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    Browser Wars upgrade - RSS!

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by taelrak, Oct 22, 2007.

  1. taelrak

    taelrak Lost

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    Alright, so now that we've gone through the comprehensive list of browsers more than a few times, it's time to move onto RSS!

    Post your suggestions! I'll add a poll up at the top later if there's interest and enough suggestions.

    I'll start with these : anyone have anything to say about them?

    Vienna: freeware

    Newsfire: nagware/$25 full version

    Ensemble2: freeware

    NetNewsWire: $30

    Let's say for the sake of argument, since I know many of you actually prefer web-based readers like Google Reader, that we are not considering Google Reader, Reader Notifier or NewsGator Online as options. Let's also leave browser-based readers out of the list since just about every browser has some form of RSS capability.

    For categories, let's keep it plain and simple, weighted in order of preference from top to bottom:

    Overal Speed
    RAM usage
    CPU usage
    Interface arrangement
    Feed management and organization capabilities
    Downloads and podcasts
    Bittorrent feeds
    Synch capability (both web-based and mobile-based)
    Page rendering
  2. 00fez

    00fez Notebook Deity

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    Well I am not a fan of rss, I've tried google reader before but it's bleh. I will try rss with mail 3, see how it goes. Would that fall into your categories?? I havent really tried it yet so yeah...
  3. taelrak

    taelrak Lost

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    Ah, they're not really hard "categories". They're more just suggestions for people who otherwise might simply post "I like A, just because".

    I'm really just looking for opinions about the various different RSS readers while I'm trying them out.

    I'm a bit curious to see how Mail 3 will turn out. It certainly has the 3-pane interface for a typical RSS reader, but I haven't really liked the integrated e-mail/rss clients (such as thunderbird, outlook, etc.), so we'll see.