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    Coming MBP upgrade: what minor changes are possible?

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by xGeistx, Feb 3, 2008.

  1. xGeistx

    xGeistx Notebook Consultant

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    Assuming there will be some kind of refreshed MBPs coming to us the next few days or weeks I´m also thinking on the lesser important items of the MBP to be upgraded. So what do you guys think?

    1. Will there be (slightly) bigger hdds then? 160/200 Gbs at 5400 upm (of course) maybe?
    2. Will there be bigger amounts of RAM installed: 2/4 Gb?
    3. Will there be a change in RAM speeds? Matching the cpu bus speed maybe?
  2. Lee Howley

    Lee Howley Notebook Consultant

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    I wouldnt expect bigger HDs or more RAM. Apple tends to put the most up to date products in their laptops (although it can take some time before they do). Faster RAM would make sense because they are most likely upgrading the processors to the new t8***. But there have not been any substantial gains in the 2.5inch hd's to warrant them offering a new option(but who knows). As for graphics, there are not any new mobile chips out yet, but that doesn't mean apple wont be the first to have it.
  3. xGeistx

    xGeistx Notebook Consultant

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    I´m not sure that I understand why you´re saying that there are no substantial gains in 2,5" hdds yet. This is a) wrong and b) misses the point that it´s a question of size not speed that interests most people. Therefore 120/160 Gbs (as it is by now) looks weak compared to 160/200 Gbs. That would be a gain...
    I wasn´t talking about gfx-upgrades at all by the way.
  4. Lee Howley

    Lee Howley Notebook Consultant

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    I am sorry i did misunderstand your question. Yes i know you were not talking about graphics, but i figured why not mention it anyway. In all honesty i stay pretty up to date on my hardware, but i know there are not that many new 2.5" HD's out since the last MBP refresh. Yes they may be faster, so apple may make a change there but i doubt it would be advertised, you would have to wait until someone got their hands on one to test it. IMO a substantial gain would be a new technology that lets us get more storage or more space at 7200. The current drive have been out for a while. Although i believe several of the HD companies have new platters in the works for this spring that will increase density, which means more space +faster read write speeds. But this is not until spring. And there has not been a step up like this since PMR.