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    Imagine a world with a DUAL BOOT Powerbook

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by 330zhp, Apr 22, 2005.

  1. 330zhp

    330zhp Notebook Consultant

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    OK, here is how Apple can gain 10% market share OVERNIGHT. Since the IBM processor they use (made in that awesome Fishkill NY factory)also powers WINDOWS based high end servers, why hasnt Apple made TRUE DUAL BOOT OSX and WIN XP PRO laptops (and desktops) !?!? Almost EVERYONE loves the hardware that Apple makes, and to be able to run Windows on them would simply be killer. And I am not talking about Virtual PC either, I have run that and it is a dog, OK for simple Windows tasks. Apple is known for thinking out of the box- THIS will make their PC business as profitable as their IPOD business IMO.

    Oh and when IBM comes out with that "cell" processor that they are buiding with Hitachi and Sony- Apple SURELY needs to implement that to keep up with the dual core processors coming down the pike from Intel & AMD. What do yall think? If I could get a 15" powerbook with BOTH OS's that gives me a choice at boot up which one I want to boot to and run ANY app out there- but of course i would want my Powerbook to GIVE ME CHOICES of screen resolution! Remember Apple it is all about choice- or is it?
  2. J-Money

    J-Money Notebook Guru

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    I think what Apple is preventing by NOT making the apple hardware compatible is the monopoly that Microsoft has.

    Right now, Apples are more used by "professionals," and some that aren't necessarily "professionals" but know what Macs are for. They stick with their macs due to their quality, and security of their OSX. If people had to choose, most would go after Windows, simply because it is used by everyone else, and is much more compatible.

    Some people like the Apple hardware, but are scared because OSX is different from Windows. Some have that "fear," but after actually testing & using the "unknown" OSX, they see that there's nothing to be afraid of, and "switch" to Apple/OSX (since that's the only choice they got with Apples).

    Honestly, I'd love the idea of being able to use Windows in a Mac, and OSX on an Intel (Tiger is very appealing). But that's the way I see it, and as more people (as well as software developers) see that Macs are getting more and more popular, they'll get more support, so more people will use it, and everyone will be happy cuz Mr.Gates isn't getting so much money anymore....

    Hahaha, forget that, I'm just ranting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2015
  3. 330zhp

    330zhp Notebook Consultant

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    J-Mo I totally agree with you on the Apple used by "professionals" thing that is pretty much true, however Apple DEARLY wants us "little people" to buy them too! The "switch" campaign of last year was for the rest of us to get an Apple- with their market share hovering now around 3-4% Steve jobs would give his Gulfstream jet to have 10% share! I think the only way to do it is to run Windows on his hardware.
    As far as Windows machines running OSX I dont see that ever.

    I own a Mac Mini but have 3 Windows laptops and generally get more done with Windows- but MAN I hope that Longhorn has some of the features as Tiger will have- I cant wait to upgrade on the 29th!
  4. J-Money

    J-Money Notebook Guru

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    Haha, yeah, I really can't decide between getting an LG or Asus laptop, or getting an ibook/powerbook. One reason that's tearing me away from the macs is gaming; I'd like to be able to play a few games, although I don't do much gaming (mostly Counter-Strike, but I also like to try out some new ones). I occasionally do video editing, but that can also be done on Windows, although I have used Final Cut Pro, and know what it can do. Seeing what Tiger can do has tipped the balance over to the (mac)books once again, but that just might be because it got me excited.... hahaha. If it was possible to dual boot a mac, Id for sure go for the ibook/powerbook.