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    Carbon Copy Cloner

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by SP Forsythe, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. SP Forsythe

    SP Forsythe Notebook Evangelist

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    For the past month or so, I've been getting a popup indicating that an update to Carbon Copy Cloner is available. Mind you, CCC has been working flawlessly for me, even with Mountain Lion. (I have version 3.4.2)

    I've always observed a theory of mine, borne out of may years of Windows usage. The rule goes like this; "If your software is working flawlessly, then an update can only screw it up."

    With all my Lion and Mountain Lion Clones done, during my transition to ML, I finally decided I would update CCC. Big mistake. The very first launch of CCC yielded a message as follows: " this version of Carbon Copy Cloner is not compatible with Mountain Lion, see for more information". The app then abruptly closes upon acknowledging the message.

    Anyway, I used one of my clone images to restore my CCC to the earlier version, which BTY works just fine with Mountain Lion.

    Later on, I got around to going to the Bombich site to peruse information on why and when a new version of CCC would work with Mountain Lion. It seems that the in-app upgrade is not compatible, but the paid upgrade is. So, CCC is now a commercial app, I can deal with that, and have no philosophical problem with it.

    However, I do have a question or two that maybe someone can answer. Why does version 3.2.4 work just fine, but the in app upgrade does not? Is it simply that the in-app upgrade has been purposefully made to close when it identifies ML as the OS? Except for a feature or two in the new paid version, is 4.2.4 a safe version for continuing to perform ML backups? (that is my real question)
  2. ygohome

    ygohome Notebook Deity

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    I had read about CCC being a paid only version going forward. I'd like to know how well it works with ML as well. I've been using timemachine lately (prior to 6 months ago I never touched TM and used CCC only).

    Guess one of us will have to try the new paid version of CCC in ML to find out :) nudge nudge. I may try that this weekend when I get time.