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    Audio issues on pre-T2 MBs? Or no?

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by TheZB, Jan 18, 2020.

  1. TheZB

    TheZB Newbie

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    I'd prefer answers from musicians, but encourage anyone to answer.

    I'm looking for a new laptop to dual boot MacOS/Windows on. I might go the Hackintosh route, but I'm also looking at old MBPs. My main purpose will be producing music and playing live shows with Ableton. I've heard mixed things about the audio issues on the newer versions. I know there's bugs with T2, but I've also heard of people with Hackintoshes and older MBs occasionally getting more dropouts when upgrading their OS. I've conversely read that hacks and old MBs are totally fine.

    So, for the few of you on here who aren't Hackintoshing (or even who are), what OS/Computer/Year/DAW are you using, and how is your audio?

  2. kojack

    kojack Notebook Prophet

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    On any of my old macbook/mac devices I owned, the audio was top notch. No issues what soever. The new stuff is where the problems start. Lack of quality control, care for the end user, and overall "we are the KINGS" attitude in today's apple upper echelon make the new stuff not worth buying because it's just slapped together to make the most profit with no care for the user.

    I am rebuilding my old 2007 macbook white for this exact reason. Music production. The software is cheaper, I have faith the system will work since it's worked for years in the production of great music no matter what the genre is. Lastly, it's sitting there doing nothing. So I might as well set it up down in my Music/Guitar room and make a use for it. I am just waiting for my new drive and ram to arrive so I can finish rebuilding it.
  3. TheZB

    TheZB Newbie

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    So, I'm bumping this thread because I've done a little more research. I'm leaning towards a 2015 or 2016 notebook from right before they started making the T1 and T2 co-processors. Does anyone have experience with either of these? I'd go for the 2015 for the extra ports if I wasn't unsure how prevalent Thunderbolt would become in the future. This might be a more music forum question than anything else, but I suppose it's safe to assume USB 2 or 3 interfaces will still be the norm for the next few years.

    EDIT: Also, does anyone have any recommendations on the best/most reliable resellers for these old laptops?