed. Sure they charge more just because they can, but it does cost them more to design and build things the way they choose to do it than most common produced parts will. They engineer motherboards to fit all they want and in the space they want, instead of engineering them as small as they can and molding a case to fit it. Apple likes making slim machines, and do not make any quick standard build mass produced type of machines, even if it is the same CPU and GPU, etc... there is more to a computer than the simple way you tried to explain it.

    and somehow thats a valid argument? No ones stopping you from buying a non-Mac if you want, but just because Apple doesn't want to make a product that you are wanting, doesn't mean there is something wrong with what they do make.

    not everyone is a higher level user, I have people I help out that cant even figure out how to open Control Panel or System preferences and change a setting, let alone be able to take care of their computer. its as bad as the people saying Windows was stupid and stick with DOS, cuz they know how to do everything with it and never had problems, and a GUI was just a useless change that added no functionality.

    and yes a computer can make itself crash, without any user input.
  31. talin

    talin Notebook Prophet

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    I think it's called a joke. In case you don't know,

    I pick door number 7. :p
  32. Phil

    Phil Retired

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    I've owned several Macs and PCs and I would like to give my opinion: If you don't know much about computers Macs tend to be more stable and don't clutter up as much as PCs. Apples do still crash, have problems and clutter up though. Just browse around a while in these forums or have a look at Macrumors' forums.

    If you know a bit more about computers and how to manage software Windows can be just as stable as OS X, and can be used as long without re-installing. Most people don't have a clue about removing bloatware or doing a clean install for example, so for them Macs will run better.

    To the OP: keep in mind you asked your question in the Apple forum which will influence the answers you get.

    If you don't like the way your Windows is working I would say give Mac a try.

    Since your main focus is gaming, chances are you'd be better off with a PC. For example: Toshiba U500 is cheaper than a Macbook Pro 13" but has twice the graphics power. Sure the Macbook has a better screen, touchpad and battery life but the 9400M is nothing like the ATI 4570.
  33. Chris27

    Chris27 Notebook Deity

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    I'm a recent "convert" and have used Windows machines since 3.1. I've used Vista off and on since the Longhorn betas. I think most people use Macintosh systems for the OSX and the software/services that comes with them. Apple is a hardware company but they use their software to sell their products. No matter how nice of a computer you buy/build, you just can't have some very good Apple features (such as Time Machine). I also like the simple clean designs (in both hardware and software) signature of Apple systems. This is fundamental to good UIs and IMO, Microsoft/Windows has a lot of catch up to do in this area. This is what I mean by Windows being a "software problem."

    As a CS major, running on a Unix based OS is also a huge plus. I recently finished a Summer job as a programming instructor and having to deal with Microsoft Visual C++ was a huge headache. Microsoft taught me that I should not take having a terminal, Vim, and GCC for granted.
  34. Underpantman

    Underpantman Notebook Virtuoso

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    I come from a similar situation. Was a long time Win user since 3.1, custom built dozens of desktops and was a hardware junkie. But I switched about 2 years ago, and have loved it. There is less work involved in keeping the OS running well... and less area/wiggle room to stuff it up. I was my own worst enemy often in Windows, tinkering and playing, trying out new software/drivers, boost performance etc... often breaking things requiring a clean install.
    I don't do this as much on the Mac.. I find the OS pushes me towards working rather than tinkering, which I prefer.
    This may not suit everyone, and in the case of the OP, as he/she likes to game I think PC/windows might be a better choice.

    ps Its interesting that most of the anti-apple posts in this thread keep referring to "tech spec's" as to why PCs are better. BUT this thread is about the OS/software not hardware, so it seems like a troll like response to me.
  35. talin

    talin Notebook Prophet

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    I would be a little more trusting of ATI as well. My macbook can get quite warm while gaming and it concerns me some times.
  36. LPTP-LVR

    LPTP-LVR Notebook Deity

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    true...but it's hard to tell as this is the usual uninformed mistake made by fanboys. Kinda like the boy who yelled fire too often.
    But indeed, if people have trouble getting around Windows go for OSX, personally i actually like to be able to configure it exactly the way i like it, not how mr. Jobs think i should use my comp ;)
  37. LPTP-LVR

    LPTP-LVR Notebook Deity

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    ps Its interesting that most of the anti-apple posts in this thread keep referring to "tech spec's" as to why PCs are better. BUT this thread is about the OS/software not hardware, so it seems like a troll like response to me.[/QUOTE]

    Ok, to stay exactly on topic.....No, not true
  38. smcgil9899

    smcgil9899 Notebook Evangelist

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    Why is there Lexus and Toyota? Honda and Acura? Nissan and Infiniti? These are all cars. They get you from one point to another. Since an Acura TL is built on the Honda Accord chassis, why wouldn't a person just get the Accord instead of the more expensive TL? This is mostly like Macs and PCs. Some people like to spend more money on a product for more features and the brand. I personally have had many, many pcs and macs. I do not mind spending more money on a Mac. A person is allowed to spend less money or as much as they want on a computer. You know, these are all computers. Pick what you want and be happy with it.

    Why do PC users always scan the Apple section and start bashing? It usually is all about the price too. Who cares, it is my money, I don't mind spending more on a better product. That is my experienced opinion. Take it for what you will.
  39. Jervis961

    Jervis961 Hall monitor

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    My last Window Laptops was a $2000 + system. I have always felt you should buy what you want even if it means waiting until you can afford it. My last system was a Dell that came with XP and was later upgraded to Vista. I did try out the W7 Beta before totally giving up on Windows but did not see enough of an improvement to stay. No system is completely error free but the difference I have experienced between PCs and Macs is night and day. I actually enjoy my system now instead of having to work to keep it running all the time.
  40. hydrocyanic

    hydrocyanic Notebook Evangelist

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    i have used both OSs, xp would be the most extensive OS i have experience with, never liked vista but i seldomly have the same issue compare to people who criticized the OS to its fullest.

    mac os/x is more user-oriented, i would not say it is easier as it is a matter of preference and exposure to the system. does it has fewer problems? i don't find it that way but given that's a comparison with a full-feature IS suite(mcafee offers free top of the line version of internet security beta for W7, norton doesn't even let me use my own license and tell me to go else where, i did and i am happy). and for mac i simply went with something free.

    crashes: i actually crash os/x more often than the windows 7
    boot speed: os/x is faster by 10seconds to 20 top, but this is comparing 2.5ghz C2D to a 1.06 ULV C2D.(same ram size, similar hdd)

    what i miss from os/x:
    dashboard, itune finally makes sense, iphoto is free(not saying it is useful, i still require lightroom for what i do)
    - integration between softwares is a big plus, apple did put in effort into make sure os/x will give user a pleasant experience
    - color choice, theme, although taskbar imo is still better but apple has almost everything right.
    chassis design is nice, i especially like the ventilation from the back.
    - multi-touch is handy but trackpoint is still superior for office use.
    - illuminated keyboard
    - too many sensors are fun
    - time to time i would say 3 hours of continuous running everything in full power is nice, my tablet can only do 5hours with underpower CPU and GPU with similar battery size (~65whr)
    - not discussing macbook pro with builtin batteries, i disagree with that idea. but given the 7hours battery life even 3 years of usage life is still a good thing to have. i can only say i like to make choice of my own.

    what i don't miss from os/x
    poor integration with MS office, a price to pay for with dual booting but i don't want that.
    - hot chassis, heat dissipation utilizing the whole notebook is a good concept, but poor in practical term. i am not using it when it is hot to touch.
    - screen quality while not fair to compare against a TN to IPS, the only sensible screen apple came up with this moment is their 17" screen. 15'4 was fair but 13" is poor.
    - macbookpro still cannot bend 180" against the keyboard.
    - once the chassis is bent, you cannot change it back, replacing anything is expensive

    what i am happy with W7:
    - fingerprint sensor is still an attractive gimmick to me
    - tablet, tablet, tablet. pen input, i would like an iphone-like interface sometime later, but it will again be a tablet. that is also my main reason for switching back.
    - better typing experience - not a fan of isolated keys that sony invented, and the keyboard on the old macbookpro i had hurts my wrist, the twist to trackpad due to poor optimization with mouse is bad. in the end i could not take it anymore and finally found a command line that i have to enter in every time i reboot to kill that annoying mouse acceleration off. thanks apple.
    the previous thinkpad i had still had better typing experience and i am not saying any windows notebook will give you that. spend a little more.
    - w7 has the taskbar that i cannot live without, os/x's solution is inferior.
    - games, games, games.
    - MS office
    - i am not learning another language when i don't have to

    what i dislike about w7
    - uninstall process is still an arse to deal with, os/x "1 file" approach is better
    - a note to apple: i am not seeing apple had put on extensive research to make itune more windows friendly, i hated it so badly after i send my gf my iphone i deleted everything that is apple on my computer. the constant notification of updates, interface is annoying. i was happy with all the integration apple made on os/x, but not windows.
    - less integration between softwares, MS needs to put in more effort to make their programs more unified without losing the freedom.
    - it is still in beta, so i will leave an open ended statement here.

    anyone should equally be happy with os/x or windows 7 as their new computers, but if anyone ever wanting to play games, windows 7 is your default option. as much as Call of Duty being one of the best game still and playable on both OSs, windows is your better bet.

    note: since macbook pro is the only notebook that run os/x, i do include that in os/x comparison, as for windows counterpart, i picked the best notebook i have used to date as comparison. saying HP have worse screen is like saying hyundai makes worse cars than civic...

    another note: hardware matters, unless if i can install OS/x fully into my tablet there will always be comparison between hardwares. you also don't get much choice either as to what can run in the macbook/pro either. to say OS is what matter is like talking about driving experience without a car, if that's the case you probably already bought your iphone 3GI
  41. blabus

    blabus Notebook Evangelist

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    You find me a Windows notebook with at least a 9600M GT that doesn't weigh 7 pounds or more, and isn't thicker than 2.5 inches. For some people, the hardware build itself is quite important, and a pound here or inch there really does make a big difference.
  42. blabus

    blabus Notebook Evangelist

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    That's quite a good analogy. +1 :)
  43. Phil

    Phil Retired

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    LG P310 with 9600GT weighing 3.5 pounds ;)

    But trying to find a 13" laptop with a 72% gamut at less than $1200 will be harder.
  44. Luke1708

    Luke1708 Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    i'm too lazy to reformat and having to reinstall all drivers. but w7 seems pretty nice now. not single crash since rc has been released.
  45. a-roids

    a-roids Notebook Enthusiast

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    True to some extent, but faster machines will be smoother. Also, the overall experience matters. Apple knows this and designs products that look amazing. If a user is used to $600 laptops like LPTP says, then of course he will be thoroughly impressed when he switches to a $1500 MBP. If he has been using premium PC laptops, then the switch will be less "exciting."
  46. a-roids

    a-roids Notebook Enthusiast

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    Um, no one on earth is unbiased. You are biased towards Windows like Mac fans are biased towards Mac. Saying that you are unbiased is essentially stating your opinion is superior, while others' are misinformed.
  47. sgilmore62

    sgilmore62 uber doomer

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    Don't buy a thin computer for gaming, and never, I mean never, drink anything from a square bottle--it will &%#* you up.
  48. talin

    talin Notebook Prophet

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    10 char.
  49. CompUG

    CompUG Notebook Evangelist

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    I dont own a MAC, but i wouldn't take a word seriously from a Apple fanboy, as most Mac users are..Take advice from people who have experinced both and ask them which one suits your needs better..

    APPLE FANBOYS= WORST and makes me hate apple..
  50. CompUG

    CompUG Notebook Evangelist

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    Really?, i feel like Vista has a better UI than OS.X is better than XP but i dont think better than Vista ..
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