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    How to confront these glitches in mountain lion?

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by Jitto, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Jitto

    Jitto Notebook Consultant

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    Hey Guys,

    I have a late 2010 Macbook pro (8GB RAM and 250 GB SSD) running Mountain lion 10.8.2 and I came across the following problems and if anyone of you guys can shed some light on this matter it will be of great help to me

    1) It seems that my comp never actually does any automatic graphics switching and its always in the integrated graphics chipset mode (Intel graphics) and it is only when i switch off this option will the computer actually use the nvidia gt 330M) and I think the intel card maybe causing a glitch where whilst on safari my cursor slightly when moving over text where there is a change in the shape of the cursor. This is also very evident when scrolling through a pdf on safari where there is a significant lag. Plus when playing games the graphics always uses intel chipset and i have to switch off the graphics switching option to force the machine to use the nvdia graphics.

    2) Seeing as im having an SSD, I should be experiencing a short shutdown time like how it was for me when i used Lion and snow leopard. However, in ML there is a significant increase in shut down time about 20 -30 seconds. ANd this is also evident in my 2012 macbook air.

    If anyone of you guys can share you valuable advice, it will be of great help to me.

    thanks in advance.
  2. doh123

    doh123 Without ME its just AWESO

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    1. get gfxCardStatus and see what is really going on and control it. Also try resetting your SMC if its not auto switching right.

    2. if you have this problem on multiple machines, I'd suspect some piece of software you have installed on both machines.
  3. Jitto

    Jitto Notebook Consultant

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    Thanks for your reply. Im using gfxcardstatus now. With regards to teh prolonged shutdown , its a quite prevalent amongst many SSD card users i know and apparently it has to do with one of the shutting down process taking at least 20 seconds to finish and its part of ML
  4. HLdan

    HLdan Notebook Virtuoso

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    Every Macbook I've owned has had an SSD. Short shutdown times are not indicative of having an SSD. Some applications hang during shutdown/restart and will hold up the system until said app is ready to quit so an SSD can't speed this up. You may want to check Activity Monitor to see what apps are running before shutting down.
  5. Jitto

    Jitto Notebook Consultant

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    Cheers thanks for your reply. Is it possible to narrow down exactly what program is causing the pro-longed shut down? I mean i know looking at the activity monitor does help but then again i dont check the re-open windows when logging back in option.

    Rather than the shut down issue im more concerned about why there is a significant cursor lag when it appears over text, esp. on safari when im running on the Intel graphics card. There was never a problem like this when i was running lion and i only updated my computer recently.

    Its just that i can live with teh delayed shut down but not teh cursor issue, since its really annoying at times. SO i am forced to run the nvidia chipset all the time. By doing a google search i found that several other people have also posted about this problem on different forums but there is no solution yet.

    Is there a possible workaround solution?
  6. saturnotaku

    saturnotaku Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Did you do a completely clean install of ML, or did you upgrade from an in-place Lion installation? If the latter, try the former.

    Have you tried other browsers to see if you experience the same issue? I personally dislike Safari and use Firefox. If you don't like FF, try Chrome or Opera.
  7. Jitto

    Jitto Notebook Consultant

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    Thanks for your reply. I actually did do a clean install, twice to be honest and the problem still persists. Its most apparent in safari but can also be observed in a certain apps but not all. It happens rarely in firefox or chrome.

    I actually prefer safari since its my go to internet browser. I really hope this bug gets sorted out in the next update.