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    Buying Used 2007 MBP

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by Jay07, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. Jay07

    Jay07 Notebook Consultant

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    Just saw a posting on my local craigslist of someone trying to unload a 15" 2007 Macbook Pro (Aluminum Unibody)
    It is in good condition from what I see in the pictures, however the hard drive has crashed and so they are selling it.
    Was listed at $450, they accepted my bid at $375.

    I would be using this strictly for Audio editing and DJing.

    - 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    - 120 GB Hdd
    - 2GB memory
    - 15" Glossy display
    - DVD/CD Super Drive 8x

    My questions are:
    1) Can I check to see if the computer is working even though the hard drive s missing, and is it easy to install a hdd?

    2)Is it worth it for $375?

    3) If I am given the software install disc, do they have to deregister their name somehow for that serial number?

    4) What is the max ram i can put in one of these?

    5) Any other checks in mind I should do before buying?

    They are also providing
    - Original charger
    - Original booklets
    - Original Apple remote
    - Original Mac OS X Discs
    - Marware writst-rest protector below keypad

    I just want to make sure that this is a good buy given that I have multiple hard drives just sitting around.
    If there are other options that are worth the price, I am open to suggestions. I think these also have a backlit keyboard from what i rememeber

  2. akin_t

    akin_t Notebook Evangelist

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    Just curious but ..

    Why not just spend a little more and buy a PC? You are aware that you're about to buy a 5 year old computer right?

    Or are you planning to use Software that can only be run on OS X?
  3. Jay07

    Jay07 Notebook Consultant

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    I prefer using Mac's to PC's for Audio Editing, I am currently using a 2007 HP DV6000T c2d which is struggling to run my apps, so wanted to give the mac a try.

    I understand it is quite old, but for $375 believe its a fairly good deal?
  4. jaman1020

    jaman1020 Notebook Enthusiast

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    1) Unless you're really computer savvy, the best way to check is going to be to install a new HDD, this isn't TOO hard, but you need to have one and it'll take a few minutes. Once you get it installed, you'll be able to run the various disk checking utilities that they in the OS.
    2) Depends on how much money you have, and how bad you want a mac. For $375 you could get a decent PC laptop or maybe even a 2008 macbook (not pro), and you wouldn't have to worry about all these other issues.
    3) This laptop is 4 years old, I wouldn't even both with that, its more than likely out of any kind of warranty, and anything you did to send it in, which would get the serial number involved, is probably going to cost more than its worth anyway.
    4) According to the Apple website, you can either get 3 or 4 GB or ram into it, but then again, that's another expense to go on top of the hard drive. So the actual price of the computer probably goes up to $450-$500
    5) You could run a display test, there's a bunch out there. Typical checks go for the ram and hard drive, and you'll probably be replacing both. Even then, you have to have a new hard drive in there before you can run that test, or you could take the whole thing apart, hook the display up to another computer, but that's definitely more trouble than its worth.
  5. ClearSkies

    ClearSkies Well no, I'm still here..

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    Wait a minute ....

    Putting a new HDD into the 2007 MBP requires that you disassemble the ENTIRE chassis to get at it ( guide @ iFixit), along with not screwing up the KB and trackpad cables when you pull it apart; then putting it back together is another challenge to keep the original fit. This isn't a quick panel pull and drop in that a HDD replacement became with the unibody models in late 08, so depending on one's skill and comfort it may/not be reasonable to attempt by oneself.

    Many Apple-Certified repair shops ( link) will charge $50-75 to replace a HDD you give to them. The C2D 2.2 in the MBP is unlikely to fare much better speed-wise than your DV6000's 2.0 cpu, and probably work about as well as your Black MBk. Running via Tiger, however, is something to reconsider as things will probably work smoother on any of the 3 more recent OS X versions.

    Else, $375 purchase if the system is functional and the screen is clear is a reasonable deal if you have the money to spend, with 4GB PC2-5300 RAM going for $40-45 @ NEgg, and don't mind a bit of extra expense to make a working system @ $500. This system is also capable for 10.7 Lion.

    Finally, there is no software/OS install registration nor serial number that happens with Apple OS, so you don't need to worry about that; AAPL has always handled their OS via the honor system, unlike a WA based firm.

    One last note of caution, esp since this is Craigslist --- you have no way of knowing that the cause of the system being non-functional is really the HDD, as a catastrophic motherboard failure would yield similar results but is drastically more expensive to replace, and you have no recourse to recoup your money if the problem is other than as advertised. *Be careful.*
  6. Jay07

    Jay07 Notebook Consultant

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    Why if I buy a used 08 macbook i don't have to worry about these issues (still under warranty?)

    I would like a Mac over a PC for my audio editing needs. I have RAM and an HDD already that i believe can work. I'm trying to talk the seller down an additional 100.

    Can you recommend how to do the display/diagnostic check without an HDD in place?

    Thanks and rep
  7. ClearSkies

    ClearSkies Well no, I'm still here..

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    1. Correct. All 08 MacBooks (white and Aluminum) have easy HDD swaps - just pull the battery out (white) or the battery cover off (Alu), remove one screw, pull a plastic tab and you're done. Warranty under AppleCare (if the owner bought it) is 3 years from *original date* of purchase, and the owner has to transfer the AC over to you via a form from Apple.

    2. You could try using Lion's USB recovery (which you probably don't have), or boot via external Firewire (which requires a good boot drive in a FW enclosure, which you also probably don't have) to get to the boot screen. I'm not sure if the notebook would allow you to insert the system DVD, so you'd get to the boot screen to see the LCD lit up, with the HDD crashed.
  8. Nick

    Nick Professor Carnista

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    That Macbook uses the defective Nvidia 8600m series video card. Buying one is a very bad idea.
  9. doh123

    doh123 Without ME its just AWESO

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    one.. thats labeled as Unibody, but its clearly NOT a unibody as you can see in the picture... .and the first unibodies were late 2008.

    This means, as tHE j0KER said, it has a geforce 8600, which you should avoid like the plague.