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    Apple Genius - Not so smart

    Discussion in 'Apple and Mac OS X' started by princealyy, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. princealyy

    princealyy Notebook Evangelist

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    So here is the problems i had with my MBP, it is a yr and half old, and I have applecare.

    1. Loose Hinge
    2. Electrical Shocks (YES I SAID IT) from the top case
    3. Old Design Adapter.

    So here is what happens, I get to the Apple store, and am appt is missed by 5 minutes. So they say I can drop off my laptop and they will call me in 24 hrs.

    I get a call and the genius tells me that i have physical damage to my laptop. Now my laptop is a desktop replacement, 1.5 years on a desk NEVER traveled with. They claim that i pushed the screen so far back that I broke the hindge and it is not covered and will be $610 to repair it.

    The Electrical Shock, they would not repair since they would not send to the depot with physical damage to the unit. I complained, and now they are replacing my motherboard.

    Has anyone heard of the BS they told me for the hinge? My older macbook pro (the one i got on releas) had the hinge replaced no problem.

    Let me know.

  2. circa86

    circa86 Notebook Virtuoso NBR Reviewer

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    well if you had the computer for 1.5 years and the screen has clearly been bent to far... what can they do?

    if there isn't physical damage, as in, not just a problem that developed over time.

    I don't know why they replaced your motherboard? I can tell you for sure though, do everything you can to be reasonable and polite, and still keep your integrity, if it seems like they aren't really putting the effort they should be, it may be worth talking with a manager.

    if you are a repeat offender, or are in the store all the time for repairs, or getting the hinge replaced on every computer you have owned from them...

    just assumptions, just give applecare a call if you seem to be problems at your specific Apple store. but don't assume they will repair something that is clearly not their fault.

    OLD STYLE POWER ADAPTER? is that a problem? are there even problems with the adapter, if not, then that is completely unreasonable. why would they possibly replace a perfectly functional power adapter?
  3. Stunner

    Stunner Notebook Deity

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    Yeah, that old design adapter point of yours is pretty ridiculous... And yeah, just be sure to be polite like circa stated. They will be willing to work with you more then.
  4. Superczar

    Superczar Notebook Consultant

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    Call Applecare, be polite and nice and it'll work wonders

    Reason being Apple Support folks (yes, even L1 support) are fairly well empowered to take decisions
    Be nice, and they are often willing to process exceptions

    Compare that to the L1 support staff from Dell/Sony .. those poor fellas have to a stick to their scripts and essentially have no decision making powers
  5. t3rom

    t3rom Notebook Consultant

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  6. princealyy

    princealyy Notebook Evangelist

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    First of all, I was told the adapter was defective and they were going to look at it.

    Second I HAVE NEVER pushed the screen to far back, that is BS on their part, if I had done that, then there would be some physical damage to the unit, there is no scratches or scuff marks on the unit. It is just a loose hinge. And it is not fair for me, since they cannot show me the damage, he basically said that the only way a hinge can go bad is if i bent it back, but as i said this literally was on my desk for 1 years STRAIGHT, never removed from there. In fact when i dropped off the laptop, they mentioned it was NEAR PRISTINE condition (which it is).

    Third the SHOCKING, it is a weird problem, but he said they would have to replace the Motherboard problem. I looked online, and a few other people have had this problem. Not sure what that is all about, but my brother has a macbook pro (same exact model) and his doesn't have the shocking and they acknowledged it at the apple store.

    Now i have been into this store before, MANY times, but I ALWAYS BUY something... we are a small business and have about 13 computers, lately we have stopped buying from them, since we are now getting better deals from CDW, but i still bring in the units, since we are a small business and do not have an IT person (i basically play that role as well)

    One of the employees there was very pissed at the genius, but since the store manager has changed, he cant really do anything.

    I am going to call APPLE CARE as soon as they return the laptop, since there is no proof of damage and he didnt really prove it to me.

    Just to say there is damage and not prove it isnt fair....

    /end rant