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    Do Macs have a safe mode?

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by Malia, Jul 6, 2006.

  1. Malia

    Malia Notebook Evangelist NBR Reviewer

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    OMG I'm so confused! :confused:

    I'm sending off my <3 Fujitsu <3 to a repair shop for a cosmetic modification, and I was able to borrow a desktop to replace it. This desktop just happens to be a super old 400 MHz G4 Mac. The first thing I did was format ("initialize") the HDD and put OS X on it to get rid of its owner's old junk. That made the resolution super low. So I changed it to the highest that was listed, and as soon as I did, the screen went blank.

    I was going to restart it to see what happens, and before I did - I don't know if I poked something - the screen came on momentarily and it was in the higher resolution - but then it went away. The monitor is securely connected and jiggling the cord doesn't bring it back. When I restart it, I see the grey screen while it's starting up, but once it's started, it flashes to blue - like BSOD - and then goes black. It's not a black image, it's no image. What is going on!

    Please help :eek:

  2. Starlight

    Starlight Notebook Evangelist

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    Yes, there is a safe mode in OS X - hold down shift when you start. Try that and let us know how it goes :)